_ ,, ..
<br /> �, .. __ "__ .F
<br /> .. , ., ' ' 1 . . -� .
<br /> �1� �0��� � . '.
<br /> 13. I.(18p�IIACRC9, Ii thr laan sccurcd hy thiy Gr.rurity Insuunrciu iv subJcr� �u u lii��• whirh ncty mnxlntui�i laan '
<br /> char�cy,and���t In���Is flnally intcop�cted s�tha�thc intcrest ur�i�hcr luan rhnrZtcy c„Ilr�tcd ur i�,hc c+�llcctcd in ce,nnrr�fun
<br /> uitt�th:lazn e�cccd the permlttrd Ilmiu,thcn:1��1 uny tiu�h I�,�n chiirgo rhull hc rcduec►1 by'Ihc untu��nt ncCeytiary In tCd��tti �
<br /> ---- � tho rhar�a la ti�.{�:imltu:d Ilmil;uad(b1 t�ay suaty alrcudy c�dlertre� fr��m 1lnrru��•cr whlch excc�drd pcnnittcd IimU�wU) „ ..
<br /> - --�•-- � tM rell�t!�!e�d t�ll+�nnwec. lcnde+nu►y rhnu�+tu makc tDi�refwul by�cSurin�thc principal o�ccd under th.^hirr ur hy n�skin�, ; ;
<br /> a dlrcct payntent In liurr�nvcr. il'n�clliad,cducev principal, thc rr.Juctiun�vfli I+r n�:uui�i`�,���rn�a pro�►�yt»���t ���i�haut
<br /> � any prcp�ymc�t rhar�e ti��de� ihe iv��i�. '
<br /> 14, Noltcc�. Any noiicc tc�Qi�rrc�wcr pravide�l fi���n this Sc�urity lnstruiucnt shnll hr�;ivcn h>�dclivcring it ur ;
<br /> by m�lUng it h�� Grht clovw moil untesa+ippifc��bic luw r���ulrc.r usc uf i�authcr mcthcxi. '1'hc nuUre shnll hc dirertrd tu�hr !
<br /> ,� �� rrapcny�iii�iic„�u i�t�y�uilici ��ddc�s; kl�tto�:cr c!:°lpaaiss b; nt,t!,_n t,���n�ic� Aoy �ieNcr tu l.cudcr shull he tii�•cn hy �
<br /> flrat class mall to l.cndcr'R addn�s stutr�d heroin ur nny uther ciddress l.endcr dcs�gn:itrti by n��ticr to Hnrrciwer.Any nutic�c
<br /> � provtdc4l t���in dnx�crunry insirumrtu afi�+ll lk dc���ic.i iu�IdLC i.�Ci:$I�'Z:1 tn tZ:�rton�:r��r Len:�cr wh�n�1i�cn a�providcd i
<br /> � in this p�rngmph. �
<br /> � 19. Guvee�nln�,;I.���r;.�Sexerdbli{iy. T�►is S.carlty lnstcument shall b;garerned hy frdeuel Inw nnd �I�e low��f'Ihc�
<br /> � junsdictlt�u iu which the}'mp.ny is(ocuced. In�he even�ilu+i u�iy s,r��iislai c5r rtaurc of this Secnriey lnstru+n^Fti����-�he N�»�
<br /> canllicts�vith nppUt��btc Inw, such conQict shmll nat aftcct othcr pr�vf�lons oi this Sccurity Instrumcnt ur thc Natc which
<br /> � can bC given effcct whho�u the canflictinF pmviafan. 'Co this end the pravislons �P this Sccurity InsiR�ment and the N��te
<br /> � flPp I�CC�3fCJ (O bG SOVCfAh�C•
<br /> � 16. Durrwr•ee's Copy. 13orrowc�sh•rll bc�iven anc cc�nfurmcd cupy of ihc N��tc and of lhis Security lustru�tinnt.
<br /> 17. 7'tu�ut'rs oP the Pru�trty or u licncilclal Anterest In Uurro�r�ee. If ull ur any part i�t'thc F'rupcny �,r uny.
<br /> iot;rest in it is s��ld ot trnnstcrrcd(or if n bcncflcial intcrest in purro+ver iti sc,ld ar trnnsfurrcd and Aarmwc�is oc�t u natural •
<br /> person)withrn�t L.cnder's priar wrlttcn c�nsem, l.ender muy, ut its uptiun. �•equire immcdintc paymcm in fuU of all �unr..
<br /> � sccti�red by this Security Instrument.Ha�v�vc:�,this option shall not be cxercised by Lendc�if exercisc is prahibited by federul
<br /> i �a»�• as M the date of this Secu�ity instrum:nt.
<br /> � If Lcnder exercises this option, Leaci::s�i�!1 Fiti�e�i�oau�ve�nu�ice of accrtcntivn.The naticc shall pravide a prriuci
<br /> of nrt les9�han 30 days from the date th;nmicr i��ie�i�•r:�.3 ur mailcd within whfch�;craw•er must puy nll sums,�cured
<br /> � by this Secu�ity ln�trument. If Qorro�ccr,f�i1s to p:�y these sums prior ti�thc cxpir,:cr.�i rf'ihis perinci, l.cndcr may invakc
<br /> � any remcd�es }�exmitted 6y this Security Rnstrumcnl with�aU tluthcr n�b,���or dcman�9 on Bi�rruwer.
<br /> '• 18, €iiora�owcr's RigM to Rc�nsl��¢�. It'6arrowcr mcets ccnz�in:onditinns, 23orrow•cr shaU hirvc thc righl to h,rvc
<br /> I enfarcemcnt of this Sccurit�• ln.r•�n�mcnt discontinued cat iiny time prior :o thc ec,rli�r r�f: (ul 5 duys(ur such othcr period
<br /> ' I as a�plicnblc l�ia may s�+;ci��for roinstatem:nt)befor�•sale of the Praperty pursuant tr any powcr of sale cantuiacd ln this ,
<br /> Socuri�y Instrument; or (r1 onm� uf n ju;lgmcnt onfo�cing �his Security Instrume�t. Those conditionti ure thu! Bntt��we�:
<br /> � (al p�ys Len;lxr all tiums�vhi;h then «•oidci l*e due under tMs Sccurity Instrumem und the Notc us iP no uccclerntion had �
<br /> � cuc�rred;(b1 curos�ny default of any ather ro�•enant.nr ng�eements;(c)pays c�U expenses incurred in enfurcing this Security
<br />.._,' . _ _ .� qnc�rµment, includine, but not limited to. reasonable t��i��meYs' fees; und(d)tnkes such uction us Lender niuy rcusonabiy _
<br /> I regi�iTa to ussuro that the lien of this Security lnrt�umen:. l.ender's rights in the Property and Aurrawer's c�btigat��n tu pay
<br /> the sums secured by this Security In�trument shall concintii;unchanged. Upan reinrlu�ement hy Si�rrnwer, this Secarety h�-
<br /> I strument and the obligatione secured hereby shidl �emain fully effective us if nc� uceelerntion had occurrcd. Ho«•:*:r, chis
<br /> �lstlt 1Q f01(IYt11tC s�p�l nai uppiy IIl 1�1C�A`�C vi ti��u�ciaTi��i�iii�wci j=iiia�::iY�: :�• — --
<br /> 19. Snle of Note;Change of l.aa�Srrvicer. 7'hc Notc or a panial intcro�t in thc Nutc(tugeth�r with th�s Sec�►rit.
<br /> In.r•trumenU mny hc sold onc or more Umes without pri��r noticc to Horrowcr. �A tialc muy result in u changc in thc cntity
<br /> (known as thc "l.oun Scrviccr") �hat collcctr, manthly puyi7�ents due undcr thc Nutc and this Sccurlty Instrumcnt. Thcrc
<br /> alsa may bc onc or murc chanbes af thc l.unn Scrviccr unrclatcd tu a snlc uf'thr �vt�. If'thcro is u chnn�c��f'thc l.uan
<br /> Scrvicc�, 8arrawcr will be given wrltten natico af thc chungc in uccord�nrc with paragrnph IA uhovc and upplicable Inw.
<br /> The natice will state the name and address of the new Loan Servicar and the:�ddress t�which payments should he made.
<br /> Tl�e nolice will nl�o conu►in�►ny other informntion �equired by applicAble law.
<br /> 20. Huzardaus Sub.vtnntoy. Barra�vcr shall nui causo��r permit thc prc�en;�:, uso.disposul, storngc, or rclra+c
<br /> ( ot ar►y Hazardaus Substuncas on or in thc P�apcny. Bc�rroa.;.r shull not du, nor.�Ilo.� .anyonc clsc to do,unytMng aff4�tin�r
<br /> th; Praperty ihat is in vialadon of any �nvimnmental L��ti-. Thc preceding twu .enten:tis shull n��t apply to thc pmsonc�,
<br /> , . use,or staragc on the Prap�ily of ymaU yuantiUcs of Haznrdous Substanccc�hai are ccnerally rccugnized to be apprapriate
<br /> ta narmul rccidentiul uses tmd to maintenaace of the Property. .
<br /> Borrower shall pmmp►ly givo L.endcr written notice af nny in�esiigation, claim, demand, lawsuit or athcr action by
<br /> .+ any gavernmenlul or regulator�� agency or privato party invalving thc Prop�rc> and nny Hnznrd�uv .Subat+�ncc �r
<br /> � ar�viranmental LNw of which �arrawor has�ctuni knowlcdga. lf Harrowcr lcarn�, o� is notificd by uny govcrnmcntal or
<br /> � rvgulatary nutharity,that any removul ar athcr remcdiation of any Huiurdous Sub:�e,m��;aifcciing thc F'r��perty iti ncr.essary.
<br /> ' ; Barra�ver shall prompUy take ull necessury remedfal actians in uccordAnee �vith Fm�in,nmenial Law.
<br /> As used in thls parag�aph 20,"Harurdoux Substunccs"urc thusc suhxtanceti dctincd as tc*+�ic c�r ha�urdaus substancea
<br /> � by Environmentc+l Law und the following gubst�nces: gasolina,kerotiene,c�ther flatnmable ur t��xic�neuoleum proclucts, taric
<br /> ' �oesticldes and herbicides, volatile solvonts, m�itcriuls containing i�sbestoy or fi�rmaldeh}�d�, and radioactivc matcriul3. A�
<br /> � t+ood in this pt+r�graph 20,"�nvimnmcntal Law"means f�deral I�ws and laws of thc ji+;a:.��;tion a herC the i'tapect�is t��.atcd
<br /> that rclatc ta hcalth, safcty a�environmcntnl protrctian.
<br /> NON•UNIFORM CUVENANTS. ���-rowcr ;�nd l.cndcr furth�r r��tienant iu��a�F�ca a�ti fullo«s:
<br /> Z!. Acceleratiaia:lCornrtl3es.i.ender shull gi��e natice to Dorrow�rr prior co accclerallon follmving Aa�rawer'x
<br /> Iurench of any cavonaot ar ae*scrn�ns ii�thls Sccurlty I��strumeat (hut nut prior!:a acrcicrntion undcr para�;ra�h i f
<br /> unless applicnble tow prov��Irs o:herw�s�).The notice xhull specli'y:(a)the defuult; Ibl the iution required to cure the
<br /> ' defaulta (c)n date, not Ics.9 thun 30 d�3�s Prom the dute the noticc is glven to Harrower, b� «•hich the dcfault must
<br /> be sured;and(d)that fnlluro to cure the dePnult o�or before the dcitc specifled in the notic�mAy result in ncceleratlon
<br /> � oY the sum9 secared by this Security lnstruinent and st�le oP the Property.The notice shall Purther inPorm Uurrawer
<br /> of thP right to relnstate ofter acceleratlon nnd the right lo bring n court uctli►n to as�ert the nan•existence oP v defnult
<br /> or nny other dePense oP Harruwer to acceleratlon nnd u+lc. IP the dei'uult is not cured nn or bePn�e►he dute specl�led
<br /> � in the notice�I.ende�nt Its o�,tion may rcqutre Immedk►te pnymrnt in i'u0 0l�d:sums s��ured b,r•tlds ticrurit�•lnstrument
<br /> , wtthow iLrther dcmond nnd may Invake the{w�rer�f snlc u�d any mhcr rcmccticti{xrmiued b�'appllcublc lu�+.lAndcr
<br /> sholl bF eniltltd lo calleci all expenses incurred ln pursuing the remedies p�•ovided in Ihis pari��rnph 21, includin}�,
<br /> but not limited to� reasonable nttorneys' (ees and costs of title evldence.
<br /> � Form9078 9i90 Ip��q�•I��I s N+x�•��
<br /> , � �
<br /> �
<br /> ,
<br />