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s� ..� n _ _� . _ i' _ _ , I � e. . � � e �t�[ hr ' t c9 �. _ <br /> - .. , iP -�� ' `� t 1��- � . . f��_� � \"hh� �..i i �i � -t «r <br /> ' { � ' .. � .� .._„ T t ,.. ._ . • „ � � <br /> ' � , dnoartiea wriH�a�e t�u��x4w no�d��r�+ne�ir�«w an e;n.oro�e�y'�.no.qt�eisem,me;,�ur�+u!��►.._�:�► , ,:. <br /> fixfurca now,ur t�erl�Ret a➢ut`4X11ie P�➢CnY: AII tipiwenknu�trd 1�itlattit YIWi_Neo qo c9vad0 by�thi!peca����X a d ; <br /> - !e�lmmt�t.'AlFatt�dfottgo)�9 Isr'et�rFdmintNaSeduirylaattumenlaitLo'AaG�2tfr' - -�: - .. : <br /> . ,• soRROWaRCOG�N�NTSiher9arrotyufstawtutty'selaeaot�eearae.�r�Y�veyea.aanuRiedgn�sa��t�ra , <br /> . .p�nvby�M Pi�pexy and 1Lat t6a Propeny Ie.uneu�nibcred�.oaQEYI[oi t.�uP�b�!4�at.r4W[� �?�?�f5 wa►ron�e arW wl1� <br /> detend B��Y!liett�eto idb Ptopatly egclnst elI cidqi�anG Aem/tida;du6jeM tC etly 2"ncumbtCnEe,t Cttetor0. ' ` <br /> TNI868CURt�'Y IN9TRt1MBNT oomb►nea uNfomi covensnU fot nulonal uc0 edA non•uNlorm aovbf�apu dith 7fu�itSQ _ <br /> va�tion�Ey JurlEdietion to boM1SNWto e unifo�eewdty Instcurrieotcorering roal P[opepy.: ° ,•;;. . ..� , <br /> - -- UNIFORM COVBNAM'9.Bortower and Lenqeroovenant end agrce+u fotlovn: 'I . . <br /> i.F'iypfsp!ot 1�Floctql aud intereslt Pre�wymwt and late Chnrgm. Bonowa s¢dl promp��y paY whcn dua Ihe <br /> �dndpai;ot azW intcreat orttho deLt orldenoal by Na Note aid eny prepaymcnt end lero chargn duo unda tho Notb. '� <br /> 9,BUqds for Tpses end insurnntt.bLb)act to eppUcablo law or to a written watver by Lender,BortowM�hell pay to <br /> 4onder on Ala duy montNy ppymenw aro due undu tho Noto,un111 the Note I�paid in Wll,e eum('FuM�')fon(a)yearly�axa <br /> end assessmentn whlch ntey ottein prloriry ovu�hla&ar[ry Insnunxnt as a Ilen oo eLe Property;@)Year1Y leasehold paqMente <br /> °- or ground reqta on tdo Propeny.U uny:(e)Yearly hazard or propetty haurenee prcmtumr,(d)yearty ftood Inwranoe ptemlutnL ' _ <br /> if enY7(e)Y�Y�rtgago insuranse any:end(q any wms psYable by Borrowu So Lendu.ln e000rdanse wtth <br /> @o provlaion�ot pazegreph 8,in lieu ot the payment ot morcgaga Inmranca premWw.7Lese item+are alled'Burow items.' <br /> L;mder may, at any ttme, collea and hold Pund�in en emount not w exo�od the maximum enwunt o lender for e Rdwatly <br /> rcletcd mortgago loxn may roqulro[or Bortowu'e escrow eca�un[under the hdual Resl Sstaro Settlanent Prooedurea Act oP <br /> I974 ee emandcd from ttmo to time. 12 U.9.C. Bactlon 2601 n seq.('R&4PA'), unlw anothu law that applic�to cho Futba <br /> eeW e tesur emount. it so. Lender mny, nt any �ime,collat and haid Fund�in an emount aot to exaed Iho Icuer emount. <br /> =__= Lender mry estimaro tho amant of Funda due on the basit of curmnt data and rcaaonable esUaqta of apenditurca ot fuNro <br /> '_= 8scrow Itans or ofherwise in a000rdence with epplicable law. <br /> '[fie Funda shell be held In en instltuUon whosc deposiu ero insurod by s faderil r.3ency, InsWmentaliry, or enNry <br /> pncluding I.ender,If Lender i�wch en inst(tutlon)ot in any Federol Nome Laan Bank.LencSes sAall apply No Punda to pay iho <br /> _= Hurow Ituns.Lender may not eharge Borrower for holding end epplying the Funds,annually emlyztng ilw cacrow a000unt,or <br /> �- verify�ng�he[iscrow Itema,unless Lender paye Bortower interesl on the Funda end applicabla law permtu Lender ro make auch <br />- � — a cherge.However,I.ender mry«quire Bortower to pay e one-time cherge Por an tndependert mel estaro tex rcporting cervice <br />�;_::� ueW by Lender In connedion with �his loan, unlen applicable Inw provides othuwise. Unleu an egramrnt �a rtmde or <br /> �='+i applicable law rtqulrp�nterest ro ba paid,Lender chall not 6e rcquircd to pay[iorrower aoy intereat or eamVnge on the Funds. <br /> --_�'�;! Hortowcr end Lender may agrce In wdtlng, however, thet Interut shdl be pald on thc Fwds. I.ender chell give a Botrower, <br /> -= without cherge,an annuel e000unAng ot tho Punda, slwwtng crcdin end debit�ro the Fueds and the purpose Por whlch tach <br />� -`m dcbit to�Yc F�r��an�ede.lte('ar�s a�pl�gci zc addidonal saurir�tcr s!!wm_��c^�4y tAL•�vrlt;Inswm!�nt. <br />'-"�= � If�he Pund�hNd by Lender oxcad the omounts permittcd ro be held by appliable Inw. I.ender shall ecooun[to Borto�ver <br /> ,..rr�.� _ <br /> '_:_?!��� !or tho exass Punds tn eccortLnce wifh tho requircmenta of applia6b law.If the anwunt of the Funds Aeld by I.ender et eny <br /> - " Nrtw Is not suRlcient ro pay the Pscrow Items when dua Lendu may w no�ify Borrower in wdqng,end,in sueh cau Bortower __ <br />��="'aF;4� shell pay ro Lendu�he emoum neassary to mekc up the dcHciency.Borrower shall make up the dcfldenoy in no more than <br /> 5 ai; twolve monthly peymeNa,at Lender's wle discre�ion. <br /> Y`j" tlpon payment in PoII af all aums secured by ihis Security InswmenL Lender ahall promptty reN� [o Borrower any <br /> ,i� <br /> �� Punda hetd by Lender.If.under paregreph 2I.Lender shali ncquirc or sdl the Propeny,Lender,pdor to�he ncquisi�ion or sNe __ <br /> „t� of the Propeny,shell opply any Punds heid by Lender et the[ime of ecquisition or sale u e credit egdn+t the sums savred by ., <br />� � + Ihit Secudty Instrument. <br />�_=r�r� 3.AppllenUon of Paymenis.Unlas applfcabte low provida o�hernise.all paymenu reccived by Lender under paregrepha _ <br /> -;,'sY58 I end 2 ahall be epplied: first,io ony prepayment charges duc under ihe Nme: xcond, ro amounu payable under pawgreph 2; _ <br />--%c�'">,'.� thlyd,ro Intercst due,Pounh,ro principal due;and lust,to any lete chargex due under tho Note. - <br /> ...,..,. _. <br />":�;f�jy� 4.Churges;Liem. 13ormwer xAull pny ull �exes,acussments,churges. fincs ar�d impositiont attdbuteble to�he Propeny <br /> which may attein pdority over this Security lnsttumem, end leasehold paymcn�s ur grou�d rcnta, if eny. Borrower shell pay - <br /> + �i� these obilgeUons fn the mm�ncr provided in pamgraph 2,or if not paid in thut mmner,�ormwer shull pay them on�ime dircctly � <br /> -��� to�he person owed payment Bnrrower shall pmmptly Pornish�o Lendcr dl nntica o(nnwunts to be paid undcr�his paregraph. __ <br />��i''S�"� If Oorrower mekes thexe p�ymrnts directly.&+rmwer shall pmmptly fumish�o Lender receipis evidencing the paymeniF. <br />�:_:�;1!.� Borrower ahuil promptly diuhargc uny licn which has priurity orcr tl�is Saudry Insumnent unless Bormwer.(a)agrees in _- <br /> `"'.4 wrieing to the payment of the obligation secured by tl�e lien in a nv�mur uccepmM1le tn Lender. �b)rnntens in good(ni�h�he lien = <br /> ':Cry,. <br /> t;:'� by, or dcfends against enfnrament of the licn in. Icgal procc�dings which in the L.endcr's opinion aperatc m prcvcnt �he _ <br /> �'-''�^�:5 cnforcemcnt of�he licn;or(cI sccures fmm the hnldcr af the licn an agr�timrn� vti+faetary lo LcnJcr su6ordinating thc licn w = <br /> ;�i� Ihis Sccurity InstrumcnL If Lcndcr Je�em�ine.Ihal any part of Ihe Pn�Mrt� u.uhjic� m a licn which may a�Win priari�y over _ <br /> �.� this Security InstrumeN. I.enJer may give Dnrta�.cr�nn�iac iJemil�ing thr Gen. Borrnocr.hull.a�i.f���6e lien ar take one or =. <br /> morc of Ihe actions xt lunh aM1m�c withm IU day.oi�hc girmg n�mv�c. <br /> :1C_i Fam 3020 DI80 <br /> VN�)o•6 <br /> �'•1(„� • � -. <br /> �� . <br /> {`.!..i <br /> f..Lt �*l ' <br /> 51��/ <br /> � a��� t��r�'S�i•'"� '�'�-1's�+o-t �t�- -. :� –�'�`ir se��t"J��4"•+'�'�,�'"��z�"�'�: : � �� �I{}� v . <br /> . 1} - -- 1 �� �. i ��: t� ' . <br /> ���[�3�J�i�fi' � .t1.��,1 fJ �}�?3'f -1- �Sf i -��;tlti- �7 j � � .1 �aa.. h L� jy�.. <br /> ��G!4'Y1� ��tp � <br /> �7y-1 - rt -- ' �. — . 1 �— � . <br /> 1 � � �- '� 1 � - <br /> ' ! I t <br /> �Aj >J `Y <br /> S n Y _ i l '. � � t . _..` <br /> ` : <br /> �".qt.y v - - -� <br /> K�� S��} 2 r�1r 4'--- ;� S v i . _ i -:t <br /> ' <br /> f— � _ <br /> �L r i� o: '-.. ' _) " � a - "� . <br /> - S ' � � - rt- _ �- . ) ' i <br /> � _ ' � S 5-. ' Y c < . '}� <br /> `�y F-�( � � � L . � ( � ' I � s -�. , _ . <br /> ✓ f � - �� -�tt� � - f- � . <br /> �}�v � '- � ` �'� • sL ��tt +� �� 1. l t / :` �t `(+��• lt ' ' I ,� ;t t:.�' <br /> f\ � .�t ° � . E - J : ��.� . 1 � ' ° � : <br /> � vl 1 . -� - J _ i h .t'"c�_ � _�• S -, 1� ' t � �.} �- )� ''�� r- <br /> t--" �/ � "Py Y ' . , 1 1: E , f-. " � v �- ' <br /> 7?ti srz.e'� '1.). � � i �.�� ♦ ---t.. v �. - ; {`� }-- -� <br /> .mi .���, 4. ?..�u,ir 1 .n�a -. .�...n� . i ...�, k.. . . �- . _ .. •^ �� .' �c � . 2. �.} i� . �_ <br /> In"�.. <br />