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� . r � -, . 1 J _� �'i <br /> i Y . <br /> - ��.Ikr•/G r _..sSL t` >;. ',y1. � ���E-� ` ) tr : -?�'. 1 i _ 'ir 1 ___ �� '�J� '1iy'4:�y - ? i. <br /> r ��� I � 1� � r i� :� S ��1 -.�t �4: 4 `�s �-y f� C l'�`� t{t ! Ce� E .. . <br /> / , <br /> E- � A /� F� ' - �y i z� v.uriT� .__. <br /> �yt � 1'i,i�' �IS•-+� � �!,�l � 1. 5 _ .' ` �.�4R�tt ��_�7 ` t . 1`j'. <br /> ' ,1 �_ } . __` (j l �4 �} �t� rr� . <br /> 1}�, !L�. � . <br /> � � 1 _ � _ .L c — �]Y�-`.'�n mi t L�r <br /> • : <br /> : �� s �' ,�$�y <br /> �t�� �r .ti �`i' nA '- ir�' �K� ,�,�i/ .� . <br /> .�ci i <br /> �, . .. a ''T� t��_ <br /> �� . - , �, � ,���' fs�'f� : <br /> �� � �. . ' . .� o . r �-_ SS <br /> n' <br /> � - , ' ��, �„- - _ C�'� . <br /> - � _ _ . O +.i��d Qt �::; <br /> N (� .�. .. <br /> . . (Eptw-AOx�iNf IYa iat Ikca�ii Deu) ��. <br /> THIS IAdN 16 NOT A88UMA8LE WITHQUT <br /> 1't18 APPR�VAk� �� T�Q� U.�. DEPAR'fMERlT OF • �t`',,,. <br /> VE'1'�RANB AFFAIRS aF� iT$ AUTHORIZED AGENT . �`. <br />. � qd � <br />,� . DE�D OF TRUST � _ <br /> 1HI8 DEEO OF 7HU8T('BeanMy Mswment'�la m�ae m�ry 18tF ' .1888 _, . <br /> Tha Wator b John Kav Arthur �nd Iren� M Arthur HuabaqA ond He � <br /> � CB«rowa? — <br /> 7Ae wniee u�a Ional Bsnk -?Commerce Truat end Bnvinae Aseoolatlon 18tb and 'O" Bt�eet Lincoln. NH _ !"' <br /> �8801 (Rmetee9. — <br /> 7��baneflduy le^voriand Natio4al Bank •�' <br /> le agenited end edaWy unda the Inve of�*,�^�}^A RenTO�n}Amorioa .end whote addrase b =_ <br /> 9Qg Wost°•� 6tnet annd Ialmd NL 88801 ('k^a�*7• _ <br /> 80rtoWN oWM LendN�hB,piNW�d aum ol�•••"w. e�....��,...u. d ed md ODN00 _ <br /> • p�N.e.� 28.400.00).Thla deb� <br /> la eAdenoed by Bortower�note deted Iho eema date ea thle 6eouriy IneWmvnt(^NOte�,vrtucn proridei ior monihy peymmte,wiih ine t�e _ <br /> dd�4 If not peld oe�9er,dua end peyedo on�un0 1 2008 .Thb Seatly Inawmem eeeurea to Lender.(�1M _ <br /> fop�ymenl of the de61 avldenoed by the Nole,wllh Ntweai,md N rene+vab.mRenslona end moAMeetlont of Ihe Nole; @)Ihe peymmt of d <br /> oNer sume,vMh Nleros4 ndrancad unda pero9�aDh 1 to prolael ihe aoafRy al thb 8ecudly Ineuumml• end (c) the puAOmuna d "- <br /> Barower'e eovenanU end egraomente. ior thle purpoao, Bartowx 4revoceby grenu and anveya la huetee. N We4 wI�T power ol ada i=-` <br /> Iha IoOOwing deap@ed proP�N IoaaleE B Hell Counry.NeMeke: "���- <br /> LM�B�wn (7 and HIgAt(8), In Blook Six (8), In Ruaeel Whoolar's Addklon to ffia Ciry of Onnd letend, _ <br /> H�II County, �obraeke Faccopting e oertaln 1ra�theretrom In Werranty Deed ss Dooument No.90-103830 In ;,R <br /> tho Regl¢tor of Deedn Offloa. " <br /> i:,: <br /> �:. <br /> i' <br /> e:. <br />� In Ne went thb loen b do!¢`mined lo be Ina6gihta for loen Civarenry by DepeM�mt of Yeleran'e AHein. fhia m14e loen mey 6e �,��. <br /> dedered due end p�yable at Ne oplbn of tho moNpeyee. The nddmMm to DeM ol Trvsl elteched heralo end exewted ol even deN `�� <br /> �KeMh b Meorponlad hereln end 1h� covmanls md ¢geements ol Ihe eddmdum aheG emmA end tupplement 1he wvenmU enE - <br />- ayeemmU of tho Oeid ol Tmst ea X t�e eddmdum wera pM heool. __ <br /> wNM Mae Ihe eddreae o�17A W. Bih St.. .Orend Island. - <br /> su<r. �Rr <br /> Ne6restm 88801 f'PropMy Aadresa'): <br /> 2q toa� -- <br /> TOGETHEFI WITH eA Ynprmemmis now or htteeltcr vecled on Ihe prope'ly,�nd ell eeeementa,eppunoneneea. �nd 161uron now a - <br /> haeelltt B pert ol ihe propaty. M replacemmle end edm0one fha�be covered Oy IMa SeaMly In¢M1UmenL AE ol lhe taegaNg le telorted _ <br /> to In thin 8ewtlly Inatrumml ea Ihe 'ROpeily'. - <br /> BOpItOWEp COVENANTS fhel Bortower la krAuP� sMSeO ol No mlele htteby conveyed end hea Ihe tl9hl to yan! entl eonrey tho ' <br />= Propcyly md Ihnt ihe Propery is unmam6ere4 ucepl(or enwmbrencee ol recad.Bortower wanenle end w10 Uelend qmeroGy ihe title Io 5•- <br /> the Propery agehiM el Gatne anA tlemmds.aub�eU to any enamb(enaea ol rew�A. -� <br />�- THIB 3EWNfY INS7FIUMENT caMinee unMOrm wrenenls lor �utlonel use entl nm�unifam covenama wilh 0mileA vetlellone 6y - <br />- JmisEkllon Io wneNNe e unMO`m 6eW�Ny NaWmmt coraing real ptope�ly. ` <br />- UNIFOPM CAVENAqTS. BoROwer end Lenda wrunanl end ayree u louows: :.�. <br />- __� �� �W�r. e���..��� ��� �.�.. ro.��..�. ..e.�., w..�n.. <br />._ i. iapmm� vi °:n:'e:po. on.. ....v�oaw . .�p.p..�... a.... �.� �..o.y�o. 9...��� �`_" ^'�.:p_s rs ...�. ___ �' ` <br />, pfntlyal ol and Nl�iest on the debt a�idmced by the Noto�nd�ny prepaymml md kle oharqos Aue unda�he Note.•y i <br />• 2. Funde ior TBxoa and InBUrancO. Sub)ee�to eppneeble lan or to■wrinen waNer by Lend«. Bomnrer anen pey to Lman <br />^ On Iha tlay monthly peymenb ere dw undM Ihe Note. unl�iha Nole U psid in fuL,e sum�'Funds') lor. (a)ymdy tncw enE easessmmu <br />- wNeA mey �tWn ptloiity ovp lhis Scwrily InaWment ea e &n on Ihe ProP�Y• N) Y�M IeasehoM peymenle or qround renla on Ihe - <br />-- Roptty,M eny, (e)yeary huertl or propttty Nsurenee prm0umr. (�yevy Ibod hw�ance premluma.X uq: ;e)yeady moNgeqe Nsmance <br />• qqNumf,tl eny,and(�vty 6uma peyahie by eortower to lenEer.N eawdenee rMh Ihe D��abna ol pemqreph B. N leu ol 1ho peymenl - <br />' ol mo'Iqsqe Naunnoe pmnF�me. The�e kdns are�eU'Esaow Itema.' � <br /> NWMf/A-S�np�qMy�Fam�MaeIReE6�Mec uMtOH4 MSMUMEHI Fdm)U]!9lfo <br /> F�009.W0 NBI) Poq 1 0�S •. <br /> 9I0.1�A/A <br />