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`�� ._�. .� -_ _. . . r � '. i r �: r� ���LyL��. ' : � ..rt_ '� � �/� J•; .—. _......_._ <br /> _, ,' ti.''Yr�nct�v c�tii�'{�ro;p�ttyt a i�ne�te��►�ntetait fn�wr��r�i.i�o a w�c�s at,�n► �ioP+�r�r s+f; 9. r� _ <br /> �feyYitRwthkNaotdavai�fKnd(ax�Wrt+Fd�rtntMntb+8btr4wk ��W'Gl11LIIIfiIfllYtUChi4W1 �iflW47w"4i`+I : <br /> ' : o�N W�hart UI�4�s oA?►wr1tM eammt �n4�t m�Yg I4 oApoi4►�9uY+6;unn�t/p�Y�t k�dA o!i1�iMw iluuw bY <br /> thh B�aWy tn�8wi�nL Noxvtk�NN dDd4��.�1 nol D!1�d��;6Y,�Mi4N M•�N4S�N D� tid«tt kW R�ot N� � <br /> __ �le c1 tNi 8taxlq�m�1r�,�xrt, :. . . ,.. ___ :. . _ , t - `'- <br /> ._. - <br /> �_ <br /> N Mndx exxd�n W�oD�orh Utfdv eP.N pk�0arown noua .W�CeNmUan. fia notlae ihN prrrW� r oi .�- <br /> _ nol Int tlxn 80 GYf trom 1M QW a�notle�Ia M1r�n4 ot rtrhd v�lAM wNeh 8ortowa mu�1 pqr e�wm��GR ��, , <br /> _.,,°„;v iNa BOdnly NaVUment H Bonvwx ht�tD p�Y Nye eumf ptbr to l6� e�yketlan ol Wf D�A landa IiiW.Nvok� Yry - --. -. - .. . <br /> fnxdii WnMNd�y NU B�aApr N�Wm�nl KiNoVllutthr nollo�or dairan0 on 6ortmvir. � .. <br /> — 18.Bonowd�Ripht to RdnM1N.II Boirov+a rm�a euuh eon�knh Barowe�nd h�v� N� ApAI to Mri . , <br /> --_._. rnlao�mm ol �hh BecuAqr N�Uummt 6ioonWww a�ury Gmc pBor w No c:Na oA (�0 daYa for auch ot(�tt Ac^IW ae . � ,5 :,�.. -._ <br /> ° �ppioWN Nw mty tp�dry fa rMntYtKn�np Daforo Ws ot Ihe Proptvy punu�nt to eny poww o/ tW aanWn�q F��Ati , _ <br /> ,z�,�� seouAry mawm�nr, a(DJ xivy of�pd�mnl entordng thla Baau�Inswmen►Thos�con�7ons w ttNt Bofrow�n(a�qrs <br /> �� lendw�i wma wNoU Nen rroNO 0�Ou�undr Nq Becu�lty Iniuummt Ntl th�Nots n N no�ooelrat�on h�q Ooaur�d @) <br />—^���2':�ri wroa my dahutt o1 ury oNx eovanmt ot�geeromtt; (�) Dari U e�ymaea Marted b entad�9 thla Beuuy NtEien�4 .. <br />-""'�'4�� Induanp Ou1 nol4r�led to,rmsomE.b�nomeya•ker, uW(0)�lcea aveh adbn aa lmEU m�y.rawneDy requYe to u�un <br /> :��{ �Rn IMI No Im ot tM1i�8ewrlq NnWmenl,Londer'e ApAU N Ne Ropehy u�d Bortmrar's oDlg�llan- lo �lry Ns 6um� elauW <br /> _.. <br />.-;�:#:�, �v�nm seamH mawmmi�nm OCfA�f1Y�YOCAN9ld. Up0f1 ffdII81NB111tl11 EY BOffOWN� m�a suumy inwumm� end e __ � <br /> -.�?'K^�; oDiy�tlona eowred Aae6y ih�i renuh NEy elfedN�as N no aaderatlan hed oowrted. Haweva,Wa dghl lo�eNWte du1 <br /> �'�'1��,.:'- no�rppb m tAe aao ot aadmtlon unda pu�Wapn t7. <br /> r:.,. ,), � <br />.:::�;�{�'.,,r,;';1;,. 19. 8do M Nobt Ch�ng� of I.o�n S�rvtoer.The Note or a �pe�Uel Nttteat N ihe Nale DOpalha wllh <br />--_it�:•Fr�� thb SewAy Nstrumanp mry be nold one or more 6nea wMOUI pia no0ce to Barown.A eelo mey rewlt N a ehenya N N� <br /> " �s�`"'� entlty pa�own u tl�e 'lan BeMCt�ry that oo[ecte monthb V�v�`� �e under Ne Note and We Bewdb InsVUmm4 7iiee <br /> '. c��r`�_ Wo mry bs one or moro ehuiyea ol the lwn SeMeer unrvC?ed to �t�e ol lhe Nota.If Nae N •eMnBe of t�s W�n <br /> - - BdWcer.Barana vra be gNm rrtttlm notloe ol No cAenqe In e000rdena wN� pen�Ph 14 a6me and eppCUbls I�w. Tha - ---� <br /> ��9i�B no9ee x4 etete the nim�md iANeu of Ne nm�lwn Bmka enA tho�ddrese m whkh paymants ehwl!be m�da The - <br /> n)+l tii, Y' <br />���,;r{yTl�i�,. notlee vrID dso oonte1�any oNe Inlametlon roqu4ed Oy eppOcebte kw. --�',�=r�i. <br /> ''trli�yz: 20. H�iardou8 6u6sttncat.Barorror th�7 no1 oevee a pemll tho Dmence,uea c°apoaW, ntarega, a releeeo ol _ _ <br /> �.ti �y1' any Hemrdoue Qibstancea on or h the PropHly. BoROr+a shaC not do, na eCOw uryone e3e to do, urylh4ip a8eWn0 Ne <br />...a.,,'�;yj„ Hoperly Ihat le In vbi�llon ol eiry Env4onmental lew. The Prawdng Mo senimeea sh�9 not aDDN to Ihe prnsenoe. ua0. �y,`j.;�_;_-- <br /> n a r i' or etorege on Ne Nopdry of�mnl QuenlPoes of flomrdaa BuEatenen Net era 9enereP/ reeo�hed to ba�DProquts to �!`� =_ <br /> ";'��� nmiW rsflCenllel usea and to ma4Nmenee ol Ne Moperry. e„2 �''�- <br /> --`;!Fb. gurtavd sheG Prompy�e lenda wmten noUee ol eny Nvattlp+AOn, deln, dmiend InwwR o� olher adbn 6y erc/ i r --- - <br /> f�-}°T��� ppvemmenW or rayuktay�gmry w prlvete WlY YmNing Ihe PrePMY end eny H�rerdouf BubMenee or Firkorvnenlel Itw ol -__ — <br /> d whidi earowm hae aenW�mwnedp�. n Bortower icame,or b noYeod by my govemmentai« repu�n�ory�m�airy, thet ary , �r=-- <br /> �-::.r,`.j`:�a�� remmW w other re}ne�lbn ot anY Heurdwa bLWtenee artta6�g ProD�Y b neoeseary� Bortoww nIW pfortipN'�� ��'�•�.;:. ____ <br /> * - neeeasery rememel eolbna h�aordenea wllh EnHronmenW Lew. } a ...-. - �--. . <br /> �r . )j� As ueed N ihb parapeDh 20, 'FYrarAaue Bubsuneea'are Ihoao aubstanoea deMed ee todo a M[ardoua wEStoncee by �=yy,'Sas _ <br /> �� c, :4� EnWOnmenW lew end the IoCmv4iq�u6simees: pao0ne, kttosene, oNtt IlamreNe a bdo petroleum produUa to�d0 `,� �{3 _ <br /> ��� ?t,_ P�tldtlee end herGiddea.vadote eoMmte.metMW eonteNtr�9 aebesto�a fom�eWeh7Ne. and reAOenive meleMU. M used in �' �t.:0 <br /> � :t: pemgreph 20. 'EmironmenW tew' meano kderal lam ena Nwa of Na pMSddfon whaa tha Propwy A bea1M thet reLate to �r;; ' <br /> ' ,>>�.,:� hOeMh.ielery a efrvlronmenW ProteGbn. "r�,�it��,�G�'G�.r:� <br /> fi . .i�i.'� d - <br /> t' _- -_�,'' NON•UNIFOflM COYENANf3. Barower md Lender NMer aorenent md agea es IoGOrre: t '-�e�, k _ <br /> Pt.Aaoeleretlon; R¢medloe. Londar ahall give notice to Borrower pdor to aooelaretlon f`#,; ,,+�, � <br /> "ja > ;c toilowing Bortowar'e breach o} any oovanent or agreement in thla Beowiry Instrument (but not -'� �f't - <br /> .. ' °' �.t�� <br /> ;,'��,-.._ prior to eoaeleretton under paragroph 17 unlesa applioeblo law provldea olhorwise). The notioe -_;,_, .,.,,�,, �„ . ;_, <br /> ;i,�;- ahell epeoify: (a) the default; (b) the aotlon raquirod to curo tha dofaul� (o) a deta, not loea then f., '` ' •. <br /> . .I).Lt:. ( r '� C' I _ <br /> -�:•,;.;;,�� 90 daye trom ihe dato the notloe la gWen to Borrower, by whlch tha deteult muat bo cured� BIIfI :;�4�s�:tFj�•��r.u•n:`i�� <br /> /1-�_� (d)thet taliure to oure the deMult on or 6afore tho date spoolfled In the notice may reault In , I�r=-`��'��f,�. ' <br /> - acoele�ation of tl�a sums sooured by thla 8ecurity Inat�ument and eale ot the Property.The notico `I j;� ���ks �� ` <br /> }If{,� -.� ahell turther Iniorm Bonowar of the dght to relnstete aker eccelore8on end the right to bring n ' r -< i��� <br />� -`�s�-.`� °'- court ecllon to asaort tho nomexistance of a default or en othar dofanse of Borrower to - -'•u+�tl�•-:,`=:--� <br /> � - � ecceteratlon end eale. Ii the da}ault Is not cured on or betora tho dete speoiflod In the notloo, f s;j 'r 6�i3tj>�;;._ <br /> Lender et Ite optlon may roqulre Immadlete peyment In tutl of ell suma secured by thia Sacw(ty �-__:, <br /> + j �� �c k. � � --.:: <br />•.-_,�;_-'� :st Instrument without turther damend and may Invoke the powor of eale and any othm remedlee .-.�:;.,,,,,�;:-,�.,,, <br />� '�`- � permlNad by epplicable law. Lando� shall 6o entitled to colloct aii expanaos Incurred In purautng �-;�.f:�-;;;c"� � <br />-�•��"�`� �- tho remodios rovidod in thle ere ra h 21, Includin but not Ilmited to, reasoneble ettorne e' ;r.�:�;�i�_;«%�`_'�:*�' <br /> P P 9 P B. Y � <br /> teas and cosla of title evidanca. , __�� <br />- - - If the powar of sele is Invoked, Truatee shall rocord e not�ca oi defeult In aech county In _ <br /> , whloh any paR of tha Proporty le loceted end ahell m�il coplea ot auch notico In the mannor - - <br /> " proecribod by appllcablo lew to Bonowor and to ihe other persona prescribod by applicabla Iew. � .-_ - :�, -. <br /> = After tho time roquirod by epplicable law. Trustee ahell give public notice ot eale to tho pmeone ,- -- <br /> - i and In tho menner p�oecrlbad by epplloebte lew.Truateo, without damend on Borrowar, ahall aoll - <br /> ',. the Property at public audlon to the hlghoet b�ddor at the time and place end undor tha torme <br />. = deeignated In the notice of eale In ono or more parcola and In eny order Truatee determinea. . <br /> �� � � Truetoa may poatpono ealo ot all or any percal ot lho Property by public announcoment at the <br />- timo and plece of eny p�aviouely achedulod salo. Lendor or Ita dosignee mey purchase the <br />-. Proporty nt eny sale. <br />, Upon racolpt of paymont of the price bid, Trustee ahall delivar to tho purchaeor Truatee'e <br /> daod conveying the Property. Tha racitals In the T�uatsa's dood ehall bo prlma facle ovidenco of <br /> -- tho irutb of tha atatomonta made theroin. T�uateo ahail appty tne proceotla of ma safo in tho <br />� ,�:>)-,� tollowing ordor. (a)to ell coats and oxpenaea of exercising the power ot eale, end the aalo, <br /> Including the paymont of the Truateo'a teos actually Ineuned, not to oxceed three <br /> % of the principel amount of the noto at <br />� � the tlme oi the decla�atlon of defaulR and reasonable attorneys feea ae parmNtad by law; (b) <br />- -�-; `.� to all suma aocurod by this Security Instrument; and (c) any exceea to the peraon o� <br /> r •�„_- .,, peraona IBgelly oniNlod to It. <br /> :1:..�:�� � � <br />� G''S(;��`�.^: F:116.LMO1�019Y1 r.��.��15 <br />_ 9n551M I. _ _ . <br /> _ .�._ ... _ _ _ . - � <br />