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<br /> • UNIPOlih1 CuVt3NAN1'S. [�ot��wcr�ntt �.c�cter cavenant and ogrca os G�llows: � ; , "
<br /> 1� P�y���t�t ot Prind[tr�l autl rnt�se9li�h'�ppymr.�nl�tntl I.t►ta C4o��ges. Uur�u�ver shalt pmn,,tl�p:�y�vh�n dec I
<br /> � _._: tha�rincipal of and into�cst on thc dcb�evidcn�cd by thG Notc nnd any prop�ymcm an d lute chn�ucy duc undrr thc N��tc. � ,.
<br /> - --- ••- a, g�,►,uta�tar T�cs uad lttsu�r�ttcr. Subject to nppilc�bte lu�v or tn u�vrittc��wsi�ef t+Y lc�c4er, &�rr�we���i '-- ----
<br /> ._.. ; `
<br /> _ .. i_...------------- -_—
<br /> • pny tu l.endar on tho dny numlhly pnyntents ara due tmder �h�Note, undl t�� Not� is p�i�i in full, a aum i"�un�y")�ur.
<br /> (a)yeariy tnxcs and�sacy:�mr•nty�vhich n�y attain prinrity a���s thts S�udty In��r�!n�ent ns o Uen on thc Propeny;lb?ycculy �
<br /> � � • lcasehald pt+yntcnts ur�rouncl rcota an tha Arop�ny, if nny;(c)yca�iy hnzord or property Inyu�i►ncc ptemlumy;(d)ycurly �
<br /> ' ►c�od ln9i�rnnca p�mniti�u>>. �f asty;(c)yrarly mr.rt�ep^}r+Y��!'nn��A�rc�iuiums.li nny: ond(�uny sume payn�lt hy�larrawcr � - — __ .
<br /> ,1 � to l.cndcr,in�crnrdance with thc pr�4tgicma of p�rnEr.�ph 8,in Ucu of the payment of mangagc insurance preniiums. �hesc ; ,
<br />' `�' items a�o c�ll�xt"Escrow U�ui�."I.aiidr+inay,at any timc,collt:t sr.d hold Funcla in nn nmount not to cxcccd tho maximttm , �
<br /> ' � amount n Iendcr f�e n fedcrnlly rolatal moet6ago Ic�an may r�yufre fo�•llorro�w�'s eserot��accaunt unde� tho fe.dcral�teul �
<br /> q. ( 'RESPA")
<br /> Estnto SetUcmt:nt Pr�nedurns Act of 1974 ns nmen�led from time ro dmo, 12 U.S.C. �2601 er s� ' , U�lI0F9
<br /> unutl�c� lz�w tt��,t ap�llcs to thc i`unds s.,is a less�r amnunt. If so, L�nd!'f It?a�', ill nny dme. callcc�nnd hold Funds In nn ,
<br /> omaunt nat ca axcced tl►o le9scr umaunt. L.ender mny cstimt+to the �mau�����t�wida due an the b�.91s of ct►rcent dnt�nnd �
<br /> � rcnsanehlo r•stimatas�f cxpr.nditures of tlnttra Escro�v Itvms ur otherwiso in:zccnrdnnr,c wlth applicablo la�v. ,
<br /> 'Ph�Funda sh�ll b;.held in�n iastitudan whasc dcpc�slts nre. insured by a f�derni ngcncy, insuumcntnlity,ar entity
<br /> (includiap Lnndcr, if I.ondcr is such nn 1nsUtutian) ar in i�ny Fcdcrol Nomc Loan Bnnk. 4endcr sh�ll npply thc Funds ta
<br /> ' � pay tha�scr�w Itams. l.onder mny nat char�;o Darr�wer for halding nnd npplying the Funds,nnnually nnalyzing the escrow
<br />• account,��r verlfying the�scrmv Item9,unless Lender pays Borrmver interest on the Funds And up�+licnble 1a�v permlts l.ander
<br /> ���'�� 1�� ta muke such n charac. Howevcr, I.cnder may re9ui�o Barro�var to pny a oxic•time chnrgo for an indcpendcnt real estate �
<br /> � tnx�eporting sorvice used by l.end;.r in connectian with this loan,unless upplia►ble Inw pravides otherwiso. Unless cui ugrcemcnt i ,
<br /> is m�de or npplicabla Inw eequiras ioterost ta t►e pnid,l..rnder,r•�nll nat be requi�cd tn p3y l�oerower nny Interest or ezm�RSS •
<br /> � on tha Funds. �lor�owcr nnd I.endvr may ngrce in�v�itins. P�>>"�rver,thAt interest shaU��Rid an the Funds. l.cn.tcr s^:itl ,
<br /> ' for whiBh euch deblt ta ahe Funds�vAS made The�r.nd8�`�i ��a oy aa���n!�����y�for t�l sums secunted by t Is S:tirnity �
<br /> Instrumem. ' ;
<br /> � �f the Funcls he]d by[.enacr exceed�he amounu permitted ta be held b��appli::ihte 1a».�nder siva!acrount h�F�u�Y����:r .
<br /> • � for tA:cxcess Funds in nccardt�nce wtth tha rec�uiruments af t►pplicable la��•. Dff the ;�n��*t�ne i�f the Funds held by l.c�tir r�t
<br /> � t►ny Nrnc is not sufiicicnt to pay�he&scraw ltcros whcn due, Lcndor mF►y ao a:nif,r Borr��r•er in writing,nnd, in such caso
<br /> Bnrm�vor sholl p�y to l.ondcr the amount necessnry to make up the defieionr�•.B:.�rrowor ahaU mnke up the deficlency ln ��'�
<br /> na more thnn tw��lve monthly pAyments,at l.ender'R solc+ dlscretion. � ,
<br /> � Upon payment in fl�ll ot'�11 sums secured by this Seci�rity Instrum�nt. !�:nder s1�a11 prumptly rotland tu Borra�vc� , �
<br /> � �� , nny F1mds held by I.andcr.If,ande�parugraph 21,l,cncicr shal�t�ct�uiro or s:U t��Fe���w.rt�,IlPndcr,prlur to thc ucquisili�n : . �
<br />___ , _ _._ . �T,`nle of�he Propeny.shtill a[�nl� anY Funds held by l,endcr nt ah�:timc of n�qui�ision�r sale as a cred{t ugninst t�i�sums _ ___
<br /> sccured by this Scrurity Instrument.
<br /> 3. Applia9tian of Puya�iet�ta. Untess mipplicuble law provides achern�ise, all�uyments r�xr�•�a��� l.endc�undcr i �.�
<br /> parngraphs 1 t�nd 2 shflll be appNcd:fiast,to t�o�•prepayment charge9 duo unieT the Nate;secand,to�snaunts pnyubla under . ;s;
<br /> � purngrnph 2� lJ11iQ� io it�iriubi uiic; ,i i:;�,i� iv Y:ii:.:y+S t�«:: S'S�!3»!. !^�.ny latr �haraes due under ihe Nota. _,� .�.;,.
<br /> 4. Charqes;fl.9ens. Hurrawer shAll pay all tt►xes,a9sossmcnty, CIIAT$29. fines a�d imposftlans atvibutable to the `• ;
<br /> Araporty which mny attain prioriiy ovcr this Sccurity Instrumcnt,und leasohold paymcnts or ground rents, if any.Barrawor •
<br /> shull pay thcso ablig�tians in thc tnu�m�r pravidcd in pamgrnph 2, ar it noc�nid in thnt man�cr, Aarrawer shall pAy thcm
<br /> on timo directiy to th:person owcd paymcnt, �ar�owor ahall pramptly furaish to l,ender ull notices af nmounts to t►c ps►id
<br /> • under thla parAgmph.If Sonowor muke.q these payment.v dircctly,aarso�ver shall pramptly fumish to l.ender receipts eviclencing
<br /> the puymonts.
<br /> Barrawor shnll promptly dischargc uny licn which has priorlty avcr this Security lnstn�mcnt unless Eiarrawa�: (a� ,
<br /> ag�ees in writing to the pnymont of the abligotion secured by the lien in u manncr acceptable ta l.encler;(b)contests in eood
<br /> falth tho lien by, or defends agulnst enforcement ui the lien In,le�ul proccedinss which In thc l.ender'R apinion aperatt tu
<br /> ptevont tho enforcrmQ»t af the lien;or(c) secures from the holder of the ficn an agreemenl sadsfaccory ta l.ender subor-
<br /> dltutUng the llen t+�tl�is Securit}�1nFtn�mont. If l.ender determines lhut Anp pan of the Property i9 subJcct ta a lien�vhich ,
<br /> ' may attnin priarily over this Cecu�ity Ir,�trument, l.ender may give Aorrower a noilce i�tantlfying the lien. flar�a�vee sh�ll
<br /> I satisf� tho lien or ta.ke one or more of the actlons set forth ebove within 10 days oi the glving uf noticc.
<br /> •� S. H�a��or P�'ogess�I�r�surance. Borrawcr shaU keop the ix�,�rovements now cxieting on c�seafter crcctcd an
<br /> '• ' .� the Praporty in9►�rad aSainst locg by firo, hazurds included within the tcsm "extended coverage" and any ather hazards,
<br /> ,,!,,. I lncluding floods or flaading, for whlch l.ender rcyuires insuratitc. Tt�is insurancc shull t�c mAimained in thc nmounts and
<br /> far th:periods that l.ender requirea,The insurnnce carrier praLidi��;4�e insurance sh�ll be chosen by aorrawor Fubject t�
<br /> :..�_,.,.;^'" I I,�n4�r'a approvnl which shnll not be unreasannbly wlthhcld.lf�rrri»ti�es fails to maintam•,ove�nge described abovo,l.endc�
<br /> may,at l.endor's optlon, abtuin covorage to protect l.ende�s ri�';ts an the Prapeny in accordanco wi4h paragrpph�.
<br /> All insuranee palicies and renownls shall be acceptable to l.end:r and shall include a standard mon5�go elnuso.Lender
<br /> � ahull havo the right to hold thc policies and renewuls.If I.endcr tequires,Horro��•or shall pramptly�;ive tn l.endcr aU rcce:�ts
<br /> � af patd premiums and rencwnl natices. In the cvent of loss, aorro�ver sl�:�tl�e�•e prornp�noticc ta the insurance carricr�nd
<br /> . � l.ender. i.ender n.ay make proof af lass if not m:sde pramptly by �3o:r�ues.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrvwer��therwisc agree in writing. insurancc pr.�.:cc:�s sh<i!t be applicd to restoration or repair
<br /> ' � of the Prapeny damaged, if the restaration or repair is ecanomically f'ea�ib'; on.� l.c�nc�er'x sccurity is not lessened. If the
<br /> i restocatioa or reT=,.�*:s not econom�cally f�n�ible or Lender's security woet�be lessened, the insuranee praceedti sh�ll be
<br /> applied to thc sums,ccurcd by this Security In.r•trument,whethcr or not tl�en dac,with any exccss paid to Borrower.If IIarrawcr
<br /> abandons the Property, or Aor:s nat answer within 30 day5 u notice fram Lender that the insurance ca��ier hus offered to
<br /> I settle a clAim,then l.ender may collect the insurance proceeds. l.ender may use th�procecds tn repair ar testase the Pmperty
<br /> or to pAy sums secured by this Security Insirument,whelheE ur not[hcn due. The 30-day peri�xl will begin when Ihe notice
<br /> � ls glven.
<br /> ' Unless l.ender and Horrnwer otherwise ugree in writing, any applica�ion of proceeds to principul shaU not extend
<br /> or postpone thc due datc of the momhly payments rcfcrted ta in paragraphs 1 anJ 2 or chan�c the amo�mt of the payments.
<br /> lf under parnGraph 21 the Propeny is acquired by l.ender. H��rrower's right to any insurance policies�nd prex:eeds resultm�;
<br /> ftom damage to the Propeny prior t�the acquisition shall past ta Lender to the extem uf ihe tiums secured hy ihiti Securiiy
<br /> lnstrument immcdiatcly priar to thc acquisition.
<br /> i
<br /> Form J028 9�90 /paxr=„/<pugrs�
<br /> i • � ' � .
<br /> � _ _- -
<br />