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� { «, . ..;t�av,.r. r,; yF4 _ ' `,+ _ . Y S h i�_i`,'4� ; <br /> ��1s- ` - �: y _ iT.�� t SYs - <br /> �. � �j . _ ,_ ': ' �-. � � .- �y . t „Z. _ _ � s , �?(� - r .._ <br /> : ._ r l� �i(��n,�. �� +� <br /> ..1� .. "" .. . . ._-4 (/ J . � � i � f � - . �ti -. <br /> . . � • � � ff ����1 h`. <br /> . TOIiSP(i$R IYC11i Wi dtio U�Provpmenid iiovi i!r hCtW�tcr erdPtcd cn 11ro►xoperp'���atc�ma��r�+1�.>, n R <br /> _ � .sAAfixNicanoworne�eaftee� err�1}WOpropc�11�(-A►Ittp�m�cfluufd�Adluco�Uulti��Ab4�4V{'l4db I1 �Y r <br /> . InsttumenrylU�D�1�10�0T!$O�Ila�tf�r�{0�111Nd,��1�1J1(�{Y�I�IIOC1�4flQIO� .�M'�1y5 � t �. ° .:"' � i i. F' <br /> _- : BOAROWf�tCQUI�IAt�ll'�:I�IBoaowct6 vMll t�Ik49CIhQEUlt4�ie6yMnv�4dmdDLNOdtAtto�t n. ,. <br /> endcanvey tliOProy�y er.A.�hdthaP�o➢�nyl�uhendumu�rea�o�ay�roetnn,moru,ce�ornw�:i�r,oN���,•��� � <br /> wiudetsndgeeenl(ypiettqetotpeFrop9tU!�BdlAst�lcldm��nddemFnE�,�upJeaI41�YCnwYnOru�oebotre�'or0," - � :5,} •. <br /> •:"If�iB BECURiPY�MS'RtUMlij�iP cumbinth itiVtfoiin c6Yenmti fot MtipN1 uie u1G nctt�tiNfot�"y+QYcrNnt!WII� ; ; <br /> , - ,, —, IlriltedYazlaW�nsbYl�s4lalontotonstltuteniUilforinaat�dtylnetrvmepLC4Yem�grsalW'cP�nY . "� _ " � <br /> " I1NRa4pA10DV�VAt11'8� 8orroweruNLenQercovenrne� uloilow�.: .. ,. '' ' <br /> 1. P�ymentotPrladp�Jandintyatt�NJ�a1Aedlwt�Cllu�ea� 8orrowere1N11pro�iW1y¢�y�wl�aduetde „ ' <br /> prinolpa1 ot�ndintenrion�tAQe�tevldet4aAbyth6Nptemduiyp[epaymentanClatech adN� naxrUqNOtd. ,' <br /> i, iWadafor7luiaboqiaswadoa INbJattolpy1lca0feitwprtqaWtittenw+ivu�yl.C�qBp�owete lµi ld+ylo-, <br /> I.ender on me day momAly pnyments eio due un der 0e N o te,un t ll�e NWe te p S l d in N II a t u q►('A mQ�'j i p�,(q y t#I Y � : <br /> tax2aandassea3meauwhichmay e�ulnprlorlry ovorshte8ecaui� fnswmenia��lia�4nt�0➢MpettY�@}yeariyldseiwid <br /> � paYmsnu oe ground renu on U�e�Rro1yPaty�if aa ,t�TYCUIY �iaau0 or piope�insur�4cb yhrotwl�s`,'�(�-�a�1Y ilood _ <br /> L�endu,�in ea�oordenee wtt�h tt�e��o v l s lons ot parcgieph 8 N�liw ot tlio�p sNymyen�i�ot�mort��pg���anoe b iP m�m fum.�+,i l s4 : <br /> Itemi aa ce11W"Bsctow Items. Lcndcr m�y,at eny NmQ,colitct a�M hPiG AuM�tn a4+!n4��tno{to 9xatd thn m}x tUtl- : : <br /> emouot a IenAer tor e fedaally ml9ted m o n gege Ioan may[Cquiro for 8oirdwul eaccpw e o o o u dt w f d u 1 h e f� ' <br /> Bstato Senlement Proadura Ac�of 197A as amcnded from Iimo to t1m0.12 U.S.G}26012trtq('�HSPq'�,udesf� .;:.-�';.'." <br /> lewthat�ppllawtho[bnd�seusleaseremauntftw.Lendermay.etanYtime.coUectlndhoid(Wd�ineriONOUntnotto:',.:' . <br /> _� exseed tua lesser emowu. I.eader may esWnate�ha emount of Wnde due on p�e busla o�anrent dau;and cetwl�aWe� <br /> ut�mata otexpendtturca otPoturo Hscrow Item�or othxrwiu in axordence wtih eppiiceblo taw. . .� .` <br /> 7Tie Ponds�ha11 ba�eld in en insNtu�lon whose deposlu am Inawed by e tederal egenpy.InsW4t4�te1(ty�or eoUtY.:,_ <br /> �: (includfng I.ender,it Lendu b such en ImdmtloN or in eny Pedeml Home Loan Bani�. I.endu nM1all epply No NuiAl to psy � - <br /> Iha 8sc[ow Itemf. lgtnder may na cherge Hortower for holding md applying Uro[i�nd�.umutlly enalyaing Ihe esupw � <br /> -"����' Lender io mek6rsueh cherga Howe eru�4endu may re�quire BortowerNio pay a one-qma�chn�rge PorPen�ln��dspe den�I ' <br /> -�� eataro�ex reportfng cervtce used by Lender in wnnecdon wilh thia lwn,unless eppIiuble law provldea othe�wl3e..UnTess M� .. -� <br /> ,_ _ egament le made or eyplkablp law roquire�intereat to 6e paid,I.ender�hall not be rcqutred to qy Bortower any tntercet o� <br /> � eamtnga on�Ae Wndi Bortowcr and Lendu mey egce N wrlHng.lrowevu,that imerest ihell be paId on the Nmd�� Luidu <br /> +hxU give to Bortower.�vithaut chatge,en ennnal accounting of the Wnd�,showlng crcdlts end deblW ro thn IUnd�e0d the <br /> �ir�i�l purpcse frn aNch each debit to the Wnda was mada 7La iNnds aze plW�eed ee edNtional sawiry for ell sum3 sec�ed by <br /> �. <br /> . <br /> 1hi�Secanry inshumenc <br /> � ' '— ::t,�py w� w;';a„�•exxen n� o�„a,. �,n,�rcce m he held 6v eppllcable Iaw.Lender�hal}aaaunt to _.. <br /> 'f #'I Bortowtt for Ne excw Pond+in accordence with the rcqui2mema of appllcable law. If the nmount ot Ihe Wnda helA�by - <br />--_;v er.rt�{i ! Lender at any 8me fs not suRelent�o pny tAO Hscrow Itemi when due,Lendu may eo no8ty 6ortovrcr tn wrlling,and,in _, <br />�� -,_>-,'a,'i{p}�; wch cata Ho�wer chall pey �o Lender Ne amount neatsary to meke up the deticiency. Borrower shall mnke up the = <br />:.`�;F�yy:}. daANeney in no mon ihen twelve monthiy p�ymenu,at Lenderl cole dlurction. <br /> �� Uponpayment in full of dl wma cecurcd by tN�Sauriry lnstrument.Lender ihall promptly rcfund to Bortowe�eriy ` <br /> '*�'����'� � Amdf Aeld by Lendec If,under pamgmph 21.Lender ahail ecqutrc or cell the Property,Lender,pdor ro the acqulatdon or <br /> ;_;�.tV�,`a: � <br /> _,_�,��f5�� I ude of�he Propetty,ahnll appiy any Wnds held by Lender at Ihc time of acqutsitlon or sole ee s credit against rhe eume <br /> �ecurtd by tAis Seeudty Insuument. <br /> ` ��'�t� ' 3. Applicetlon of Psymenu. Unlese nppliable law providee otherwlu,dl pnymwts received by Lender undu <br /> ;<i}.,�,�, � paregrepha 1 end 2 shnll be epplied:flnt,ro eny�rcpaymcnt chergn due under�he Note;sernnd,to emounq payable undu __ <br /> . ..,,.,,. paragaph 2:�Mrd,to Intereat due;tounh,ro pdnc pal due;end les�,�o any lete charga due under tlw Noie. <br /> `��-•�i�� 0. Churga; Liena. Oorcower sheU pay ell �exes,asacssmenls,charges,finee end impositions andbufeWe [o the e- <br /> �Ep h,` �; � Propeny�vhich may auxin pdodty over thB Saudry Inswment,and Ieasehold payments or ground rent�,if any. Borrower , <br /> i ,j�i � ' ahall pay Nese obligatlons in the menner provided in paragreph 2,or if not pnid in Iha[manmr.Bortower ehxil pay them on <br /> 1�;��.��, ttme Nrectly a the person owed payment. 6ortowcr shail promptly fumish ro Le�er all noHaa of omounu to Ae paid under �_-. <br /> �s thla parcgroph. If Bortower mekea theae payments directly.Bortower ahail promqly fumSsh to Lendu reaipu evidencing u" <br />--.a,�k}��, �hep�Ymems. �._. <br /> Bortower ahall promptly discharge eny lien which hu priority over�his Secudty Instrument unless Uortower.(a)agreea �:-:� <br /> .-�?_�� in writing ro the payment o(�he obligation aceured by ihe Iien in a m�nner accepteblt ro Lender,(b)conteate In 600d falth the <br /> � lien by,or deknds againat enforeement of the lien in,legal proceedinga which In�he Lenderl opinlon operate to prcvent the ,.:_ <br /> `��._-,:�� enfo�cemem of the lien:ar(c)secures from ihe holder of�he Ifen an agreement setisfecrory�o I.ender subordinating the Ilen � `; <br />-';�'"`��" � to Nis Securit Inswment. If Lender dete�mines ihat eny part of�he Propeny ia subjece ro�Ifen which may eaein pdority -�. <br /> - �'� � over�hie Secunry Inswment.Lender may give Oortower a notice idemifying the lien. Bortower ahell satisfy�he Ilen or take � �-� <br /> one or morc of the aetions ut tonh above within 10 daya of�hc giving of notice. � ` <br /> !� s;'� I S. Nazard or Property Insurance. 6ortowcr shall kecp the improvemenn now existing or hercnfler eretted on�e � -: <br /> Pro n insurcd a amst loss b firc,ha�rds included vrithin the term'extended mrerage"and any other heuuda,including <br /> �:-n I floo s or flooding for which l.ender mquircs insurance. "Ihis insursnce shall be main�eined in the smounu and for�he �°'�`',;_ <br /> i;; <br /> +��; I Fwm101! fN0 tpa��ln/bpaFril . . <br /> f f�� �t L�", <br /> }Sk�, N� . <br /> j'���� � <br /> T A 7�'(, � !. . <br /> `` .i�"r I <br /> 'i }if j'�1d - �;M. - . .. _..�:ti .�r:��}r,liilia r-�Prfrp'S.-r-��---•• e _ �t. "�"' "�� . <br /> c�tb:.> �'ig'i7��^,.�"T'tZ,'S';•r:- —. 4 . , n - '�...--`�'C4r , <br /> �� i� `•`t( � r . ° ' . . . i �! ' ,r ��i.� 5 . <br /> \ <br /> i� i1 <br /> -t.: v. [r l._ _ ' " _ ' _ 1 � <br /> ' -'• - � ;,.. { _.( _ :� � r <br /> +',i � � ' . . - ' _..=-'. <br /> '.-� - :__ -_-_ ____. '___ <br /> _- -. ____ ._. ' _ ' "„_ ' ._�-_ , <br /> —' ,lr <br /> 1 '-� t " <br /> ''. . _ � _ . _ " ' . - � . .. <br /> _`f Q_ � _ . . _ " . . <br /> ,.5�.3�.�,. �� . . . - <br /> �, �,f:'.i�� i'• .. _ . . . <br /> t., . _r: _ _ _ . . .. <br /> t,�F <br /> 1LLr^.,} �; . _ ' • � _ , ' . <br /> t -� d - . . . . '. . . <br /> i�� . j. 1 - - r� . <br /> r � <br /> �/ '4� Y� � � . , - . - <br /> . . � , ;.. <br /> . <br /> .. <br /> _ <br /> , � <br /> . . . . n .. . - _ . _ . . . ..5.. ._ . .. . .. . . .. - . . . � ._ 1 ..�����. .._ . . . .. . <br />