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1 _ - _ _ J_ _ . ql � ti4_� - 1ri i . nF rtT � � -YS� S'f � � � -� Fft ! � +.�Z3- . _. <br /> � <br /> 1° +-� ,�.� ' �-..,. .i ; t . .-` r� kt _t,;e _ 5 _ .- �: '`;�,4 � _�'f'._ � %a ��� � r r <br /> � a : ` ,.r , ,. _ , . i, , _ <br /> - _ �' . ��Mi - 1 � nYl � <br /> �14efnh�f�polMhert�khabtiny'bl(3oft}W1�ropetlyralar '�461ry4��tnCblrtll4;lOtcofIQS�4!t���a¢8 f ,, S`� <br /> - 4 ��R�a.t - - ' <br /> � /liiF1Rj���j�l�}VLA3ci[...�L ' ' . -. .. <br /> � }t'.},Pqv C�I Qt�{0}A�{ fl�tfp�(�CI{yi�r ��� �f��Q�Ib U�Ii��1����'�OC1t}�I� r�: r� _-.. <br /> � �_lnitamea6svnsllt�o�_�1hcn�lsA�_!nY4x4Ce�f to8orr,_gprr. �J�eo�onlLf��uu�t Y,{ro�at�l ,� <br /> kS .hO�S�IItnMtR�SY01Ye'G7UMq�e M1yiminc4��ie�yaocvrvuwauu`y�s�u.�ivur wKruwiuwA�.c wi yp ww ,. -:� z , <br /> eu�0�!tAls 8aey ty fhs�tNrtstnt 7 latety 6efote 1�p1�1np,unleaa BortoWer�Lender othe�ritp�rtd y�u�� , , � <br /> �1q WB�s�cv ttd 6 �ii, udt `Inq ', nt�tMl{60 roduCOp by iM�n1�tlnt o�t�e�mu111yIkd¢ �ataw <br /> ftacttoni�o�_�ho�aairanountolt�o�tu,�asee�tedl�hivatlate1y tieto �heiaking.41WGe0by�lhofiUth�s�+ ���.pa t� ' , <br /> Ytop�y Irtm'ediuoly.befo{et1�a tileing.-i�ny Evlui�9 ihult T o�t�so H""wer, iR tixi ova�f ata p�i�l W�ng �.... _ <br /> Rop�ny In wbkh ihq fdr m+�Ce(,'v�tue o►�hP Prol�efty Imm�Alotily 6dfnr0�WdnB b(cu A�n Ila em9unl of�e Wmr . �, <br /> 6eeutFd Immedluely�etoro Ub t�Tctng,uNef.+Bprto�ipl�n�YA LeAde aRerniaa agrte in wfl�ing ot�nie���8cabk(�[W:: .. ,•::; <br /> othervtluprovldes;thep�ooeedeeheDDeapplledto�hesumqtecueatdy.R�leBcc4fl�ylnstNmen,WheUxtor tpsffmtare • , __ <br /> Q�endue.. . . , „ . <br /> Atlro baWndonedDyl3ottower,ol{t'ofterndtfq'p�L�tl�conAemnoro(f'sretahlwYa ,` <br /> enawardoi .aactaGetordan(ng:a;�ortowerfai��torce6ondto.LsqderwfA�In90deyitlCettfied+�eQwnqttep�falv4n� ` . <br /> I.ender ii eutAorized to coUect�nd epp y�he v�oceed�,et ia opdon,eithor N�earoaNOn m edpah•ot 11w Prqpeity.orZb ti�a , : <br /> wiri+�u dldby�hlaSaudtylnstmm�nGxTeO�erornotthendue. . �. : ;.. : :, <br /> Unks�l.ender end Bortowu otMrw)te agmo in wflHng.any aDplic�[lon ot praceed�to�ptlncipnl�pll rot q�etend�w , ' ., . <br /> postpone�ho due dato ot�he montMy paymeme�cPorred ro in p6�1 md 2 or cLange ehepmoµqtotsuch pfymenw .;, .• '` ' � <br /> 16 Borroeer�Not Rdeasel= For6earance B) Lende�ot w Wdven Bxtenetoo oG tho Omo tor paymenE:pr : ' .: ° <br /> moditiwHcn o,t nmoni�loa of�lw sum�«cured by�Ala 3ewdry Jnawmmt gmnted Ey Lendcr to any iucaisor ih iqtsrest " <br /> ot Borcoaw shaU nut operero to ealeau the Uabllity oi tho orlginal Bortovier or Bortowerb�ucaswn in intdrc3t.l.end0r - , •iy;;!;�: <br /> EhxU not Ou�eq�red to oommenco procrcdtogseqd�ut eny wcauor In Intuat or refuse ro extend tlme for y�ytOCntpi :. ;'_:_,;;- <br /> oth6nvise modiry emortiuNon otllw ium�eanu�V b y tAL+3ecu�itY Insdummt by reawn of any demend made by tho petclNl• ' <br /> Boaower or Bortowerl�ue�wwn in tntnest. Aqy forbearrnce by Lender in•exerciiing ony�Ight or temWy tsafl eotbb a <br /> aairerMOrprecludetheoxe�cluotonydgMmKmedy ' -' � <br /> ix Successore and Assigro BounG;Jo1ns and$esenll.i�blliqi�si�en. Tha covcnanp�ndegrcements otth�i . <br /> Security Instrumem shdl bind end bencfit the suocesson and sssig�u ot I.ende�and Borrower,�ubJea to Ne provldon5 ot <br /> paregraph 17. BortowuY covenenu end agneemmc+�hall h jolnt and sevewl.Any Bortowcr who oo-algne Nb Sewrlty ' <br /> Inspvment but doei not execute�M1e Note: (a)b co-aignine�hi�Secudry Tnartumene only to mottg¢ga grant and convey that - <br /> Uorrowub intercst in�he Propcny under the tertro of thi��acudry Inatmmenr, @)ia not peimnaily obligeted to pay the tume <br /> sxu[ed by�hla 3eeur(ty Insaummr,and(c)egrus that Lender md eny o�Au Bortowu may agree�o oxtenQ modlfy,fot6cat <br /> or make eny eccommod�qona with rcgerd ro U�e tmm� of�hie Secudty Instnimem or�he Nnte wlthout�hnt Do[mwerb <br /> mnsen�. <br /> IJ. Loan Chargea If the loan ucurcd by�hls 3ecuriry Instrument U wbject to a taw which seu muimum toan <br /> -har�,aA that laa 1�final:y im,-�pr-ted so:.ha:thx iMaM�m cther:cut clurga wllxtW or w�ce!lxt�G!cennecHon --- <br /> wi�h the loan exoeed�Aa pertnittW limi�s,tAen: (e)uny nuch Ioan charge shall be rcduced by the amount ncauary�o reduca <br /> tta charge to the pnmined IlmO:nnA @)eny sums alreedy¢ollcettd from Bortower whieh exaeded pertnftted Itmiu will 6e <br /> rcNnded to Borrower. Lender mqy chooso to mnke this refund by reductng�he principal owed under�he Note or by making a <br /> direct paymcnt to Boirouar. If n rcNnd aduces prineipal.�he(cductlon will be treated m a panisl prcpaymmt witlwut eny - <br /> prcpayment charae under�ha Nme. <br /> 10. Notica. Any noNce�o Bortower provided for in�hf�Sxudry Inatmmcnt shell be given by delivping It or by <br /> mailing h by Fl�xt class m�il untw appliceble lew rcquires use of mother me�had.7Le no�la shall 6e dUteted to Ne Propeny <br /> Addrcsa or eny other eddresa Bortower designe�ea by notlec to Lcnder. Any nottco ro Lender�hall be given by flnt cleu <br /> mell�o Lendcrh eddres+�tated hcrcin or any othcr addreas Lender deaignntea by notice to Bo�wer. My nodce provided tor <br /> in th(s Secudty Instrument shell be damed Io Mve becn gWen to Dortoner or Lendcr whcn gtven a+ provldW in thla _ <br /> paregreph. = <br /> 1S. Gaverning La�r; Sererabllity. 7Lis Security Inswment :hull be govemed by kderal Inw and �he Inw of�he - <br /> juriadic�ion in which the Propeny is laeted. In the evrnt thai uny provision ar clauu ot this Secudry Instrument or Ne Note `�� <br /> conilic�s with upplicable Inw,such conflict shall not aBa�other provtsiona of�hi:SauAty Insuument ar�he Note which cen :i <br /> be given eRect witl�ou��he mnllicting provision. 7b�his end the provisions of�his Securiry Inawmrnt and the Note xtt F^- <br /> dcelared to be xvcrnble. h.�-� <br /> 16. Uorro�rer'e Copy. Bortower shnll 6e given one confomied capy ot�he Nott end of thts Sauri�y Inswmem. _- <br /> 17. 7tunshr of lhe Properly or a Beneiirial tnterest In Uorrolrer. If all or any pan of the Propeny or eny intereat in _ <br /> it ia sold or tmnskrred(ar if a bene�ciel imeres�in Borrower is sold or ironskrred and Borrower is not n namnl pcaon) <br /> without Lenderh prior�rriuen conxnt,Lender its opiion,reyuire immediate paymem in tull ot sll sums secured by i;=: <br /> �hfa Securi�y Insimmem. Howevcr,�Lii op�ion shall not be cxereised by Lender it exercise is pmhibited by federal law ns of - � <br /> thc datc otihix Securrty lasirumcnt. - <br /> If Lender ezereiscs ihis op�ion.Isndcr shall Five 6ortouxr notia of xmlere�ion. 77x no�ice ahell provide a pedod of = <br /> no[lest�han 30 deyx fmm�he date the no�ice is delivercd or mailed wi�hin which Bnrtower must pay all sumf securcd 6y thb <br /> ' Security lnstrumem. If Bormwer fails to pay �hese sums priar to �he expira�ion of�his periad. Lender mny invoke my _ <br /> remcdics pctmined by this Sccumy Insirumcm wi�hout further no�icc or demand on Bnnnwcr. _ <br /> 1R. Rnrrnwer'n Rfghl [o Rdnsinte. If 6orrawrr mteix ccrtain condition<. Dorroxrr shflll have the righl m heve _ <br /> � enforcemenl of Ihis Sewrity Imuumenl dianminued al any lime prior Io Ihe cadier nL (015 days(or such oihCr period a� _ <br /> SmpkFunflr..PennkM�eFreddkAf�el\IlUPAIIBb'fNPNEM-l�m6xmCore�unn 9/90 �ry/NnfA(aR�+) - <br /> - r.4��L1'}4CT�F �� Y �FY.n.'�'fF,�v� V� �1��, - .� t �/y T�{('�111E� ti Yc �`iV�.A lY�a/���m�-.r� �» <br /> r ,',4 SP{,ir �S 5 �i r r i � i�i!i e)t �(j r � _!tit>r �t <br /> ' lc :' � � ' � ' ' �_ > .5•' r ��tf,' _ ���p� <br /> � �. <br /> � <br /> .. .- , . � ..1 . ,. <br /> �,�.-.t— -�_v. �.�..:;, . . -�_ - - -,-� 3 _� .,�, . , _, -.;.:L.� <br /> T - - - 1 � �.- � �. r " <br /> ( / -��� ° � ;. ; '. . ...�� - - �:� �: � <br /> 5 <br /> f .. 'l�Lr 1 l ` <br /> � � _1 -Y3 � �T' -• tf� )+�}T,.• � _ <br /> > > <br /> .� . 3 � ) " .._ �I! <br /> - _ n .ti.: - ••_ '\'_.. <br /> �. -'• _ .? ''i "i• - . <br /> 1 : i, i <br /> � t re 1� � , .� 1 <br /> 1 , ' r ` + F , - � . . . t <br /> _ _ i_ ' _. ` 1 - Y-- y .�� '_. <br /> �{�1 5 A 1 _S ! �t � . ! I ) . <br /> � }J , rf ♦ _' �1 � � -Ir- fi � � t ". 1 � �2� 'i9 �+ -� - . <br /> h'� <br /> !4 A '- , � -}: --. 3- � � . -} -e� j• lj � � � � . <br /> Y -�• � y -.�- ; � r j�er 1K lt y l� 4� l.-` �l . d � 1� <br /> x - . . � = � - � t ' +t _ � _ <br /> � k Y t f N�. 1�4� ..f� t - .1 - 3 " :l . . _J� . � �/ �.. <br /> � � � <br /> a. <br /> � <br /> i <br /> - a. :".T.... �.. . .• . , .. . ..�. i. .�� � . . i -.�. 1`. �...a:./ .:.. Y 1� .�.. : e. l : ,. <br />