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" '��_ �- a► Ar�'�[I�'�i7 �� � , � _ <br /> e.� � � �� � -_ -. . _ .- -: n - , . _ . . �, . , `:e--� .._____._.... <br /> � ' 1dHbItOtI0►'�CupY,�AtroxetOha EoB��+app�e oo$fermedonpYa�iM N0lb111A0lt�lff It I MDti# �a� — — <br /> — ' �7"'C/aatfar o�tLe Proport a9R��one(ibµi[�tAta ip 8attolpr lt dl or��! r!� ��Oe�AY <br /> lnuros►iA It qo! or qrcad dt i!. na[icNl lbSeS�►�p�sn toxet fa�oid nr m�tn�a4�n0�qwer(8�ngt• . <br /> � �p � s4±� �tiuo an,r ��tn <br /> - astut°.1 ai ue ol�v itatean_�t+e,L.�e� y�` ptl equlrolmm ta mmtia[ullo! <br /> -- 111"eu �eeou b � y nettufnon1,}(�xQver,tAte op�to�bhpT not be exeroba6 by da tt b�rc11�7� .,' <br /> � —�— <br /> y��b o6et+ (aN o �atooTW� � urltyl kum� 1. <br /> ---��~� ��iLend�re�r�aa�iio tioni�enoae tl e[vet�orrore�n ttoeqtwate io�Thetwtloa��l vido�pertod • <br /> � ^,� taotta�thn yatro eQ��Otho toeleilelvecedorM�todvrtAiner�°o rcoHermuet y�� wmeeeoutad <br /> = gythl�g�put� t�ru tI�8opo er�i�bm �su�n�p�ortothee: ir��op oft eportod,LonEermWlnvoke <br /> � .- e edi �iniite��thleg��ty Inst a�ntNltAoutfurtitet ottoeot�m�L�aon�tfoxer <br /> � ��Dorlq wer'oRlp�i' oRolcstot f� rto�etmw1p ou{e� oundlNoa�Form�r �s1lhevetAed ttohevo . - �• -• <br /> � entoroemanto[tbb8ebur!�y�rumentd�wont 4ue�dtt� dtnp orwlhearlterWi(i sC�yeforeuchq�harD�a0 <br /> �^�;��'�!;,i.. u tppNatb�le l�x m�yr eyeclty to)rNnst� m t bcforo w e oI tli�pro y Dur�wnt m��poxe►ot eile oopufn�in - <br /> ;�.1,s'a�'�:� t e He�vitty Insttu�neny ot (b)enuy o�•°� pment or (oy thle�urity fnetr�mont.Tha»condittons�ro th�t — <br /> :�:'��"y" �rroxe�s tdp�ya Lenoe�et1 sume whtch then woutd��up unEer thle Beour(tY t�qtryment md the Nou b it no ___ <br /> ' ?�`���� iooelemlon h+�a iaw i@)oures•ny det�ult ot�ny other oovo�urtm or e�nroemen �(o)p�ye t1 es nees lnourced 1n =___ <br /> e q pe <br /> '� �,� : snlordnpthieeecud�netrument,inoluNnp,butnoeQ its0t ,re�on+ble�ttomo teea�qndld)taYeaeuohwtion�e _ <br /> ea� <br /> �, , ,r � I.ender moy re�son�by requtta w o�uto thet tho 1{o�i o�t�a udty 1re`rumrnt, der�e rt8hie n the P�operty and = =-=•- . <br /> t_,,�,�,,,� , BorroxePsob���Patlo�toqy thowmeeeauredby thfe6eourtty�rumontelulloontinvounohanged.�ponrolnaaroment R,�� <br /> " �� �, byBortown tMeBeour(ty[netrumentendtheoblt�sAon+eowradhero6yehe1lromalnNllyottcat[veaettnot000ieratlon <br /> � �=. h�doavrto�Howover,thledgfitwrolnateteehall�ot�pplylnthoaeseotaooelerotionundorparagrephi9. ��=r -_ <br /> `� i '�` � 19.B�e ot Note;Chm=e ot Lwn Bmvtoer.The Note or�qrti�l intaait In tho Note(togethorwlth thle8eourity r+ <br /> �' �+ ��f�} Tnauument�may yoaoldoneot morotimeawlthoutpdoreottoemBorcowear.As�lemayrcaultinsahangelntt�eeatity �i��r — <br />�T,� ��( (Icnown ea t�o'LOan&,rvioor')thnt oolleots morth�y qymente due unEer the Note end tNe 8eoudty InstrumonxThero �,� _ <br /> +�<��i r elao may De one or moro oAm�ea ot the Loan Serv oe�unrol�ted to�eate ot the Nou.II thero is�ohan;e a!the I.o�n ,s�,r <br />,��r� , 9av[ca Barcower will6e�iven written notioe ot tAe ohenYe in�aoordance with peragrap�lA ebova end nppticablo I9w. „ n; ---- <br /> TAe nottce wiil etak the nune and eddreas ot the new Laan Hervloer�nd the eddress to wh ch paymentsehould be mnde. ��,; , <br /> ,',f��,.��'� Thenodoewillateoou�?nuWotheriotormedontequtredbyepplicetielsa, t:,•,,i_1,,, .. <br />_;_����;�� �p H+urdoue Sotataacoo.Dorrower ehall not cauw or it the ptesenoe,uso,dteposa1,ewrage ot roteasa of ;.� .,,,,J -_, <br /> 3r r S eny Hszardauv Subetes:aaon or in the Propetry.Iiarcower ehat not do,nor nllow anyone oise w do,enyt�Ingattoating �5 t <br /> ' ;^ � � the Properry thst[ein violstion ot any Iinvlronmentel Lew.The pteoeding t�vo senunae ehell not epply m the premnoe, {ht,� ,, <br /> ft-` use, or etorage on tho Propo� ot emell quantltita o1 Hszardoue Subsuncea thst aro gananlly reongnized w 6e ( :,f" I L�'— <br /> r «1'�,r' epprop rlstetonormalnaldentie ustaendwmeintenenoeottheProperty. fffi��;� s� <br /> s + iwnowuehnll promptly glve Lender written notice o[eny investigatton,cleim,damend,lawsu[t or othot enion by �t ;Q • z'� <br /> "'� ' eny govcmmen�a1 or roguletory egenoy or.pAvau party Involving the Property md eny Hazardous 8ubetenco or s':�' ^*> r�,F -_�: <br /> c . tir,;. HnWronmenUt Lnw ot whiah Borcower hes eotual Imowledge.It Horrower Iwrns,orls noUtied by eny govemmental m }�;t?,;`6``��s�,V"�-- <br /> °� n' L`; rogulatory author[ty, that any romovel or othet ranedintton of eny Hazetdous Subatanca atteodrtg ehe Property Is ,+k:s r 5 e :_ <br /> , �� neoeseary,Horrowarehaltpromptl�ulceellneasseryremedialectlonsineccordancowlth8nvironmenull.nw. � -` <br /> � �.17 Ae usod in thie paragnph t6,.Haserdous Suoetanas'em thow eutaiae�doti��a1 t,e W�i�cr iu�oldotv euw � �; „ — <br /> t r ,, by Bnvtronme+itnl Lsw end tho tolbwing eu6etanoes gesoltne,kerosenon,gather Ilammebta or to=io petroleum products, ��,y��r }��t :. ;; <br /> � �r {� metae ela��umd in tht�;abidreea, �ol�lle�vironmental Law'ma�e�re t derol Ia�ws�end Inwe ot the�ii�ted aion where the '`S.t ',t"7�36 �r? <br /> � ; p� � • <br /> + �, r �? Propeny ialoutedthetrclatetorohwlth,eatetyoranvironmantalproteotion. `'„� r; - ; <br />� NON-tJNIPORMCOVSNANI'S.BorrowerandLenderturthmcovenantendagrceestollowa r+= 3 � <br /> 21, Accelontton; Remedlea. Lender ehdl give notice to Borrowor prior to �ocoleration totiow�ag : 7,,,,'.'. rS��,,i.'g.: <br /> ,• ,�`,:;.� �:,...r,�: .-.`•:sf�,;��{�:' <br />',-.;,;�,;;�.,__. Borrower's breach ot�ny coven�nt or�greement iu this&e�urity Inatrumont(6ut aot prior to accoteration ,.,,, ,�,k; -# , <br /> • ' �°� � under psnanph i7 ualera�pplluble Isw provldee othor�vise).Tho notice eLall specify:(�)ihe defsult;(b)tLe •- �%�.,,:..�tix„F <br /> z%<j'i;�;:`; wtion requtred W cure the Aet�ult; (c) � d�te, aot lete than 30 daye trom the d�te tde not(ce (a g(veu to r�;�?:-.i;�;;!?'"`i'f=�: <br /> +t'" .,.;'� Dorcowar by wUich tAe detwlt must 6e aurod;and(d)that lolluro to curo tLo dofnatt on or 6etote the dste ;•�.t,j�;,��,?��:i�;$�,�;_ <br /> ` , � - ' rpeoltied�n the notica may tesult In eaelenttan o!tha eume securod by tLis Seaudty Iuetrumant�ad nte o! <<�' ,, .�.; _ <br /> � 4 t6e Property.The noNco e6a11 turther intorm Borrowor ui tLo right to relnetete after�ccolentton snd t6o ;; r �. <br /> i�rj? �Ei4 rl�6t to bfln8 s coart actlon to aesott t6o nou-exlatence of a datault or eny ot6er detenee ot Bonower to t ° � ��1s'r: <br /> `i'�"t� acoelerotion aad sde,it the det�ult is aat cured oa or 6eforo the date speciitad lu the notiu,Lendec,st its •� �}+ ' <br /> ��,� �t}�y1.'t, o tion, me roqutro lmmodi�to ayment ia fuli of�11 eume secured by thls Secudty instrumeat without r�.: ' � �� ,: .�.�° <br /> �t7' P Y P : .e;�.r�t ,t•:-,;:;.. <br /> "' �•�,ifr� tutiher dem�nd tnd mq invoke the poaer o! eale�nd �ny othor remodiea permltted by sppliable law. ;.;;_.�o-,:t:;),..;�,;..-.. <br /> � 7 ,S,; Lendor ehall6e onNtled to collat sll eipeasea incurced in purauing t6o romediea provided ia thie psra;wpL �.g � y,`{`�,�Y' <br /> + 21,tacluding,butaotllmttodto,toasoaabloattornays'taeeaadcostsottitleevidoace. -t.:_ �f • <br /> a Itthepoworotealoleinvaked,TruateoshallrecordsnoHwotdefaultineachcountyfnw6iohmy putot - i t � k,.'{: `,� <br />_ �r -' the Property la locsted�nd s6all matl copioa ot auch notice io tho mennot pteacdb¢d by appllable Lw to , J,�_ _„�.- <br /> � .� Borrowor�nd to t6o othor persona pro:cribcd by applicablo ta�e.Atter t6o timo required by appticable law, # r ;: <br /> ,} � Ttuatoaahallgivopubllcnoticeoteslototho Poraonaendinthemennerproscdbedbye flcablelaw.Truatee, `" _ ' <br />'f"�"•-� ' wlthout dommd on Dortower,shatl eoll the Propotty at Public auctioa to the 6ighwt gPddet at the time aud .,..:�--�.�'. �� ��'-�� <br /> P;�:,.�.� ;t.:., . <br /> ., , pitce�nd uqdor t6a tarme daignatod in tho notice of iele in ono or moro parceb and ia aoy order Trustee � -, a� .� "-- <br /> `°.'>';:'�:-,. determinea.Trustw may postpono salo of all ot eny qrcel ot ihe Property by public announeement at tha - - . . - <br /> � timo end pleco ot�ny prevtoualy sehedulod eale. Lcader or ita doelgnee m�y purc6eae the Property�t auy � � ��- _ <br /> sde. <br /> . . . 1 <br />' Frm �021 !/90 � . . <br /> � <br /> �—BRQJO�ne�iei ru.e.�e �������� , <br /> _.r�..-_._�..,._. . _ _._ <br /> a.��`� <br /> • �. — <br />- "fti'L• ,•ti _. . - .- <br /> `\4�y.— � <br /> . .ft✓�' _ ' • . <br /> iJ`� i�Y••.Y '1�. . _ ' . _ <br /> t ' � 1- <br /> / t 1• <br /> -"Je - .. . � . <br /> � <br /> � ' .. - . <br /> ( ..( .. . . J ia� �: � ' ` - • ' ..._ ...... __ � <br />