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� l�l:l( ___ _ r i ___. <br /> t # . _ .. � . . _ . . . . r.'ki '�" _. �.. .µ "i. - . -; Q� _ : a �S <br /> �� � .�.d� �l� .- , . . �. -. . . - - ..: _ . . - . - .. �.F� � n ) • . <br /> f�►ro4wNaf W LqfldMV�qtflM►.In fh�Pf4pNly. x aonoWS alr wp�a�{YN aornry��n/N++��+wl+1d�1 . <br /> • - � NM.i�aeb F��TA�q IMn k�NiM aoalbF�D�1 fMY�k�ikantl�rlMlal UrdY1 ApMi M!Ih�g'aOMEi IWOh Y pMg�M�M �i �: <br /> , ' � .���'Y�O�F{I��k1.0011�IW11tl011-p'hAlIAH101-10 MAMC7 YW191 f�W1�0,!H)�MlIR 1i11dM IIf1#1�0�fltl/9r�!�N MOIMII�. r <br /> -- ' ro�'_otwsm.v���am.►r�r�aw+aw.nonu�na.r�,� unarr•�wai�' .hwa�a��w«�•��rt� � °_ <br /> whM�F fiio pdelp onr it�9+6w1t{in�sumeir�+a'v�o H a�ut w�0 r:ar2,'�r,k�r°�a�s c��'.��.+t3'a -::, -° .„ _ <br /> i�p�Yf: Mhouph l�nOw my hk�aouon unGa�N�Dln�h I,L�ndw don noi Aiv+lo Qo�a <br /> - ',� MY urumq @:QurlalOY 4aldx unda tAb P��Ph f oM!EeooiM�d4A1o�N d�0t ol0arowwumxb Ly WsB�d�ry htkcM.L--- — <br /> . . l�M�a Bortower rnd 4mGx ayeo to alh�v tam+of prymen4 Neee�mounle elul Gw Nta�el from N�dit�01 Q�bunanlnl n N�ttot� ., <br /> � nt��nd tM10�p�y�Dli,wUti NIw�sA uPOa no9a from lendp lo Bortaxw reWestYW W.ym�t .. , `. . <br /> _ _ . 8.Mokptge Intur4no�� 11 lx�da rayutred mortp�p�Naivuioe nn e oqn�lon oi mW�p N�lan ��wrM �by tNi�. � ` - <br />... . Nttrumn4 Barma�hY p►y�h�pnmlum�nwhd la m4ht�N 1he mwiy�9�Nawnca 4i o7ut B.Por vy rC�stln.tAO mcHt;:z N, na . - � . -- . . ._. <br /> _ .._ �m,Mw�w��d bY Undu Mvtn a aene�to b�h orted� Barmvw�AU C�Y N�a��royutro0 ta odSUi cav�n0�e�WMhH — <br />�—��r.v -aqukdent to N�mwlyy�htuwna DrMODUy N o8ea,�1�aasi mbetnnOJy aq�dntmt to N�oost l0 8ortaxw ot N�matpq�Nw�nG . <br /> � — DrMouay In elfed trom m�lttmote motlpiDv Nwrer WProvad by lmder. H subaWNb��t rimtqW Int�mna oovwtp�V nN <br /> � im <br /> .-`�;� ti�W6 Bwrower sMl pr/to l�da e�oh month �aum eQu�to on�twa'M o10�Y�1I mayltW Neutuia prrNm MYiO D�d b1 <br />-- _ nowar wfien Ne h�mu�oe ew�+aya kysod a ceasod to be N Med. LmQer rA eoeeDt use uM reYY� 1tiH�qSrxnb u�WN <br /> - -- ame Y�iw of mortp�pa Naurenoa. looe reiave peymanU moy no lonper be roQute0. st Ne optlai ol Lmdw�Y mortplp�hewma <br /> ���: ' mpe�n Ne emowt�nd ta Ne palad Net Lenda raqu4e+)provldad by�n hwra�pWOVM by LeWat opaLi EEwm:a rn1sNe ena'b =- - ----- ---- <br /> ±�c teMed. 0ortower sA�! pay Ue praMume �eW4ad to mehleN mortpa9e Nsurvne0 h efle�t o�lo proNAa 1 bt� ret�v0. �li N1 <br /> t la mon8eye Inwwna endf In aeoordmoe wtlh nny wdtlen��eoment DNween Baraxa�nd Lmdw or�pPiabla I�w• <br />-�"��'a�d� 8. Insp�otlon. Lendw a Me�9�^�^�"�' �reosonebla enWa�upon�nd NspecUona ol tha FMpe�N• 1.enda ehel pNe Bonannr — <br />��•h''`�� � nWca�t the tlme ot a pAa ta an Inapacllon epeolpMO rcaaonede oawa iw the InspeWon. <br />- -�._.,•,.t <br />.�:.-`Y'F'b�'. 10. Condemn�Non. The P��e ol eny uvud a e4Yn tor tlem�9a�. dmd a consaquanlW� N oonnaWon wAh uq -- <br /> �` eondametlon w other IelOnO ot en pen ol the Roptty, or ta oomeyanee in Aeu ol eondemi�VOn, ur henby�n�ed md ahv ba qW <br /> ; .„ <br />:;:'1;�._:j+,�'._ Y <br /> v-�ry� to Lenaa. = ---- <br /> ��' :` N the eront of s IoW takin8 ot Iho Proporty.Ne proceeda�Mi be aDD1atl�u Ihe euma�ewrod by thle Baw�IH NsVUment,vAetha a �— <br />,,..:,,3cr.c#�� �,..',_-_- <br /> :_j,._y'i�}. not Nen du&wllh eiry mceesa peld to 8ortowec N the evont of�panlet te�ing ot 1M RoD�N wWeh Iho qY me�ket veLe ol N�FroDab —. :. <br /> hnmadelet�l Debre the teldnp la puel ta or gealtt than the emount ot the eum�searud by IhU BeaRy InsWmrnl Yiune�iatdy bofore tha �,�r,7,a _,__ <br /> T i taWnµunleas 8arovrer end Lender oNmvlae agree In rrtillnp.Ne aume aaarotl by t�b 9ewiAy NatnuKnt ehaA be rcdu�ed by Ne unount �� <br /> ,. a:.:�� �rlx <br /> v � `� ol the proceode muPopled by te�fo�mWn9 kaction:(a)tho toml rmount of the�ume eecured Immeaiatery helom tho Wdng,dGlded by�)N� v , _ <br /> +Y{ rS, �''m°�Ce1'Nue of tha Property Ynma�atey betore the laklnp.My Wunu ehe9 be peld to Bortowar.N t�o went ol�pu1W L1dn➢cf 1M r , <br /> -t> Propary N whlch iha h4 mvket ralue ol the Proparty Immedletey bafore the teldny Is loe�11Nn ihe emwnt o1 the eum6 t�arad ImmeAlatty �s�-_ <br /> �±�� befao tho Wdnp,unleaf Bortowa end Lender oNenMie agree h wAiNy or unleas eDDO��e Nn othembe qoNdea,the proaeG nheE be iia 5� - <br /> . ��4� . nn t;, <br /> y�i e p p Cad to tha tuma eecvred b y Nie Baw A y�naWment whaihM a nol Ne wmn ere ihen due. ,�S C <br />_:��� S�lt� II ihe Ropetly u eDendoneC by Barmvg.a M,elltt nollea by Londd to Bonowa ihel ihe tonAe'mor ollers to m�ke an lwerd a+aellie '}iii n_,;,___.� <br />_�;;u�F�3`_ e dalm fa demepea.Barnwer fat�to respond to lenda withN 90 daya eRer the date the notlea b pNen.Lendor b alhaKed to oo0eot anG ,.����3,•.,�-_. <br /> �rS�ti eGPN me im oDUOn.d iner io rwbmiian ai irye:oi ihd Fr-vy�Yj M:L i�.a ra r x:uic:l�th� °�^��!;MeVf.M!ltl1t:whelha • .� <br /> , � or not then Me. ��� `� <br /> T�Y`�7 UNOaa Lcnder and Barovra othawlao eqroe In wAW�g, e�ry�ppOCeYOn ol proeeeAS to pindpel�MI nol axtend a poalpone tho dua suz r��l�% , <br /> rw ;� date ol the manthy peymmte rolerted to In puegreph�1 and 2 a eh+npo Iho amounl ot aveh poymenla �§�t��4 v„ '_ <br /> �+ Lhi ` t �� ' <br /> - � 11. Borrower Not Reteaeed: Forbearanoe B Lender Not a Waiver. E,aemlon w tho timo ror paymait a , ti „,., . <br /> f.av�', modAkeMOn ol emoNietion ol th�aume searM by thu BewAy Inawment prentod by Lendm to my�uaas�or In Nlaa�t ol Bortawer eM1 �r�'�r:}S , <br /> � �`•1 not opente to raleeea th�1eb5�y ol lhe odpNel Bonower or Bortowefe auooeiewe In htere�G landa eheE not be reqNad to oommeiw� F, ,-.�,i <br /> ' al prpeeedlnqe�qWal ury euweswr N Inlereat or reNae to mdenA Wn�for peyment a oth�wAae modly unoNUtlon ol tM aume�earad by ' � _..�;' ' <br /> e � <br /> . „ , tMe eawdry�nnwmem by reaion ol eny aemena m�de by the oripNal Bonower a Bortowel�tuecetforo N NteretL My lo'bewwe by < r ; y1 <br /> + `< Lenda N ezadsinp my dght a remedy ahN not be a waNer ol a pledud�Ihe exwdto ol am 11ph1 or�emed�. F+- -+. <br /> �.� 14. 8uaoeesore and Asalgne Bound; Joint and 8evmal Llabitlty; Co•slgnore. ma eovorunu end nyemwnn oi �;' � , '��', <br />_;-�..;-�p•:. Nb BearMy�n6Wmen1 ehd bind end bmefil�ha eueeoeson end eaGpna ol lendtt end Bortormr. �ub�ect to ihe qoHflona ol p�nyap� . ii � , <br /> .t `;i. 17. Bortowelt eorenanu end �yeemmu �he0 bo pht end �eraaL My Oorrower who wsip�e Nb Bew�lry 4uWmsnl but Aoea ml _ ��} h.. <br /> --.K�;l execule Na Nole: (a)ie wmlpNng thb Sacuriy Nswmml ony lo mwtgage,prant.end comry Ih�t Bonqvar'e Interesl N I�o PropeM undtt -(���,,- �.�-_. <br />�`i�.,k„;._ t�o lmns ol ihb BowrNy N6lrument: (b)le nol 0�6o'uy obl ted to Pay No aum�aea+red fhls 8ew NaWm¢nk end(o)eptaea ihel :.•f„ . -:.rF.;:.-. <br /> L _ s� �r mr , r� � ; ,�;; <br /> ,�,�_ LanUU end vry other Barower mey egree lo exlone.modly,1aDCar or meke a�ry�eeortunodatlona rAh roqerd to telme ol thb Bewrlly - .., <br /> � ` InnWmenl w Ihe Nofa wMOUt IMt Bortowcrh wnsenl }�i � � _ <br /> �v,� . . .^i e,._. <br /> � 19. Loen Chergas. u Ne loen eeareE by Nb Seariy InsWmml H aubJttl to a lew whleh�ele me�dmum loon ehvyee,end thal + r._> ' <br /> �.•��� law b Me NI retetl w thel the hierest or othx ionn es calleUCd or to bo wtlected In cannectlon wM tha lan ax�eed the li �% �:� <br /> ��' -;�"� Demitted WMe.t�on: (e)eny such lonn cherges�hetl 6e redueed by Na amount newsaary to reduee No charge to the pmMmd LM1:end - ,�4 � `�-� <br /> . .. - '.� (b) ury aumf e4eaQ/wtn.led Aom 8ortown which aeeeEed D�led NnXe wa be rebnded lo BOrtON'M. LfY1dN 1118'/Ch005C 10 rtNk� '-� .�:;>f .: <br /> ���"�'� Il�is reNnA Dy redudng the pMtlpal owed undn fhe Nole or by mekin9 a dveet prymml to Bavow¢c 11 e relund reducea pdnc�pe�. Ih� �, tl;. . <br /> �- :t �`.j redudbn w0 be veated es e panl�l prepayment w1hoN�ny prepaymenl cherpo undtt Ihe Note. �� , � � <br /> ��--?•� 14. Noticea. My notiee to Bortonu proHaed ior in We 8ecunh mawmm� ehan bo qwm by dolheAnp M a by msGn9 R CY M� �;l.kj,-'',.__,�+ <br />' ���= -` deae nwil uNess appOCabie lew requ4ei use ol enoth¢r mothotl. The nolloe sh�Y bo direqad to ihe Praptty Atldrase a eny other adMes� ('�t::;.';'��+�- <br /> _ `�I''e`� Bortarer Oesignetee by nWce �o Lmdtt.My notice ro Lender�ha7 be gken 6y fint daee mo1 to Lentler'�nddrea� ata1M hereN or eiry �iti�' ,.�•{'.,::. <br /> _ .-_�:. af, .;:-: <br /> _t; olhtt addrou Lmder desgnates by notice fo Bonowec My notice proNdetl tor N 1Ne SeaAly Inevumont ehe7 6e tleematl 10 lure bem - ,4 , ,+-_, <br /> 1 , : pNm to Bonaver or Lmder whm pNm ae prorided in this penqnPh. ' ' - .. <br /> 16. Qov¢rning Lew; SBVOtebllity. This Sewdty InsWmmt Mall De pmemetl Dy 1eEeral Yw ond Ihe lew ol Iha�uAsAClion n �- _.�,:�": �. <br /> w�kA Ihe Prop¢tly b buleA. In ihe event lhet eny D�aWSion o�dause ol Nls SttuMy IneWmml or Ne Nole oonNC1�wMh epplpCle law. � _ . <br /> -- tuch conNd ehell nol eMeet olher proWSions of Ihie Sewriy Instrumml or the Nota which cen ba qNm ellect wXhoN 1�e eonmctlnp � , <br /> �`��, proHSbn. To ihU enA Ihe provislone ol thb Secudy Inshummt m0 Ihe Nole ere dedared to be sevnaGe. � � - <br /> ��+�'a=`+ 1B. BOflOwBf�B CO(1y. Bortowx aha0 be gken onc conlortned Wpy ol ihe Nn1E end ol Ihh$twrly InsWmenl � . <br /> ��.^:"'" 17.Tranefor of tho P�OPeAy O� B BBttOflC101 INB�08t ill BOf�OwBL II e7 a any part ol ihe Propedy or eny Nterest h . <br /> - -- 11 b so10 or 4anslened (a M e brnefidal interesl in Bonower e soW or Uanslerred anU Bononn ia no�e mtunl puson) wllnaul Lender� <br /> - pdot wrXten o0nsen�. lFndel may, at Aa opGon.requ4e MmeOule pBymmi h lull ol ell 6uma 6eNreE Ey I�b S¢CUrlq' �nelrumenL How2vH. _ <br /> - '`- f NPo option s�eA not be exttUSeC by Lmdtt M exttdse is pro�L�eG Dy�e0aa��aw ea o�me aaw oi mie'secuuiy inawmmi. � <br /> � `--� II Lender euerdaea iM1b optlon. LmdM sheo qWe BoROwer nofce ol eccelMatlon.The noUce shal D��ae e pMod ol no1 lese ihan 30 ' <br /> T r daya hom Ihe dete Ihe nolice b de0vaed or ma�ed within rrhich Ihe Bartonx muat pey ae 6uma aeared by 1hU 3ewriry InsWmmt. M <br /> �;,yr BortowM fele to pey Ihe��nums ptlor lo Ihe e�4atlon ol 1NS D�oO.LenEtt mey N+oke eny remedim D���M'��a Secmity InsWmenl <br />- _--�._3 vnlhqn Nrtner notiw w demond on BoROwer. <br /> j . <br /> 4^F��-';{J..: . <br /> .<t: .: hqa l 015 Fwm]p1!9H0 ' <br /> __,��•,\•.'i�:� Fl019.LM0 N9]I <br />'.:,`i��l_{)'�� . <br /> .I,Yy:ri�i <br />,..i-.;r . <br /> �:i.1� � yl$96 <br /> ft � <br /> „ <br />- ,....p.... <br /> -'lr, -::.f .' . <br /> , <br /> _ ..._...,. . . <br />