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'�� �ry �� 1.. ., t � _; 1 }� i� � --. <br /> _ n� . i - � ' '�i � _- i i . e -btfr _ _. . n�j-{����p`5 7)��°�K�" _... <br /> . . . ,.. 9 ' _'^ -. ; - -. + -."i' a5 � ��1V,� � � i s - <br /> �rr <br /> - �i�the*a Uoa�otLb�idet�"ttinortp� lneur�noa otlVeaQo(1�t�e}mo�n1�nd iqr the`pariy8 rt�f rvy r - ,h _ <br /> • at�byrnineuroPOyproXa4bY��uHinbdGo�,eelv�ll`Diea�dfaobqtn4A $nrcdr[�re1( (p�y�lid"pcAbitu� . <br /> _ Wr , to dat�i6 mot (mumn90 in eft6off4t t��o�Id�p lwa}�p�iq��l���r�firT�p�t tpt mon�+� � <br /> �� , �tneaoep:n�ithaw+�duene.rierq�nt,.., �_. ;„..r „._.._,.� .. - , -. : ,. - <br /> '�. ,a�"'�'a�i��toa:fadEqr.otltei�entm�yrihdtet6+e6ndbleen�etwdpomndtnspec�tonho�'ttieProPe►tj,�et,d�r��i�. <br /> � va13qJSnxEen$tloeltthEdMDO10/p�ap��toe � It incro�sniuOleu,vx[or,Ui4ln�ceo0an�Y: - '-` 'r- <br /> v �'' IO.Coad6ina4tton.Ti�e qtqoeeaea��ny�xrdoroUin�ita�d�i�U�Ce,dlraotorconeDaUEnii�l,incbNiebiiotFxitiy ' <br /> — �ny oondeifinaAy or bthart�W�ni o!sny pert oFtNe�Ptoyerty,ot!ot oonvoya�ioeln Ile1i of condamd(tion��e hC�'aay • <br /> _ �eel�ned�nOehdC�beqiAtoLender.� .. . � • . � . � , � � <br /> = 1A the event o�a.SOtel tekl o!the Property;the Pitiwopde ehell bo eppl(cd tq Ne eums ea Fed by tfila 8ebu�ity� . <br /> __ IMwMent,Nheitietotnocthd��wiihtnyesas�p►IdtoBOtrowcr.Intfieevdnsol��nt�Fta�ngbl�ePrapanytn. <br /> — eNcDthetQtmatceivdueolshoprot�ar►siry��edfstolY,l�totdthekkingleeq�fttlfot'giet(bftJ�phth8�mduntnRthe ;: ' <br /> = sume eoobred by thia&oudtY tnstrumentlmmWtetelybetoro tha WeinQ,unicse Borcoaar end F,widbt othft6�l�e��e � <br /> = in wrlting,the eums eeoured Dy thla Beaudty[neirurrtene ehall be eaduaq 6y tho amount of theplmuds muldpHed bp� -- <br /> �,�,l, the follawtng ttaotlon:(e)the wu1 emoont oi tAe sume savred lmmbdiakty betota the�ng,Gtvided by(�)ttiofiit'� 1 :_ <br /> ,��. merlcet value ot the Propetty immediakly betoro the teking.Any belenao ehnll bepaId to$orlowar.�n t1t q"bvene ot 4 „ <br /> -� • pettiet teklt�ot tho Proporty M whicti tho teir mukot vetue ot tha Proporry immedietoly 6otoro tho tokin�isle�§then - - -- <br /> '� the�mount ot the sums sxvrod immedinkly botore the tsWng,untess Borcower end Lender otharnieo egtoo in wtiAoi <br />'"`s�iy{,<< or unleas eppilaabte law otherntee providea, the proxeds ehnll ba epplied to the eume eeoured by thte BwUrTty -- <br /> 'fa�':';, InetrumontwAethorornottheeumeerothendua <br /> ��,'"` d [t tAo Propor1y le abandoned by Borcower,or i4,atcer notioe by Lendar to Borroxor thnt tha oondemnar otfere w -_- <br /> �-' '� m�ka en award or setUe e aletm tor damages,Horroarer taila to rcspond w Lender witNn 30 daya stter the dau tl4e ____-- <br /> .. <br /> '�f�x3� ;:;; notloo ta given,Lender te wthortud to ootleot end epplr�he prooudi,at Iteopdon,e[ther m reatoration or ropetr ottflb _. <br /> �,y �y Propertyartothosumesecuredbythie8avritylnvtrument,Mhetherornotthendue. -° <br /> r �3't+�<•• Unlese Lender and Horcower otherwisa ngreoin writing,any appltcndon ot pracade to prindpal ehptl not e{thqd or =,'- <br /> Y ' T�: pastpone the due daW ot the monthly p�ymente reterred to In paragrephe 1 and 2 or ohange the oihount of such ,._ <br /> 1 �rr --.�- ',. <br /> ''�a�1nt��; �Y 1 Horcower Not Relaaad;ForDcannce Sy Loadee Not e Ndver.Ertension ot tha tlma tor payment or y _ <br /> �S��.: modifloation of emotttzat[on ot the aume sxured by thls 8ccudty Insttumont grenkd by I.endar to eny euooeseor in �,�r,F, :_ <br /> S �3 } �� intercst ot Borrower shell not o�wrata to relwse the Ite611(ty of the odgtnal Dorroaet or Horrawer'e euox�ore In ' '" <br /> ` ` ' '�' (ntuoet.Lendat ehall not be reqdred to commence proceedinga against any sucaswr in inWteat or retuse to artend �t�r'��"'- <br /> �'`h'(` , <br /> ,,, 4,��i dme tor pnyment or otherNise madlfy emortlzation ot the suma seaured by tMe 8xudty Inetrument by reeson ot any � <br /> �3�' z`'i demand meda by tha origfnet Borrowar or Borrowe{e suooessore in intercat.Any lorbearence by Lendm In e=erolat� „`,w = <br /> ��'1y,,,�; nnyrlghtorremedyehallnotbeaeelverotorpreoludethaonrcixeotenyrightorremedy. kt�_ <br /> �,,,,�;a I2.Succesaors and Asalgn�Bound;7olat nnd Sevonl LiabiBty;Co-eigaere.The oovm�arts and egreomente k„..,�.__ <br /> r� -�y ot this 8ecudty Insttumnnt ehell bind and benetit the auaxasore and esvtgna ot Lenuer ene Borrower,euoKat to tne - <br /> ;;�`,y'.f;.� provietone ot paregroph l7.BorroNer's covenante md�dreemmta shell be jotnt end sevael.Any Harcower who co-signe f 4r��s'hy� <br /> 9 �� r y,� thie Securiry Inatcumont but doea no[ exauu the Nota (�)ia w-eigning thie Security Irutrummt onty io mortgega eTr`':" � -,- <br /> �d�'°�.__ gtent end convey tfist Bomowm'a intarest in the Property under tha Utma ot tMe Securiry Snetcument; (b) ia not � ` . K�„ <br /> `r ' perso nelly ubtigated to pay tha euma secured by this 8ecuriry Insuument;end(a) ngrem that I.mder end eny other �a�++!� ,�,", <br /> 't i� Bonower msy egree to extend,modify,torbear or make any exommodedons with rogard to the terme ot thia BeauAty - ��x` �` <br />.�sY��_��r_p,.:i >'n_'� . <br /> ,� ,f, Iiretrumentorthalloteaithoutt6�cIIorro�er'eoonsant. �,,;}� `n. <br /> i�° �i�,�zt 13. Loaa C6argee.It the Iwn securod by thie 3ecurity Inetrumant ia subJect to s Inw which sots meiimum loan „��.,, s�� - <br /> rs }�,��rt chetges, and thet lew ie tinaliy interpreted eo eAet the intercat or o[her loan chergea collected or to be collected in st `?; ,' , <br /> +t,,, connection with the loan excad the permitted limita then: (a) any such loan charge ehall be reduad by the emount }�_�, t � <br /> ,n.�-.�ti�ys, neaseary to teduoe the cherge to tha permitted limit; end (b) any sums already collxted trom Borrowet ahich �'�`-.,ji„ _�� <br /> • ,1 i�' ;f exacded permitted 1{mita will be rotunded to IIorcoxee Lender may choose to mnke this rotund by roducing the 'c^;,;�;_j�.� �� <br /> -•.�::z�_:r:- <br /> , , . . : principal owed under the Note or by making a direct pzyment ro Borroner.[f a rotund reduces principal,the reduction - L :'f IL ' <br /> -�„({P,n�. will be trwtedav e Qartiel prepayment withoutany prap�ymentcharge under the Nota n- ?f +f ,,.`• <br /> '� t21`'1� meilfng rt by t iet cl�mai�l unlaser ppliable taw�requ�ea um ot anothertme hod eThe noB hnll be dirreeted�to the ,�T�'.�,�i �-r •'�- <br /> :' �°'' Property Addras or any other eddresv Borrower deaignates by notice w Lender.Any notice to Lendx shall be given by {;,-��S 1-,;__,._:,,, <br /> tirst clem mail m Lender's nddrexv stated herein or eny other address Lender designetea by notico to Dottoner.Any •_rµN�tr�f,a <br /> �-��- notiw provided tor in this Sceurity Instrument aha11 be damed to have been given to Borronet or Lendtt when given .};� <br /> �,}` - ` ea provided in this paragreph. -�;'y� =- <br /> :.•?;�-,i�',.;�• IS.Oovoroing LaR;Sovonbility.This Securiry Instrumentshall be govemed by tederal Iew and the IsN ot the ^t'�•;,,.;..�;" <br /> .,,.;, juriediction in whieh the Property is located.[n the ovent ttutany provision or clause ot this Sceurity Inatrument or the _,.+i;._; .`-- <br /> ��-- 4;? NotecontlictswithepplieablelaN,auehconflictahellnoteftectotherprovisionsofthiaSecuritylnatrumentortheNoU -"•• " <br />-'.�: ��.--n� Nhieh can ba givrn etFect without the cantlicting provision.To 2his end the provisione ot this Security Instrumentand �. <<�� -..^' <br /> :.:i;.:o_. 4'�,:Y'i: �:.� . <br />_ ,_-;?;y�._..�; theNotenrodecletedwbeseverebie. <br /> i-, �::' <br /> � i, �_ r <br /> [._ <br /> t R(�ivi�i�: : <br /> � Fmm �Oi! 9/80 t n<_. <br /> '•�<. 80W��moa.o� ..n..�e ! , <br /> .."l;� ' �� Initl�ln <br /> :h'...�1% . <br /> _ _ `�`: .� . - � - . <br /> -'ff„' _1�<,. • . <br />. .. -�... .. _ _ _ _.. __'____ __ '_ ,"__ _ <br /> _ .. .+r...-.,�m-at�ri�.z�m.�_"_...�__ _ . _. _ r ... .� �. �..-.r <br /> -.y: S�'..3:. _ - . .. . ..._ - . . ... - <br /> . = '�� ' . . . . . <br /> � _rj -:.. r.__ . . . _ <br /> .:`I:.:J� l%'" . <br /> I -- ' �' . <br /> 1 {�y ( <br /> __.T4L�_'.:Y.-z- _ S_ ' <br /> f 7n��'.`�}' . . <br /> � 4��1 _ ' - _ . . <br /> y}' G {¢'. . . .. <br /> 15�1Li�.a.. 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