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.� . . . _ - . 93• o (►�i�. . . <br /> � TppBfE��t WPt'tY�tl tha Improvpmemm �ow or Aetositer et�eoted on tha pmpei►y,�nn�nli eae�meets. <br /> , :ty�ur�eriutae;�nC titturm now oe pe{e�tta'�pere ot the pmjurty.Atl repleoemente end eddlttone nhdl deo be.pcvekd <br /> Dythls8wutlt_yfn_efnimqnt+Ailotthetotc�Oingleroterrodtointhle8uurityTnstrumont�etho'Property' . <br /> _ _ $QARQW�►t WV�NANI'8 th4t 8ormwar fe IewlpJly uised ot the eateu Aeroby oonvoyeA and 6es the rlgAt m _ <br /> •pnnt�M1 eonvop tha Proyerty end tfi�t the Property Ia unenwmDarcd,ezoept tor en�mbranas ot reoord.Botcower _ <br /> rnjrqnG9�n4 wtU Aetend�anerally the dtte to tAe Property��dnn�ll oietms and demsndv,eubJeot to�ny enoum6renae <br /> ot rwotd: <br /> 77iI8 BHCURITY iN8TRi1MBNf oomDinee unitorm ooveninte tor nniorel uae and non•unitorm oovenante alth � <br /> ItmitMv�flulomEp tiediatlonwooneUtute�unitotmsoourhyinntrumeneooveringrcalpropeny. <br /> UMPORA�OO�QNAN7'8.Iiorrowo►�nd LenQer oovenmt end�grco�e tofloas F" <br /> 1.P�ymeat o!Wiaolpd�aA Intere�q Prepiymeot�nd Gte C6u�e�.Donowoe eh+U promptlyp�y when dua _' <br /> the pftnolql of�nd Intereet on the dobt evidenoed by the Noto�nd�ny prep�yment�nd lete ohu¢cs due under tha Note. ^" <br /> 9.FunEi tor T�sos�nA Poeur�ece.8ub t to�p lloablo lew or w e wdtten walvor by Lender,8orcower shall !::` <br /> pty to I,ender on the Eiy monthlyp+ymente�due under the Noco,unti!the Note ie paid fn tu11,a eum('Funde•)for. �,,. <br /> p)yariy qtee md�menta whioh m�y atuln pdorlty ova tNe 8ecurity Instrumene es e flen on tho Propony;(b) �::: <br /> Yearly laaeshotdp�ymente or gtound rente on the Properry,il eny; (o)yearly heurd or propetty inauronoe prcmtume; i:- <br /> (d)yarty tload Inewanco premluma,(t eay;{a)yeatty mottgege inauranoe premium�,l(any;and(t)eny sama payable _ <br /> by Bonowat w Lender,in�xorGance xIth tM proviaforo oi perayraph B,tn tiw ot the qpmont ot mortgage tnauronoe =': <br /> promlume.Thae(teme aro alled'8ecrov Iteme.'Lender m�y,ee nny Hm0.�����end hotd Punds in en amount not ;',. <br /> w eioeed tha matlmum emount e lendm tor s federolly rolated mortgaga loan may requiro fot Borcower'e csctow =_ <br /> a000unt under tho kdeml Ral Astete 8ealement Proadures Aot ot 1974 as emended trom time ro time, 12 U.B.C. <br /> Bwdon?b01 et�@p CRBBPA'),unlesv enother Inw th�t appliea to the Funde sero a lesoer emount.It so,Lendcr mey, ` <br /> at my time,oollcof end hald Punds in en amount not to e:xed the leaser emoune Lender mey mtimate the emount ot - <br /> Punds due on the bmle ot ourcent deta end reaeonnMe estimates ot ezpendiwcas ot fus�ro Fixrow Iuma or othmwiso in <br /> e000td�noewlth�pplicablelaw. <br /> The Funds shnll 6a held in en inetituHon whoee depostta ve inaurcd by e tedaal agency,isetrumentality,or ontity = <br /> ((noludfng Lender,it Lender la such en inatituNon)or(n eny Fedarol Homo Loen Hank.Lender ehall eppty tha Punds to <br /> pey the$sorow IWme.L.ender may not cherge Borrowx tor holding end epplying tho Punda,annva�lp enalyafng the _ <br /> eacrow a000unt,or veritying the Bscrow Iteme,unlesa Lender paye Borconer intereac on the Pon4s�nd applicabte IaN ,.' <br />= pat mlts Iander to make such a chuge. HoNever, Lender may requfro Horrowar to p�y a ona-time charge tor an '°' <br />_ inda{rmdent roel esteU ts:reporting serviee usod by I.ender in connwtion with thia loan,untess spplicabte 1aw providea �-` <br /> otherwise.Unlese an agreemenL ie mede or eppliceb(e Iaw requites interest W be paid.Lender ahatl not be«quired w i� <br /> p�y Borcower any intxest or eam3nga on the Funda Borrower�nd I.ender may egree in writing,however,that mtereat �,� <br />' ahnll be paid on the Funda.Lender eiull glve w Borcower,without cherga,an annual e000unting ot the Funde,ehowing �'. <br /> credits and debtta to the Fundv end the pu tor whtch wch deb[t to the Funda was mede.77w Funde are pledged ea <br />_ �idon�!�udtY foia]!sums�ut�by*. :_SeeurIty lnstrument. �' <br /> It the Funde held by Lender eiaed the�mounte permitted w be held by applicable lew,I.ender ehall aocount to ! <br /> Honower tor the axcesv Fund9 in eaordance with tha roquiremente ot epplicable Iew.[f the amount of the Funda held !'��` <br /> by Lender at eny Nme ie not sutticient to pay the Becrow Itema when due,Lender may eo notiEy Borrower 3n wriUng, ',..�: <br /> nnd,in such case Borcower she11 pay m I.ender the emount neassary to make up the d�ciency.Borrower ahall meke - <br />= up the detldanoy in no moro then twalva monthly peymonts,etLender's sole diecrUion. �.-,� <br /> Opon psym¢nt In tull ot all eume saured by thle Secudrylnatrument,Lender shail promptly retund m Borconer ,.; <br />- eny Punde held by Lender. II, under parogaph 21, Lender ehall ecquira or sell ehe Proparty, Lender, prior to the �:; <br />.- acquisidon or eale ot the Property,ehall npply any Punds held by Lander at the time ot acquisition or eele as a cradit = <br />.. ageinet the euma stoured by thia Security Inetrument. _ <br />- 3.Appl{c�tton ot Peymente.Unlesv applic+blo Inw provid�otherwise,ell payments receivad by Lender under = <br />- paregraphs 1 and 2 eAell be applled:tiret,to any prePayment cherges due under the Note;socond,to emounta pnyable _ <br />< under paragraph 2;third,to interea[duo;tourth,w pnncipat dua;end I�e[,w eny laro chargca due under the Note. - <br />__ 4. C6argea; Liene. Horrower sh+ll pay ell taies,eaessmente,cherges,tines end imposicions ettdbuteble to the = <br />- Property whfch mey ettnin priority over thie Security lnstrumrnt, end leasehold paymente or ground rente, it eny. ii� <br />° Dorcower shall pey thesa obligations in the manner provided in paragraph 2,or it not paid in that manner,IIorcoNer f: , <br />�- ehell pey them on time ditectly to the person owed peyment.Horrower ahsll promptly turniah to I,endar all noGces ot F�� <br /> amounte to be petd undar thteperegreph.It Horrower mekea thesa psymente diratly,Borcower ehall promptly turniah �:.. <br />= toLenderreceipteevidencing thapeymenta i: <br />- Bottower shel�promptly discharga any lian nhich hes priority over this Security Iretrummt unless Dorrower.(e) _" <br /> agreea in writing m the payment ot the obligation axured by the lien in a manner eccepuhle to Lander,(b)conteata in � <br />- good faith the Iten by,or delends against mforcement of the lian in, legal procecdinga which in th¢Lendar's opinion ��-�' <br /> operete to provent thc enforament ot the lim;or(c)sxuros[rom the holder of tha lien an agteement satieteMOry W Y�> <br />= Lender subordineting the lien to thie Security Inatrument.It Lrnder dUerminre thet eny part of tha Property is aubject - <br /> to a lien which may ettain priority over thia Security Inatrument,Lender msy give BorroNee e notir.e identifying the :•�" <br /> lien. Botrower ehell satisty the Iien or uke or.e or more of the nction�set fotth ebove within 10 daya ot the giving of <br /> notico. <br />... L . <br /> ierm 702! !/80 <br /> �-BHWEI�meuo� •.�. a.�� Inuhb:__ - <br />•� . <br /> -.... ...,...-..,:._....:�..,,-..—'_"____.., -_ _-" ._.,.__.-._ _ ._.,. . -.._""_" '..__--•.---._�"^__-.. _. . _. _ ' <br /> _ � ._ . - .,.... ..,.� �... <br /> .,�- <br /> �i'_ - '. -- . . _ _ ' <br /> . - ",'��. ' . . . <br /> t_ r <br /> � y <br /> �:i$r"`:1 -P' ..-..$.�. ' . . <br /> ' ' ' y <br /> .-.;;�:": . <br /> - ' - , .��F� , - • _ . _ . _ <br /> i`i,: <.'�. ' � � . � ' _ . . -. . - <br /> . .' � �. r_ - . _ ' . , . . <br /> .f.. - � �. - ' . • . <br /> � . - 5'_ .; _ . . <br /> - �rt�. � - - � . _ .i: . <br /> � � - - )S � — � . L'� -. <br /> � �1 . -; {� - ' . <br /> + + _ (- ` <br /> � . G. _, r ..i�. . � � .... �'15 i ._ . . ... , '. . �+-. � . _ . .. . 1.2 y. -.�., , _ <br />