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„..a�w"'�'o.�...� . : i t .� ' i �1 <br /> `�� ' . �i . . �;�. . •..: --9 - :!� . . . � _r:3 � /� -. ! r-.t . �/ ° <br /> . ' e . . � r Q����V� � [y�s t 4 -- - - --- <br /> ` ` TOQ611iEtI WI1H a11A0 ktq, f0Y71�a7N e7/7.Ar,�QOEP�r�al7��p Mi iM1e �tpFNy' � �'o�W��. <br /> '` t� e�.+a��r�`attaraucwtn. a�rr;�xc�n. aiwCQ'v�GIQ ��”' k . � rrr•wG i4ucE_ � _ _ <br /> • �e Ne�♦rorpon9 b t 14 N'�AN a�ae N�Mrpra��yo'7�op,Ay,' � <br /> ¢Ofl�OWER 4Q� HH4�Ew�o�r �M�►D tAa10 ot th. enul�I�xrLy eamN� „41M� b.lkM lo O�Fr�n0" � „:: <br /> °�r`ry;tho Oioprqi uid,@,�1 t6�PropMty h.uh�naanbWM� qnrofsM-fa'�nambmON:01 flpOfd B6ROW0 N7RM�1��; <br /> a�ao��in�a.iow.a�r��q�end�dqaANdtoary�Nraaad - <br /> iHlB eE IH89tUhSEM n m�. O��nb ta nytla�ul ua� 0 pon�unLam aovSn�nt� ivnh <br /> __ N7tb vyYUon�Dy het�AcG5n to anttllut��ynMPm��!a+�Cl h�uw�nt arra9ip ral Oro•rdd. - �.• --- • .._. . .. <br /> UNffpRM OOVENANT&. 6ortowN�nd lmQe owcsunt�nd��ee�f tolorro: ' '. � - _ � <br />� - 1.Y�ytn�nt ot PA�otpp�nd IMu�Mi Pn ml end IaN Charpe�.eonowx md piompy+Dw rmm - <br /> Au�Ih�qMdDY ol�nd Mtm�an N�d�bl M1ma0 iM Nob�n0 enY PnD�Y�t�nd kM tNrpH N�wdw tlu <br />-`-° Note . . <br /> R. Fund�ta'Tan�nd Inwnno�.qmN�+�o�pptaou uw u co�wm�m wwr oy unar. ewraww�nu wr ` , °.-- <br /> to l�nEw on Ne dqr mon0b PM�I�ue dn undu tfi�Hota w1Y N� Not�le 9�d h M,��um PNnd�y fa; U)Y�4� ' <br />-_= tue��nd auasmmU w�kh mry att}N pdaly wa We BtaeBY tn�uument�e�Ien on tA�Rop�+qt(E)yrM IuaMaid <br /> �--- paymmb a pound rent�m th� NoD�Y,tl�nY. (e)Yxrt/h�wd a propalY haumnoe premlums: (d)Y�b�oa0 Nsmuioe - <br /> _-= pratnMOM1�,tl�ty.(e)yeuy mortp�pe l�aunnce prunluma,tl uiy,u�d @�ny eumt p�yWb Dy 0ortowx t0 lAnda N tat9�dmce <br />..��� wM the p�orlsbn�ot penQtph B,Y�!w ol thepp+n�t ot moH�9u InaWw�oo P�� mese Itanf ue Wed •EtCtaw <br /> �,., Item�.' Lendv mry. �t ury INN� ooleet end notd FLnd�In m unount not to�arowp tA� midrtium �owunt� Ae� lor• - <br /> _- 1WerNy rel�lad moHp�ge lom m�y raqirW Ia BararLe,sr'e nava�eoowd undm the hEenl Fai Esub s -- -.. . .. .. <br /> -- Aal 011874�e�ma�ded I,rom 10w to IMne,iQ U.8.0.9 f1i01 N aa4 ('REBPA�. �s �notha ww th�l�pyloa ta Iha Funda <br /> _ �Ne�lester unowt. N ao, Lenda mey.�t ury Wne,eoleel u+d Aold i�mda N m amovnt nol to exaed Ne lessa unounL <br /> -= LenAa�ny wWn�te Ne u�ount of Funde due on Ne buh ol amait M��nd rusonaDls esiNUtes ot a�m�luroe ol Mvre <br />",;:;_ Eaorow Xeme a oNmWe h eaordanee wI�A�pplceble Im. <br /> �--= The Fund�eh�l Ee hdd N en NalriuVOn whose deposlu ua Nsurad by a IedeN agenry,NawmenWry,a mUry pnWBnp °--- <br />��"`":; Leider,M lmdr b sudi�n NaNutlon)or N my Federal Home lan Qenk lenda s�d�ppy t�e fundi to qy Ne Etuow _� <br />'�--?I ItdM.I.e�der mry not dwgn Bortawer tor hol?np md eppyin9 u�FundL annuty�nelydnp the esaow�aount a vM�My =___ <br /> _�� Iho Eaarax Ilan�, uNUf lenda peya Barower Nierest on ths Funds md epD���e I�w pamtta lmda b ruke wcA a =- � ------- <br /> ohugo.Howmer, Lendar iny requlro Bortower to pry a u^o-11me charga br�n 4:dependml tal as41e 1� repoNng eeMee k: <br /> �.-� umA 6y Lendc�N oorviettlon wMA iNe km. unlese �pPlable lew proHAea olhawlsa UNess �n ��aanmt b m�de w <br /> .-- epplceNO Ww roqutroa hterest to 6e peW,lenEe/ehd not be roqutad to pey Bortawer nny Inleeat a evnNg7 on the Fundl. °� �.: <br /> -� Batowa end Lender mq e�ee N wtllNp. Irowever.lhet Nleroal ahe0 be p�d on Na Fundf. lender Mol gNe to Barower, ,. - <br /> R�,] vfihoN eharye,en ennud�000unWg of tha Funda, shorhp ne6u end de6tle to Ne FunAe end Me puryoss fa which eaeh x � ��.. <br /> � AebR to Ihe Funda wae meda The Funda�re D��B��eAdlbtW iecurAy(ot aE euma aewred by the&a�iy NsWmenL �jj4 r.`- <br /> ��?a H Ne Funda hNd Dy Lender ezoeed Ne unounts penMted to 6e held by epD��a I�w. Lende��hY�eoount to B a ra�er [.y� � <br /> _�:j for Ne mceasa Funde In�ccordmee rrilh ths requYemente ol epplabie law.II the emount ol Na Funds hdd by Lmder al�ny Y� � � _ <br /> k t� tlme b not nulEdmt to pry the Eeaow Itcme whm Uue. Lender mr/so nofdy Bortower N rrtitlnp, end, M tuch taae 8ortowa `f�� �� . <br /> ehN to Lander lhe emount ncros to meke up ihe OeAdmry. Bartorrer�hef ineke uD��e deMlmq N no mora thm * <br /> -� Iwtlre�inonthy P+Ymmb,et Lendere eo��saetbn § �s+� �� °- <br /> _' Upon pqmmt in W of el wme soauied Cy Y:ff SewMY NaWmmt LenAM ehaE WwM�Y rdund to Bortower ury i����. _. <br /> :.- Funda hdd M Li+�Bei. '(. �'nda�ar4bLh 2.. �-:AG a�!_�--^.ie��!�e ProF�Y.L?!t�¢dnr ro m.�equtdion v eNe _ , _. ___ __.. <br /> ""- ol iho Propary• s1uY eppy enY Funda h�Jd tondn�t tAe Ome of a Non or ede e�e uedit agvnst ihe euma seared ->� rr a�-_- <br /> 6Y � , i ,r �t - . <br /> _ by ihla 8eau�IntWmen4 r t if � �$}: � . <br /> 3.Appi oation ot Paymonte.un��s ePpocabte mw proridea oNetwise. e0 peymen�e retNred h Lmtler undtv -- <br /> pengfepht 1 enA 2 sh�l he epplad: Rnt,m my prepaymmt oherpa�Cu�under�he Nole: semnd,lo emounU pnyeble undtt ;i{�{ li'x��t�N`-- <br /> penynph 2:thYA,to Nferest due:fouhh,to qNdpat duo;�nd knl to eny kte eheryee due under the Nota � r + , - <br /> '_ 4. ChUrgBB; UBn&Bmaww sheY pey eli Weea, eeaeumenta, cherga7. lfnee end Mpoeitlau etlAwtabls to tho �� � '- }�� �u"-=� <br /> � �uv <br /> °� Roperry whkh m�y atWn P�o'Xy mer W� Becvdty IneWment, enA IeasehoW paymen4 or yraunA rmU, tl eny. Bortorrer �t n : f� _� <br />__._A nM1 pay Nesa o6lgatlone h the menner pro+ided N peragiePh 2, or X not paid N Ihet menna. Bortawer aheY pay ihdn on b�t�r� "f�� i_'t����,_ <br /> �,-s Ume a4eetl�r lo Ne peram owed peyment Bortowrc she0 promplti Nmish b Lendr eG nolka�ol emwnle to 6e paiE under ♦ � � �h� _" <br /> thls paiaqreph. tl Bonowv mekes IMwe peymanle dree�ly. Bonower elul promply Nmi4h to Lend¢r receiple alidendng i�Y .�1.?���y? <br /> .��� �� B owPf shel promply tlisehvqe eny Em whlch hes pdorF.y over Nie Socudry InsWm¢nt unlese Barower. (a)eqroos h ��y��„"�. `� <br />-"� N rrti0ng ro tha pryment ol tha ob0yeuon ner+re0 6y 1he 6an in e menner eeceplede ro Lmder, (b) eanlesp N qood 1Mh Ne ' -. . .. ,�_:- <br /> Ym w delmd�e st mlaaement ol lhe Ien in. le el prxeedn whleh in Ihe LenAds o inion o erol� to erent ''�`�' ;t'�� �'!i�"��•,�;- <br /> ����°' the adweement of the�len:or(o)sewre�han tha holder ol Ne Oen en ayeemml eetlsfadory to Lmdtt auborANetlng tho ��;i+^_�-"j,v;' r``� <br /> _ ��� <br /> 6en lo iMe Bew�Ry Ina4umen4 11 Lmder delermNee thet any pM ol tho Propttly U euC�ed lo e Ilen wNeA may etteln pAoMy �a}L: � <br /> +ff orer thb SeaAry InaWmm6 LenAer my ghe Bonower e nollce IdenlipMq�ha Ilrn. Bortower ahe0 setlsy tho Yen or teke -r t i�n '- <br /> one ot more ol the actlone eet/ohh ebovo wllhin f0 Gye ol the pAi�g ol notiae. " -;�a��j :- <br /> ;:'� �0 6. N�Oed a einaPbu brtke.nhuards NduCetl wllhNh the Idm�amaendetl covere ow eds�g orohereaRh za G��mo ' .4t� r`��44`. ` <br /> P�'+H 9 Y 9 Y 9 _ i {� .e'� s i ,_. <br /> ibodn w floadNg,for which Lmda requ4ea haurante. This ineumnce shell ba melnkined�n fhe amqmn md/w 1he ptxioda - ¢S v <br /> Ihat lender rcqutrea. The Nauru�u ea�er proMEln9�he innurance aha7 he chosen by Bonowx aubJM to Lmder's eppraral ��[y�: �; <br /> _i� whkh MeY nol be unrunoneDy wXhholO. II Uonower lalls to malnleln wveregt tlesWbed ebore. Lender may. at lentler's � ; -� , <br /> optlon.obteN cormag�lo Drotttl Lmdera Nphle in Ihe Proparly N eccordanca rdU�peray�aDh 7. �, �y ���� <br /> �'-t� M Y�sufanca polidea end rmewals aMG be ecce0�01e to Untler md ahetl InUUde a standard monyuga dause. Lmdtt ,_�:, <br /> ' � ehall here the d9ht to hold the pollUea and renewaif. II Lmdtt mqu4es. Bonowtt aha0 prornpty give to Landu e0 receipts ol � � � <br />.�.:`� peltl premlums anA renewal no6cue. In Ihe eiml ol loas. Bmower s�all gNe Drompl notiro to tN msarenu urtier and � � - <br /> Lmder.Lendtt mey m�ke D�eof of loea N nol made promply 6y Bortower. <br />- Unless Lender and Bortowcr olhervASe agree In wriing. inwnnce proceeos shall Oe epphed to�ato�elion o� iepeY of <br />.�_,-,�� Ihe Properly Eamaged. X Ihe mslorallon or repair U ewnaNU.y teasD:e s�0 LenAeis xeurity a nol leasmed. 11 Ihe . . . . <br /> resioretion or repa4 it not oconnmimly /easble or Lrnders sow�ty wou�A De lessmetl t�e msuwnce 0��� nha0 be <br /> „� epptled b tha¢uma eewreE by this Sew�lly Instrumml. whethx or nol l�en 7ue. an!+ eny excezs peitl to BortmrM. 11 <br /> Bortowtt abandorts ihe Noperty. or does nol answx wllhin 30 Gays a �o0ce rom LmEg [hat tne msuren�e eartler hes <br /> - oMaeO b seNe a ciain.then Len7m may coAeu ihe insuraece proceeas- LenEer may use IDe D�oeeeG to repeY or , <br /> ,'.;� reSiwe ihe PropMy or to pay sums sew�eE 6y thi5 Sen�nly NsWmml. whelher or nol Ihm tlue 71�? 30�tliy petlod mll - <br /> Deqtri when 1he natice Is qXen. <br /> Unlesa Lendtt and Bortowa olhemise agree u� w`Nng. e�ry app4calion ol D�ocee3s 'o D�nciptl sAall not erimtl Or <br /> _„ D��POne IDe due dele ol the monthy paymen�s relerted �o in puaqmv�s t ana Z or cnange me ernount ot fhe <br /> - peymrnte. tl undx De�e9nDh 27 the PmpeM�s acquuetl by Lender. Bonower's nBh�to any msurena Oo4dea�nd O�oceede <br /> �����, reauWng hom demage m t�e ProDe�ty prior Io the acpufsNOn sM1all pass!o Lenaer 10 t�e eaent o11M sumy yy�his Sewriry - <br /> ,+�;�9 meW mmi urvnema�ey pnw co me ecqufsn�on <br />;:_ ,�� 8. Occupency, Preaervatlon, Malntenence and Protectlon of the Property; Borrower's Loan - <br />-�.,1 AppIICBtIon; Lo960h01da. Bortower sha�� oaupy. estebBh. ene use the ProoeM as Bortowera D��ndpe� rcs�dence <br /> _ wNhN shty Aeye�tler�he aeculloo ol lhis Secutlry InslrumeN and shell cmtinue to occu0)'l�e Propetly es Bonowx i p`indpal <br />--'-�;p reaidrnee lor el Ieaal ana year eller the Oate ol ocwpeny,unleu lenCn olhe�wisa eqr¢es m wnling, which cwsmi shetl not <br /> Da unreasonabty w11�heIE.or uniesn exlenueGng ciramsknces e4s1 which ere 6ey0nd Bortowei s con4M Bortowtt shall not - <br /> tlea4oy, demage or imper Ihe ProD�Y• �0�tho HopMy�o Aaeuom�e or commH wasle on Ihe Pwpaly. Bortorrer s1uY be - <br /> In A¢Inull N any lo�lellme eUlon w p��ceetlng. whelhtt ckil or aimmal �s bepun Ihal N LenOer'a qoo0 lail�juEgmml couid <br /> rosull in loNwluro ol Ihe Pfope�y or othmrise meteM1�ly Mpa'v Ue Gm neatetl by Ihis Security Instrument or L tler'a aearAy <br /> , Nte�¢at. � , ,���fi <br /> �" fllte LMU IIDry� aay d 'S ���� <br /> .: ` <br /> �... <br /> :.. <br /> - v <br />.-:tC� � <br />-`�di 91D56.U1 <br />