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, . :: �Ey A] � i r <br /> i � • ' A <br /> � �� � t -..: i - � : . � �,, �'f- �_ - . � �^ � r �� �f� 3� r� � j h- . <br /> - 5 . � r _ _ . . . � -?' �f i M ' � ti� � <br /> �Q��- i <br /> �!_--�. `S.Hi4itdOf�tb�({Y�d�iUC�LO�Sli�i'OAEJ6t{9II-�CG zaalnp�4vonvn��µ+�vu�ie�Hi�ur �faucrawy'yvu � , :- . .. _ <br /> tApProper�ty IGevt��WineltoeqOxtl M�ardrinoludgA'����h •eitdnGed.�q�+�lt0 �n�iny�'$tA6► � <br /> ' inctuCidy p�o qo�odinQ,to{�o��:ondar royuttra inaua�aa��velgoe����1i b�,(n�lhtt}�ed{n ihb _ ounq <br /> in4-torUro.p'artc�e,th�tl�e4nr.cequicm.7rielaeur�noacairi4r.�euvl�n�`tQeln�vt�n�ae1�41)_kgoBA�hnSY_�cttoxh ` � � <br /> eueko�toLenQee'ecypruyA�vhlphehellndt6ouiuobodiblyiiflhTslQ,ltBd�toHSrtAtscomitntirioovpr�jlde�cfllseQ '. <br /> +Do4q Ltndee mW�n I.enQpPi optton�o�a�n povenEe tRF��e4F 4endot'�d�hte in 4M Plopprty I�r�iSCac�Afloewlth� ., '. -- - <br /> — pin�Dfi9. . . � . . , : , <br /> -- AII irounnoe polictea�nA reneN+b ah�11 Do s9o�bl�bie to l:�rAror rnd eTutt lnoliMa�eq►nQarA�rtoH{e�o slwed, <br /> L.enAa►e1a11 h�vo trte AaAt to hotA the pqitota�nd tem'xda It IRnQe�te�utrse, �ort4xer�Il {ive to <br /> . . LenQertllraoetpUOtpetdprqm� ivmaanaranewilnodom.JntheevenEotlGav Borcoweeslullgtvopromptwuceathe c'. <br /> ---- IneuNaaecittlet�n�Lendu�LonQermWmikeproototlap�itnotmdey[omptty6p,BONower, . . ��.. � .' <br /> UnleaaLe6dam08orfowerothervriee��roeinxrittnII,inauruiwpenaedesAAtbetpplte0�at�wntloeor tt <br /> — o}thePippenyMm�aad,ItthermtoratioForceatrleeoonomtal��taelbtesndLendpr'eeeour�}yteposlat�pnat.( t . . .. <br />,,,,.e [esto»tionprrop�Gfenoteoons�miallY e+ai6leorLender'eeeauel Novldbeteeeenqd,t�ei�sunooD Q"tap�r+d,9dullbe .- ' <br /> _ • plted w the sume eeavrod by thb Bawdty ineuumont,ahether or not then due,wtth�ny.esamq ig•to Horroxw II <br /> — �rrower�bnndonsthePrope�ty,ordoeenatuuxerwithin30d�ye�notioetromLenEerthttthe[naunpoecafriprhla `-'� <br /> ; ofterod to settlo e ctaim,then Londet may oollcot tha lasuraioe ptoa,ads.Lendor mey�o tho�prooceds w s6pdr or ____-- <br /> ° rcatorotheFroperty orto ysumesaurcdbytAisBeoudryJnatrument,anetherornotthendua11�e30-d�ypedodwUl <br /> ""'� 6eginwAenthanodceie ven. <br /> - Unlessl.endetend�rrowerotherwisoagtteinwriting,anysppticationotptoaedswpdnafqlsAatlnoteitendor <br /> �'�;�� poa tponetheduedauotthemomhiypaymenteroterrcdmiap�rographeland2orohangetheemountoftheyaymente. <br /> ' It ondmpanprayfi 1I the Property �a�oqulred by Leader, Botmwa's d¢ht w eny insunnce pollctes end proaxds <br /> ��� rcaNQny from damePe m the Property pdor W the aoqulattfon shnll pees toLendet to the ertent olthe suma sewred by <br /> - thte3eoutttyfnetrumentimmediatoly pdortotheaoqutelAon. � - -- - <br /> _F 1 6.Oooup�aoy,Presmvat{on,Miinton�neewdProteotioaottho�roperty;Bonower'�LoaaAppliattoa; <br />._ i.�. I.aseLolde.Sortowm ehall ooaupy,eatabltah,end use the Propeny m Boetower'e pr(nolp+l resldenoe wJthtn aisty dsys <br /> -v:L� atter t1r�axuNon ot thle Seouriry Inatrument end sfiall conttnue w oeoupy the Pmperty as HottowePe prindpal _ <br /> _;;�;i realdenoa tor aclemt one yeae atterthe dnte ot 000up�noy,unlese Lender otheraise egras in wrtttng,whtot consert ehatl __- <br /> not bo unrwsonab]y wfthheld,or unlesa ertenuating alroumetenas e=iet whioh ero beyond BortowePa control.8orrower _—_ <br /> s she11 not deauop,dunege or impilr the PropettY,ellow the Propetty w deudonte,or commlt wasta on the Propetty. - <br /> .ti� Botrowar sAall 6e in delault it any toddturo actfon or prooeeding,whethar civit or cdminel,te begun thnt In I.endor'e � <br />"';;;;,. good talth Judgment oould reault in todeituro ot tho Property or otherwlse matedally impnlr the Iton created by tNa <br /> '� 9;- Seaurity Inatrument or l.ender'e swurity inurest. Borrower mey cure suoh a default and relnstate, ea pro�i'JrA In �•=- <br /> 5^' paregraph tQ by cau�lng the eodon or proceeding to be dfemissed with e ruitng that, in LendoFe good laith ■ � -- <br /> t�'� determtnadon,�recla�ea torteitureof the Borconer'e intareat in the Property ot other meudel impairmant of the Uen r�� — <br /> c,�tad ty ttJs..o,,,..:iy f�at:umentor Lrn'c.�r'a��xitY intere�t.ISn:mwcr ehall alm b!+In Mtault if Bor.ower durleg - -- <br /> '�1 the loan epplication proase, gava mauAally t+lse or inaxurew intormatton or etatemente W Lender(or telled to ;;�4"�,� <br /> `t; provide Lender with any metarial intormation)in conneotion wtth the loan evidenad by tha Note,Including, but not . �+F � r <br /> � Itmited to,representetiona concerning Borcower'e ocoupency ot tha Propeny es e principni thie 3ccudty ,��`t� <br /> � Inatrument ie on a leaaehold,Hocrower ahal!compty with e11 the provfslona ot tha lusa.I[Borcowa acquirca fw titlo to � , ' <br /> :t ' the Property,the leasehold and thetw title shell not merge unless Lender agrae W tha mmgeNn wddng. �„ t, � va. .: <br /> 'r`, 7.Protwtioa ot Laader's RtghU In the Property.If Hottower feils to pertorm tM covenente and egreements �r � ,y�,14�: <br /> t� conuined in thla Security Instrument,or thero ie e legal praceeding that may eigntticantly ettxt Lender'e dghte in the r <br /> Pro rry (sach dv a raading in bankru tcy, probnte, Ior wndemnation or tortdture or to entorce lawa or � � '�f ` <br /> ?. <br /> t:�. teguletiona),then Lender may do end pey tor whetevor(s necessary to protect the velve ot the Properry�nd Lrnder'e t j� -r : <br /> `` righta in the Proptrry.Lender e aMionv ma mclude paying any soma secured by e lien wNch A�a priority over thie ' +� <br /> ., Y PPw p � Y 8 P�Y �ire. t�':•�g,v�+�,}...: <br /> - " - Secudt Inatrument,a rin in court,peymg reesoneble attorne e teea and enterin on tha Pro to meka - <br /> -r}`: Ahhough Lender may takeaction under thia pangraph 7,Lender doea not hevo to do so. ; `'- . ��-� ,' <br /> �,,: Any amounis diabursed by Lender under tNe peregroph 7 shall become edditional debt ot IIoxower sauted by thfe ' 't}�'��fli,�;� <br /> Security Inatrument.Unlesa Borrower end Lender agree to other terms ot pnyment,thae amounte ehall bear intereat „'�f< '� 4u.�- <br /> . i r <br /> ` ^ trom the date of disbursament at the Noro rate and ehe11 be payeble,nith interest,upon notiw fmm Lender to Sorrower r' <<� - `��4}`- <br /> yw. <br /> -�..`. roqumtingPeYment. i y . ;p<: <br /> _::;;; 8.Mortaage lowranco. It Lender rcquired morcgage insurence s9 e condition ot m�king the loan savred by thie =vt� e�i;t�! :��� <br /> �x;:i Sceurity Instrument,Horroxer ehdl pay the premiuma required ta meintain tha martgageinsurenee in oEtaK.If,torany +n-y;�I�'�-` <br /> -�-=� reeson,the mortgage i�suronce coverege required by Lender lapsea or ceasee to be in ettcet, Dorrower ehnll pey the ±.._...v:�,�=s;.r- <br /> - premiuma required to obuin wvenge subetantia�ly equivalent to the mortgage insurance praviously in etfect,at a cast '?�;�'�'�k�•`„�s,m;..� <br /> eubstnntially equivalmt m the cost to $orrower ot the mortgage ireurana previously in effat, from an altemate jt,;�i:�;�:�"�-;�'-� <br /> .•:i,.,.:�;;,;:;.:. <br /> " mortgage insurer epproved by Lender. It substentielly equivalent mortgage inaurana coverage is not availabto, _ ..�_��;:!�E-r.`: <br /> Horcower ehall psy to Lender each month a sum equal to one'tweltth ot the yearly mongage inaurence premium 6eing �t� % -• <br /> ' _-� paid by Borrower whrn the insunnce coverage Ia�ed or ceasad to be in ettat.I.ender will accept,use and rctain theae � ^�s j;��( <br /> r� paymenis ea a losa reserve in lieu ot mortgage inaurance. Losa reserve yaymmta mey no longer be required, ' } <br /> s,...-�'..:.,_ <br /> .:iir,y�� � h s '. <br /> f �:,.,, <br /> �-BRIN����ouo� on.a.i e Porm 302! i/i0 . <br /> t �Natl�_� �.�; . <br /> . 1 1. <br /> ` . <br /> ..-?. • <br />- . ... <br />...0 . ��.�r��.�.�.— . .. ._.. . _ . . . �.' �" _ <br /> ..:�(_i .' •� . <br />�'t•� '`•���•" c � <br /> :j.\.' <br /> 'fY.: � <br /> ;� ' ' . <br /> _ ..,�t <br /> '�•}{ . <br /> _ '.�. . " � ' ' _ . <br /> :.9'.V ��.(� .. - ' .. �� . . � � <br /> )' ' <br /> 1J- (�1 l - ���: . . 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