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r �>� ._ g3. / _ :� , � �-- <br /> �""3"`� • �,TltzotA oi Froyort9ln+uranco.Ikreowa oh911 kap tAe{mprovemenu now exle�n��Fe�dt{ev oteok4 ok - <br /> a�^� the Nropert9 insute4 eytinae loea by N heutds ire)u4bd w1tNo tRe term'ettpn4o0 oovenya �nd eny giNbt h��dA <br /> z�-� inoludtny ttuode ot Iluodiny,lor Nhioh�ndar roqultra lasuronoe.'I'h!e ineui�noe eh111 be m�lnu�neA�n ibe etnow}te = <br /> � atd tor sho periode th►t i,ender requireo.The ine�gea�ro oartictptovidiny the Incuranca ehatl ba ohaw�`n by SorcOaqt ,�-, . -- <br /> P �- eubJoattoLender'e�pprov�twhloheh�UnotbounrolsontAlyatttihelA.lfRarcowertslletor�teintefnoovera;edescd6ed — <br /> �""�' �Eovq 4pe��dat moy,st l.ender'e option,obtein oovotePe to protwt LeqQer'e d�hu in the Proportyln a000tdince w�th — <br /> �;`1��`' ��1 tnsvtenQO pol! ca end ronow�te ahatl he uoopqbla m Lender end eh�ll incluCo e e�and�M mortg�Ya clayee. � ".- <br /> t � f;�� Lendar eAill Afve tAe�jAt to hold tAe polldee�nd roneetla U I.ender rcquirce, Horrowa eh�i1 promptly Qive to _ <br /> Lendor�ll roalpte oIpsta promlume uid renew�nottaa In the evont otloss,Borrower eh�tl yive prompt nutico to the � � �.�+�. <br /> ,r -'' insuranoecarrtu�ndLendet.Lcn4armWmekeproototlos�ttaotmndepromptiy by Botrowor. � T 4 <br /> „ r;. Udees I.eMer�nd$otmxet othcrNise�Yroe in RRdnQ,ineunnoe proaeds ehdl be�ppllcd w«etontioA orreq(� � <br /> ,F�; , o!the Ptoperty dim�ad,fI tAe�eeton`ion or eeptlr 1e eoonomlally fetaible�nd Lendele swudty le not leeeanea.f(the ' f„ ��+r.r^=. <br /> t c, � raetontion or ropdr le not eaonoMialty taetEle m Lender4 eeouAty would Ee Ica�encd,the Ineunnoeprooeede e1sU16e ,'. Jh^� r <br /> ' ��'� � oDptled to tAe euma�eourad by tNa Baurit inntument whetAer or not then Aue,wltA�w exoe�pid w DorroNm.It r 3 > <br /> `�� ' ' BorroHer�bndorts the Ptoperty,oe daes noe�nawer Nh}�in 70 d�yo�notioe trom Lendor thit the ineunnoe c�rckr h�s tii;, a��'"' '� ' : <br /> �� otterzd to eaala�olaim,thon landor m�y oollaot tho inwranca pror<eda.Lender mey usa tha proa�aJn to ro �Ir or t; �� ' <br /> fi", � ,;, reetorothePropen�ortop�ywmeewurod6ythieBeoudtyfnnuument,whethero�notthendue.The30dsyperipodNllt S`,��,s „�i <br /> be�lo kAen ehe not ae le Qiven. �" ;' 't'�� 3�s <br /> <` ' ,� � Unioes Lendet�nd 8orrower otherwlse�aree in wdNn ,�ny�ppllwdon ot prooecds to prlaelpel elutl not extend ar 'i,y ��r `_ <br /> ,t " pw tpone the due due ot ehe monthtyp�ymente roterted to fa pu��rophs 1 tnd 2 or oh�nge tMamount o!thopaymenta t'�tls����r,�,�t A'' �= <br /> �r� "' A' It uadetp�n�tph 11 the Propetty(e toqulted by Lender, Borrower'e A�ht w eny inwuanee polldte and proorods -fi�'���ijf s, -E� <br /> "t k �� : reaulttn{ftom damt�e to the Proporty prlor w the�oqulaltion ehdl paw to Lenda to the ertent of the wme sacured by �x L�f�,r'�+A 4 r�'. <br /> "�F ! thteBwudtylrotrumenelmmed(etdy pr[ortotAee uisition. i�� '� N� <br /> wi`'s i`. 6.Ocoup�noy,Preamvatloa,I�laiatea�ace{nd Proteotion of the P�opmty;Borcower'e Low Applicallou; s,f �,+71 f�,;,. - .` <br /> �,�' �� I.e�eeLo1A�.Borrower ehal accupy,establteh,and uso the Propmty ea BoxorePs principnl residenoe wtthin siny daye ?lr�t = <br /> G�r y„i��', etter the exavNon oI thle 8eourlty Tnetrument and eh�ll continue to oocupy tAe Proporty ns Borrower'e prindpal ,� � 7rti�;,�' <br /> s 1 r�»f teaidenoe tor at leaet one yeu�tter the dete ot aacupanoy,unleae Lendu otherxlse agrae tn a�iting,which cansent ehall �7r(t k 4�,n�i'' <br /> , not be unteaeonnbly wlthheld,or unlas ertenuedny airoumetenae o=Ist wAloh ere 6oyond Horrower'e control.Borrower ,ti�h t ,_ <br /> �`' �`' ehell aot destroy,dimage or Impair the Propeety,sllow the Pmpeny to deuAoraw,or commit waste on the Propert . F'�:..5; n; == <br /> 3� �`� Horrowet shall be(n datault it en todetturo actton or f whether civil or cdminal,fe begun that In Lender�e .E°�r* �.:*�w'" - <br /> " ;t t 1' gwd lalth fudgment could result in toddturo ot the Pmpr�or�otherwise meterfally impair the lien oroated by thie •:<y��F�F A - -:-_ <br /> 14i' ` 8eourtty Inatrument or Lender'e secudty interest.Horcower may curo suoh e default end roinatate,es provided in ' ' t'i d '�"`-_-> <br /> ,I �; � paragraph 18, by causing the ecston orp�Ing w be dfemissed with e ruling that, in Iander's good taith '{�:f;""�,��,,,;,_-. <br /> ir�� ,,?� determinaHon,prxludes torteituro ot the]iorcower'e Interest ln the Properry or othw mateci�l impatrment ot the lien ��'�P�r`fr� _ - <br /> �, creaud by thls 8ecuttty 1ptMiue!tns er Lan!�t'e s�!tIty Intem±S:i_�rmwer ehall.lso he in ddeult It Honuwer,during r��Ji'e �,u�� _a . <br /> 'v% x��� the loen applloedon procas, gave maudalty talse or ineceureU intormetlon or etatementa to Lender (or telled W s' s j�pb'P`j�sJ � € <br /> � } `�{y� t�' ^ tl'a(r s . _ <br /> provide Lendv wlth eny mauriel intormation)in connectton wfth the loen evidenced by the Note,fncludtng,but not �T��:�},�, ,, , <br /> � Zl.�,? limited m,repreaenuHone conarning Sorrower'a occupanoy ot the Property as e pdndpal reddenca It thie 8ecurity fi+��r �,����` '-'. <br /> ��1 ;�� Inetrument te on e leasehold,ISorrower ehall compiy wtth all the provieione oI the lease.It Borrower acquirea tee ddem t,o i:`£�i,F.���,x'_ <br /> y1f�'?�, theProperty,theleaseholdandthoteetiQoehellnotmergaunlasLenderegraetothemergerinwrfting. );�� �J�,�U3r+._ <br /> ,,,,,, + 7.Protalloa ot Londer'a Rlgdts in tdo Property.It Borrowu ta�le w pertorm the covmente and egreamente �-'qt �`��,t"��is : <br /> , -_�i 1` contefned in thia 8ecudty Inatrument,or therc ie a legel procuding th�t mey eigniticantly ettat Lender e Aghta in the ���, �' � r�"= <br /> , ,'y�. � D/i[ . <br /> ,,,�,.+y�,keA,, Property (such ee e procading in benkruptcy, probate, tor condamnetion or tortelture or to entorce lewi or a �?L;�� ;.;��k a,�: <br /> ,,,,�)_, roguladons),chen Lender msy do snd pey tor whewver ie necessary to protec[the vdue oI the Property end Lendu's ,; „ P.�>��j�; <br /> ��»�:� rlghte tn the Property.Lender's actione may includa paying any aume sxured by a lien whieh hm pnority ovar thia : , + '{�7"���"`_ __ <br /> �� S t��� 8eaudty Inetrumen6 appaerin�{n court,psying reasonebte atwmeys'tas end entering on the Property�o meke ropeire. r rit� f �S�Y',;�i+�,. <br /> S��4 lk; Although Lender mey taka ectwn undar th�e parogreph 7,Lender does not have to do so. y ��r� -, <br /> 1, Any amounte dieburaA by Lender under thla pnregnph 7 shnll become additional debt ot Borrower secured by thie ---�� y y y,.;.;' <br /> � `��`�, Sceurity inatrument.Unlese Borcower and I.ender agree to other twme ot payment,these amounte shall besr intercat � '�� r� A�,���,°t�'��. <br /> �,`� trom the deta ot diebursament et the Note rate and ehall be peyabte,with intereat,upon notice trom I.ender to Horcower .'� ,����ii;`� <br /> ;` ',:�. requesNng payment. , � .•re t'+lt,!':` <br /> y} ;_ - �•� 8.Mortg�ge Lender requircd mortgege inaunnce as a condition ot making the loen secured by thle �� „ � ,�����°' <br /> ` ;;�i Security Instrument,BorroNer shali pay tho premiume required to mainuin the mortgaga insuranw in ettect.It,tor eny ':( ,' �`r�s :.�, <br /> reason,the mortgage insurenw covenge required by Lender lepsea or ceasea to be in ettect,Borcower ehall pey the -�'.� 1�3(5 �%� �, <br /> s� ��s�ti promiuma required to obtain coverege substentielly equivalent to the mortgega ineunnce previously in eftece,st a cost � > ,4�f�ftl;,-- <br /> - •„��-R,t;;�?' eubsuntielly equivalent to che wst to Borrower ot the mongege insuronce prcviousiy in eftxt,trom an alumam ��, . ,. r,<.�...:, , <br /> ,.,-...4iA • .:;:�,���f�q,s.'._-. <br /> ��'��:N,�.�.,�,5:•.. mortgege inauror epprovcd by Lender. It eubsuntially equivdent mortgaga insunna wvenga ie not availeble, - �.,_.,...- <br /> �u � ;,i;�: Borrower ehall pay to Lander each month e sum equnl to one'tweltth oI the yearly mongage inauranx premium being t- : " ;�, . <br /> -, (j4-�•- = paid by Dotrower whrn the inaurana coverage Iapsed or eeased to be in ettat.I.ender wi11 eaept,use end rotein th'se � -: . y� - °;; <br />-:._1::,;.,�_`;"_: . <br /> -,:};,;...��_-:�, paymmte m e loss reserve in lieu ot mongege insurcnce. luss reserve paymenta may no longer be required, ; - - <br /> �,:c.•t: � � <br />. `:o-s,':(:7 t - - - ' <br /> Farm 701� !/10 . <br /> �—BIUN61�cie�w� ru.a.�e �nm��c <br /> � <br /> _':'�3:.-' ji.; ; - <br /> . �:..:i,:. .: <br /> r°.s:.liC-. � . , <br /> --:U, . <br /> .. . �. ::'..... . <br /> 'e{ -. <br /> _-.yc.. <br /> "`A"_ 1�1.-.. - � . - . <br /> ;�i. � <br /> i14.:�,r;pt�.�:_ <br /> :./. -:� ��� �_ - _ . <br />..:1.'.y':�_ �t;; - - <br /> ...y�{..:l:i�t:�.� •�. <br /> s t�l.S:i�..i <br /> t;�;;�;�:s ' <br /> � ; � . • . <br /> � <br /> �� r� �:. ' .. : . , , ,. . . . �.f. . . . . . .�� . � <br />