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_ . : <br /> . � �,� ., � 2 •c <br /> . <br /> . � � .. n ..� - -..� i ... _ r'_ " r � �.r n. F '� ._ ��(r`'__ <br /> � .( �y: _i_ (. , -�-. _ �.-- .. _ '_. .- -�' _ � - �- y �':,:. �- .:4 i .' . . <br /> �, . <br /> �`.p�ymcnw mwy 6o tanget po c u1�cA,rt t�e op�loq ot Lepder,lt�a{t8a�6 insu«nco qoverygepn tiip nnwum na0 fAt p�dab . �. <br /> gui}�M�r c�ylrcr)P%vl._tiy an insure��ppror9d Ey Gen�er.qg�nl�coined ovatlaD)o ere�i's oq(��u1 8orcpr►ir�►� � <br /> •maprcrtuum�rcquTrodro mdnii�orfgng"ofNUronroltiaft�i;briaproytdRatoss�n'O.untlF�Rbre�ut�sntfor .� ,.- � �:__ <br /> insiiwnwendelqedooMa4dee+ithanywrittcnogrosmentDt4wcen&orrowM.ah44wMaoreppllcaDtolaw., � � :. <br /> - =�g.iqspectTaSr,i.cndci at its rysart mfiy�rtuko rc�n�,.-b,p,emds�ugert e�lospxtEun+ot the PropERy,leMSl,a1v1►p1vg, <br /> 8otrower no�tpe at the tlmo otor prlor to m i�sptxrlon spac(f}!Ing reawna0lo wuaa(or�ho lnspealon. � " ��''' <br /> t0.Cdadeauutba.7Ua proQccde ot any swarA br ctalm foY dunegq,direq or consoqyEnNal,In aonncqton with 6ny_• , <br /> eoodemnadon or other tatcing of eny part ot tho Properry,oe for comeyenoe in ticu ot coiidemnatton.ere AereDy aulgacd 9nd <br /> a6a116e pald to l.eader. , <br /> tn tho cvent of e rotat Wcing ot me Properry,tpa proeuA��haU be applled ro tho eunu uarcA�y thb Beadty inswriient.� , <br /> whe�hcr or not then due, wi�h eny exas�Paid tn Dortowcr. In tha event of a penfal teking of the Propeny In which tho fale <br /> nmrtu vatue ot the Propt�ty immeGiatety befora tho teking la equei ro or gaaler tAan tho enaunt ot the�uw Kcurod Dy tN� <br /> 8xwiry[nstn�ment launedlnely beforo the telcing.anteas Bortower end Lender otheiwi�e agrte In wrlting,the wrtts uarod by <br /> thta Baurity Instiwxnt ehetl be reduced hy the emount of the proorodi mulApliad by tho following healon: (e) tAo rotal <br /> amount of�he sunu�ecumd Immediatcly be[oro the tafcing.divided by(b) tho fair merkU vdue of tho Propeny InunodietCly - <br /> Eetoro Ihe teking. My baience shali bo paid to Borrower. In tho evrnt of a partiel teking ot tha Property!n whfch the fale <br /> msrte[vnlue ot the Property Immedietely betoro Ne tnking ia lea than t�e ertaunt of Iho suw�aured Immediately 6efom Uio <br /> taking,unless Oornwer and Lender ortb�wise egree In writing or udw oppliwble law oth-.�wise proWda,tIla pr000ad�sE�tl <br /> be applied to the aum�eecwid by this Searity inauument whwher or erot the sums ere�hen due. <br /> If Oie Prope�ty b abandoned by Oortowcr,or it,after retla dy Ludu ro Borrower that the condemnor otten to maYe an <br /> e�vard or settio a datm tor damagee,Hortower fails to�apond to Lender�viihln 30 dqye elter the date ti�e�rotloo u giren. _ <br /> t.ender Is au�M1odud to collca end epply the procad�,at Ite opqon, eicher to ra�nretion or re�rair ot the Property or to tha aumf <br /> Kcured 6y ihis Seauity Insuument,whether or not�Aen due. <br /> Unleaa Lendu�nd Bonower othe�wise egra in wdflng,nny npplicxtion of pmcud� to principal ahall not utend or <br /> postpone the due date of the monthly paymenu rcferted to in pangmplu I and 2 or cAange Ihe emount of euch paymente. <br /> 11.Uorrower Not Releaud;Forbearence 6y[.ender Not e Wairer. Enenston of tho time for paymcnt or modiflwtlon <br /> ot amortiration of the sums aecurcd by this Savrfry Insuument grented by I.cnder to any suaawr in Intereat ot Oortower edall <br /> not operete to rclpse ths Ifebiliry of�e odginel Bonower or Bortower►wccescon in interat. Lender chWl not be requlrod to <br /> wmmence proecedings egainu eny wccessor in Intcrest or retuu m extend Nme for paymem or ahe�wise madify tmor�izatlon <br /> of �he w�m saurcd by �his Secudty Instrument by rcason ot nny demand made by the original Bortower or Hortowu'� <br /> mcceawn In Interest. Any farbearena by Lender in exercising any right or rcmedy ahall not 6e a�vaiver of or preciudo the <br /> ecercitt of eny rieht or.remcdY. .-._ <br /> 12. SLocesson and lusigru Qound= Joint end &verel LInb0lty� Coaignws. 'Pie covenems+nd egrcemems of thii <br /> Security Inttrument chell bind and benefit �he succeswrs end usigns of L.ender and Bortower, subjcet to the providon+ oi <br /> paragreph I7. Borrower's mvenenu and egrcements shall be joine and sevemi. Any Borrower who co•atgns thla Security _ <br /> Insaument but does not execule the No�c: (a) is�vsignfng this Security Insuument only to mortgage,g[ent ond rnmey�hat = <br /> Bofrower's intereu in�he Propeny under the icmu of�his Sccurity InstmmrnC(b)fa not perwnelly abligettd ro pay tAe tum� <br /> securcd by thfa Securiry Inswmen4 and(c)agrcea�Am Lender and any olher Borrower may agree to exlmd,nwd(ty, forbenr or _ <br /> make eny eccommodatiom�d�h rcgard lo the tenm of thi�Securiry Inmument or�he Note without that Bortower's eonxnt. <br /> 13. Loen Cherges. If�he lonn�ecured by this Savrity Inttrument ia subjcet to a lew which seu meximum loan chergu. -' <br /> end�hat la�v(s ftrolly InteryrNCd so�hot�he intercst or other loan charges mllected ar to be cnllecled im m�na�ion w{th the �,_-_--_ <br /> loan excad the pefmiUed limitx. then: (o)uny yuch Iann charge shell be mduced by�he omoum necessary to reduce�he charge �`;°;:�� <br /> ro the permitted limic nnd(b)ony sumt elrcady rnilec�ed fram Borrouror which excadcd pem�itteJ limitx will be rcPonded ro !F'.'�' <br /> Bortower. Lender may chane to n�ake �hix rcfund by reducing thc principal o�ved undcr the No�e or by meking a dired r;�'%`- <br /> paymcm to Borrawror. If � rcfund rcdures principal. �hc rcductiun �vill bc vcaicd us e paniul prcpayment wi�hout any �"t�(' <br /> prcpaymcnt chargc undcr�he Notc. y_��' <br /> x':; <br /> 14.Noqces.Any no�icc to Bormwer provided for in this Securiry Inm�umem shall�c given by dclivcring it or by meiling "';. <br /> it h firs�claxc mail unless a iicnble low uircs uce of nnother methad.'fhe natice shall be direct�d m the Property Address �'�` �� <br /> Y PP rc9 k�';;'�', <br /> or eny other addrcss Borro�ver designa�es Ay nolim m Lender. Any nntice lo Lender shall be given by fint class mail to �,..,__ <br /> Lendcr's nddress s�med hcrcin nr uny rnher nJdmss Lerdcr duign:na by nutim to Bormwer. Any no�ice provided for in�his Ea:'..'__- <br /> Securrty Inswment shall be deenxd ro harc 6ecn given tn Borrou�er or Lendcr a�Bcn given as providcd in this pawgraph. �'y}- <br /> 15.Govemin Law: Severnbilit . This Securi� Instmment shall be ovcmed M1 kderal la+v nnd the law of�he �' <br /> E Y Y E Y F:i;[:. <br /> jurisdiaion in which�he Propeny is IMa�n1. In the event 16a�any pmvi+ion or riaux nf Ihi�Securiq•Inspvment or IAe Nate ��;;,',; <br /> conflicts with applicable law,mch rnnllia s6ail nrn af(e.t mher provi.iam of�hi.Seavriry Innrumem nr�he Noie�vhich�5n he � <br /> iven e(fce��vitham the conliic�in mvi�inn.To Ihi.enJ Ihc mvi�inni of lhi.S�curit Imunment anJ the No�e urc JeclareJ "����� <br />_ 8 8P p }. .�� .. <br /> ta 6e sevcra6la - <br /> 16.Ao�rowe�'s Cop��.W+rrower�hall lu gircn une cnnfnmMJ.npy of�6e Nn�e anJ af�hi.Securin�Ia,uumeN. j�.... <br /> Fam 3028 9�80 'r�""' <br /> rw..o•r. <br /> .+.'_ <br /> � � fi ..y° ?��!y]r�{(<_ :} � Yls-'AY�j�1��).�' i e 3 4::1.T.'t�.f'C_� f' �� i j'���¢'b.j�?jf('� � i:J . � � �� "�� � <br /> .__ ; i( � ' :i 4. - ;X �- 4y��. � .c � ;vF _ __ <br /> ., <br /> ' <br /> . �! , <br /> 'r?-�� � �[�L:i4�0 t i.�r- ! �:' i s. - <br /> � -` - �- - � — i — <br /> 4 n u lfn', ir+u� � Y � �r <br /> t � t } , . <br /> t . ` ��1�`�f � ' ��" �� � � � t <br /> ,' : <br /> -+ 1 `'�-\�_ 1 rj-i{ t � � _.. <br /> .t �'�i ;x � il` :;:'� � f (.. � .' - .e .. . _ - ' _ _ .. <br /> Y i j + �n � r� . -. r � ' . . <br /> `/ �. ��. � ) i. i !c � . <br /> � '• <br /> ". . l �.;. � i � e <br /> ' . P :� � ..{i�'t t � .i.t � x. j . r . } -` - ) z t �_ t . . <br /> t y_ l� 1 '� _ � � . <br /> e � <br /> ,,€` . , , , . ,ti-; : < <br /> n 4a •t r � F" i: t u �j.� � � � <br /> i . >.r �- i -♦ � �i 11 � i[ ; s� � �, + �' 7 ' _ . <br /> � e� Tf $� 'F _ � . /V' , s _� }� � + <br /> + �! !4^. r__ , , __,tid S - c t ^ Y i .. i � :: <br /> i . r � � ; - � -� ' � : '' � Y � <br /> r,... -.. - -. . <br /> ... . . .� � .. . ,, i.Y'r-'.., � ..�. , . . ._ ` . :3 - _ . ..� . . . . � . l ... ,Ir . . . <br />