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_ .. , . _ �j�gp. �r�,:q ) . <br /> Y�uat � , � : . ' - ' i liie�'+14D�F� , . <br /> — #e tAa oDT�oq ot l.cqdee,.it�ortge�e tiie�iMnoe oovasta(In the emount end fo�tAp pedod thel Lende►tequlree? ' <br /> _ proviQpO Uy�n Ineur�opprovoA by I.ender��In D000mw sti�i�Mo�n0 ie oDUln64. xeee�t�f p+y Fhd Dt��1t4m <br /> -- req�lted W mdrtsin mon�Qe insuranoe in eI[6ot,oe W pro�Ge�loes rcame,unti the roquttbment tor mqt(��' ,_ <br /> "-`'�" in9unnpe eddoln�cpoMmoepitrtWarlttpnayreementbotweenDorrowerendLend:tor•Dptloop(et�w� <br /> 9.+espoetton.Landetmtte��qntm�ymakerfanoq�bteentfleauponandlnepectto�eotthoProperty,Lendotsiull <br /> �lveAottoua►n¢itoe+ethetimooforpAotWenlnep�tionepaotrylnaroteona�teuuee[ot�heirmya+Won� ",� <br /> „?rv?'� !0.Condemaatton.The roaeWa o!mY�w�M or oldm tor Q�me��o,direot or aonsopUrnH�i,Im m�neotlon aith <br /> - �ay aondemnaion cr other nfcRn�ot tny qrt ot tAe Propeny,ot tor oomeytnoe tn Ileu o(oonQemmtion,ue Asroby <br /> usigncd�ndehdi boatOwLonder. <br /> ��� fn tho ovant ot�Wut ukin ot tha Prop;rty,tho pra�e0a sAsll W+ plted to atu euma securad by thta SecuAty _ <br /> Irmtrumenb NhetAeror not then fioe,«hh�ny e:oae�pdd to Borrowe►.tn tP�e event ot�p�nid uWn�ot the Propeny�n <br /> ;� � whtoh the hle mirket viive o!the Propeny ta�meEfntely betoro the uidny le eqwl to o►aratsr tAm the�mount otehe <br /> �� eume eooured b�thia&ourlty Inetrument tmmadiuoly Ixtoro the ukinp,unira9 HorcoWe��nd Londer otherwiee egreo <br /> �;,s��; tn xddnY,the wmn eooured by tAis Secudey Insteument ehdl be roduoed by the amount ot the prooeeEe multipliM by <br /> n ,ry�,' tAe followin�tnotton.(�)the tokt�mount ot the eums eeouted immodtetely beforo the u�ing,dlvtdad by(b)tho tatr - <br />- -` �'-=:=1- mericet value ot the Propony Immedlntety botoro the ta�in�.Any bilenao ehell bopeId to Dorcowor.In tho ovcnt ot n <br /> }n 4�'-:` p�rti�l uYln�ot tho Property in whioA the Potr marke�vdue ot the Proporry Immedieroty betoro the takin�te lea�then <br /> "'T"i`r���: the�mount ot the sume seaured immedtately betoro the ukin�,unlese Botrowor and Lendor otherwiso agrw In wAting <br /> _-��_a,•'����� or unlcse appllable law othetwiea provldes, the ptoceede ehe11 6e eppltad m tho eume eeoured by tNe BaouAry <br /> ;�,jjJ.�<�,},,, Instrumentehetherornottheeumeerothendue. ' <br /> �;,�F.lrtr�.. lt the Propeny ie abandoned by Borcarer,or It,�iter notice 6y Londer to 8orrower thu the condomnor oltere m <br /> �, ,� 3''� make�n aw�M ot setUe e deim for dams;ea, Hortower tdle w teapond m I.ender Rithln 30 d�ye etror the deu the � <br /> t 'a ;��_ notice te given,l.enda ia autAoriud W ootteot md eppty the prooeeds,ot its option,dtfier to restontion or rop�it ot the ::: <br /> ,��}� , '(; ProperryormthesumesauredbytNeBeaudtylnstrument,ahethxor�otthendua <br /> { }'y Unleae Lender end Donower otherwisea$ree in wdting eny appllcedon ot proceed+w pAncipnl ehell not oitend or - <br /> .�f..r.�h:i.r-^r , <br /> ;•�„r ,�.;f postpone the due dau of the monthly paymenta roterred�to in pnrogrephs 1 and 1 or clunge the amount ot euch <br /> 4L�. paymente. <br /> k`�t'r: <br /> �� �, ,� ll.Borroeer Not Refasod; Forbesrance By Lender Not� Wdver.Ertonaton ot the time tor peymont or <br /> „� f°''<'` modiNut{on ot nmonizetion ot the sume secured by thie 8ecurity Inatrument grantcd by Lendor w any euxesmr in <br /> ; ;_ <br /> �`�`SI�.V„`'3�.J�'`� intmeat.�Lende ehw anMotllbe requ�rcd w eommo�i�ee pHroeadinga againat�any�sueceseor in in eroat o�rot�rtend <br /> t+X�! �4' tlme for peyment or otherwise modtty emortizetlon of the eume secured by thfe Secudty Inetrumrnt by reeson ot eny '. <br /> ,}r � st;V demend made 6y the o$ginal Horrower or porrower'e suoaasore in inierest.Any torbearance by Lender in exercleing <br /> , �,n ,ti ;� eny dght or rcmu?y aha11 not be a walver ot or pracluda the e:mdsa ot eny right or remedy. <br /> fi �. 14.Suuaanre iad Asaigns Douad;lolnt and Sevenl Liabllitv:Co�signen.The covonants and a ments - <br /> :,,;,;f,����,xs'; ot tMs Security Instrument ehe11 bind end benetit the sucassore end e�igne ot L.ender and Bortoner,eub wt m the _ <br /> �',2 s� " provielons ot parxgraph 17.Borcowar'e covenente and egreemenis sheit be foint and sevenl.My Borrower who w-slgna <br /> - `�',`}.:.�vt+_ thfe 8xurity I�strument but does not erecu�e iha Nota (s) ie co-eigning thia 8ecudty Instrummt only w mongege, <br /> r �• grant end canvey thet Borrowere internet in the Property under the terme ot thia Security Instrument; (b) ie not <br /> 'sjrr r� `%; personnlly obligated to pny the aume sxured by this SecuAty Inatroment;and (c)�greea thet Lendor�nd eny other <br />__-_i��'�,,�'•,�^� Borrower m�y�grce ta ertend,modity,lorbear or meke any aocommodationa with regard to the urma ot thle Security <br /> � �; +t�: InstrummtortheNotewithoutthatDorrower'econsent. <br /> $ ; :;��1= I3.Losn ChsrQea.R the loan sxured by this Sacuriry Instrument ie subject to�lew ahich sets ma:imum lom <br /> _..° ?>,;,'.,yyy <br /> cherges,and thet law ta findly interprouA so tha[the interest or other loan chergee collected or m be collectcd in <br /> r�yr. �x f � conneotlon aith the lonn excad the permttted 1(mtte,then: (a)any euch loan charge shall be roduced by the amount <br /> . r, e�. neoessnry eo rcduce the oherge to the permi[ted Iimit; end (b) eny euma already coliceted from Dorcower which <br /> :: e;``°��i o:oeeded pumiued limtts wi�l bo re[unded to Horroaer. Lender may choose to m�ke thte rotund by reducing the ' <br /> `^���`�:�'"�` �� principai owed under the Nme or by meking e direct peymrnt to Borrower.lf e refund reduas principnl,the reduction � � <br />`i?��tii.,;�(�.1:'.• - <br /> - , �= „ w111 be treated aa e partial prepeyment without eny prepeyment cherge under the Nom. ; <br /> _ '"`;��51'"• 14.Noticea Any notia to Borroner provided tor in thie Sacurity Inetrument aAall be given by delivering it or by <br /> �"�� "'��-�'" mtiling it by tirat clase mail unlese appllcable law requirea use of enother mathod.The notiw ahall be directed to the �� <br /> =�';Gj�.;•....., <br /> ;'. t'Y:.,�;'' Ptoperty Addresv or my othtt addresi Borrower deeignates by notice to Londer.Any notica W Lender ehell be given by - <br />-`:.i,F,%�,��;�; tiret clasf ineil to Lender's�ddresv atated herein or eny other addresa Lender design�tes by notice to Borrower.Any = <br /> i {.7 -- notice provided tor in thie Security Inatroment eheil be deemed to heve bcen givrn to Borrower or Lender whan given = <br /> � - f es provided in thia peragreph. <br /> --? IS.Oovmoing lww;Severobility.Thia Security(netrumentshall be governed by tederal lew end the law ot the <br />_..:,-t f.,-,.;�:,: jurisdiction in xhich the Property ie located.In the event thet eny proviaion or clause ot this Sceurity Instrumentorthe <br />. - "-;•�;� '• Noto contlicu kith applicable lew,such mntlict shall not nttect other proviaions ot thia Security Inetrument or the Note - � <br /> '�•?t�Y>° '_�� which can be givm eHoct without the eontlining prorision.To this end the provisiore ot this Saurity Inserument and <br /> the Note ere dalared to be severablc. �i <br /> �,'��%i:�':-'�'. <br />. �l:'!y".'.::.;.,:i. . <br /> .-il`Y 1,�:'''cs BAWAn�oxei nn�.�e hrm ]OIE 9/!0 ' <br /> :)`'-::,_'. , � publc_ <br /> _�..`.- '_'`� . � . . <br /> 1 <br /> f <br /> '.i'i . '. <br /> �� ' .' �.y.��s�v��.�.�.�.vt�..�.._._... _.�.. . . - ...n.�...- . . . <br /> . _'-� . .i _ .. .. . . .. . . . .��.:.�.... . _.—..._r..�._..�..� <br /> -'l <br /> -c.%Y•::t•_'`a� '� • <br /> '::t:y_I�_.�_ �" . . <br />. '�,'' <br /> .A '..��.���;`� <br /> ! <br /> y_ �I. �'.,i - . . <br /> ?t.l_9, 'f- .. <br /> .:f'.• .....-F��;• `y.�. _. <br /> { ��1 <br /> 4 �,` [ � . - _ - <br /> � � dp 1 . <br /> �f{. ��I _4\ . . . • _ <br /> j t .� >�; . . - � - ' . . . <br /> t .- J f •" ! �:� . , �' ' ' ' ' � <br /> t � �f� } `_ - � . . {1 . . <br /> � ` . . .� ` ;" : � <br /> . -.-rl... } t ..., i '- __ . �� h.�U .. ... . . . . ' . . . -. . . ..d_'! ..�/�� .. . _ . <br />