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� � � y �� �) < ��Ti � n itll ` r <br /> < � r 5 �t f�", � � �A-. f� � `l� �Ill�f 1 -��i3 �� ._t � ��.s�t k t _ <br /> � { r -��i �' �_ + j *.fvllt ! ' �f �ti,+.4 4 a�� x�.rf . <br /> . _ ' � � .4.. � ' lr �_ � � r p��3 :.i t � w <br /> __. . : - .� � - ^ .- ;r � � ::7�� ��V�JF � --i+ . . <br /> '� deda'tfiaif.enAet�4quI�,�71�insiirdtlabcuile�'pio�VZd+�9 aln+wynca`a�libqciiolett�EYBnmIw�w� p �,�e�2dlsi �"s y <br /> ie�p�avalafil;h�h�inoctkWUtyson�piBuVtiht�etd.,uBo�Kic etfil(dt�m'Inutnwk��4�!1��wYe��4'L'�J,y r X v ,>, <br /> � ::�&�oytlde,pN�inooy4' e�ap�otcc��T��e 1 ��'mg�ty+ iao w k�,ir}gngM7. �uS�.,��R,—L� _ <br /> Iinsutenc0y6AdlS�Rno�YPW_sd 1 T Q�6boloLCndae�tli�ltlpCt�r }�atOtld�►Iq�mW1$ ec s'. Si.wtN ��'i �» ' <br /> t .sS�U�{+tqtly�tilght otmldthepdiCT 6nQ'r�1w}9d1 Ul+e�elh94JRS AoRP�/et p t�eto ' <br /> olpaldprtddumi d: nowalnot(cee;Irc�ryqo q�toHo�+,Bptrowvaheltgivapromp�po(Icetotltol�;w'sp�qwnierf,ed' .. .' <br /> � Lendeem m 4p�totlo�itnb! dopromptty6�yQortowqr. , ,- ` � , r + + , <br />�9orrowuo�heralee�Inwtl�1�B,Iniurancep�pca�iNe1lbefppltedtoYestonHoHlk�e�Wy� <br /> t►te P[o�tly Qr�itagal,U 1ha nsto�etipn ortsp�ir ia eaonomiuliy ka�l010 and Lendenc�ecud�y!a no�lesseded J{t6p <br /> rcatont rn or npmr le not comwm(�aliy,tuui6le br tbnEsrh seou�}ry would 6e 125;" :yie Uisp�aftce ,aLiu7! F ,-" <br /> �ppiied w�No aum�seared by iht4 Bea�dry tnstiument:qfiNt�st or noP�h4n diw;��yepy exot��,Pgi��Gwet <br /> Bwmwcr abmdotu tUo Propeny,o:daa not answet w�(p1�;3p dAy�a notice$om;.e+idu�h6t 10 ,ntarenco.ta��{ht4 � , . <br /> ofkred to cettle a ctatm�m��dcr m�cotlxt tM I�SWaivo Procoedr, Lenda mpy,Gs�t Ateproq�s tdc o1F roSWm ,' <br /> NePlupetryortopaytumisaurcdbytheSaurlryUuWlnonti��herornotthendUe 71io36dAypedaGw116eginWhep ,j <br /> tl�e notice h ven. • ' � <br /> pnleu nnd Bonowcr oWerwise egRO�n wrlW�,eny epplicntlon M proseedt lo pdndlp�!S ap noe t6�t�w6o� <br /> postpone�ho dup dpta ot tha mon�hly paymenu rofcrred to In paragrephs 1 And 19r chM�e q�e oMouqt o��tl payh� �f.ioc�/ � <br /> unde►�pettgraph Yl tha Propwty b acquiced by Lender,Bnrtowerb dBht to any Insprenoe po11�'ea.ane�¢fboeEd� ire3uidA$ � <br /> hom damage ro tha Aropeny pnor to tha eoqulslflon�Aall pas�to I.ender to�he eatent ot the sumf secUnd Dy thli Stcutiry .;::; .'_-. <br /> N:wmcntlmmedi��ely pdorto�heacquiittlon. . . . . . '.);'.j':''+ <br /> 6. Occupancy, Presermlion, Meintenance end Protection ot the Proper�i Borrower'e I.oan Appl(cLUoal � � :_ <br /> 4eastLoids Bortowet shell oowpy,esteblla6,end use�he Propeny a�BorroxwY pdncp�►resldence wltNn efaty d¢y��ttar .::.- <br /> fie executlon ot tht+Socudry Gutwnent and�hdl condnue ro oxupy the Proye�ty as tlortowuti pAneipul rostdenaS tot�t , t <br /> least one yvu aftrr �he data of aavpancy, unlue Le�er athwwisa agrces in arttlng, which consont tfi�ll-mt 60 <br /> unmwnably wtrAlwld,or uniw extenuetlng circumatences exiat whlch ace 6tyond Bortowenc�ont[ol. Qorrower eh9�1�wt - , <br /> datroy,dunage or Impair cha Roperty.dlow tM Propeny to dueriorero,or commit wuta on ihe Proputy Bortower.�h�il <br /> bo In dehult If any forkiwre xction or proouding,whethu civil or edminal,u 6egun�M1at in LenduS goud tdth jodgment . <br /> could roault in for(elturo of the Propeny o�mhenvise maroddly fmpalr the lien crca�ed by IAIa Saudty Inswment or - � <br /> l.ender§sxurity interos�. Bo�mwer msy curc such a default ond rcinatnta,m provided!n paregreph 18,by c¢uaingthe ecUM - , <br /> or prooeeding�o be dl:misaed wi�h s�uling�ha6 in Lenderl good feLh detorminuton,prccluda[ort'¢i�uro of�he Oo{tpwub <br /> Interest in tha Property or o�her matedel Impalrmant of tho Iien crce�ed 6y thu Secudry Wwment or I.enderh secudry - <br /> Interoat. Bortower shall also be In default If Bortower, during �he loan epplicetion procw. gave matedelly falu or � <br /> ineaurero in[orm�tion or ewtemems ro Lender(or tailed to provide Lendu with eny matedel(ntotmation)fn cannxNon wlth <br /> �M loan evidenttd by�he Naa including, but not limtted to, rcpmenteaons conaming Bo�towerb xcupancy of the <br /> Property ss a pdncipal rccidena. If�his Savriry innNmeM ta on a leasohold,Barowcr ehall comply with atl the ptovlslau <br /> of the leau. ItBortoker ncquira ka title to�ha Propetty,the Icauhold and ihe fa t[tle shall not muge untos�T.ender�gra� � <br /> to the merger in midng. - - <br /> 7. Protetdon of Lenda'e Rights !n the Property. If Uortower fails io perfo�m the covenanu end agreemenu <br /> oontained in �hie Security Insimmen4 or therc is a legel procceding thet may eignificnmly affai Lendert rights in ihe <br /> Propeny(wch u a procuding in banlwptcy,probate,for mndannetion or fodeiNrc or to enforce lavn or rcgulations),then <br /> Lender m�y do end pay tor whatover ia necessary[o pro�at�he veluc o[�he Propeny ond Lenderk dghu in u�e Propeny. <br /> Lenderh acttons may include paY�ng any sums securcd by i lien which hes priority over thG Saudty Inswment,eppeaiing <br /> in eourt.paying reasonable attomeys'faa and entcring on thc Ropeny to make repein.Aithagh Lendu may�eke aclion <br /> under thle pazagroph 7.Lender dcea not have to do so. <br /> Any emounu disbutaed by Lendcr under this puosraph 7 shall bcrnme addltional debt of Dorto�nr securcd by�hia ° <br /> 3ecurity Insuumrnt. Unlcas Uo`mwcr end Lendcr ngrce m mhcr icmu of poymen6 iheu omounu chall bcer Imercri from the ' <br /> dem of disbutscment e��ha Noic mtc ond sholl 6c payable,�rhh intercaq npon no�ice fmm Lendcr to Dorto�ver�uesUng i_:. <br /> paymcnt. _ <br /> 8. Mortgege Inaurance. If Lender rcquircd mortgage inauronce a<a mnditfon ot meking tho loan securcd by�his - <br /> Seeudty InstrumenL Bofrower slull pay the prcmfums requircd ro main�uin�he mongage insufence in efkct. If,tor my ° <br /> reasan, the mortaege imuranm covcmge requircd by Lcnder lupms or aases to be in cfkn. Bortower ahall pay �he _ <br />� premiume rcquircd to abtuin covemge suM�antinlly a�uiwiem ro ihe mongage insumnce prcvioualy in effa4 et a cost -:� <br /> :ubstemially equivalent io the co:t to 6orrower of ihe mongoge insunnce prcviasly in etkct,from en�Itemate mo�gegs _ <br /> Insurcr npproved by Lender. Itsubs�omially eyuivulent manguge insurance covemge is not nvailabte.Bofmxror shell pay lo _ <br />_ Lender each momh u sum eyual to one-avelf�h of the yeurly mungage inmrnnce pmmium Ming paid by 6ortower when ihe = <br />- insurenee mvenge lupsed or ttaced to Ue in eRiYt. Le�der wil I uacp�,use nnd mtuin tlKU paymems as o loss�e�erve in lieu = <br />- of mortga6e insumnce. Loss merve paymemc may no Ionger lk rcyuircd ut�he op�ion of Lender, if mongage insurance - <br />- coremge�in�he amoum md far�he periud�ha�Lender nyuires)prorided by m�irourcr approred by Lender egain becomes <br />= evailable and is ob�ained.6orrourr cliall pay the pmmiumx nyuircd m maimain man�age in eRec�,or ro provide a =- <br />�- tats rcserve,umil�he rcyuircmem(or mongage inwrance end+in acwrdance wi�h any�vrinen agrcement between Bortuwer =- <br />-- andLenderorapplicnhlelaw. <br />= 9. Inspectlon. Lender or i�.ngent ma��makc rca.anahl.cnmc,upm and in+pc.�iam n(�he PropenY• Lender shall - <br />' give Borrower nolice m the limeof or prinr Ioan ine�t�ion.�effying rrau,naM1le cauu fnr Ihe in.pectiun. ' �`<-� <br />` 10. Condemnaffon. "Ric pnxc.d.�,f an�awarJ o� daim damng...diml ur cunnccliun wilh:mp ` <br />- SmpkEm�h-Fannk\Im�FrMEk\t�rlql'lIR\IICSTNCNfV'..Cmlmmfmcmnt� 9A0 �ryFrt.•InNem .. <br />... Qea�IaN 0.+Lta I�sa 1�[ ■ E-�. <br />- Te4dtfiC IAbS<f191.:Fq61NY1.1111 <br /> s �r'-�`u z-- fi'.� -1�i-�y�,..c,..� ..—.,. �.. _.:.-.�� �S.t.�.`.:,}�7y--• f-os�. �_,Z-.�-• ,.qt`t�i�'Pj�47}SZ A�r •-i.� <br /> ��� r�- 1 . . . _ . - . I� . <br /> �, s <br /> t � ,__f... ._ . . ' . . . - . <br /> .. <br /> .. . , <br /> . .ti..i. . � � . � _ .. _ . . . _ .::. <br /> '°� r'- - � . . , _ -' <br /> _`_-f�:.- . . _ .. . . .. <br /> i�, _ .. <br /> �, <br /> _ c: ;- ' � . � - . . <br /> . _ - � _ . � S - �. - - - ' _ <br /> `trt� - . " i - . . - -�� -. ` . <br /> �- r�,. �5;�. :�: .. .c � ' . , � . . ' . _. <br /> �� <br /> - � --�� : �� . :-- � :. �- - <br /> _ _ ,.- � _ ... . :- � - ?a <br /> , ., ... . . .,.. (.,._ . . . ,. �. ._ _ ..r .. . . . . . . .. . .. ...�". . . . . . - <br />