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'�''�i �Yz,.'-m°'7f�;,iTR.- 'n��^r�c':�.`.ii.aY.'-�f.' ._ . ... ... n '.'� — <br /> rP� ----- --- <br /> . . �18�Bor�orsra RIph1 to Retnrtete� i�6onava m�xa clnun oon�aon�,ttortcww�tuf h4v�tM�yht to Mw Wau�+Mi:...�:---___ : <br /> . diemY�fu�O U r1y Un�pAa to tho wIM of.(q 6 drye(a�ueh oNe►D�d ia ry,GeREN Yw mq�pady,fN rWU ��AminO:pNQi��iW. ., <br /> �—_= ot Ne�ropni0l WrouNt to �ny Dawa af eals aontetnad In We &euily NnwmfnC a (0)ntry o1� NOyMnt�nkrdnp NN Mn+b� - <br /> -- - Inspummone.TMe�aon6tlona n�thn�Bortaven W peYa Lmdar�1�mns wAleA thm rrart0 6e dUS unQM N6 6�auAy MeCut�l and111t - — <br />.-_. ...� . _ . .... <br /> - -- Nole eb 11 M 6G0�!P_UOII Md OOQ1RiA� (D) WI�O Nly d0(8N1 01 Ny 01hN COYIINt 01�Qf1M11lI11P. (0) p1y7 Y M�1fUM NOWfN N• <br />--,=-- enfadnQ IhU 8�adql Inswmenl, NdudnA bul nat OMled ta n�eon�ble �ftomeyl' fw�; and (� ukee weA �dlon ao UnQR mql . <br /> n`�;'� rc�tonaDy rzpPie l0 aSevts t��l th�len ol tN�Saadry IntVUmmL 16n6de dpAtO In lh0 Ftopafy�nA Bo�towW�ODlytllo�IO�ql Ue _._._..----- <br />-��'"s;ik'� nume aeauod by Wf 8�eurlpr IneWmenl �he1 oontlnuo uneMnyed Upon rdn�btemmt 6y Baroxa, Wa Braufql N�Wm�nl md Oie <br />.:_rx�_t� oDlpeVOna aewrad AaeDy i�e0 rcm�N tuC/enacUro oa tl no�ottlentbn Na oeame0. Maxwa,tAU dpht to rNm4U�MI nol�ppy N LL <br /> �� Na caso o16acUxatlon wdtt pem�eDh 17. �'�' - . . .. <br /> � 1p. 8rSa o!Nato; Chanye o}Lom Servloor. ine xote a e penw �ntemt In �M Nou pogNhM wM ttur &adb �-- �.. <br /> s <br /> r NaWmenU �Y���0 ons a more IYnae wMaA Pdor notlee to �orrowa. A e�e may ntu11 N�ohang�N Un MNy OmOVm�f N� <br /> , � •Lwn Baheer9 thal aoAedf monNy paymaua due undar Ne Nole md tNe 8awdly NaUUm�nt 7Lero deo mry b�on�a mon e1un9�� Y`S�el.k�SS��Tlx`_ <br /> � � W Ih0 loon BOMoor unrOletOd to�eale ol Na Note. II tAa�b�d�eng6 0l�hs LWn BlMOM�BOROwN tW b�pNl11 YAIHM 110tl0�N UIO � �.���i.F, <br /> - i„ d�npe H a000rdnnoe vMh pvapayh tf abare end opp0eeblo law. Tho notlw w9 tbte the nome�nd aEdreSe of Ne nav I.OUi BYNCw � +r _ <br /> �� uW Ne addrne to whloh peymonb thoutd be mada Tlio notlu rA dao conteN eny otha hlomutlon reGOtred 6y�pp1aW��w. ��-�= <br /> '"'"�� 20. HuirdOUf SubbtBnoN. Bonmrer ehe0 not wvee or pmM Na preaence, ue�, doposv, Non.p6 or nN�s� ol my --- — <br /> -�'�! Hei+rdous BuWtanaa on a In 1he kopetN� Baraver 6ho7 not do,nor o7ow anyone elas to do,rnythNy a11ec1Np Ne Ropxy 1h�t b t� - � ��. <br />-��t�;:q: . Mdetlon of eny Env4onmentel Ww. 7La preee0:n9 two eenlmeea Hu7 not�PPN to Ihe presenoo.uw, a�toreye on Ne Vropaty ot�m�t �` -,''�•i� �... <br /> -,I, qwnWw ol Mazudw� BubaNneea thnt ero genxeEy rew9nhed to be apMOpAote to nomW reaWwitW uaea md lo m�Ntm�nas o1Ne �"t � � �'�' � <br /> � L <br /> 't� �B�a.rovier ehe7 prampty pNa Lenda rrtXlm nouea oi my Imeatlpatton, ckm, demend4weuN or olha ac6on 6y aiy povemmenlel or (S��'�� t :: <br /> -` «ptAetay 09ency a qkate perly NiwMM9 iha Ropwy md ury Hawdoua blSStanu Or EmYOnmonlN LLVJ ol Whkh BortoWer hae�dwl +=+r s +�:: <br /> `+����� ImaMedga. fl Bonaxer loame, or b noYlleA by eny gmemmenW or repuatory eNhoAry. Nat airy removal a oNa remematlon W�ny '�fjsy �'- <br /> h� F4wdoua Bubstenoe atlae�hp No PropMY �+ �esury. Bortowa�haG prompyr lake a0 neeeaeery remeAWl wtlona M e000rNna Mh ; <br /> �4. f <br /> .,� EnWonmantal lew. t° � -�= <br /> ,�"7� A7 uaed In thb pervynph 20. 'Heiardova 8ubatenees' are ihose aubeleneea deMeO �a to�do or hazardove eubfl�nea by �}�t_ ' <br /> 'plry�,'� EnrYOnmentel Law end t�e fo0owlny eu0.+iances: geeo0na, kerwme, otAer 1lenuneble or to�de pe4oleum D�oducM�, to�ia pestlddm end j ��t{i�ti i <br /> +„ heibWdea, rolaWe eoNmtf, melerlab eon�adeln8 as6estoe a lomxldehyde, and rvdoaelNe mntalela As med In ttJ� pnngieWi 20. 2�'i ��` � " <br /> rvn •Emironm¢ntel lnw• mwna lederal lewa md lawe ol the didfdWn where Ihe Pro e b beateA thet �Na1e to Aeellh, eNMy or rir�a'�{"Y ' <br /> N V nY - L'��'�G� <br /> � mWOnmenlel MoleeOOn. � eF��Yp•t'� <br /> . �d NON�UNIFOPM COVENAM& Bortown end lentler tutlher wrment and egree u follovn: � �r��'it��t,, ': <br /> 21. Acoelaration; Romediea. Lendor ehall givo notice to Borrower prior to ecoeloration tollowin�q 3,�F> -<����+ - <br />°�?�fi�S� Borrower'e broaoh ot eny oovenant or ngroemont In thla Seoudty Instmment (but not prlor to eooeteration t r,��_���5yi5,__� <br /> :;�) under paregwph 17 unlesa epplloable lew provldee otharwtee). ine notioe shaii epeoiiy: (a) tha dahuiii �,�,f� ,;� .� * ..: <br /> -J'`.i� (b) tho eotlon requlred to oure the defeult; (o) e dato, not lese than 30 deya irom the date tha notico �s � . „e2� - <br /> iven to Borrowe�, by whlob the defeult must be ourod; end (� that failure to aurs tho dotsuit on or ^' � . ,��;`' <br /> =� � 1+� <br /> �� before the dato spooiflod in the nollce may reault In eooelereHon of the euma aeourad 6y thls Baaudty � " _1� ,�.�i�r_ <br /> Instrument end tale of the Property. Tho notiae ehall further Inform Bonower o}th� dght to nlnatN�after i` -` `)'�}t �9'�` <br /> ' aooeleretlon and the rlght to bring e oourt eotion to asseR the nomezlatenoe of � dohult or my oth�r , t+ � `��� j�r_ <br /> ��t � dotonee ot Borrower to aooele�atlon end salo. IT tho defautt le not aured on or betoro tha deta apaolfl�d � , «�` " ' <br /> ' � In lh� noliaa, Lendar at ite option may �equlre Immedlate peymont In full o} ell euma seoured by thls ����-t+�!,';;;�.i;;����'n" <br /> � - Baourlty Inatrumunt wlNwut fuRher demand and may Invoko the powar o/ eala and aay othe� ►omodlea ' ; 4� �':: <br /> pormiltod by appllcabte taw. Landor ehall be onlNlad to oollect ail ozpaneoe Inourrad in pureuing tho ' - ;, ���a, . <br /> romadiee rovlded In thln are ra h 27, Includin but not Ilmlted to, roasonebte ettomo s' teoa and ooata _ �, »��,'; <br /> ; P P 9 P 8• Y � <br /> _ c i� of Ntle evltlanoe. � -y�y i� ;x , <br /> z„ i H tha powe� of eale is Invoked, Truetee ahall rocord a notico of dofeWt In eaoh oounty In whioh any _- �,t, N.�� � .. <br /> part of the Property la locatad and ahall mall coplae of euch noNce �n the menner prosoribed by eppllcablo +lr(', ,•a�, ' <br /> < -- � lew to Borrower end to the other pereona prescrlbed by appllcablo lew. After tho tlmo �oqulred by `?; -�4{{_� � ' <br /> _ �� applloeble law, Truatee ehell givo publio notice of eale to tha peraona end in the manner prosoribod by y ��i��4�,�� �f:�� <br /> �, applloabla law. Trustee, without demand on Bw�ower, ehell eoll the Proporty et publio auotlon to tho Ft ��t„ �s �j?, -: <br /> i4; highest bldder et lhe tlme and pince and undor the terma des�gnated In the notice of sela In one or more t ,.n�� �£� _: <br /> --- paroole end In eny ordor Truatoe determinee. Truatee may poatpono sale of all or eny par¢ol of the ' 7 Y� -�;,,#y y�; `:' <br /> �- Proporty by publio announcomant et tho time end place of eny previously schedulad sala. Lender or Ils � - _jkti , � ',- <br /> �-•'� deslgnaa may purcbase the Property at eny aelo. � �-:��,• -"i�z:`i�- <br /> - �'` Upon �ocelpt of payment of the price bld, Truatea ahall delivar to the pwchaser Truatoe's dood ' �� °�::'•i:,'_:!;i <br /> � convaying tha Property. The redtals In tha Trusteee deed ahall be prime tacle avidenoe of tho trWh of t��� • �� ��•'„�`- <br /> �� ';' �7i tho statamenta medo theroin. Trustoe ehall apply the proceode of the sale In the tallowing order. (a)to all , � - � <br /> - .;;;�� coate end exponeoe of exercisinp tho powor ot ealo, end the eale, inoludh�g the pnyment of tho Truatoo's . <br /> _`� -tic toea ectually Incurred, not to ozceed 3.00 `Ya ot the prinoipal amount o}the noto at tho tlmo of tho , <br /> � �.'�j doclarntion o} dofeult, end roasonebte attorney's foos as permlROA by Imv; (b) to all eums eocured by lhia . <br />. �_ .,� Socurity Inatrument: end (o) any excess to tho pmaon or parsone legelly enlitlad to It. <br /> � 22. R9COnVOyBnCB. Upon D+yment ol e0 sums axureA by ihis Sewriy Inswmen6 Lender she0 request Trvstee lo raomy No <br />� - PropMy en0 a�ell wrtendx tnb Seamy instrumml end a0 no�es aiAenc;nq debl secured by Ihls Secutly InsWmenl to Tmstee. Trvitee - � <br /> nlul reconrey the ProDeM w„hout warta�ry��d wrthout charqe Io Ihe�erson or D�sms IeqaOy enlilletl to tl. S1ch penon or peroons iMll <br />- �� � pey eny recordaUOn wsle. __ <br /> °'c 23. Subatltuto Tru6teo. Lmax. ei ns opfion. may hom time lo ivne rmqre Tmslee entl eppoint e suaessa Ws�ee io eny =_ <br />. ' TNSI!!11Pp0I11�8tl hMWOdH M/911 IOSINt11Cnl recorded in Ne county in ths Stturiry InsWmmi B recotdtd. Wilhoul eonreyena ot =� <br /> tN 0.,nuN w rc wa�u ahau suceeee to all Ihe INe.uower en0 dutiea wnlme0 upon Tmsiee herMn and by epOQCable lew. '� <br /> - 24. Raqua8t f0� NOHt98. Bortaan mQUests�h�t wp�es ol �he nofces ol delauR an0 sele Ee smt�o Bortowere edMese wM1kh _- <br /> ' '<, <br /> b Ihe ProP�Y AdGesi — <br /> ;,;�•�. ,. 25. Rldere to thle Socudty Inetrumont il one or more ridns ere exewtea by Bortower nnd ueorded toqe�her wah thia <br /> - gewdly InavumanL Na coxrnanls enE eqreemmis ol each such rider shaG be Inwryomletl imo end shaG �mmd antl euDD�emml Ihe <br />- _ '��� CorMeni6 end eyreemMl!ol Ihls S¢ariy Inslrumenl es B 1�¢tlOM(5)wMe a patl o11NS$¢alily InSWmeni. __ <br /> �+°.:rJ <br /> ,^ Va�e� o�5 Fd+YYlG 9/90 <br /> �'`� rt0$WO PA�) <br /> ��`���N <br />--.•:::,.:.. <br /> ..r`� <br /> .. :'i. � <br />--�.:-�- 5�588 <br /> �. .. <br /> � <br />.::.�:,.:� <br />