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..e��.1i:� .,�,�.. ... . . .0 . .. _ct • � a:. ,, x .:.._k.c: !7:� - � . �`�r i -° " "`°'-. . . <br /> ,. i93r�,V�tVAV , _ - - <br /> . Q: Ft�riid ar�Props�ty.IaYui�naa Bomoxxr nh�il keep tM ImyrovamdAie irow exladng bi hert+t�qr ueete0 on'tdd <br /> , Pmpetty Innured�gnlnst.loss DY�ta horard�inetudt4 vrfA�in the tetm'extendM covaege' aid eny olhu�Atard�.lnsli!Qlni . _ - <br /> RooEs or floodtng,for whtch L1'nder«qulrss Iraurence.7LIe Insuranoe ehsll be meln�elned in the anwunts and fot.�he�rtod� <br /> _ _,, �hat Lendel�pQuirce:'tho lnsprmtoe eetdu p[oviding�ho Insimnrn ehall bo chaun Ey IIortower aE)oct ro I.endcr'e nyprovd --_ <br /> which ct�all not Co un[cewnebty wltMold. tf Borrowee felte to meintaln covctega dacribo0 ebovo,l.cnACr may, at f.cnQtt'� <br /> opNon,obteln coveroga to prdtca l.rnd�r'�rlghp In tho Proputy in e000rdanco wl�h puragreph 7. <br /> � All inaurenoe pollcia eaA rcnewale�Aall bo aooepteblo to I.aMer end eh�ll include e standard mongage clause. l.endu <br /> _ __ ., sAall have tha dght ro hold the polldw and rcnawab.If Lendcr rcquima.Borto�ver ehal!promptly givo to Lendu all recoipu ot <br /> -- pald prcmlum+anA rcrwwei notiees.In tho ovent ot loss,Borrowcr chaU givo prompt notke ro the Ins�irence eerrlu and I,euder, -- - <br /> I.endu may a�al�o proot of Ioxi it not made promptiy by IIortower. <br /> Unlaa I.endu and Bortowcr othawiso egrca In wtlqng,lnsurence pracad�shell be oppllod to ttstoreHon or rcpair of the <br /> Property dameged,if the rcstoretlon or repair ia aonomlaily toaziblo end Lendw9 cttvrfty Is not Iessened.[t�he restotation or <br /> repatr 1+not eoonomlcally featible or l.eMer'�sewrity would be lesuned,the Insurenoe procetde ahall bo epplled to tho�umf <br /> - ., eecured by thle Seariry I�utmme�t,whethu or not then due, wi�h eny exoea�puid ro Oortoxer. If Borrowcr ebnndom tha — . - <br /> Propaty,or daa not enswer wlthin 30 diya a nalce from I.endu�Aat ehe Irourenco eerriu hm oftered ro senle a claim,�hen <br /> Lendu may collea tha Insurance procceda. Lendu may use the proaed+ to rcpair or ca[ore the Property or to pay turtu <br /> --- �aured by thi�Saur(ty Insnument,whcther or na�hen duo.Tha 30-dey period w{II begin when tho no�ia le givcn. <br /> -- Udw Lender end Bortower oNenviae agtte in wridng, eny epplicadon of pmomds to principal ehall not extend or <br />_.,�= postpone�he due daze of iho monthly paymente mterred to in pa�egraphs 1 end 2 or cLmge the emount of tAo pnyaxnb. If -- = <br /> -: under paregraph 21 ths Property fs aoquired by Lendcr. Borrower'e dgdt ro any insuwnce polleia and proceed�resulting trom —°--� <br /> _-------= damege ro the Propeny prior to�e acquisitlon shell pw to[.endu w tde a[en[of the sum+uared by tdla Sxurtty Irotrument --....--- <br /> _—- Immediately pdor to[ha acqubi�ion. —__-- <br /> '- -- 6.Occupancy,Pnservation,Melnteaana end Protection of the Properiy�Bortneu's Loan Appllcation;Leuseholdi� -- _- <br />-���=�%.a Bortower shall aowpy,eatabliali,and uae the Propeny e�Bocrower'a principal msidena within dxty daya aRer tM exaution of �"°="�- <br /> — thls Sewdty Insm�mmt and chnll conunue ro oaupy the Prop¢rty a Bortower's princlpal residenee tor at Itas�one year aRer __ <br />-�..�-,'-�;`� �he date of oocupency,nnleas Lender otherwix agraa In writlng,which wnsent chell not be unreawnabiy withheid,or unless ��?---- <br /> '"�- oztenuating ciramatancea exist which em beyond Borrowera comroL Qortower ahall not destroy, damege or Impair the - <br /> ����;' Propeny,ellow the Property to detedore�e, or commit waste on�he Property. Bortower�hall be(n detault if eny forkitutt �z'�,,,r:_ <br /> � � aelion or proaeding,whether civil or crfminel,is begun�hat in Lender'a good feith Judgment could result in Podelmre of the �Y'`;'.t!' <br /> ti'-�=x; Propeny or mhenviu metedelly impair tho Iten ereated by thii Seturity Instrument or l.ender a uaAry interut.Bortowcr may .c.�::.a..- <br />�'':;;F•i"; arc such a deteult and re(nstote,es provided in parogreph I8,by causing the actlon or proceeding ro be diamisud whh a mling .�y 1;�._ <br /> �`_ [hm; in Gnd�u'a¢and falth drlqitn�retlnn; �ryrin�lay r�ir�:��....f the M�rewer'!tnterc..v in !ha PmF^_rty er otha m�t!rlsl ��i`k-�-=" .. <br /> ,.a;'9 Impaimxnt of the Iien creeted by this Secudry Imtiument or Lender's ucudty interes�. tiortower shall elso be in defeult If � ` � <br /> ,{?:� Borro�ver.dudng tho loan eppllation procesv,gave maarially false or i'wccumte informatian or atatemenu ro 4nder(or tailed � �'�f�-�,. <br /> _„ ro provida Lender with eny maredfll informatioN in wnnealon wi�h the loen evidenocd by�he Note, Including,6u[not IiMted �� �"�'=' <br /> ,;;� h' to,rcpresenta�lom conceming(iorrower's occupancy of the Propeny as e principal rcsidentt.If thia Security insnument fa on e �' ��;`„js•�•- <br /> Itasehold, Borrowcr shell rnmply wiih all �hc provisions of thc Ieasc. If Borcower acquires fa �iilc to �he Pmperty, �he (�i d � <br /> ,�'��t' leaschold and the ke titla ahall not merge unless Lender egras to�he mergcr in writfng. f+ _� - <br /> 7.Protectlon of l.ender'e Alghp In tAe Property.If Oorrouror fails to pedorm�he rnrenema and agrcememm m�mincd in '� `' = - <br /> ar�. �5 )xn.. <br /> ,-�,J ihis Secudry Tnstrumen6 or�hem Is a Icgal prareding �hat nwy significantly aftat Lender s rights In the Prope�y (such as e t �_i i �— <br /> n�i-� procceding In bankruptry, probatc, for condemnoNon or forkiwre or ta enforce laws or reguletlons),then Lcndcr nuy do and , '� - ��?'� �- <br /> �y4 pay for whatever is necessary lo prouct the value of the Propeny end Lender's rights in ihe Property. Lender'e actlonti n�ay �+���!� .� <br /> � Include paying eny sums securcd 6y a lien �vhich has priority over this Securrty Insuument. appeadng in mun, paying �z�i�#rS ;:. <br /> � ' _� rcasoneble nttomeya'fcea nnd emcdng on thc Propeny ro nmkc rcpairs.Although Lcnder mry take ection under�his paTagmph ��' -}, - �- <br /> � 2: 7,Lcndcr dcea noi havc ro do w. r� ' s„'.�` <br /> 3r 1� Any emounts diaburaed by Lcnder under this pnragruph 7 xhall 6omntc additianal debt at Bonower eecured by Ihia � !p j;?, <br /> i °' Secud�y Insltument. Uniesv Borrower and Lender agrm to other�emis af paymcnt,the.0 amoums shxll bexr imercat from�he �� f r ' <br /> ��, date of disbursement e� �he Note rnm and shell bc paynblc, with intcrcs�, upim noticc fmm Lender�o Borrowcr rcqucs�ing �?_- fr�._ <br /> ' payment. *i 4 -�' <br /> °��t� 8.Mortgage Insurence.1(Le��der reyuiral mnnguge imurunce a+a ivndition o(making the loan xcvred by ihis Security ��;�r�irR ', <br /> InatrumenL Bortower shall pay �I�c prcmimra requiral �o maintain the mnrtgnge inarnnce in effm. If, fnr any rcazon, the {�51,- <br /> ��`4; mongage insumntt coverage required by Lender lapx.or ceases m he in effec6��rmwer shali pny �he prcmiums rcquired�o � t2`t� '` <br /> �o-�� <br /> -c> obtain mvemge substantially equivnlent to�I�e mnngage incurance prcviausly in eRCCt. at�cost wbstantially equivalent to�he �} A;-�C <br /> .° ; mst to Borrower of the murtgage inwrance prcvioucly in effeci. Gom an aitemate mnngage in.urcr uppmved by Lendec If �t t��'ti� <br /> - �-- �6 g... <br />�i 1 .t subataminlly cquivalcm mMgagc in+urancc cnvcragc i+ nol a��ailuhlc. Barmwcr�h�ll pny tn l.cndcr cach monlh a wm cyual la <br /> �--.}' onatweiRh a(lhe yearly mortgag< iroumnce premfum being paid M1y&irmx�er when Ihe�munnce mrerage lupxr�nr cemed�o = �yt '�, �, <br /> 6e in e((ect. Leider will acce t u.e anJ re�ain�he.w � mem>:� a Im. retirre in licu af mun a c insurance. L.�.+ rexn•e ` ^'1�'�� <br />._ ,,�`i; P• P•Y F & ' � - <br /> � 'i�;r -'i-r <br /> -'�r. <br /> r.JF_,i.:^ �..yi% ;. <br /> � : fam 3028 B180 f._ � ,`p�':` <br /> ��' .�. ..a y,i�,,: <br /> _ ,..� .=tv,;�-:: <br /> _ ..,.,�.:.: <br /> _ �.�;: <br /> ?`;"` - . ��;,, : <br /> tr�J3�`'k�_'_.�F`7� � � r ^.'� c r :,2^ t !!S�' ._' i.— —?'T— _+� r mt -r : <br /> Y � 7 . : � <br /> � � i � ��:trtt� � . -. a _ - _ _ _ ' <br /> r - .}. -t- . ♦:°�. _�_ _ �' . . <br /> 1,.51'!'�l]: i. 6I-�Jf�..0 _�_. a a�l'__ � .:)� . <br /> � y}. �ti.I ,- . - l _J. _ <br /> v.r �E � F n. . } �_ _ _ . . <br /> 1 � u � � » 1 f F . � t •. <br /> t y 9 f i .- . . . - . . ' 1 �-: ' . ' _ .. <br /> -i x- y' -f�.��Y d-' F �r1 r �e_� t. ) � . .,L. _ . . _ _ _ , <br /> X ` <br /> y � --*2-5 - {if, ; ._.L .. . . _ . . - .' , - . ' ' <br /> A Y� <br /> �._� . . - . _ . <br /> _` ' . . - � ', _ . <br /> ; . e- `+ t l �' f . f'-.l i - i + - . <br /> Wrr .�'t. Y7 .. i � :• � C -j � � r� .: t ) h ,- .. . . _ . <br /> CG r � } ;y 1 ..ji i 1 --. � �. s < r � . r . <br /> r>�j �[.�. IP� ii t ... i -; ` >,� _{i . � . : - - <br /> , �;� { S ! • . ' F rU r �- � � � r_ � t � � `(i � <br /> �r� 1t' . t 1 , • � T � u�4_-I i t <br /> +/�} r +r y If ,y -. Y a� x ,. . i,� �l <br /> t` }� r ' v} �� - a .F� � i �t ��.., - ` r : _ <br /> .�.� €� '. ... 4��' .� . _. ,�:? � �. ,f.: v . . . .. . . . . � . �. . v ,J....,. � � �. Y. � .. . . . <br />