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}k� ; .. ��f- - . ; . ', tt....i i �- ._ -_.y.- .i�. i t ��r�-�i �' - �-��t � 3�;���WL7�,{S�n ��t }i _ —_ <br /> � 1+�4a•+�n Ei►{H d4�,eo�ke.n6 potd t�,�nub�r n�.m�un�noE.{a,Jtxpa�tf ih4"tMtQ+xm�+�l6un!}�en�wr,a rw�r.ipr re4kd n�'; <br /> r6sh�har isc� eo�rowerA.hao,V a�opnt�nd�r+he�easi�,R�edt�ra sweR�era eroosV��na m�o�a cs an;.,g:t ean A.,. ; <br /> ' 8M,;14p.d0 2�01 e11eq'.PRE$PA9�unt��f�nOfhe/kw SAet�ppM�,i ib,Lie iunde aela j� .1¢�ieP+mWt1�II'sd�aidv.rhfY�at�ny Ymq '. , <br /> � dal�ot ona fiptn i�nae H en unouni nc�ia�xaedd�nn l�a��:°"Iv�nt LendN J7�aY G}ticnetb thd imount 91 Nndw 8uf�!��t,�ly W . ' . <br /> _—_ . '.kNrMt�l�.►Hee�jp uUr�hs ol mpeh _, at tudrte Enotovi nems or athm�tae 4f dbcordmcb wfl4 MP1u41s kt'�� i � ' ` ' ' <br /> il�e ipnd�ehpl6s hNd N:erl�naMMai�deAoaAe ue Inaured Dy e fAAenl.�9eribk InaNYriienWF�ti or dhtlN OealUdAO Nflda,l'� ^ <br /> . yhekr b'•evoh an heqwonj a In Sry.Fedenl Home Wan Bmk Lenda eh�9�pDy tbe FundQ ta py+the Eaa6w Rxnti Nndlf nfq[�d1 � `�.__.. <br /> -- r,�up�OMrowsr(or holAng uid ep{�M9 tfio Fund�,�ennu�Cj�nnydn8 tho eaaaw aeooum, or rayM9lAe Etad�v itanf,un11N 4mAN��r��.. <br /> ' p�yr Bort��r,lntaest an the Funds md�ppewiEta 4w pmMt lenda�to rA4�f�e sudi a ch+upe.. Haxwa, lendw I�y requP�BortavR to�.;,.��__- <br /> = pq e onMYne oharye for an fndependent rW eemte tar repatlng s¢�vfEa ueed tiy Lcnder N eonnedbn rMh Wr IOU6 unH���pp1o16M Nw <br /> — prohd�e oNenMs. Udeaa en agremxnl la nwde or appio�6lo Iaw roquYOS Nterost to ba pd4 Londa ehe! not Co-�ey�Ned-10 pay = - - <br /> . -.:., _,......_ <br /> Boharw my Nterwl a wnNge on Iha Funtla.Barower and-Landor mry eprne In vMtNg,hmrwa,t0�t Intemt shV 6e pdd on t��FwdA �� - <br />- '"�""�'� l�nda thal pHe to Bortower,tvithart eher0a en ennud eawnlNp of Iho Fund�,ahovMp aad?te md debtts to ihs Wnde�nd Ihe pYtpots --_ <br /> � � <br />--�=�� for whkh noh dbER to Ne iunde wae nxda The funde ue pkdyed oi edAXbnal aewriy la ell aume aeanQ by W�BeauAb InaOUm�nG = <br />��°-"�"'�7� 11 Ih�Pondf ht{d by 4antler acoeed the emounts pa�M�ed to W held by eppYoabla kw, Lmdu 6hY SCaount to Botrower lo�f�� <br />-��'i'A:-ysr� aa��Pon4�1n eeoorC�nee wilh the raqutremenN ol epppeable la�v. II tho emount Ot tho Funds hdd by LenEa�t ury Ww U nol aWIIdMI ' .__— <br /> { s;��� 10 pry IM Eaamv ttdm�rhen dua landu mey ao noUy Oortavx In wAtlng,end,In aueh oaen Barawer ehe7 DeY�o lendet iho ampuM •---- <br /> �+r-r,}; nlett�uy lo m�ke up Ihe de6denq. Bortowar eha0 meke up the aeAtlmcy N no more thon Mdra monthy pqmenl0. ���u�de/s wN ••_� <br /> �� ;_�j dtaPoon. � Y_=: <br /> ' `"j��� Upon plymml N M ol �➢ euma aewred Cy Wa 8eardy IneWmem. Lender eheo prompty relund to Bortown�ny Funde heM by �, � <br /> p�'�}' UndN. 16 undx put�ph 21,Lenda eh�0 noquYe or eo0 Na Propary.Lendv, Poor to the eoqulsAbn or e�e ol Na%oDaly,nAY WDb .� ysk- <br /> �ny Fun01�Nd by LaMU at tha tlmo of eequi�ilbn or eele ai e aedrt egeNrt Iho�ume secured by N4 8ewnlY InaWmmt � , - <br /> +,,�� — <br /> 9.ApD��0�t10�Of P�ymonts, unwaa appGCebie lew oraAdee othemine,en peymenle receMad by Lender unEa pu�yapha 1 �nd r�`-�-� <br /> 4�) u Q{hY b�applaR.Ntl to urry prepaymmt ehnrpee duo undtt tha Noro: eeeond,to emaunta paye6la un0u peregreph II; N4d to Ntaast � � <br /> �<;. <br /> � v;. 0u�loutl4 to prNalptl Ns;enG lee6 to any Inte eharpea due unda the Nota a ' �, <br /> =;:�`,_.4 . . .' . <br /> A. Ohnpni U�ns. Bortavor eheG pey eY texea,auescmento.charyea.Mea end 4npoaltlone altAbwblo to ttw Property wNeh mey _,;',%���,'{-- <br /> 'r,_.';�:,h;� acs:.:i..-.- <br /> - ; tlldn pAOtlly oru ihlf 8awdty Inetrument, end Iweehoid peyments a ground rente, tl my. Bortower aME pey these obLy�tlon�N ihs ,; �,p,: <br /> ` � � minna prorlded In putyaPh 2. or M not P�d N Ihet mmner, Borrowa tMG peY ihem on tlm� Aredly to the P�� �� WYment. i - /-._�:,:� <br /> .-�;,r.;t��' ,;. <br /> _-•:�y;;; BortowN 6hN ptompN/NMth to LenEu e0 notleea of amwnta to be peid under thln paragfeph. II Bonower melces these prymanU -.,�:-�a" - <br /> r_,.r,,.�. Ar�oNa Barav�r�hd WomDty Nmish to�mdx rocelpte eAdendn9 t�e PeYmenta. y'-� �� .�. <br /> �n?�¢;� Bafawa�he0 qomply dliohv8e eny Ien wNeh hee pib'Ry over thie BewAry Inauument unlea Bortaxer: (a)e�eee N wflWg lo tho ,, ? � . � <br /> ;�,.,; Li;;",.'�'.. <br /> .;.,�.`�-- p�ymMl o11N o6lp�tlan 6eCUted by ihe Ilen In e menner eaepiable to lendx. N) oonfesle In qood lalth Ihe Gen by.or dAenM aqtNal ;s.,,�_is,-,-� <br /> ��5: adOrWnMI o1 ih�IM h.��e9U pooeadNp�wh�oh N the Lmdefe opNlon operete to prevent Ihe enforcement of the Oen:m(o)eawrea hom +� y:�:-: <br /> ' - !k:h�e!!!��!M M eff�t!!N!!eeACwy !o!!na�r s�tormnemg m�om�o tn�e secuAH Inawment. 11 Lmda detmNnea thet my c��`�y � <br /> �t es� 1� pyh ot N�P�oDMH��subJeol to�Len r�hleh mey alleln pdaly orer thle SewAry Maf�ummt Lendx mey qNe Bortowm a nollee IdmIM�Ang , &"�� <br /> �E ' �' Ihe OM. Bonower thY eallay Ihe lan or teko one or mon ol tho ealbns eellonh ebme w11hN 70 deya ot lha ghMg ol nolke. � ( - <br /> i.�:v�i.�. � ; . <br /> _ ..._; ,., 6. H�i�Id 0/ P/O{I�Ay IOWKOCO. Bonower du0 keep Ihe hnproremenle now e�tlsUnp or he2allar areded on t�e %opory �t.;r:.;�. <br /> �.-� �; <br />__,l.y-,�n- hwred�gWlfl 1o7e b/N0. Miertla Induded w11hN ihe term '¢xlende0 eor�n�Be' antl eny other hvarda. Nduding Ilood�a Eoomnp,for :_ �r�\,�-. <br /> ' rAlOh Lendw�lpaY1�hturun0e. 7Ab Ne�ranoo nha0 be mahtalnetl In Ihe amounln and lor 1he pe�oW ihet Lender requtrea. The Neurenoe 6,�;�'=_ <br /> `�:� tarrlH ptoNmn9 Ihe Ntuwnce ah�4 be ehosen M Bonower wbeet b Lendete epp�oral whleh nhe0 nol be unreanoneby x11hhNA. R �'""�'� �-�. <br /> 1 r ! n', <br /> %� Bortower W� lo m�h0ln oovemge detalbed ebove, Lender may. �t Lender'e opllon. obWn eoretepe to prolecl Lendefe ABhte N the .i �1;� �_ <br /> � -�4�- ProPbH N�uord�nu wll�PamyaDh 7. `,., •.: <br /> � •:,N..:. , . <br />�„„�.�;,_, AO Nfuqnae poldq �nd�6newele nhel ba exepuble lo Lentler md MaY InGude e efenda�d mwlynga deuaa. LenJer shM heve tha ;+:;,•�,���.�+A : <br /> -�}.�;' dpM lo �oltl t�e pold���M renewal�. II Lender requirea.Borrower aM0 prompty gNe m Lentler aE reoelpU ol paiE D��end renewal •.';!;.': <br /> � -�"��' nOHee�. In Ihe ermt ol loa�. Oortown shel BNe D�ompf notice to the Neuranee eartier entl LenAa. LtnAer mey meka prool of loss B not si::': <br />^ i-�.:" medo Promply DY Oonowa. •..='. <br /> � �# Unlaae Lcnder md 8onower olhomis� a�ee N wriling. Nauranu proceeda she7 be appllod to reatoratlon a repaV ot the ProDerty _ i� '��� <br /> , r • <br /> .�:�.;�;,,..,�` A�mpqCd. M Ih0 fBSIWtlbO Ot fCpaY 1! eeonomiwlly �eas0le end Lender'e aecudry Is nol lesamed Il fha reabretbn or repaM b not -;�. ;., <br /> "'' ��"%� eeonoMWOy 1o9sIbU a londai� oowtly wwld be Ieasenetl.lha Maurence praeetla ehet be epp9ed lo ihe aume eeoured Cy Ihle Seatlry �:;,'�.�;�,-� <br />-`"����`:�� InsWmenl,whol�tt a nol 1hm duo.wllh ury v.�cess peltl to Bortowu. If Bortower abantlone the PropeNy. or doa not mswer wllhin 30 <br /> - :.t; l.i.;'r:�:!'... <br /> .�H�� deya e no0ca hom LmCer that the Nsuronce eurier haa ollned to eNOe a deNn.lhen Lmder mey wGeG Iho Ineuronoa Draeeda. Lender <br /> -.:.) m1y uaa No prowad�lo repe4 or reatoro Na PropMy w to pey aums sear¢d by thb 3ecutlry�nsWment,whelhtt a not ihen due.The t --°'��- <br /> ;i�°�,.��j 90-0ay Datotl x�baqN w�on t�e noUOO le qhen. i:�,;;�%,!-_. <br /> Unleaf LonEa uM Don6wpr ol�cmise egree In rrtNn9.eny eDP��� ol p�oaeetla to prindp+l eha4 no! ezlend or poslpone Ne due <br /> •'��'; dalo ol th�monlhty O�YmCMa rolerteU to 1n Dercqrapha 1 enA 2 or chenge fhe amount o1 ihe peymmle. If under peragreph 21 the Property <br /> _-�5�� h acquYM by lmAa.Donower e 'qM lo eny hsurenee poGde�entl proceeds resulling hom damege m the Property p�lor fo Ihe e�u4�lon � �� �'_� <br /> � tho0 pens lo Lmtla l0 1110 oAml ol I�o 6ume tavrM by Ihb Sewrily InsWmml Immedl�ley pdor lo Ihe ecquisi�oa F.,. .,� <br />-������'�;; 8. Oooupenoy, Pnsarvatlon, Malntonance and Protectlon ot the Property; Borrower'e Loan Appllcallon; �--_ <br /> '�-:i=�'- LBCE8I101(I8. DarOwn slul occupy.e�YDll6�,anA uae fia Propery ea Bonowers pM+dpe�resitlence wilhin SNty tleys eller t�t exewtion � - - - <br /> `_�� : <br /> � �--..'� ot mu aewnry m�wmem ena ehe[wnlinu�lo oaupy ihe Pcope'ly es Bortowerb prindp�l rosldmee lor al leaal one year dler t�e dete ol . .; <br />'�"�f�":'� oeWpenq.unlotf IMdN ot�orvrlsa ayoe�In wtllNq.whieh wnsent aNeA nol De unceeaonnbly wllhhNd.or unlese eclmuntinB Urams�encef �' <br /> G7i�whkh aro beyon0 Donowere conuol BonowM s�eu noi deaLOy.tlemeBe or Impair Ihe ProD�+H•allow Ihe P�opary to Aelslorete, or { ' <br /> oomiM weste on the Hope�ly Omowtr Mall bo h tloiau�0 any fodrilu�e eWOn or D�aceeENp.whelhor dril or crimioel. Is begun thel fn <br /> unaer•e o� ��� Napmm� oo�m �os�n u, ioeenme ol ��e PropeM or olhe'wise mele(lely unpelr the I�en ttesfetl by this Sewtlly <br /> InsWmml or lotWer'�ww�lly Nloroq Oortower may cure such e defaull enE remslale.aa pmvitle0ln pem9reph 78,by nusing the eclion <br /> - -�'.�- ot p�oeaMNp lo W auNatod rrlth a �u4np Ihel. h LenECre good lanh CelertnNeOOn. p�edudee 1Mrlure ol Ihe Bortowere Nleresl in ihe <br /> -•�r'�,� AoDMY u othtt m�IMel Impnhmenl ol Ih� Oon aealeG by thle Secmiry Inslrummt or Lmders sewihy intttest. BoRaver ahall a4o be in <br /> _ "i� tl6teull X Bortower,MMp 1�o ban aDD��4on proCOSf. gO�Y metmeey iamo or maccureie inio�meiion or sieiemmie ie irndv (er iaied ie � <br /> •'. � r <br />--��7 :`-=. r qorlLO LmdM wXh my molorlel Nlwmellon) m coMaUOn Mlh I�e Iwn eriEenced by 1he Note.Ndutling. Dul no1 IhnXed to,reprenrnlelions <br /> �'c��3�,�� tonamNq Bortowtt'� ou:upenry ol I�o PropMy u e pMdpel resMence. II Ihis SecuMy InsWmmt is on a Ieesehoid. Bonower ahall <br /> '� eompy wllh eG I�o qorlslons ol :ho Iate 11 Oortower eopu4ee lee tille :o I�e Prope�ly. Ihe leasehold en0 ihe fce 1111e shell nol merge <br />`.�•'-.,j:::� untene LenAar eyaes w leo morpor m m4np <br /> - y �i'd <br /> ...'�•.. . <br /> -:�5i.n.. ro.�mZe s.m <br /> �°� `i''! vaoo9.UAO RAq rna)o�s <br /> .:.ri ' �. <br /> "-,.5:r.5�� <br /> :�, <br /> .,�-i <br /> ,.� .� . <br />._.._.�.. ., � <br /> ..r.-,-,�. <br />' -��.,•.:� YflH W <br /> "i - <br />�-'�-•�-4.- <br />