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1' '. _ . .... .. :. � -�^.r-,_..rl _ ::. � _. ":� ��� _ _. ' . <br /> . . _ . . �� ( ' 't 5 <br /> / ry . <br /> :•, i P Tnn+fer of trie Pro"psltq oro Neqs�t��p��ntercst Ia BoTrowet It ell or any pu)of 1he Pro�e�y ot uq��n!��t In�f—• <br /> le iold t trons(Qtnq(or Ua osn4viclsl intuq fl� ortowor U sold a tranttetrod enOIIotrowcr b not e n¢tutat yenoA ithaq <br /> le�Mcr�prfor wAltem m�sant, l;endcr msy nt lu aWlon raNIro l�rvoadleto paymem In llill of etl cums�red_v �Ats <br /> 8ewrlty tn�suumeAt.Nowevor,thl�opNon�heSPnot be daeretsW by Leqdee it oxerelee la prohibJtM by fMerel I4wsf otUio Mta. �i- <br /> - " Of d11S SCqldty IfISiNrt1E116 ' --- - <br /> If�I.enAu oxetclsealhl�opdon,Lendu shall givo iforrower no�ieo otaoocicmfion.7Lo 6opco�fietl mvido e period otnot , <br /> les�chan 30 daye fm�n �he daro tAo notice la delivered or msilcd wltAln whlch Borro�ver must pay alPeum�eecurcd 6y tAb <br /> 8audry InstNmrnt[P,gormwu felle ay�y theso suma pHor to tAa oxpirellon ot thla perlod.I.ender may Ipvoko any rcnxdly <br /> pamittcd Dy�hfa&ar�`y InstmmcnE�vitfiout Ponher n8�(en or demaiM on Dortowcr. <br /> ' 18. Horrower's �( ht lo Relnsixte. if Borrp�ver ntuu artuln conditlonz, Borrowcr shall hnve U�o right ro have <br /> enforwment ot�ht�Bea�ty,lns�N�u1t dlaaantlnqcd Rt airy.Nme prior�o tho carlier oC(e)S dey�(or�uch ott� r perlod m <br /> epplicablo taw m�y epxiry for.(tldsrotemenfl iw(8ro snlp ot tlie Proputy pu�suant to any powu o!ealo con�nod in �hl� <br /> Scariry Instrvmcnr,or @)cntryp/a Judgment•mPorping�hi�l9owrit [nurument.4hoso condiHone ero that Hnrrowu:(a)peya <br /> Lcndor ell�ums which �hen would 6e duo undu thlf Sxudly InuNmcn4and ii�o Noro w If no eooelewtlon heq.oaurted:(D) <br /> arca eny dei�ul�of any alier covenanu br agttomenu; (o)pnya ell axpcnco+�ncutred in enforcing thb Secutlry[nsuument, <br /> Including but not Iimitcd io, reawnabie ettomeYe`Rc�; and(0)tekoe eudi aoHon n�Londor may rcason�bly rcquiro ro assuro <br /> �`' ` that�ha Iien of thie Sxudty Inatn�mrnt.].ender s righte In t�o Propotty u�d Borrowu'a ohllgetlon�opay tho wm+saured by <br /> thb S�curlry InstNmont �bell condnue unchengcd. Upou «Imtetemont by fiorto�ver, qib 8carity Instrumcnt nM �Aa <br /> oJtigr�tiwu smeead horcby diall rcmeln futly eftoniro m if in eooekrasion 6ud oxumd.I{owovor,ehl�right eo rcinstete sMll <br /> no�ap�ty In 1he cMe of eooeioradon under peregraph 17. <br /> ___ 19. Sole oY Rotet C6nRga of Loan Bervicer. 7'he Note or a pnni¢I fntcrost In �he Nota (�ogpher wi�h thit 8ecudry <br /> — lns�mment)may be wld one or moro�imca wi�hom pdor notiw a Borro�ver.A aele may rault in a c6ongo in ehe enttty(Imown <br /> ss the'[.oan Servlar')th�t oolluu monehiy paymcnu tluo undu�he Na�e and thie Savdty InxtNment.'Ihero alw may be ono <br /> or m�n chenaa of iha Lom Scrvicu unroiatod�o x W e of�he Nole.If thero la e chenge o(�he Loan 3ervlcer,Borrower w1U be <br />�--= given wrftten nodcaof the change in e000rdanoo with pamgmpfi I4 obove md appliceble Iflw.'flw rwHco wfU uaro the name and - <br /> � — eddrssa of ihe nwv Loan Servim end the eddrav ro�vhich pnymems should ba mede.'Ifie noHce wpl elso eonlaln any a�hu <br /> y r infortnatlon rcquired by epplicable lew. <br />.. +._:� 20. Hazardom Substancen. Bortower ahall rot ceuse or permit �he preaence, uu,dtsposel. cto�ago. or rclease ot my <br /> Herardoua Substanas on or in �Ae Proputy. Oorrower ahall not do, nor aqow enyone elsa to do, my�Aing afhcting �he <br />__-;'� Pmpeny Uut ia in vlolatlon of eny Bnvironmenml Isw. 1Lc praed(ng two xntenca ctull not appiy to tha preunce,use,or <br /> ...r,_ cto�ago on ihe Propeny of small quentiHea ot Ne�rdoua SLbs�enca thet ere grnerelly raognizod to ho appropriate to nortnal <br />��;:��^� residrntlel usa and�o mninteno�roc of Nc Propeny. <br /> Borrowu shnll promptly give I.ender wntten notia of any investiguion,claim,demand,lewwit or o�her ecHon by eny <br />.;�`-h� govemmenW or regularory egency or priveteparry involving thaPropertyand eny Hewdoua Substenceor Snvironnxntal Inw <br />�'"'i ot which Ibrtower hes enuel knowledga If Bortoxxr leams. or is no�ified by eny govemmentel or rcgulatory authodty, that <br /> ��'� eny removal ur othu remedieNon of any Hezerdom Subuenec afkctins�he Property is noacsary.Borrower ahetl promptly leke <br /> ':`.'��_ ell necessury rcmedi�l acdans In accordena with Envimnmen[al Lnw. <br />..;y;•-;�^� A�uxd in this p6ngmph 20. 'HUerdout JUO.nances`ero�iiose suo.ianas doL��at�i�x��or haard:.u:e.�.taa»b� -�-� <br /> Hnvironmentd la�v nnd �he tollawing substenms: gasoline, kerosene, other Ilemmable or toaic petroleum producu, toxlc <br /> 1�'� .• pesticidd end herbkfdes,roletile solvenu,matedels containing asbesms or fom�aldehZde,and redioanive matedels.Ae uaed in <br />'CSlYl�� this pereg�aph 20, '8nvironmcmal la�v' mwns toderel laws and lewa of the judsdtdlon where thc Propeny is located thet — <br />=_�ii�3�� rclnieiohWeh,aafay ortnvironmenial protection. -- <br /> -y,y NON•UNIFORM COVBNANTS.Borrowcr end Lender further covenant enl agrx as folloxa: <br /> h: 21.Aceeleretloni Rm�ed�ea.Lendu shalt give notin to Dortox�er prlar to acttleretlon tollo�dng Borrower'e breaeh �:' <br /> °ii.� of eny mrenant or agrcement ln th6 Securfty Instrument @ut not prbr ro ucceleratlon underparegreph 17 unlecs •-: <br /> '�� eppliceble lew prorldes otherwlse).The notice ahell specfty: (e)the deteul4 N)the aetton regulred to eurc the defeulti p°` <br /> ,+;4,{ (c)e date,not Iw thnn 70 days from the date Ihe not(ce W girm to Oorro�rer, by�vhlcU the delault must 6e curedi end ' <br /> - -;•J (d) thet teilure ro eure the defeutt on or before�he dafe speciRed in the notice mm result in ecaleretlon of Ihe suma F.-. <br /> -�:-��j] secured by thia Stturlty Instrumrnt and s¢le ot the Properly.The nalim ahell turlher intorm Dorta�rer ot the dght to _ <br /> ���'�?! relnslnre after ottelerntlan und Ihe right to bring a court acllon to asert the namexistence oT a detault or nt�y other _ <br /> '!�:�`i� defenu ot Borro�sr to acceteretlon end Fnfe. it the defeult Is not curcd on or betorc the date specifled In the notltt, '-�--� <br /> ' +i'� I.ender, et tn opHon, nuyrequirc[mmeAfate pxyment In NII of ell sums xecured by thls Security[nstrument withoul "�� <br /> xs.:u <br /> ,_�� furlher demand and me7lnrokc the po�rer of selc m�d ony other remcdlea permlited by applicebte law.Lender ahall be ,.,-, <br /> ,;,,t� entitled to callect ail expenses Incurred in pursuf�the remedia provlded h�Ihiv paragroph 21,inctudfng,bnt aot Itmlted <br /> - to,reasona6le nttomey�'hca ond costs of Uqc evidence. _ - <br /> -"��'�5�! tt thepo wer oP aete B invoked,Trustec xhnll nrord n natice ot defuult in wch county In �rhlch any part of the <br />_-:R;?� Properly�located snd shall meil rnples o!xuch notice in the mnnner prescri6ed by epplicable law to Borro�rer and to = <br /> ijt�;� the other personv prescdbed by appliwble la�r.Atler the tlme requlred Ay appllcubie In�v.Trustre ahell glve public nollce ;-;-: <br /> of xnle to Ihe peraoas nnd In lhe menner prescri6ed by epplicable lao�.Tructce.�rithout demend on Darro�rer,ahuil aell <br /> .] the I'roperty et publlc euetlm�ta the hlghctt bldder nt thc time end plaee nnU under the termx dealgnnttd in the notice of �__ <br /> ���'� sele in one or marc purcels and In an��order Trustce detcrml�+. Trustm mny pndponc aele oP ell or eny parcel of ihe � - <br /> -3`�! Properly by publk announcement et ihe tfine and plam ot mry prcvlousl�� scheduled sale. lxnder or Itx designee mey <br /> a,(t Pmcbase Ihe Prapeny al ony selc. <br /> � �� <br /> ��'{� Porm 302D B180 <br /> _.;;Tf�'� r.w x�e �=,_. <br /> ::'i�i�� 1-i: <br /> urr�ta i . <br />_��:�� ' _ <br /> J::t� .. �. _ <br /> �����•"—r'T" ;a�Y'� �r °:� - �'�h�-(�S'F rr _ _`,r�l -�''.� ,�'-�FrS'j5v� `'3l�rY.r�r-�s rr;T;'7 � 1,�Y,�SQ}-_-` -. <br /> �1��� .,r � l - t -_, 5 - ! il - <br /> M1 > / '.ff� _3{ . i l��' � i'� <br /> � t _n. s�.� 6 ).3._ � `� . <br /> .' _ _.�_ . ___ v__ __ _ _ _ _ - <br /> . __ - _ ' _ ___ <br /> � F J . <br /> ,�' t� •� '; - , � - .. ' . _ <br /> t L J 1 - .{-- -I - - <br /> cr °,5�. �1i{L�� I , t � ) .. . ,. -� � <br /> 'y ..� " - - 1 t _ ' . __ _ . . <br /> d4 7 1 _ � , <br /> ` , -+'_ fi s. Z� -'r ' " _ . - � <br /> � ,� <br /> � ' <br /> f 1 , r -- �. --. � : <br /> -Ji . " .1` _ _'y t _ _ <br /> �t� Z �l•l . _ l .�, � . t ' _ . <br /> ' _ , ' r <br /> .�I� � f ` !1 .. l Ylt f j . !j - � - . <br /> Yt �.4 •� � � "� t 4 � ..� i �¢ t - ,�� � - . . <br /> 1' ,'�i , -h v-{ , ' _,rf :r 7 - ;r -�c. r � � a - <br /> . 1 . „ �, _ `r - � : - . � - � � r r .,,� •t , <br /> � l .�r_. .�r �� �.S �� _4 ,. c . __ . r`.. . _ ' . .?. � . . . t .1 ..r11 y . }.... <br /> ,.iru' d . ..i.�• � J . .,.�> ) . . . .,.� ..ft, . � n ' � i� <br /> � . :'i:l <br />