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I �:i J i� `. � ! 5 t:. t� . -} : �i �S ' � �l '�r��� `1 �[ .f �, 14 � '` ra —____. <br /> �� t �MtAY/ Autif4�1! e;'da9th iddf�7�latLA� �76Yttledh ,p`�n 1or Mr o uN�- d� a 7 -f <br /> � w�h aj�gt�+'RM(c�datdQOatk�ifid�w"f�L',�a,�.�d��¢�tha�'oWlV4 � r,Y.�tn 7n ( <br /> �k�Mht.i�m�nS(�"thFf�ni�1}dbyrhh s�,�NiWfiMtalaA�`� lW�M��� �'�'M {�I�Ma N�� I ' � <br /> •��B.Earta�rw�dw�+0 t��a�n 4ypw�'n�rooft�:aN�mR��b�+r ar t�ttla��►1ntm�kn a wn�•to c�aw � f j <br /> : ol, tpo� Iao�rdUiinx rta? bl4tma�h o?rt31+wo!i Nl:�?u!�^�tdY?�fNOtn „atuQnO. �Nrf �. <br /> 0 <br /> � noT IRliid ta :�Ktajfi4Eq��opna�lM� B81fOw0Y vcZVK1n6Y.o�.�ia ��r t��mwrrtaR n 1�+!��t �,� , <br /> ' N�4unxnt h o���i�haN�,BOmowr bIW c?nWry.wRQ�M tMq6 vkkn►o�UM t� �[$ardYrN�07�1f tw tlB3 SO N� � <br /> � PNp.�td(h�1Kif A6M_N11 thd fii t9N��1161656t�i Yil�di LORd�C�C:?40 NQ !t W�ll�p. - - ' r_: ` , .. . .. <br /> • 7.�+rcR�c��on oT fsndl�'a fi( In tM Plqpltty.p Banowx hi�. 4o D�am Ne ear�nmu�nd s�a�en{1 <br /> aont�t+�d l�t!� Nu+nq.ln�wmnt, c►t�r�A a Np�1 IMl nrl+�ynMC�ny!�n�et 1.�ndr'�:ApAI�„ IN►V�opwy ••,�_ <br /> t�pch�i a propeaQnp.N Ouuvupl�y,proGta tor oonaim� a�oAanure a ro�nhroe Yw�a rKNw,wn�j, t Ae Lxi tl x m W <br /> Eo�d pry.fa wh�txer,f�necawy lo prolKt Iiis Y�+�oi IM Rroyab ao0 Luidu'a�pAti In tAo 7iaAe+y� 1.oiQgYb ad'ont ��.� - --...-. .. <br /> m�y Ncti6e p►ylno/rpr Wmo �aauea tN a hn wlueh n�e M�N�R tNt BrtivAN m�94man6 wWMhY H ocurt� vqhY - . <br />- rouon+DS�Utom�ri'faae ma mtaNy on�tM Propab to mW raD�NNwpt�Unda�MI uk�/ioHp�'6�Wo Nb Y�n�PA � . ". <br /> 7.Landa Eon not tuvs to do ea ' <br /> qry�mamt+ dsbunM bY lender un4a pua8ryh 7 M�0 6eepme �d6tlon+1 debt a1 -Bo4mvN awurad DY Wr - . <br /> tteomly Inshumml Unbs�Oortown �nd Lendu �grce to otha lam�ol p�ymmR Nese amounle ihd bMr Intaeit Nom <br /> the d+te o)AsWnemml�t tM Note wte uM ehd Oa pn�7Ak W�A Ntores6 upon notloe firom Lmder to BortOwr fequ�s9ny - <br /> L <br /> �8.�Mortg�g� Intunnc�.n�maa ruQutrnd rtanpage hsunnoe es�consuon ol mNang ths loui �aand by tNe ,. � �' -` - <br /> 8awtlly InehumA Bortmm shel D�D ths Wanlim�rcquted lo mahleh�he malg�go Inmmnte In edoc6 I4 for ury rasoa Na . -- -� <br /> matppe hawmoe oovenp0 requlred by lmda lepsas a ccrsa to Ce M•eMd, Bortorra eM1 pry lhe p�M9um7 Kquhd�a '` <br /> abWn eorenqe eu6sLn9rly equktlent to the mo+tge9e Neurmoa pMa�ay Y�erteN, at�ooat eube1m1I6N eWMkn1 to Ns <br /> oost to Barowa of the morlyf9a Nwrs�ee x:NOUSy 4 eMd, 4an en�Remtla motlga9e Inaurx �pproved AY lender� tl <br /> •u6atudltly equNdmt malgtge hauruwe ooren9s I�ml er�L6ie, Barowa eM0 p�y to lender eadl manN�sum OWY to <br /> onNwNAh of the yeuy matgiga Nawanea prcmlum 6dnp p�IE Gy Bortonn when Ne Nwionoe wretp9e MpsM or onaad to --_---.._.. <br /> be In Mect lendx xM eooepL uas end rc1eYi Ihefe peymenN ns�bsa reaave In Leu of mo�9 e Nauru�oe. Lots rotqve <br /> prymente mry no longa 6e rtquked�1 N�optlon ol Lender,l moriqeye baurnnes eovaa9e Qn Ihe rmwnl md fa ths paAod <br /> tMt Lceder rsqulros)prm4dod ty m Nwr¢r epproved by Lendrr egnh beeomaa�va9eble and W obteNad. Bomowa eh�7 pay <br /> the prcmNme reQWrad to melntefi mongape hwrma N alfec� or to proMde �bas resme,un1B Ne�oW4emmt for monp�9e <br /> heuMOe mde Y�aemrdenoa xilh wy w�ltlen a�eemx�t belwee� Bortorrer uid Lmds v�pWable�w. <br /> 8. Inspeotlon. Lmder a As egeM mey meke rwtonabN en41u tqon md 4�spedbns ol the Property Lendtt Me1 pMe <br /> 8onorrer no9oo�1 the Wne ol a qlor to en hspectfon aDedqhip reasoneDls auaa la tAe hupecWn <br /> 10. Condemnatlon.The prooeedf o1 eny ewud or rWn la Oemapa. Eked or consequm4d.In aonnoctlon wfth ury <br /> eondmuintlon a olher teldng ol wy pM ol the Property, or br oomeyenea h qeu ot oondemnetlon, ere he�oby aaU�ed end <br /> ehd be pdd to lmda. <br /> In the wenl ol a totel IeldnB ol tN Ropehy, the prowed� sMf 6e epp9ad to the sumf sewred by thb BeaAty <br /> NeWment,vrheUSOr not then due, wM eiry exeeaa paid b Bortowu. N Iha went of a peitW teldnq ol Ihe Ptoperty N = <br /> rrhicn iR6 iei mi�wa�v::w: ..1 Cw PY--.�..1'i-•••••,•••••o bLlpe tl�e L•�irj U�'-'y to c��!?r�M_� thN imnwt o1 Ne sum� --: <br /> aecured by thb BeaAly 6uVUment Nmsdatey betore tha W1ng, unbsn Bortoxer end Lmder ofhmvise a�ae In vMling. 1he _ —_ <br /> eume sewred 6y Nb Securiry InsVUn.�n1 ehet be reduced by the emwnt ol ths proeeed+mNtp[od by tho fo0orM8 fracEare `n-;^-. <br /> (e)the totel enwwl of 1he numt�acurad NmeCatety belme IM teldn8.mrldM bY N)tha teY muket velua ol Ne Ropay E�%r;_*=*-_-- <br /> Xnmedleldy 6eloro the tnNnp. My balanee ahaE be peW to Barowec In lhe wenl ol e pMW taldny ol the Prope+y in whioh p/ - <br /> the fair me�km vWe oi IAe Property kunedleley belae the WdnB B lese then the emounl ol the aums�eared ImmeNley �ht�;�� <br />- bofwe tho toWng. unla� Oortower end Lmder oNervAae yree h wmY�y or uMue app0eable Ifw olhervibe prorldee.Ne !c - �_:. <br /> proeeed�ehe0 be eppBM lo the�ums aewred 6y ihb BewrXy InsWment wheNa u nol l�e auma es Ihen dua a'' „ <br /> 11 Ne Propary le abuxloned by BoROwer. or M. Nler noke by lmdn lo Bonower�het ihe eontlanna oflem to malm en t�t iS = .- <br /> xrerA or eattle � dalm lor d�mi9ea• Bortower fella lo roapand to Lmder vMhN 00 deye eRer the tlale Ne nolioa Is pka�. `,1�.`" � <br /> Lender b eNhoiited to aoYeot md eppy Ne procecds, et M opEon. eit:fer lo ras�ore0on or rep�4 0l the RopMy a to �ka 4�1� <br /> Iho 6uma eecured by thb Seady InsWmml,whelhe or not IFm dua. !f� +•x.- <br />- UNeae Lenda end Bonawr othmASe egree N wdtln¢ any eppBCatlon of proceade to pMdpN the0 not exlend or ,?1`�'.. - <br /> poslpone tha due dale ol lhe manl�y paymenle refrned to N pueyaph�1 end 2 or chenge Iha emwnl ol aueh paymenl�. k�i;���.��_':_ <br />- 1 t. Borrowor NM Roloased; Forbea�ance By Lender Not e Wafvor.Fxienswn of the ume tw peymMt a -h:��r?::... <br /> modAkelbn oi amortlzatlon ol th�euma tearcd by Ihb Sewly InsWment q�enteA by LmAer lo eny suweasw N Nlttest '%�,^jt'-�:�:.� <br /> ;'R'i.,,. <br /> ol Bortow¢r nhe9 nol oDmte to rNease Ihe Gb101y ol Ihe otlg5ul Bortmr¢r a Bonowefa wceoasme In Nlerest lendp aheG %q��__.___- <br />- not ba requ4od lo eommmee poeet�n9�egeNnt e�ry aucussor N inttteal or roNSe to exlmd tYne 1w pqment w ot�emise ':�Ian�.;. <br /> moddy emallzWOn ol th� ewm seaxed by thU Secura� Inswmenl 6y rdnon ol eny demend mede by Ne oApNel -���"�"�� <br />� Bortower or Bortower a waessa� n Interest My lorbearanp by Lmtler In exerWNy�ny dyht or «mady eha� not be � j��.:,��_; <br /> weNM ol or qedude tha exNdse of eny dyht w remedy. ;'��5..;. <br /> 12. Successore and Asalgna Bound; Joint end Severel Llablllty; Co-slgnera.?ho eorenema and �..�-.-:<- <br /> -�_.-:��.:�._�. <br /> eqreemmU o/thb S�wrty InsWment elu7 6hA m�d bmefit N�successors end eaalgns ol Lmda entl Bortowtt,aubJeet to Na p.��. ,. <br /> proviNOro ol partg`eph 17. Flarower e cormenta and egreanenta aha0 be�dnt and awwal. My Dortowtt who wsipns IM1b ' <br /> SearNy InaUUmml but does not exewle Ua Note: (a)le co-slyning thls Seadly Inewmml ony to moM1qa9e,qrant end eomey Yr�'i"��:��� <br /> thet Bortower e Ntereet N iha Propttry under Ihe Ittme ot tAts Scwfiy InsWmenl: @)is nol pelsona0y ob8qated to pay 1he <br /> sums eeareA by Iltls SecuAry Inavumenc and(c)eyeea llu� LmEtt and eny other Bortower may egree to e#end. moGly. <br /> forbeu or meke eny accammodatlona wllh�epard to Ne terms ol ihb Searity�nswmml or 1he Nole wlUoul thet Bortowera <br /> conamt. `..��. ��� <br /> 13. LOOn Chefgea. II Ihe loen securetl by Inb Seaiiy Inswmml in aubjed lo e Ww whkh nete madmum loen � ^'����,�'� <br />. cheryea.end lhei lew U 5nely InlMpretM!o Net Ihe Inleresl a othn ban cherpen colleded or to be co�wled N conntHion s� � - - <br />. wilh 1he loen ezuetl lhe pertNlicd Oirvls.Ihm: (e)e�ry 6uch Iwn Wrge she0 be reduad by the emounl necessery to redua �� • ' � <br /> Ihe eMrge fo Na perrtMed time: end (b)eny aums ekeaAr collMed irom 8mown wnich exceetled pomillM 6m1U rA I � <br /> 6e reNndetl lo Bo�rown.Lender may choose lo m�ke Ihis �eNnd by re0adng �he pAnUpai owed unEa Ihe Nole w by <br /> mekNg e?vecl Doymenl lo Bortavn. 11 a rcNnE rzduces pincipal. the reAuqion wA be lreeteE os e Darlai prcpepnent I,' <br /> rr��out eny D�epeymrnt charge untler�he Nole- • <br /> 14. NoNCee.My notice to 8ortowtt o�a'�ded for in Ilw Secumy Inswmenl sha7 be g�m hy d¢(rcerinq n or by ma3ng X <br /> by frcat desn mal unleas eppAU610 law�equires use ol anolFn me�hoC- ihe notice sh�G be d4edxl lo Ihe Prope�fy AANess <br /> or eny olhn eAGeaa Bortowef designetes by notite lo LenOn. My nol�ce to Lmtlx she0 6e gwen by firal daaf m�e lo ' <br /> iendvb �dmws n e�i idirs�N dry a -_ -' � - - "a7y.::.a Ss.-' ' ' ..... .. �.-i " '......_ ... _ <br />- Ihie Sewtlry InsWment sha0 De Eeemetl to hare been ghen m Bortoner or Lrndr1 whm gNen es proWdetl N 1MS DanqmDh. <br />- 15. 6ovorning Lew; SBVB�Bbllily.This Security NsWmenl sheY be gmMned hy letlttal law end the law ol the <br /> �uASdWOn in whlch the PropMy�s localetl. in the erent Ilut �ny provision a tleuse ol Ilde Seadty�nawmmt o� Ne <br /> Nole eon111Ua wtlh eppice6le�aw. auch conRCt ahe0 not aNect olhn p�ovisbns of Ihif 3ewAry Inslrumenl or the Nole which <br /> can be qiren e11M xdihoul the conAiclinq porision.To Ihis mC Ihe provisbna ol Ihis SewNty InsWmml anA ihe Note ue <br />' deUared to be nmereble. <br /> 18. BOROwO�'8 COpy.Bonowtt ahal 6e gkm one mnlo�metl w0Y ol lhe Nole end o/lhis Securiry InsN)imml. <br />.. ✓ � � <br />- F1J16 VAO OOB]) �aT l 015 �� <br />" anw ua { <br /> � <br />