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_.. . �\:: <br /> . , a_ _ . ... .. <br /> .. � . - <br /> i:__�:i_.� ---' . . . , . <br /> � . <br /> ' � ���.� �.O��i w� '� <br /> ' . 6. Oeruppiery, R'ceurve�tba, �11e1nteaAitso Hnd Pmtectlan o!tize f*�u�sriyi klorra�ver'H I.uan Appllcatluni <br /> r.cas*hol�Iq. Uarrmver ehall i�ccupy,estt�bUan, ni�d o�c Ihc PtupGrty as Uarnnvcr's princlpal residencc �vlthin alxty dnyF <br /> uficr thc eKecution af this Sccnriry lnstnnti�nt nnd�1►sll continuc�to as:cupy tha I�ro�ny�ir tJorro�vc�'y�rincipal restdcncc � <br /> f�rr��k9�1<x�c ye3r aRcr it�ctate nf acGUpancy,UI�Cy1 l.fitdeP ctthCfF:iae n8�ecs ia w�ftiva. �rh�cb cnnscnt dhall nnt b� � <br /> -- - '- unressor9bly�vitt�:^l�f,or����ley4 F�i4uuat{r�g rircumstaa�c�f+t�hkA 9is�+yncut B�rru�ver's cantrni,i�ar���;°er shsit nc�t - <br /> des►roy,dnma�e ar imrair the Peoperty,oi�nw tho Pcoprny t��deteriorntc,or conunit wn5to�in the:m�ierty.Q.j��rower aht►If <br /> b�in duPaalt IF any farfoiture action or prcx:cc+11n8,whcther civii ar criminai. ts t�pun thas in i.cns'�r's gc�fedt�j�!�p!m:n1 � <br /> __ _ � coutd result In forfeiturc ai thc Propcny or�thc�vlsc mntcriuily Impair t�e Uen created by thiy Sccuriry Instrumcnt ar Lende�'s � <br /> � sccuriiy ii�ii,►�;t. �orn:erer ms; cure�t�cl� U dafnult and relnstuto, ay pruvldcd in p�rogmph 18, by cnusing tha nctian o� � <br /> procccdias�ta bc dfsmlascd wi�h n rullnp thet. In l.�ndcr'a�wxl faith dct�nnination,prcclu3c�inrrciiurc ui tti� Q�.��t:�r'a <br /> interest in the F�u�ic��y �►� ath:.r matcrial itnr:�lnn�nt rf the Nr,n crented by this Securiry InStniment or l.e�der'� secu�ity � <br /> - - i�tcrest.Un�rawcr shnii nlsz�6�In dcfault if Burru�ta�,tiurl�g ths luan nePllcncion�rncess,�ave mntcrinUy fnisc or inacctt���tc , <br /> inforn�ntion or stutemcnts to l.cndcr(or(nitccl to �rovidc l.cndcr with any m�tcri�►1 infarmtuion)In connection�vith thc loan • <br /> � e�lc1enced by the Note. includin6,bnt no1 Umlte�to,represcolutivu��a�.crnlnB Qorsu�ver's oceo�+�ncy of the Pr�perty ns j <br /> n principal residencc.if this 5ccurity Instn�mGnt ia on a Icnschol8,Borrawcr shall cumply�vith all thc provlsions of thc Icnsc. • <br /> lf Borr��ver acquiies fee tiUe to the P�•��ny, the lcaschold and the fee titic sh�l) not mcrgc uniess Lendcr:►grces ta thc ; <br /> m�rAcr in�v�iHng. <br /> 7. Protcctlote of l.cnder's lilghts In tloc Property. li'Qarrowcr fnils ta p..�(orm the covennnts ond ugrcem�nls , <br /> cantnined In this Sc�urity instnm�ent,or therc is a ic�al procceding that m�y si�nificnntly nffcct l.endcr's rights!n the Prapeny <br /> (such fls n prc�ceeddng in bankn�picy,prahate, far condenu►ation ar Fatfeiturc�r to enforce laws or�egalations).thcn l,cnder . <br /> m,3y do m�d pay for wh�tcvcr Is neccssnry to pr�tect the val�.:ai thc Praperty nnd l.ender's rights in the Property. I.ende�'s <br /> c�ccians n�y Include paying uny sums secured by a lien whi�h�,3s prioriry over this Security lnsuumen�,appsAring in cou�t, . <br /> p3yir�g reusonable ntrorncys' fccs nad cntering an the P�oFeny ta make rcpai�s. Although l.cnder nu�y take uction under , <br /> this parngrnph 7, L.endcr dces not hnvo ta d�so. , <br /> Any amounts disbursed by l.endcr ur,dcr this paragraiph 7 shall b�;com:�dditional debt of Aorrawer securcd by this <br /> Security Instnime�t.Unlcss qorrowcr and l.endcr c+grce ta othcr terms oi paymcnt, thcsc amoum5�hall benr interest f'rmn , <br /> th�;date of disbursement At thc Nate rntc 1nd ahall bc payabte,with interest,upon noticc fram I.endcr to Aormwer rcquestinB <br /> � p�yrn.nt. <br /> 8. Mart�age Insurnnm. If l..ender rGquired murts�ge Insuranco as u condition of mahing the IoAn secured by�h�v , �, , <br /> S��+ariry lastrument, �+rrower shall pay the prcmiun� �cqulred ta maintain�hc mon�aBe Insurflnec in effcct.If. for flny <br /> r�ason,thc mortgnge insur�nco covar�e requircd by Lender lapses or ceascs to be in cffeat,8orrav�or shull pa�y thc pronuur�.5 <br /> rrquire�l ta obtaln covarn�c substnntinlly equlva�e:�t t�ih�:mQSiga�re insurnnco pt�viovyly ln effest, ut e cast aubstnntdall� ' <br /> � eqv�Y;J.�nt ta the cust t�BanrnrcR af thc mortgase in�ur�utr,c p.rsvteusly In cffcct,from nn n(t:rx�rxte mor�gnac:la�uacr appc�ved i ` <br /> by 1,enJer, If suh�+tnnt�nlly cquiv;�::r.t monga�c insurnncc co�'c►z,�e is not nvnilablc,Bormwer�all��y ta A.endercuch m.onrh <br /> - - • � a eum cquai�i���:tr�4iR�s ssf y�:)�Y�i==x�Y�o�=�L�--�e���,-r'.um bcing Qald by aorrowcr whcn t1�c In;�urnncc covc+re��r ! <br /> lapstd or c�used t��i:in effc�e. l.�nder �vill a�:capt, usc nnd retain thcse �+yments Ks u loss�eserva in lieu of mnragnIIa <br /> intiurnnco. I,oss rrsen•r p�ymcnh����►y n4 lanQer bc rcyulrcd,�t thc agtt�r ,�f irndcr, iP mortga�r,innur.flnsc covc+r►��r(ia <br /> � ir,w. p��r and G�s tt,:ncei�v,1 t}�at L�:ndct r►qu'irt s1 pxpvidcd by an in:+urcr uppr�+vvd by l�ndcr�gciin lx:caeno� avc�ilabto _ <br /> «__. •.,,. .. �.� <br /> . tind is�btuin�d. Qt}�rt�w•Cr sh11!p.�y the premlun,s rcquRrcvl tn nut�nu��n mangaFo im+uc��n:u �i�c�ic��, ar i:.�.;:�:,.�.«,:..�. <br /> raserve. undl thc requiseir.nnt for mertbage in+ur�ncc end5 in :accordanee with any writeen aigreemunt he�ween Horrowor <br /> and Lcndcr ur np�li�:nblo Inw. <br /> 9. lnvp:ctaor��. I..�nJ�:r o�i�s agcnt may n�aki:rca�sonablc cntrics upon and incpertinns c�i'Ihc Pmporty.l.cndcr shall <br /> giv�:8orrovrur noticr. ut thu tinzn of ur priar tu�n inepuction sperifying rcasanablc cau+c fu�thc inspc:ctian. <br /> 10. Gun�'amn3liujn. "Plu:prcueeds��f any nwurd ur duim for damages,di��ct�u consequential,in cannection with <br /> ' nny condumnntion or other takin�t vt'any purt i�f'tha Propotty,or k'c+r com�cyi+�cc in licu uf condemnadcm,aro hcrcby assibncd <br /> � and shnll bo paid to Lendcr. <br /> !n thu evpnt of a totnl u�king i�f�the Propurt��,the pr�ced�shall be applicd tu the sums cecured by this Sccurity Instrurn:n�, <br /> whcther or not�hun duc, with any excesr paid to Bc�rrawer. In thc evcnt ��f u partinl tuking of thc Pmperty in which thc <br /> fuir market vulue of thu Pmperty immediatcly buforc thc taking is cqual tu ar greatcr th:►n thc amaun� of the sums secured <br /> ~ • by this Sccuriry Instrument imn�e.i�atelp hcii�rc Ilir,unl;ss Borrmver and Lendcr rnhc�wiyc agrce in writin�,Ihc sums <br /> ' secur�d Gy this Security Insu�nm:m shall be nduced by the aniaunt oi the p���ceeds mulci�vlied b�� the follawlnb frt►etian: <br /> � (n)the tatAl amount of thc sum�securcd inutiudlately hcfbre�he tuking. dividcd by(b)the iair markct value af thc Property <br /> immediatcly t►efbre t'h;t�tcin�. Any bnluncc shall bc paid to Burrowcr.In thc evcot uf it paniul taking of thc Praperty ln <br /> which tho fui�marhet calu:of'thc PropeRy immcdiatcl)•beiorc thc tuking is Ics�than thc amount of tt�c sums securcd im� <br /> � ' mcdiatcly bcfarc the iakin�z,unl�.s�Horruwcr und l,cndrr��ther�vise ag�cc in K•ritin�or unl;ss uppllcaMe la��•��therwisc pro• <br /> � ' vides, Ihe pracecds shall bc a�,�1i��1 to thc sums ticcurcd b� thi�Securit��Instrumcnt whcther��r not thc su�ns are thcn due, <br /> IP thC Propei�ly is �ban;ic�ned by Aurrowcr,or ii, after nuticc b}•Lcndcr ta Horrrnti•.:r ti�ut the c��ndc�nnoJ offers a� <br /> � makc an a�vard c�r seitic n claim for damagcs, U��rruwcr fuils to rcrpuncl tc•l.cndcr within 30 days uQc�thc datc thc noticc <br /> is given,l.ender is�z�thari•r.ed t��callect and apply the pn�ceeds, �+t its opii��n,uither to restoruti�n a�rep:�ir of thc Ptopeny <br /> or to the sums sscured by this Security In.r•trument, whether or nrn�hen �ue. <br /> Uniest l.endcr und A��rrow•cr��thcra�isc agrcc in wcitin�;, am• app:z:ati��n uf'pmccedti tc�principal shall no;rxt�nd <br /> � �. or postpono thc duc datc ut'thc m<+nthly paymenl�� rcfcrrcd to tn�ar,igraph. 1 and 3 or chance thr umount of such pay��.�c�:�. <br /> 11. Barrawer Nut [3rle��rd; F'orbcari�nce Eiy Lcra�eT Vat u�1'ai�'er. Exumi:�n oi the timc for paymcnt or <br /> moditicution of amortizution uf�h:.umti �erurcd by this 5ccur�t� Inyinime���,rantcd hy Len�er a�any succeti+or in interest <br /> 1 af&�rrower shail nat aperutc io nieaac the ��ahiiity.�f'the oriFiha}8:rrr.�+e�:�r Norrrwtir'.�uccestios��u inteirst. l.ender <br /> shall not be required to commenc� pr��ccedincc against ar.�• vucre�sor in �m�rest c+r refus� tc�exter.� aim; for payment or <br /> atherwiso modify umanir.ution vf:h:swnr securcd hy this Sc�:.�ric� Instrument by rca�un of any dcmand made by the oeiginul <br /> Borrower ar pormwer'r succes�ors in inter��t.Any ti�rbean�c� hy l.cndvr in�xcrcitiing any right nr remedy shal� n��z be <br /> a waivor of or prccludc thc►�xcrrisc ��i'any right or remcd}. <br /> 12. Succes�c►rs and Awslgns flound;Joint and�e�•ers�l I.iubiUt��:Co-sl�;nerti. "I'hc cu�•enimo.and a�;sr�mcn�c at <br /> this Securiry Instrument sh,ill hind and henefit thc sucre�sors and a��i�n���f l.rnJer and f�ur�uwer, �uh,;ert tn th� prn�isions <br /> of paragraph 17. 8orrowcr',ri�vcnant�and agrcrmcntti�hall he���im and.<<'cral An� Burm��•cr��fi��r��-���ns thi�+Serurity <br /> lnstrument but docs not cxccutc thc Notc: l:�l is cu•signin�thi.Srrurity In.uununt unl} w m��n�a�u.�:ram and r�m�r} that <br /> Bortowcr's intcrest in thc Pro{xrty undcr thc �crm! ��f thia Sccurity lnti�rumrnr, lhl i+ nut per+��nallp uhligalcd Ic�pu�� thc <br /> sum�sccurcd by�hi.r Sccuriry In+trumcnt:and(cl agree�Ihat Lender anJ uny u�h�r Au�ruwcr may upr�•���i�xlend,nuxlify, <br /> forbcar or makc uny acromm��d;��i��n+wi�h r¢gard tu thr tcrms uf thiti Scrur�ty Mtitrumcnt or thc N��tc withuut!hat f3urruwcr's <br /> � consent. "' <br /> � usMC aae�R+..uei �o.� NE�AASKA Fo►m aeze e�90 (paRe 3 oJ 5 PAXef� <br /> il <br /> 1� <br /> �+ <br /> � <br /> � <br />