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4 ,d � �� �a��!� <br /> iyE. . � _. - _ ._ <br /> .n...� ' • �: PrM�otlen of L�ndd�Ripht�In th�Prop�rtyr. 11 BO�rw+x lilt to p�iorm tht +Nd�eemmu aonuhM b IhN <br /> — 8ecurlql In�tiumeG a Ihxo b e I�qd ProuedY�9 U+1 mry aipnlilalnty eQect lenG�e rlyhll N Ini R�ropxy (euen o� prooNdnp N - --,� -�.:,�.._.. <br />-A�� bonlw�tay.proEtl�,ta oonAxm�tlan or fabl�un or lo�nfora qw�or rpWVOn�),then Undx mry do�nd psy tor wlw�Nx H NNIHIy <br /> v;:,��---3 to proted Ne veJue ol th�P�op�ay�nd Lendcls dghU In N�Vropeny, lmdele �oVOnn mry hdud�payNp my�um���wrlC Gy�Nn __ _— <br /> -_--- wAkh hee pttoifiy ov[+tAb 6owAry InswmEnt,appo•rN0 b couA, PayNp rwonsDle eUOme/e feef end enterNp on IA�NuqtiW to mW �,�_-__---- � <br /> �1°�� tepelrs. N1Aough Lendx mry Gke adton undw We D�W�Dh f,lenda doba nol hiw lo Co�o. - - <br /> �,. � My omounf�dls0umad by lenda unCs tMe pueyap�7 e�0 beoome�d611onU dMl ol 0onown�awuA Dy NN U�wiAy ImWm�nL . . _...-_ <br /> Ud6ls Bortowa mA lmda��»to Ot�cr lertns ot p�ymml.Ih1i0 UnOUnN�hd Eafr IniNHI Rom tho dtl0 01 QIAutIMIMI tl IAO HOFi �, <br /> '`�fi��� rtte md shdl W pty+ble,wM�Ntaetl,upon noYa han UndH lo Oortowx tpuniNq p1ymM4 t �},- <br /> ��R 0. MoRQap� In�ur�eo�. u �e�aH �ewo-�a r,�on�y. n��u�u o . eonmuon o� m�ano me iom uw�ea oy mn 000unry � _ - <br /> ,,, �� in�wmm6 BOnOwet�h�Y pry Ihe prarnLm!t6qv4eC b�ICNii'n{h0 h�OrtpiqO Niu�Onte N eRtd. II,fo�011y Ra3011.1110 rt101l6'�O�„�'r�=a �. <br /> t <br /> �F�<-.� epypnpe mquYe7 by l�ndw Up3ee or ox�n to hs In �tl�d, Omrower �M1 Pry Ih� PraWume �eWWd lo obWn eovK�p� alilWlYy - - <br /> ^;�r, �A oqulyetent to Ne moMg�ye Neimnea prwbuay M eXee4 al�oo���ubfunt4ry equNekm to IM eosl to Banowa ot 1��malpip�k�w�nu "`: <br /> �4t'�� prerlousy N e8ec4 hom m dlem�ts morlg�pe N�urer�pprored Cy LmdN. II wbnt�ntl�P/aquNtlenl mohp�p�in�minu rAre�p1 11 nol y `��` <br /> �� aveC�ble, BoROwer sM! pry to Lendn wUi monlh � eum equU to onMveMh of I�e yeuy mohp�0e Nsuruico premNm bNnp peM Oy ,#f.. <br /> �f,"��", Bonowa wt�en Ns Nauruioe ooven9e YO�cd w oened 10 Ee N elleol. lenEn vA tootpl. us� �nd roI�N IMU D�NexiU ��� lou -.= ' <br /> roame N 6eu ol monpeye Inauru�oa. Lou roiene p�ymonl� mry no bnpu ba roquYed a���e oplhn ol lenAH, N mortp�g� Nlutuw� S b� r' :-- <br /> �r��j�d�/;1; oovaraye pn the unount�nd for Ne pMOd thit landtt raquYOe)proNd�O Oy m Insura�pproved 6y Lentlx tp+N O�eoma�rWDN�nd U ---. .�-. <br /> _1,� ohtelned. Bonower sh�7 psy Ns premlum� ropuYatl lo m�NIW morlp�p� hNtenoe N otletl. o� to proNd� � IoOf �01ervI. uel� 1�0 � -� w'h�;�r;� <br /> r R'QUIItl11W11 IOt IMfIQtQO NfYR11E0 MAO N 6000fCN0!Wlih Ny WIIIIM�QflM1M1 DOIWOliI DOIIOWH NC LMEl1 01 I�BGCU YN. 5: �_:_ <br /> t'"��'�'.� 9. Inep9otlon. Lenda a Ile egent mey meke reaaon�6le enWef upon and MDCWon� ol Ihe Propory. lmAn �MI N� Uatowu -. R , , --:_ <br /> )re9�;;] <br /> notloe at the tlme ol a D�to m NaD��P�M^9 ro�aauble uuse for Ihe Napedba o +"„ " � -^.. <br /> 3 R a 10. Cond�mnatlon. The proaads ol my nwud or d�lm tor dunape�, alred a aontequenlw. N oonnecibn w11A �ny . ._ <br /> i, «�� ouWe'metlon a otha tetdng ol eny put ol Ihe Property, or la oonvey�noa In Ceu ol wndemn�UOn.�ro haaby�uqncd�nd�M16�pUd _ : ' -- <br /> � ��i�. �OLendPL '���.f11J�rJ� �-'' <br /> rR,, <br /> t��11�<« In Na r+ent of e to1e11eWng ol the WopMy.the ptooeede ahe0 Ee apD�ed lo lAe tumf eaouroE Ey IhU 8atv�lly In�Wmenl.whfNH or ,,;`4 �t y :t <br /> �,`,� not then dua wM eiry exeeaa Peld to Bortowa.In Ne avent ol�p��Wl t�Mnq ol lhe Woperty N whkli Ihe 1�4 mukel value ol Iho Nopery - �� }3v <br /> Nmematoy belwe t�e teldng le eqW to or�e�ter thm the unount ol tM�um�sewud Ey thN BawHry NtWment Immed�lety Otla�Ih� - c` �i;_r -p Q�. <br /> - -�. Wdnp,unlaw Barowa end LenGtt otAarASe�qree N wdWp.Ihe eume securoa by W�8aarly Inswmenl�h�0 be roduad Cy IM�mounl -., ,h� r„_ <br /> av�2.4� ol the proaede im+itlpletl by the foAOrAng kaclion:p)Ne loW unwnt the ol�ume iewred NmetlNley belore IM l�YHp.Q+Ided by N) I�s -� �� , � .�y:.� <br /> �a=r, qy�et vaNa of the C�opeM�metay beforo Ihe tWnp.My bWnce�he7 Ce pW lo BortowN. In tM mmt ol�puWl Uldnp o�I�.e -r•� �, '� .,. <br /> wml�q <br /> Roperty N whleh the le6 mMcet velue of t�e Wopc+ty Imme�ley beloro tha 1Udn9 la les�ttun the unount ol the�ume 6ww�A Hm�INy - :' „ 4�y aFi <br /> , a�sR�. beforo Ne Wdny.unleaa Bortowa mtl Lander othemise�qree N mANg or uNess aDDe�ble uw oNervAw provtde�. Iha qaeeAf aM0 b� �i : r !rr _ <br /> ?�.1�� applkd to the aume�ewreA Cy Wf BeouAy InsWment whelhcr a nol t�a�ume ere�hen 0u�. • <br /> � � 6 <br /> . {�; II the PropMy b ebendoneA Dy Bortower,or il,aRe.nolke�lmAer to Barown Ihal I�e oondem�a oHere to m�ka�n�wud a tMYO .•..�, � i` :. : <br /> ---:�= ♦dWm for dam�aea.Bortowe/kie to roaDOnd lo lmdn vA�hY�90 Gye�Ra Ne date the notleo le pNen.lenEOr le eulhal=etl lo ooOM�ntl � y,� ^� <br /> ��� appy Ne ptoeeede,el Ne opUon, ellhe�to rcrsloratlon ot repttr ol t�e Propelly or to Ne aumf neoureG Oy Nie e�amy IneWmen6 wn�tnx •t� ��f �yy-. <br /> '�� 1�i�I w not Nm due. - .1 <br /> �f��� Unleae Lentler and Barower o1�e�vASe�geo N rMting, eny eppleetlon ol proeetd+ to p+hqN��M7 not extmd a poatpone N� tlue � �� ��� <br /> �a��S�� dete ol the monNN PaY!�mta rolarod to N pera92Ph�1 �nA 2 a eMnpo N��moun�ot auen PeymmU. � � - '��.-� <br /> �'��s�� 11. Borrower Not Retaaasd: Fo�bpnno� By Lend�r Not�Welvsa Ealmabn ol lM Wn�lor p�ymenl a mo�AU9on �Jz � " ' •f <br /> 1�1i�t��- 01 emoNCaUOn ol the wmf eewied by thb Sea'Iry InnWmml qremeE by Lmdn to�m aveoee�or In Ntttesf of Darower MU not operaU - - �" � � � <br /> 1X4D'dk:,�� • ' i} � <br /> _ to rNeeae the Gabmry of Na oAyNel Bortowe�w Bortaxer'� suabtson N Nterost. lmEa snaf nol bo requ4eC to eommmes prooeetlinpa -�+�. <br /> ` r iry�� eyeNat eiryl suoeeasa In Nteraat a roNae 10 axlend Ilmo lor paymenl a olhmNse modty amoNiatbn ol I�s aum�iewnd Dy Ihle&anlly -{�_� <br /> v s-y� Nawmant by reason of ony eemend mado by iha orlginel Bortower or Bonower'e tucces:on h bteresl My Iorbeuuia Gy LenEer N , <br /> �,t, ,„,�- ('" exerdeNB�Y�9ht or remedy sh�1 nol be e wahM ol or preduEe the exerdse ol eny tlghl a remeQ�. '� � �,; <br /> ��h�Y�'j� 12. 8ucoessora and Aaslgne Bound; Joint and Beveral LlabHily; Caslgne�e. Th� wrmmte �na eyeemmte ol � �` <br /> _'�td?:lik%� Ihls 8ewtlry �naWmmt she0 61nd enA benefit Ihe suxeseoro enA eulqns ol LenAer anA Bortmvec wbjcN lo IM p�ovlslons ol pu�graph . .�..- �5'.! <br /> f �e3}ii�+. 17. Barower'e eovenenro md eqreomenU nMC be pNt md neveraL My Bortowa who eo-nlgnf tNe Sewrity NsWment bul doa nol `a � `c-��-. <br /> x°} P�A1 exewte the Nota (a)ia eaelynln8 lhie BcaAy IneWmenl ony to malyaga.grant. anA wnvy that Oonorrtt'e Nterasl N N�Aopary unOe -.�:y� <br /> i� ��:1 Iho temu ol thu Seariry Neimmml:(b)le nol D�one�r o6Bgeted to pay Iha nums cewred by Ihie Searlry NaWmml; end(o)eyeo�lhat � - ,f,, <br /> �,���f�� Lmder end any other Barowa mey ayee to exlend. moQRy. IafDear or meke eny eecommo0atlon� with rcperA lo le(mf ol Ihle &euhry � r � <br />..._7,�5�}:IyA N3WmMt or ihe Nole wilhout Ihel BortowLYn Con6m1. � � ' <br /> { <br /> �w.+�S�C� 13. LABn Cherg08. Illha loen sewrod by Ihis 8eadry InsWment b 6ubject to e Ww w�kh seU me.hwm ben Uwpee.enE t�al � ,,� <br /> �r � � lew la MeRy NletprMetl w ihel No Ntereal or olhtt loen c�argee eolleolM w to ba ooGectetl N conntelion wIM Ih� loan excetd Ihe ( � ` <br /> � ��?�� pefmN(ed mNte,then: (a)ury eueh loen eherpes sheG be mOUCeA by Ihe amount neussery to redua t�a char9�lo lh�pertMltA WM: ond . �� , � <br />({j(i5 <br />.-;c.�1`,�f;_,;.`5�� @) eny aums eteady cooected fran Bortorrer whieh ssteeded pemYlled IImIU v� be relunded lo Bortowa. LenEer mry choos0 IO mak0 i - • +•� <br /> ��.�� ihle reNnC by redudng Ihe pAndpei owed unAer the Note a Cy maidn9 e d4eet prymml to Bonown- 11 e �¢tuntl reduce� pNdp�l. Ihe i . - <br /> �r '�'���• reductlrn wN be VeatM es a peNel re ent wllhout an � - <br /> p paym y preDeyment ehupo under Iho Nole. . <br /> ^{�'^;%�`t� 14. Noticos. nny nonu io BoROwer prowaea ar N Ihla Sowtlry InsWmoni n�ell Da pXm Ey deWeMq tl or by meBinp II by N�t - <br /> .�s::;r4� , <br /> Ueae mvl unlese appicahle lew requtrea use ol enolher melhod. The nofiu ehaN be QrcedeA Ic IM Proparly ACh�es a eny ol�tt eAAre6e <br /> -����'�•"'�S BortowM desipnnne by no0oe to lentler.My no�iee to Lmdtt shat Do gi+m by Na�dass mai m Lendete edGsaf �NIeA htteln or eny - <br />� -�.:�t5��' <br /> 'r �F•i;:�' othM addrose lmAer Eesynetea by nolka to Bortower. My notic�proriOeE for m Inn Sew�ny Inswmenl nh�1 be A¢m�M lo har�b¢en <br /> �;_.r�,.• <br /> ���..<��,'�,,`� gNen fo Bortower or LenAx whm qkm es prorldeA N�h��parepreph. <br /> �,•._y'�;.,�, 16. Oovorning Lew; 88v8�9bIIRy. Thle Seariry InsWmmt sh�0 be goremM by ItAxal law end t�e Nw ol l�e pnid[tlon n <br /> : r'..' Y P fiY GGOwCio law. <br /> 1 .�l.�.:� whieh Ihe Propoly Is bufed. In Ihe evenl Ihat en rovlsian or Wuse ol t�h Sow InsW!nmt u Ihe No�o conlldf wnn o <br /> �::��,-��_ such unilict ahaA not allocl oi�er prorlslom ol IhU Secur7y Inswmml tt Iho Nolo wMCh can Da phen etlecl nitnoul Ina conNCtfnp <br /> `��- qovislon. To lhis entl Ihe prmisioro ol this Secvrity Instrumenl enA the Note ere EedareE to be sernable- -- <br /> � 18. BOnoWOf'8 Copy. BoROwtt sheu Ee qMm one conlo�metl copr ol lne Noia enE ol�his Secumy Inatrumenl <br /> "'��=+;7; 17. T�altel0t Of ihe P�oporty or a BOnofic(el Int9roet In BO�rOwOr. n an or mry D�ol tne ProOeny or eny nittoal n <br /> ' �� ' N le sNtl or tr�nalmetl (ar il a 6�efidal Nterest In Bortowtt le solE ar Irenslmed entl Bortower b nol e naNrol nernonl wNAOUI lmd[r'e <br /> pdw w�illen oonemt.LenOer mey. et tla optlo�. requYe ImmeE�ete payment N NO ol eG euma sacuraA Dy IM� Sxutly In�Wment nowwtt <br /> +``;�'' Ihb oplbn ehall not be ezerdse0 by LenAtt II exerdse B proh@Red by fetlttal lew us ol t�a tlata o11Ma Secutlry InsWmenl <br />- � �;;i i�.� p Lmder exerdses thb opllon. LenAtt ahaU qira Bononer notia ol eculerelion Tho nollce 6�a11 proMdo e pMOE ol nol ies�Ihan 70 <br /> ' ..�.r�, <br /> ;:;iJ, ;_ days irom ihe deto Ihe notlee b AeBrtted or mailM wllMn whlch t�e Bortowtt mual Day e1 auma socme0 by !Ma 9ewnry IneWmmt 11 <br /> .!��'� �'� Bortower iells 10 pey lheso bume pdor to the e>pinWn ol Ihis pMOd.Lmdx may hroke eny rMneMOe pmNtlM by Ihle Sewnty intWmenl <br /> wllhoN Nrlha noilee or Amantl an BoRCwer. <br />� ��(�':1 I..�n. \•l� '�4` <br />.i"�..>'..� <br /> •. ,j�•: Fwo9.lMA R9D PaVr )�1 5 <br /> 'z:'*�:,�1 <br /> ,;:,�; :. <br /> ,: ,:..;; � <br /> �� 9bL lM <br /> t ; <br /> � <br /> � Y�-` _ . . _ ._ . . _ . ._. . � <br />