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'1zn�yressua.:e�.t�� . _. ii��= __... <br /> _-..' _ , . . � _' �� ! - <br /> M� .__ • . � ��7��Q g � ' - — <br /> == ' 7�pOSPfI6R W1�lYi atl tho Emptovoments now or heraftu eEwted on the ptopedy, pft4� a.�ltAfrytE <br /> ► unoiUncta�n4tixtur6ana of��ettaftpt� ptt9 lhPD+oD�nY� IreyUcemenu�nA�Aditionaeh�ll[' �puuvaF� <br /> *��� byptfile pd�y Inctti��m anReU�otthqtore�ol��p.�C�.rrcdwin�8eoudtyl�etrumerttathe•Propelty� " ' <br /> �RAO�'1$R COV&jM71'8 th¢t 8orm�tor ig intituliy s�d ot the pk�q herobp oonve;rod and hrr tne rlyAlto --- - <br /> ,s�s� �� grant end oonvdy the P�openy end tntt the Pmpony te unenaumbered,osoept fot enaum6anae ot teoot0.BorroRar <br /> ,,..�`4�!� warronte md will detenQ gaierally the dtle to tho Proparty�getnst dl claime�nd demande,sub�eot W eny encumbru�ae _ _ _ <br /> h rn'?' otnoord. <br /> �, � THfB BBCUIt1Tl'INSI'1tUM6Nf oombinae unttorm oovenents tor aaVonal use end nonvnttorm oovenente wlth <br /> � <r+`�, IlmltedvaflaUoasbp.�udpdi qnmoonettturoeunttormseoudtylnstrumrntcoveringralproperty. <br /> � Y UNIPOAMOOVEN BonowmandLenderoovennntendngtEuesiollowa — <br /> s «,5�,�] ' 1.Psymentof.PsiqaipaLsndlnureri;Prep�ymeatmdlwteCi��r$e�.Horcoworehallprompttypayvrte,ndw <br /> ' �s���`u��' . thoprinclpeloteadintmraEOmthedobtevidmudbytAeNotesndenypmpnymentendlamohergeedueundertheNou. <br /> �",r' � 2.Funde for T�sea�ad ia�unnce.8ybject 1q sppllcable!aw or m a wdtten waiver by Lender,Botrower ehall S�`�;� _- <br /> ��;r pey tn Lender on the d monthly Wymente�rodue under the Note,undl the Note te petd in futl,e eum('Funda')tor. ` <br /> t„ j�j`'}�: (a)yearly toxm end ea�mente xNoh may etteln pAortty over thle 8avdty Instrument�s a lian on the Propert�,(b) � � ; <br /> �y � YyAy te9eeholdpaymente or gmund ronts on the Proporry,lt any;(o)yeaAy hszud or pmperty ineurenoo premtume; �r-�t` _, <br /> ...,{r�y��a�; (d)yearly tlood Imuranoe pramtums,itany;(a)Ycarlp mort�ago insuraneo yraniums,lf nny;end(t)nny sume peyablo �'"_ ` -.._ <br /> -v,4, r>:., by Horcower w Lender,in�000rdmoe rith the proviaione ot para�reph&�Q Iteu ot the p�yment ot monp�Ye Ineuanoo <br /> -t''�rtt�'�,*,3 �4� premiuma Th�e iwma aro wiled'Hsaow Iume.'Lender mey,�t eny tima�11oot�nd hold PunEe in m�mount not a �' �. =�—� <br /> "-:;Y�+st`an?`. m e:aed the ma�mum�mount e tonder tor�tedently rolned morty� e loen mey rtqulro tor Borrawar'e extox ;�;`�?Y;+';`'' - <br /> ' .� " ;"E e000un�under the tederel Ral Bet�te 8ottlomrnt Proaedune Aot of 197�u�menAed trom dme to time, 12 UB.C. <br /> �, ^A ��; Beodon 1b01 et .('RHBPA'),untae�nother l�w thsuppllee co the Punda eote�leaser�mounx It so,Lendor m�yf �t� �„_ <br /> at�ny tim0.�����nd hold Fund+tn m unount not w esoeod the lesser�mount.Lendot m�y eatim�te the�mount o . . . <br /> ' ' -'^�5- Funds due on tM besis o!wrront date end reasone6te eatimates ot e�penditurea af tuturo Hsorow Iteme or otheralse in � " <br /> " <br /> f � �y �4 �000tdancewlthappliceblelsw. ' , S� <br /> , , , :,,- The Punde ohe11 be held in m inacftution whoae deposite ero InsurcA Dy�tedenl ngenay,ins�rumertality,or entlty � Y� <br /> r` t ; -;s (including Lendor,it Lender ia euch an Instttutfon)or in any Federal Home Loen Henk.Lendet shall epply tha Funde to ic=t„ .,, _ <br /> .,r� !� t�;i�; psy the IIscrow Iteme.Lender mey not cfutge Borrower tor holding end appiying ehe Funds,ennuaily enalyzing the 1 `��1� <br /> � �"N,_,; acrow a000unt,or veAfying the Heorow Iteme,unlas Lendor qys Dorrowu intereat on ehe Funds and epplloeble lan (�� 4 r� <br /> �# , r,:= permits Lender w mske woh a charge. However, Lendtt may requiro Hortowu to pay a onenime ofiarge tor en �!,+�,���� . <br /> ,��; independent real cetate te:reporting service wrod by Lender in connecdon wlth thie loan,unless eppllcabte law providea y 7i� ' ", <br /> ��� ;,: otherwisa.Unlas an agreement fa made or eppltcable law requfrea intereat to ba paid,Lender ehell not be required w ;'t�V iQr�- <br /> � �ir pey Bortower any Intereat or eernings on tM Funda Porrorer end Lender may agreo in wAting,however,thst lntarcet af-' ��-t`!',r <br /> Yr• ehell 6e td on the Punde.Lander ehell give to Borrower,xithout¢hnr e,en nnnvel a000unting ot the Funde,ehowln s •�rd%� _ <br /> s-�� i crad[ts nnd debite to the Funda and the purpc�ae tor rhtch wch deMt to the Funde wae mede.The Punda are pledged e8s 'n�t ��r _y <br /> +,`� •: eddltien����ri?yf�fel�A��m„�vedbvthincecufl.rytnaen,menc ��'°` 3i �•i�. <br /> " ':" It the Funds held by Lender excud tha emounte parmitted to be held by nppllcable law,Lender ehetl eccount to t'� 'TM <br /> , , .. ,,5 �y�r ''iF--- <br /> r� _g=t�< Borrowa tor the exoeas Funde in eccordnnoe with the requiromente ot apptiable taw.It the emount ot the Punde held rr>j � ��y�7_ <br /> �i .'`� by Lender et any time ie not suHicient to pay the Bccrow Itema ahen due,Lender mey so notify Borrowet In wridng, ' h< <S a . � <br /> ;`;�-- �� '-;;�` and,ln euch ceso Donower ehall p�y to Lender the emount necessery to meke up tho deficiancy.Horrower ahell make r,_�,-��t,!� {h5�?� - <br /> � �•-�� u the defietency in no more than twelve monthly peymonte,at Lender'e sale discrotion. �. r,t Ed�FF+(:m:-. <br /> ur;r. P ..-l��Z �iYr • <br /> y i- ,�t� Upon peymant in tull of ell euma secured by thia Seouriry Inetrument,Lmder ehall promptly retund to Dormwar , �:r a.{r e -- . <br /> eny Funde held by Lenda. It, under peragraph 21, Lcnda ehall ecquiro or sa1l the Propeny, Lender, prior to the �� rsv�+?lz�}t�;, <br /> J`lF���J1 acquieition or eale ot the Propany,ahell apply any Funda Aeld by Lender et the time ot acquisidon or sele as a credit ti�t{ Jj ^��;.y •=�- <br /> + ` egainet thP�'Gti�on of Pi Lmon�Unlesv au licable lew rovidta otherHise,ell ymente received by I.ender wder '^'lyl�`-ry�j�,�?a' <br /> ' + 3. A Y PP P Pe �, i ,�=; <br /> 1 j�,;,:' pangraphv 1 and 2 shell be applied tiret,to any prepsymrnt charges due under the Nou;sawnd,to amounte pay�ble _�,>:� i���t{.�^ - � <br /> z .- under paregreph 2;third,to intereetdue;founh,to principal dua end Ieat,to any lau chnrges due under the Note. •„ � � ' <br /> '� ` A. Cheryee; Lione. Dorrower ahdl pey ell taxea, esse�monts,chergea,tinea end impositions attributable to the -:•�' .� �t��)`�: '-` <br /> ! ,y1j�; pp Y Y Y Y WY B Y ' �' i ' � - <br /> � , . Pro rt Nhioh ma attein riorit ovar thie Securit Irmtrument,end leasehold mente or round rente, it m . < < + � <br /> : �.... <br /> y� ..�, Borcower eheil pay theae ob igations in the manner provided in pengreph 2,or if not paid in that menner,Dorrower y°", �� �i� �7 :; <br /> � ::� ehall pay them on time dircctly to the parson oNed payment.Borrower ehali promptly turniah to Lender e11 notias ot ti� }+���__t : <br /> ' v '.i amounte to be paid undm thie par�graph.It Borcower mekea thtsa payments directly,Dorrower ahall promptly tumish --' ---�,_•;-, <br /> e,4�+�'+: to Lender receipte evidencing the peymente. �-.,, ?+�� ^'� <br /> , �Q,s}�(�i;: BorroNer ehell promptly diwherga any lien which has priority over thie Securiry Instmmmt unlesv Borrower.(s) 7 ��� : ; <br /> �c,�r yl�_ egreea in wtitin�ro the payment ot the obligation secured by the lien in a manner�cceptable to Lender;(b)contests in r.i �,ysF1��';yS�",�_._ <br /> 2 ;rs good taith tho I�en by, or detends against entorcement o�the lien in,legal proceedinga which in the Lender's opinion , � �_ . y��� ..t,�,. <br /> _,,;�,..,-�.'r,,j operate to provent the entorcemrnt ol the lien•or (c)secura from the holder ot the lien an agreement eatiatectory to .�3�.;:,'.': <br /> r Lendor subordineting the lien to thie Security I.ender deurmines that any part of the Property is subject .':'; rl�!:i�:`.` <br /> ��:F°;•."'.fi� to a lien which mey attain p.iority over thia Security Instrumrnt,Lender mey give IIorrower e notia idrntifying the � -� . <br /> . �`;�`"'= - .- lirn.Horrower ehall saiisty the lien ot take one or more ut the actions set tanh ebove within 10 dnya ot the giving ot , - � . � - <br /> _ ..4:c' ' . <br /> - .:q OotiCe. ' . .. .. . . <br /> �:i-i' � <br /> `iSidl{"r? Porm 30lE II90 � - <br /> :.����.('<;�.-.` �-BBWEIm�ena� �n.v.� • . <br /> ,i:iliY�•:. Initbl�_ ' , <br /> . ! <br /> -!r�_ n. .: :.'. <br /> ' r..-���....-�.....�.��..._. . . . .. .. . <br /> � �Y.I:L.( . .. .. .. . . . . <br /> _ _ �:... - <br />.- :Ljr'_21[.__ .�' � <br /> __ if!:.G,� . __- _ _ <br /> �'� �. . <br /> . ' y:>.' `.��t. <br /> ,--�`;�.;-`• �:V:�. . <br /> 7. `�":�tfhi?p- • • -. - <br /> 'u i itu t / <br /> iv. �y ?.r � -_ ; . <br /> ..:ij;�E'�rS�F=� j:�.:- =': . . . <br /> � �ii���ii'.;,�'�' <br /> =•fs"- i'.�,�t�'.tS at��' . <br /> `y}l;{.Ztiu;:�.;.r�'. :-,.i�- � . . <br /> 4 �; J i.- i., . ' - - . . - , <br /> � e f : <br /> F , . : - • '. . . _ � {! - � <br /> - . . � . , ..a. <br /> !J . <br />