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Ps 1 . ( ' f <br /> � !` r ,e.-_j � 1 r - . Ffu _'�ss _, 4� t,- �f(Nr!r xt:��.s tr �4 - h�� � tih�i_ 4 �{�'�_�- �1 .. <br /> -. q t 4 � .� � �C � �._� f■�=q,�yy��y{y�.�-t., -_ l r . '-: <br /> �,'� :� � +: � 3 - �! ��i �� - �. }� �y .,�V"�^*" N �� ( --I _' <br /> - ..t, f � I'..d . .� , . _ _.. 1 - 1 �y •.. � ' � I I ? <br /> R . <br /> "r taw ntiip 4Pa1fy(o�.ttinsiase�dlnQ t�Ead utd of Ak Pto�tW��„�,�'P��'tlrqf i��G Wnu14`�rfi�f* , ', <br /> ����ar�' � .Vf� e .t � rnwAf�l�iiiwflwANfnWfn hl ! �� � •. <br /> L�l U�e l�I�'.l�, �V4.\IJti4' fii��' ia Y Y <br /> : i '¢�'i Ga��1U amx wN�aauHI pq iLa 1�t� ty W�CUm}i�ea4�s t�a�a lt eo eooe l� � <br /> . �� @__. 4�L�1t9t�nY�tAse+mYCn�usoel�itv?D�'[��-xrtnse�i�lnent9r�ln�. _t�i�diY <br /> Inatt�i;�l ��Ol aut'1IMIteQ to�1r�wntkl0�ttmxiyi'fee1.yl�,f�tekef{YCA1�1o��fi4snvcs mq���9+++!tt����tt��%7 <br /> . , c Urotbkssurdt tlwliFpo�tA� ryTns�unk+�l,�,end�r t�8h �nNO�pp��ty�uMBlf+rOgerNOpllgiUDn[aply+np <br /> . ���,��e�r mas��y.w�r,nw,�onu�+i4 ���;tlpatK�Etikl�temfntby.B, at,i�bW��mu:�ew�ics� <br /> __ " tasuumentohdlhs0�i(BOuQNS�ureA4uebq shalin�Dlfmtyeftceuveisltrtuaotetercnlotitudau+ma, Hawerdr,�hf� <br /> ' . tf�tmretnsuu�b�itaoFe�ylY� �atiooqluatlo�under�t?. - - � - , <br /> lI. 8il6 uf No�t �nu�e �at�Btrvfo�t Nae a• r�i�ta�st in Jw NMd(toScUier with thl�g� <br /> � tit5mmen�may bo eo�d on6 aLrnae itmFS ai�hoqr�cribdco to artowlr. A etlb fnqy tesut�In�ch�n�e In Qw ei�qry <br /> h nG Ttktetlap <br /> pmo " pw ia�a&uvtoer^)nu�epii,aut�pSdquyp�y�tNb due aer ua Nae�nd mta 8ecudey mb, <br /> may be one ot mott changea oYrfw Loan 8m[ae unro-li1�d to�e�la otthb Nota Uthete b a eAin�e o ti�Lan 8t[vloc*� <br /> Bbrtowu w1116e gtven wr[f�en no�ce of�ho cAange in qtoordmce wi�hpua�p h IM1 a0ove en0 OCD IcablP.lnw. Ttid notloe .. - --- <br /> wlU�retethonemeandaddros�ot�AenewiqanServ[ocrdnAtheadGreaatowhlct�p�ymenuehould6om�de. 7fanWctrwllt ' . <br /> alsoeontetnnnyo�hetinFormzFiooreq¢ticdbyepptloqblelaw., <br /> 4p, t(�iarQatis.$uEstadcia. 8orrowu ehnll no1 cnuso or pamlt tAe prosense,use,dlspoxl,ato(Rge�r al oY�ny . <br /> — °S an�rt�.��s q�o <br /> HawAoua.Subst�(�a+on.mlg Ow Prope�ty. Bo�rower�hall not da nor atlow anyone elae to do, <br /> Ptopei►y�iat b in vtolatlob 4f�ecyHnviron ental I.dw. 71ro prooeNng two unttaoea�fiail aotapply to o nco,uw,or - <br /> stonga on�he Propeny otameU quantiNa o Hwacdous Substenaa rhat aro genwaIIy rscognlze0 tobo approprla�e ro norm9l • <br /> - maldendeluscsandtomalnudnnceoftheProperty. " <br /> �� Dortowu e4ati prompfty gire I.endu wdtten noNce ot any imutigation,claim,demend,lnxnult or other aolton by any <br /> govemmentnl or�eg6latorysgzney or privaro parry Invotving thc Propeny andany itazardow 8ubstanco or Bnvitonmentel <br /> �.,�::;a. Law ot wdlch Sortowcr hm aaud knowledge. [f Borto�vu lea[m,or i� notitied by any govemmmtal or regutetory - <br /> --- = autladry.Net eny removal w otMrmmediadon ot eny Hasardou�Substenoe�a[fecting the PmpenY��naeuary,Bortower - <br />----___ s4ell prompiiy teke�I neccuary ranedlal eGfons in acoocdena with Hnvironmentel La�v. <br /> —�-� As used In thif paregreph?A,"Hazerdow Sudstanca+'ete those substancea deMed az roxlc or Aazallow eubstanxf by <br /> Hnvironmentel Law end tho following su6stenca: gasoline,kemaena.ahu fiemmable or toxid petmlwm proAuMt,toxio <br />.--:.'-�"r',� pesticida and hubictdea,wletlle eolvenq,mererieb comeining udutw or to�maldehyde,and redioacNve mmerlala. As <br /> ---"" used in thle paregnpb?A."Hnvironment�l law"meam Rdeml IaNi end laws of Ne Judullaion�vherc tAa Property ii located —. <br /> PIbP`ti�l that rclete ro heal�b,aefety or envUonmenul protection. �- . . - <br /> ,��:a NON•UNIFORM COV6NANf3. Hortower end I.ender funher corenant end ngeo e�follox'n: �' <br /> ;r,,;,a?� 21. Acceleraqon�Remedia. Lender s�ell g�ve notla to Borroww prior to acceieration tollowing Rortowcr'e <br /> �v„a bmc6 of any cavenant or egreement In thts 8ecuritr Inatrument(but not prlar to peceleraQon under psr�grapA 1y —�- <br /> +qt�:;j,� unlw epplteable laa�provides olherwtu). 'M�e notice sfioll specity: (a)t6a detnultt(4)the oMloa requtte�to curo the <br /> .ne deT�utt;iH+�3at�,iot{e�iban;A�er frun tha Ga»ths nat3x!s Siren W 8arrowu,Cy wLkL thr�?[�ut m!�t 4e <br /> '��i+a1 curedf end(d)thet tatlure ro cam the Qeteuit on or bctore the dmc syecIDed In the noUce mny resuit in acceleration ot <br /> „_,5�}s�„�ij tha wn�v secured b�thfs Secudcy Inslrament and iele of the Property. The not�ce shail tunher intorm Oorrower of <br /> the right to retnstete aRer eoceieraflon end ihe rlght 10 bring o wurt action to assert Ihe non•e:tstence Ma detoutt or <br /> s. � eny ot6er detense ot Darro�ver to xccsleralion end safe. it fhe ddeult fs not cured on or 6ttorc the dste apeeffled tn - <br /> ` �z s the notia,Lender at Its optton may require Immediate payment In NII of eil sums seeured br th�8ecurlty In�trumeat <br /> ..i�{t,, �Hthout Nrther demand end mey Inrake the poner of sele ead eny ofher remedia perm(ited by applicable law <br />"^.k�:q. I.endtr Bhall Ee entfGed to wllcet all expenses Incurred In punuing the rcmedles provlded �n thb paregrap6 21, <br /> si::n,v:`: Induding,but not Itmlted to,reasoneble attorneye hea end msts of tltle evidence. _.-:. <br />`,:=�tc{�;$ If the power of sale B Inroked,7Fusice�hall record a not(ce otdeteult In eech munty In whlch eny part of fhe �.-: <br /> '`�;��`" Pro crt ia locnted and ahell mail m lea of euch notice in lhe mennerprescrfbed by npplicabie lea to Qorrower and to <br /> ,--��, the othei penom preacribed by eppliceble lav. After lhe tlmc rcquired by apptice6le Ia�v,lFustee shall glve publlc �";- <br /> �r+�� noqa of rek to the persom end in the manner preacribed by applleable law. 'Itustee,without demand on Oorrower, � ° <br />-•(;�,i't+5s shall seil the Property at publlc auction ro Ihe htgheat bfdder et the qme end place end under the terms dalgneted in �;_- <br /> »� " t6e notice of sale in one or more parceu end tn any order 7Yustee determinea. 1YUStee mey pasipone anie of atl or auy �': <br /> ,�i �' paml of Ihe Property by publlc announcement nt the time end plea of any prevtously scheduled eale. Lender or its <br /> r � � dedgnee mny purchese the Properly at any sale. <br /> Z Upon recelpt of peymenf ot the prlce bid,7Fuala ahvil deliver to Ihe purchaser 7}usfee'a dad mnveying the <br /> ,�{�' Property. The recitets In Ihe 7}ustee'n decd shall be prima teeie evidence ot the truth of the atetementa made lhenfn. <br /> 7Yustee ahall apply the praceed�of Ihe snle in the folloMng order. (a)to all msts and ecpenses of exercLsing the power � _ <br /> � i. <br /> U�J:. ` <br /> -_L�.SSfi;j' _ <br /> ,r/j�..I" _ <br /> ti;' n�: <br /> �' %;4 _ <br /> _-i��i�:{�� I55:L: <br /> �-�:..'-��5 x.� <br />--:,i'l�:� �-_.. <br /> .+(i2� 4o�mJ01M 9R0 iNCr!.�nryX�a1 _ <br /> '�°i IPij•; <br /> :h. �::- <br /> ,` 6. <br /> -::4::� r,__.. <br /> . I>1 <br /> � . I: • R <br /> _' ,�"+?p3�7�C-�`^t_':,--'+...-ri-'--,_�.�._-�-�. . . . -vq,�,iP�. \.. �-_�•�,G�ilitis'ri'.r✓:kRf�.^^^'�'_^�"".�"_i,is°"�"°"TT"�; 1 NI�� �: <br />�l*��.• /3. _ .. . . . . 1 {�� _ _ � ! [ M1l.�_ <br /> t ,tQ, ._ _ _ " _ ' ' _ - k <br /> � <br /> � I.L! i -L -v]' � • " _. "' - ____ .__. _ '"_s_�-t . ]_ <br /> .- ._ �,t�r.`._' ..{ —. . " " ' ' _ .. . _ ._ . ._ _ — _� t _: <br /> � �. <br /> }r .-_.i a�S��C . . . . . - . . - . !h'_ <br /> h.i . _.k - . . " . _ . . - . . � � " <br /> `N.1-�, t 11 , t J S / � • •. � . . . � <br /> # � <br /> �( _! . . .. . . . . . .. <br /> � ' . �\ . ' ' . ' <br /> - ) `�' } _ . . . . . . , <br /> � ♦ 'u 4 <br /> If� � �l .�1 " . � . . <br /> �.}` � 1i- ) . . . . - _ . ... <br /> 5 � - I 1 � ` " � _ <br /> � � p .1- � l ,I - t t 1 - �� . �r 19 " . . . <br /> rt � i . � .� i . <br /> r . � - i { c-- . �- - t 1� ' i i ( <br /> �. f <br /> f! i � .k � 1 � � .e . f - s - � _ 'y ) � - j <br />. . � n_ . u t. S.� � {. _. .i. , �-� � .�_ . . .. �r - . ..•� .. ,. . :��- �. �. it�-. <br />