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1 . 1 .�av�, , . . '�y�, . <br /> S24°�\ � _ . . . ' . . ,�f _ _ <br /> . + `6 �s����v t� �,� __ __ _ <br /> �•---- HorroaeYiCopy.8oxowereAdl6� yan r�ocantatmodoopyoleho aWond o ty ro m R <br /> Y ,s 17•Tt�cder o!tha PropenY o��gene�toi�1 ioterat t Honoeer.I d1 or�ny pirt ot theYroperty 8r any` <br /> ----- IpkroeZ�n ie i sold oe tro erred(ot ��1 benepold Intatrst�n p8orroxor te eo d or tronn[arred nm Bortoxet fe nat4 ' <br /> _�;.,.� mtura pereon�ylthouc�er'e prior xNttcn ooneent,Lenqer rn�y et iteo tion,requiro tmmed�iu qymene in[uli oi <br /> ,� �I eumb eeourto D t e udty[ menR Hoxevu, tnie optton ahii�not be e:eroieod by[.ender it osaRteo ie <br /> proh'b1 bytoQon I�w oft�edateo thie8wurity►netrumont. <br /> �it�dcr s„+th�e o tion,Lenda ehs! aive Ifortowar notiee o!eocetantlon.The aodce ehell provide e p�AQd <br /> ;'r „�. ot not lees th�n d�ye trom t�Q dne the notioe�e detivered ot mailed witAtn wNoh Horrowa muetp�y e11 sumeseoureA <br /> �� s� b thlsBeouBtylnetrumoN,I IIorroworhiiew theeesume prlortothee:DIntionotthie dod,iendermeyinvoke <br /> 1����;� enyromedieapermlttedbyt�eBacuAty(nat umnn�witlrouttuKhernatioeopdemmdonHorroxer, <br /> ,: ,� 18.Borrower'e Right`o Relnetete �t Borrower meete oertein aondleione,Borrowar ehsU Aavo she rl�s m hove � __, ,_ __,_ <br /> s, .� ontor�c qImcaent otthla BeeeupAect�y[natrumnnt dfeeon nued tt� time pdor ptoe thepwuriler ot:(e)3 pdoaya(or euoh oThe�pedod � <br /> r'+xi,�;' tAlep&aurblt�y�Iost omen-t;oi b�e�nt yuot ient 8bet nroontoroing�tAPle 6eo�udty I�nstrumen'Ihoso oondltto�ns�ete�et F <br /> epec;l <br /> �`,r�� � Borcowen (e) pnye Londer al�sume wNoh t en aoWd be due under thie Booudty Instrument end tho Note av{f no <br /> ��' eooeloroAon lud wourced;lb�oucea eny detault ot nny other oovenente or�greements,(o)peya eU expon�inourcad in <br /> `; -a� �' ontoroing thle 8eourib InstNmeax includin�,but not l�mited w,�asomble ettomeve'tas�end(d)utes suoh eotton�s it `__`� <br /> Lender may reasonebly tequtro to eavuro thet the Ilen ot thie Seourfty Tnatrument,Leoder e dghte in the Propeny and �� _ ___ <br /> ` �• Borrower'eobtigt4ontopey theeumeseourodby thls8enurttylnatrummtehalloonNnueunchenged.Uponrotnetatement � ._ <br /> +at � byBotrower tNeBacurTtylnatrumentendtheobitgationeaeourodherobyehellnmeintully�tteotivaesttnonooetemtion ,,, <br /> '� ri: hadaooutte�However,thlarightWrolnstateehellnotepplyinthecaseotaocelentionunderperogrophl7. '-, _;�tF -=_� <br /> � ,� 19.8t1e oi Note;Chw`e o!Lose 8ervicer.The Nom or a partiai interest in the Note(togetherwlth thieBeourity ,:,�lr� <br /> Instrument)mey be soid one or more timee without pdor nottoe m Botrower.A eale mny«sult in e ohenge(n theentity �ry;, -� <br /> z� ' (known as the'Loan Bervloer')thet oollxta monWy peymenta due unda the Note and thle Secudty Inalrument.Thero <br /> `�'y� '� elso may be one or moro changea ot the Loan Secvlcer unroleted w e sate ot the Noto.N there is a cAenge ot tAe Laan F ���,? <br /> ,,,17'r��,r;- 8ervfcar,Borrowcr wtll bo givon wdttan nottw ot the chango in axotdeace with peregtaph!4 abova and appl lable law. .-__ <br /> 1rie notice w111 etete the name and�ddress ot tM new Loan Servicer end the addresv w whtch paymente ehould 6e made. ° '; *� <br /> ��;�'t <br /> � �,' Thenoticewillalsocontalnenyotherintormedonrequiredbyappllcablelaw. y�� <br /> 20.H�zardous Subauncee.Borrower ehell not cause orparmit ehe presenca,usa,disposal,etoroge,or roteese ot tr, <br /> r�r 4 �l�` any Hezerdnua 8ubs�encea on or in the Properry.Borcower ehall not do,�or allow anyone else to do,enytNng etkoting j t'"��1�� —° <br /> }'*; the Property that ia in vioLtion ot any Environmontel Lew.The preading two sentenas ahall noupply m tho presenoe, ; '��+Y�sr,Sr ,_ <br /> - -i �ae, or storoga on the Propercy ot emell quentities ol Hezardouv Substanas thet are genewlly recognized to 6e �,.f�'_ +; <br /> { `, n .' approp datetonormalresidentialusesandtomefnunanwottheProperty. " r '�y� ! <br /> ,��: Horrower ehall promptly give Iander wrltten notioe ot any lnveatigatton,cla(m,demend,laweuit or other action by x-� "�s¢a � <br /> �� �y any govmnmenul or regolamry egenay or privete party involving the Property and �ny Hasardoue Subatence or is� '�;fj s�� � ; <br /> , , Bmironmental Law ot which Borrowar hes actusl knoxledge.It Dorrowar leatne,or fe notttied by eny govemmental or � �ti�e5r��.� _._ <br /> �r roguleWry authorfty, that my ramoval or other remediation ot eny,Hezerdouv Subetance attecting the Properry fe �, t,� e"�ytt', �� <br /> ���� ` neas�ary,Borrowersfiatlprom tlZtakeallnx�aryremedlelacUona�neccordanc�.ewithBmironmantelLew. �}�y3„i F'F` - _ <br /> eassa p <br /> � ..° ..s u�31r ihle�rogr�ph 2D Hazordous..o�tan�'aro th�eu�ts.�c:ec:.:^ed e_to_ie or h�z�rdo�w auMtan�+!s : <br /> ;y�i�a;: by Bnvironmentel Lew and tha tollowing eubstenaa gamline,kerosane,mher tlemmabla or tox(cpetroleum producte, ��F�� `,��;� .yi,, <br /> s,��},� S to�ic Icldea and herbiddes, volatile solvents, matertele conuining eabeatoa or formaldehyda, end rndioacdve f� . �r�iF s ° <br /> :�-(���,1;; mau ale.As used in thie ragreph 20,'Bnvironmenul Lsw"meatm tederal lawe and lawe ot ehe�urisdiction whero the q�;_;q�F�}}.���Y�t a<n= � <br /> h, ti � Property ialocatedthetrearotohealth,aatatyoremironmentelprotcetion. d - <br /> ,,t; NON-UNIPORMCOVBNANI'S.HorrowerandLendecfurthercovenentendsgreancfollowa �+{��q�'�«�"'"' <br /> ^ �l� J: 21. Accelentioa; Remadies. Leader e6a11 give noNco to Dorrover prior to rccelent{on folloning .j�l�t� �r�Q,.,; ,,,, _ <br /> ..,`t;a�'�j+,;; Dorco�ser's breacL ot eny covonnnt or egrwment iu t6ie Security Ipetrumant(6ut aot prior to accetentioa ',.'�;;!Fl����rj,r�,,;,, .. <br /> ��(Q�4 .�', under pangroph 17 unleaf eppIicsble law provides othorwieo).Tito noticoe6e11 epecliy:(�)t6e dotault;(b)the �n� •_ .r r,y _.� <br /> p'` ectlon requirod to curo t6o detauit; (c) e dnto, uot lees theo 30 deye trom t6e Mto the not{ce ie glvon to 4 ; r S'�f, - „ <br /> c 1' Borrower by wLich the defeult must be cured;and (d)t6at tniluro to ouro tho defeuit on or betore t6e d�te � _ �'�1 � <br /> " >, epecitied Ia the nottce m�y rwult io accolerstion ot t6e eums secured by eLie Saurtty Inetrument end eale oi „- �� _ ,t,f%��;.j;�"s <br /> � ° ; the Pro rt 1'he notlw shall turt6or intorm Dorro�aer of the ri 6t to reinsute eiter ecceterntion end tho ' + i t � <br /> ''i �� �, right t 6ring� court ection to sasart the non-ezieteuca ot a defauit or any othet detense of Horrower to q --%f' ,� � ;-2;;:-_: <br /> .,,i� ,; eecolention snd aelo. If tho detnult le not cutod on or beforo tho dato epeaified in the notiw, Gender,et ite �_���_ ,{,;i: i�t;�; <br /> �t ,- option, may requite immedlete payment in tull ot ell aums saurod by thie Sccurity Inettumoat vithout � � _, ; <br /> Porther demand end may invoke the pover of ailo end eny othee romedies pormittod by appHcable tev. ��z ; > >�In� j_-e, <br /> Londer ehall bo entitled to coltect eIl expoosea tncurrod in pursuing tho romediw provided ia t6ia pangreph -�_-- <br /> 21,Including,butnotlimitedto,reaaonableettorneys'teoaendcostaoltitlaevideace. - �s z - <br /> itthepoworotaalei�iavoked,Truateeehallrecordenoticootdofaultineachcountyinwhicheny partoi _;, , +� ,`-F'-" <br /> --•`� -•' the Property ie located end s6a11 meil coploa o!such notico ia tho manaer Qrescribed 6y appHcable lsw to -. -,-•;=_., ;���ig:=' <br /> - f - :i'�� 8orrofler end to thc otLer porsoas Proseribod by applic�blc lew.Aftor tha t�mo rcquirod by epplica6le Iev, �la"-r.:�__-_ <br /> Truatwe6a�Igivopubliouoticeotselotothepeteaneandinthemannorprescribcd6yepp11ca61elsw.Trustu, - .,__t,-�;_`�;� , <br /> vithout domend oa Borrowor,ehell eell the Property at public nuctioo to the highest bldderat the time aad ;� __;i_.- <br /> ,_�,a-.,.-��� plau and under t6e torma dcaianated in the nottec of aele io on¢or more parccis and in any order Truatee � .( „ . <br />"'�r,'���.�� determinoa.Truatex may poatpone eale of all or eny parcel of t6e Proparty by public aonouucement at the ����r�,���.�,}-:-. <br /> _��:,_�f};.i- time aad ptaco of eny provioualy scheduled sala Lcndor or ite dcsignco mey purcheac tho Property et any <br /> s�Io. �:�. . • <br /> Fam 30SA 9/90 ' <br /> - �—BHWD�omxe� rn.e..e �mu��c_ . <br /> ' K � <br /> � . <br /> - . ',r�"_'__•"'_�" ' _ '" ' ' <br /> ,r;l • <br /> -,'�•.. ��' _ <br /> '��`v..... .. . . <br /> ::.��dC.t.-: .. <br /> ,,,�:,.-. <br />_ .�'..::>. ,•, • <br /> jt', , t <br /> '';.:.i:.'> � <br /> , - � <br /> � � .' <br /> . , .. <br />