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_�__._..- T <br /> . ..: <br /> �t� . � . 9�- ����D3 . , �::; , <br /> � pyr�qn moy no longer De roqulrM,ut the opqort nP tander,If mongago Insurmco coverego(!n tho arttoum add for Poo pedcd '-..: ^ — � <br /> thu Lcnder roqulree)provlQtid 6y an insurer npDrorcd by I.eader�geln baomea availablo end is obtdned�BortoweYshelt pay <br /> �he prendumf teQ�ited�o malntaln mottgage insuranae In effat,or�o provide a lou rcservo,untll�ho roqulrement tor mongege <br /> _ � Imuranco rnds ln e000rdmce whh any wrinen egrcement detwoen Itortower end I.nxler or oppllcable law. `_ <br /> 9.Inspcctlon.Lcndcr or I�a egcm may maka reasonable cntria upon end in�poaion�of tha Property.Lender ehell give <br /> ' iJorrower nofleo et tlro Nma of or prlor ro en Inspoc�lon cpeclfying rcmonebla cauw tor�fio inspxtion. - <br /> 10.Coademnatian.71�o D�e of eny award or clalm for damagee,dlrea or consoqucntial. In connection wIN any <br /> condemmilon oT othcr taking oi any part ot tho Property.or for convoyance in Ila ot condemnation,are hercby wlgned and <br /> .__,-.�_. eAall ba p�id ro Lender. _ .. <br /> - "�° In the evrnt of e totd taking ot tM Property,Ne procads ahall bo npptied la the wms aearc4 by thb SecuHty Insteument, ` <br /> �vhuhcr or not then due,with any axces�pald�o Hortower.!n Ne ovrnt ot a partid taking ot tho Properry in which the fafr <br /> - markU v�lue of the Propcny Immedlaecly 6etoro tM tilcing is equ�ro or grcater[tun�he ertwum o(tho aum�cavred by thie -� <br /> ' Secudry Imtniment Immediately be[oro ehe taking.unless Borrowcr�nd I.endu o�herwise agrea in writlng,tho wm+secured by <br /> thb Se�vdty Inumment shall be rcduad by the anount of�he proceede multlplied by �he following fmctlon: (a) tha tmal <br />---�•---__=-� nmount ot the wme savrtd immodletely bePoro�he�eking,divided by @)the fefr merkct velue of tho Propeny Immediatety �_� ._.. -- <br /> - .- �xtoro the�ektng.Any balance chell be patd ro Borrower. In tha event of a panial taking of the PropeKy in which �Iw tair � � ���-�- ��� - <br /> ____— markU v�Ne ot dm Property Immedietely beforc the teking I�les�ihan�he emount ot�he sums secarcd immediately balorc the _ <br />--° -`_= taking, unlas Bortowcr end Lender atheruise agrce in�vri8ng or unlas applicebie law otherwiso pmvidp. �he procceda ihell <br /> be epplied io th¢wms saured 6y thie Sewrity Instmment whe�her or not thc surtu ere ihen duc. <br />'`-'_"��--�-'�----� If the Property la ebandoned by Borrower,or if.aRer naico by Lender to Bortower that the condemnor offors to meke en _-; <br /> � award or tetUa a cleim for damaga, Borrower fells to rcspond ro I.ender within 30 deya eRer the date the notfco is given. <br /> ...r,r"� Luder is authodzed[o collect a�apply�Ire i�e uption.elther io rutora�ion or rcpair ot�he Proparty or to�he wnss - ... <br />".��+�":�' suvred b ihls Seadt Instrumen4 whether or not then due. - � <br />•;,,cc�� Y Y E�s•'- <br />� ;;;r?*Si" Unlw Lender end Borrower othernlao egrce in wdting, any epplica�ion of proceeds �o princiql shall not extend or -� - <br /> `:;f t�`i` pos�pone Ihe due date oF the mamhly payments rckrrod to in paregnphs I and 2 or ciwnge�he amount of such paymema. <br />.-1• ��,«. <br />- ''s+�'!� 11.Oorrower Not Rdeasedt Forbeanntt 6y I.eader Not a Watver.&tcmion of thc�ime Por payment or madiflce�ion -- _ <br /> - �tY�j " of mionfatlon ot the wms secured 6y�his Security Instrument grantad by Lender ro any successor in interest of Borcower ahall � - - <br /> '+��H�" not opemie ro rclease thc I(ability of the originnt Borrowcr or Bortower'a suocason in intercst. Lendcr shell mt bc requlrcd to � � <br /> '�f�S� commena praoe�dings ogalnst eny successor in intercsi or rcfur,e to extend time for paynunt or othenvise modify amortimtion ��y,r x '��__ -� <br />}K�% of�hc sums securcd by �his Securlty Inswment 6y renson of any demand medc by the originxl Borrowcr or porrowcr'e .��r�a�--= <br /> -tf;�.��� sumswn in Intercst. Any lorbeerancc by Lendcr in excrcising eny risht ar rcmedy ahall no�bc e waivcr of or preclude�ha ' .r '- : <br /> r -n exerciae o(eny right or remedy. ��� ' - <br /> fiN <br /> 7-J _ <br /> �` r. !3-�ucce�are entl s�lga� B�urd;do[nt and �rr�l ��=hqfey; Co.xtanen�. Thc mvenanu and uercemcncs o(ihia j*'-' : _. <br /> 'v fs�x �. _ <br /> f!��)c�� Sauriry Inshumcnt shall bind end 6cncfit�he suaesson end assigns nf Lcnd�r end Onrcower, su6Jccl to ihe provisiom ot �,� �, _ <br /> ,�s�;; pNngroph 17. Bofrowers rnvenama nnd egrccmcnu shall be joint nnd several. Any Borrowcr who m•signc this Savdty F §_}��\ , <br /> *�F�y�ri;. Instmment but das not execuie�he Note:(n)is casigning�his Soeurity Inxuumem nnly �o monguge, gmnt and mnvey�het ���(:,� qz�_� <br />�� �F',���j Iiorrowcr e interest In the Propcny under�hc�cmis o(�his Security InstrunxnC(h)is not pc�sondly obligatcd m pay�hc wms f���-s�:�y ;._ <br /> ��;t�',� securcd by�hia Sauriry Insirument:nnd(c)ngrces ihm Lender nnd any other Bormwer mey ngrce m extend,modify, for6pr or :- � Y� <br /> .t.�; su xc;F. ( ' <br /> t'a � - makc nny accommodations with rcgard ta�hc tcrms of this Sccuri�y Ins�rument or thc Notc without Ihnt Borrowcr's mnsent. }y7�t, _-� <br /> �'Fo-1 . 13.Loan CAerga.If�he loan secured hy�his Security Ins�mment is subject to n lo�v which u�s maximum lann chnrges, ry�n�j��� � <br /> -:ry- "� '� end�hat law ix finally imerprcied sa �hat the imerc+t or oiher loan charges collectal or to 6e mllected in cannection with the <br /> i°��n_:` lom excad�he permitted limi�a.�hen: (n)uny such luan charge slull he reduced by�he unwum necasary m reduce�he charge s}��+;'" .' <br /> � r �('�,"�- to the pem�itted limit;und (h)nny sunn niready coliccted fmm [ionower which excxeleel permineJ limi�s�vill M rcfunded ro �-R- �"` , '- <br /> ��'6f. s'- Oartowec Londer m¢y chaose m nuJce ihis rcPo�d hy nducing�he prinripal on•ed under ihe Note or by making n direct ;(-'�'�'� � <br /> f: .� ..�.i.•,cr:?::,. <br /> ":{'%r'!y'.�'' payment io Qormwee If n rcfund rcdums principal. the rcduc�inn �rili trc trcnted n� n paninl prepnynxnt without any `?a'i�';��:�';�(>.. <br /> ?eF-'" :„q•:i;' . <br /> prcpnpmrn�chnrge under the Moic. 1}�rt��f,� `t ;... <br /> � t--'- 14.Hol(cet.Any nn[icc lo Bnrm�vcrpmvided for in�his Securi�y Imwment shall he given by Jclivering it nr by nmiling 5;;��1,�,s � <br /> ��5��; it by first class mail unlcss upplicnhle hnv require.use n(ano�her met6�xl.The na�ia,hall he Jimied w tlie Prnpeny Addrcu 7;r�*�:;. _: <br /> i � ur nny oiher addrccc 13ortnwer design:rta by nolitt �o IsnJee Any nntiir to LenJer shall he given by fint clnss nuil to -�y h• - <br /> �,<. <br /> f } "" LenJer's uddrezs xlnted hercin or nny niher nJdrec�l.ander Je+igm�ca hy notim tn&�rn+�rer. Any notim provided (or in this k( �j4.�.,�� � <br /> ��j_ ft Security Wwmem shall be dcemeJ tn hm�c Mecn given to&�rroxnror Isixicr when given as pmvided in this paragnph. ; �-;� <br /> �1 _-`� I5.Govemins lao; Severobtlit��. T7ii. Securily Irolmmem .hail he gaverneJ by fedeml Imv :md Ihe law uf the �" ` ������..`.�� <br /> ��<i'�- . Jurisdic�ion in which the Propeny n I�x:neJ. In the erent ilut �ny prori.inn or rl:mx o(Ihi.Savrity Irowmem or the Note - r' r=� <br /> , � <br /> > �{k-.� ' mnflicts wi�h appiicable law,such amllia.hall na�affect o�her prnri.ioro al�hn tiatvriq�In.trumem or t6e Nme�vhi.h a.n 1+e ' � - <br /> .,' ?�:' given Cffml wilhnut 1he canllicling prori.inn.To Ihi.enJ th.pmc�+inm��I�hi.Siavriy�In.mmum anJ�he Nn[c are Jcdared d _j <br /> d� ' to bc ceveablc. . . � - <br /> - � i 16.Iform�rer's Cn r. Bortmrcr.h:di ix �ivcn onc umib�nkJ a..���d tl�r No1r anJ uf Ihi.S.curit� In.lrununt. `!y�,.�';.=•'� <br /> - , P. b 1. �C 3 �,r�i <br /> srt �„ Foim3028 8180 , , ': <br /> ,.�. �f ..,..� � - ��� <br /> �J. <br /> r w,�yF. ;'` <br /> r� . �; <br /> �i4>`� <br /> � ' ° '. <br /> jf -� y+"'l'y� - _ ..y.. . T�{-- ilT}__. •"i;S. Vl t i - _ r..�.-. . <br /> Kfi' .�� .;'t�t+��]°. , . . . . . , . ' <br /> � SJJ+'�d'L � �� � } � � � - - <br /> . � � , - � .... .. . <br /> :. <br /> -z - �°'"� ts*�,:;�:; i �` .. . :-. - . . ' . -;... <br /> 5��. .-.y �;r'__ t , � -.- _. . : ' . . . '_ _ . . . _ _ .-.. . ' - _ <br /> t{i- i: Ft , . . - . - - . . <br /> �yl. 4511 t �^ - ; - . . . . <br /> � � „1 � <br /> . ot $-� _- . . . . . <br /> _'L.�""_.�"'.G.r:_�L_'C_. .� _ - _ , . . . . <br /> ��.i �-� -� .y3i '+ . . ' . - ' . <br /> i . -�t' _ '. . . . . <br /> � �- ' <br /> � Jt �i��. r - � �; r. �: . ' .' .. - <br /> i.k,�4t .it �� 'O i �� ' . - . <br /> >. 1 S � "_ � � � [ V . . - . . <br /> i°t�� r - . . y ' - . . <br /> �YAN3�t1 � i `' i v � , t . , . ��- ' _ " . <br /> ( b .� .1 . - �� � �l tT " 4 V 2 . <br /> ic � S.( z _�_ t _. ♦t_ t � � ( . .. <br /> a t� _ !� i -i7 � - . . � .`\`~ � .� �. ._. _ <br /> . � ��- i' a '� �} � . I ' � ? <br /> .. � _ ' � x - .} st > . '' <br /> �-,.. �2.e . . . . . .. . . !_ . .':h '. � . .. � �.I. .. � . a... .� . . .. . . . . .Y . ... <br />