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��f � - .t. � e. + _.t.{: . � -. � 3t _ j i A '�\4 if�i . � y �it� "«! 1 .r.,�+;.��u.t'AQ~5X� ,�° .0 i¢ r,: <br /> : <br /> 'iv1 �_s�� _� �-if-f.��� 1 t . _ � �- s �:' `+(.X _y^ � C,r _�-: �"yr �" � ?_-{ 3' > f � �- ,^'j- . <br /> 31� �pi�14� IMh�Y7�0.�0U1�{�j�l¢M:1SI0.`�FdR�{,.f�14""^'u'n'�.�¢P�f'�:j'�'�4�P7i'�ffbS�1�F1�-���l�Yj1M , <br /> .,kd�n►�adr�dt�+t�M�tNa1t►14Hvf�kanMr�taWnyt�G�.o �pdf +w�'A'?r�fs�aMwiiw , <br /> +n.i+�e 16 iM r�+i �sN l td{i(I wnw�t� a tip iHnao�q�R�.e iily tlmd�bot+a.n,a boM i41��,�+ �+ibu+►mora JZp.M�)s► �<s <br /> - -'°�.W- ,� -��bw;ras5cv�lsMaLarml-ot.dLiei=d�fdrlhYdla�bl.wintdiY��ntrniton�6tajsGmtiiMmk,ta�hdd�risbl{ s <br /> �,ax.e�aown«�«�a++�ovs�u•� �� . � „� . , �,�, — - — <br /> _ nKfs�q►:s1�bt�e�M.�hi9p�OnwAosa-d�Radt�.watiuuneer�'(+�fn1�{kn.p�Inw�imn4yr��h�W?L��4�i� : <br /> �iinQx t/'i4�h Mt Mo�lWot3 q N�nyri"eA�n(Momr Lo�A BuJC:•lendir thu K4F411��i�de ta qfy ihi'F.t.�ro+�+,MmiK CXiQrr a�rn4f _ <br /> .cA�ro+6arow�e ta Iw1AiN�!4+�DDO'�0��.fimEo� Nnu�i�.!M�i'+k+p N�aad�Vr +ce0�m6 a v�fy(n9;the Faoro+Y�twpM 4"�'�- i�;; <br /> , p4ye BotitlkN NtKid M N�iuP�i`�nd o�pfa44r.faw D�i UnQN)0 m+t;�7ucf�i eM� HawtY}►:irn�mN f�P+�f 4�w�� ` <br /> _ .--.-..- . -:��1�OIIfSYIM.O�.{01 MI�1�MiQiP.�(Oi�q{i�G{i7�H�DIS%146�CSLSCf1�jI��QA 11 MMM'@��i uou x��c�- +r�•-r---.� _-_.__ - ._ .. <br /> -- o1G�xM�. UrdN��•��+�1 k mtd� a:ipptabN�Mw rpukN Int�not to h�pY4 Un4Y�fNt oat.�iFrtVA�O t6'ppt f �t <br /> otrowlt M4i htemt a w�0�on th�Nnde.BarrowM�np LMQrt�Ny�pta h r�AhOr AarrN✓,tMt Nerbt�MI N qM.tln ili�FlihQ�. � ..' <br /> MEM�IIN�/��0 BOR0IYR�WNh01ft CMJa�M ffd1UY�OCOMUIIQ 01 Ulf NIIdOi 6A01NIIj1 CtWN NO NDX/IC(11�fy1lC1 NII IIItpSp�O�, �-:r� <br /> • wAldi a�ch MDII t6 th�NnA�wp rNde. 'IM FunOe w DlWyad�3 tQ6ltonN�IWtIIY fa A�Nn},iacut�b�[N��-NeWntYi6�:'�:':,. <br /> tl tli�FunQil Nid�y Llnda vxcie4 Ne amounU pC�mlttCd to Cq Add by�pp►qbk kw� landa ehU ao6ount Io�BOrcoHer,lo►.IhY • . <br /> _--_= � as�fw��d►h nceor�rw¢x7H tho rcWh:nrnW of ep�'pMa tm. B Ine emounl ol Ne Fundb hNd by Lmd+r��vry IYm b nM nActN ' �_- . <br /> _'_ <br /> . o PW Ns&aow tlMnr rrhM Mh tenda m�Y w noVy Dortarra In w�iq,m0,N woh qq Bortaws�hY pry to t�IM.IM Nw�Tt �: <br /> — � naa0s3uY to m�k�uD Ne Q�AdeneY. Bortava�haA mdw uD t�a delldenaY� no moro Nm fweNe monNb MYmenls,tl tan4M�ioM -�.. <br /> ��deattlon. <br /> -_--- � Upon Dtym�nt b M ot iE eums taturaA by 1Me BewAq NaWmm6 Lmda M+1 promply raMnA to 8aroww�ny RmQ�hd0 Dy' <br /> ---�.�--- Lender, N,unda D+h9�Mh���e^da eMl�oQArs a ee0 ths Propdry,Lmde, PAor lo N��oWisl9on a We of Ne.Vropetq.iMl�ppb <br /> _� ury Funde hN0 by knda�t Na 14na ol�oquBltlon or eYe ae�aa�t ap�lnat fhe�ume seoured by IhN BaauAry Natnrmn4 <br /> � *°A 8.Appllo�tlon tA Paymant9. umesa epp�w6le kw pravldea othNwlsa d DM��a�'ed bY Lmtla undr pu�pap�i t cnd °-°- -- <br /> -'�'�Y?� p eMl p�ryphy:6rat,to uy prepsymmt cAUp» Aus unda tM Not�neoond to unounb pq�+6b wder pua¢�ph$1hYd•to Nfe�st <br />--`"�tia.^5'���`'y�;�_ du�IourtA,to pdndDOl du�uid kM,to eny late dierpe�duo undw Ne Note. <br />�"'4--`�=�,*�u�� 4. Charpar, Lt�na. eonower ena�pay a7 cs�a, �aseasmenta cnarpea, 6nee and 4npoaAbn�alUlbutoble to the RopOry whlch <br /> ;ri/,;�,'.', � mey�t1aN D�otlly over Nb 8ecurlly IneWment,enE ieaeahdd paymenle a�ound fmte,II ury. 0arowa eAa1 pq theie oDYpallone Hihe <br /> �=�"'����. myiner provWeA In pera{peDh 2, w n am cud m ih*i maeea. BonowM ehe0 pey them on tlme dirxty to ths ponon orred prymmL _ --. <br /> �.�Yi:iSi�tst,/?ry, —-- <br /> ; ;t ° ��2� Baraver sh�7 Drompty fumb� ta 4bnGa d-noacea ol emounp to he peld unda Nls D�9�Ph. H Barowa mdcee these prymmis ___ ___ <br />�.���\�'niF�: AradN,Bortower eha7 DtwN�tumbA to lmder recelPta evltlendn9 Ihe WYroente. <br />�-`"�k�0�yi�3;- BOrtaxer Q�e1 D�PM decherpa eny Im wM1ich Ms D�uIIY wn thlt Beadry Nsliummt uNena Bortowa:(+��qree�N wtflNip b AO - <br /> ����`r1� p�nent o1 t�a obEgntlon�aared by the kn In e mama aaepin6U to La�dx, (C)ameete h qood IeNh Ne Aen by,a dMnnd�tpflwl -. <br /> --�;�_;,, onlorcement at lhe Oen N.leqd prooeedlnp�whieh N the lendds opinlon operete lo prenent Ue anforoemenl of the Oen;or(0)Beowee tran _ - <br /> ��j -.- NB IIOIA¢t o11110�Bn tll��O�emeni aa�o6dwY(u Lendei a'v'vwm`�iung N6 7cn t3 d'm' .°af.w�'�.j:bLtiT.X7t �}'��O!`.IfPN:p N:!L'fY . --_. <br /> 3s*754��� u . . <br /> R�.x,.,n,�rtf� parl of the Vroperly b sWjed to�Oen whkh mey etleln P�mY ora thb Beeu�ly InsWmenL lentler mry pNe Bmmver�notlee IdmtityN9 _ <br /> r �` �t ��z Ne Im. Bortowe��he7 s�tlat7lhe Cen or teke one or mae ol Ihe aetlone eM lorth ebove wllhln 10 daYe ol the pNNg o11roEOa � . .-� <br /> �'�L��i.i•,a �`-:� <br /> '•i`� 6. Huard or ProDO�Y �nawanoe. BOROWH 6h�1 kOC� �h0 h11pf0YOrtld116 noxi adelhy a heteaRer erealaE on the Propery ■ .. . <br /> t4 t N6u�ad e Wit loea Dy NR hoxerde Induded wMN the Imn 'e#mEatl oorMage' mA any o1hM hexuAa,Ndumng floodf or Iloodnp,lor R y`'�iiff* ,— <br />�--�S�s'���('i{ Whkh LenAN roW40a Inbu(ane9. TNe Nauru�ee thaG be maNN4nad In�he emounb Bnd for ihe pedod!Net lMdlf feQVYea The BwrenCe E"��=-' "_- <br /> jff-xi��l�� CeMer DroNdlnp the Nw'enee e�all ba ehasen by Bortave� tub�ea la Lmder's �pProvd rAdeh a�a0 not be ume�eoiuEy xflhheW. H �;��y' _ <br />->'ti:'•:•::�"';5-� Bonower laee Io mehWn eaowge desamed ebore.lenaer mey. at lenaa'e oplbn. oDWn oorereqo lo Prolect Lendefe ApAb N Ne ;_[���v,', t,,,'-� <br /> s?��r �tiz PropONY In aototdonee wllh puagrePh 7. �."�C'�'SLg - <br /> S°�f`�;��i AA Nnu2nea poLdea enA renevrab atuC bo�xapleble to lmdtt m�d the0 Indude a 61anAard moM9epe daufw Landa tM0 hwe ih0 � �tr „ 1€ -: <br /> dph�ro hold tl�e poodee end ronmreb. �I tmeer requree.6ortower shm prompPj qMO to lenaer d reoNple of peld praMum��nd renard ;'.�`i�.�r�3�� ' <br /> F}�����K}r:1; notleea. In Ihe evml ol ba�.8arower eheE gHa prompt noUee lo Ne Insmenee canler efW Lendee Lendtr may meke q0o101 los�tl not ,�t;:r �t�� i,_--. <br /> ��r� '.!S�,-5 m�deDromP�YbYBortower. h�:;� ,rit�,, .-. <br /> _.%�•�.e��•n Unlese Lendtt end Bortowa othemise eyreo In x+Xhg. Nsuranee Proeeeda tlul bs �PPOeA w reatorntlon a rap�F o1 the Propay r :�'�}` [3y� . <br /> x Y �15.��Yii) a � <br /> r . i�i �s: demeped, M Na restoratlon or repeir b eeonoMCSty Iwelble anO Lendefe eeouAry Is not lessened. If Iho re�iwelbn or repelr b not s'�;,�a;�n..,.. <br /> s��`�1y�Yy�� oeonoM�aAy foaN6�o a Lrnder'e 6audN wwlA be losemad. Ihe Nsureneo proceeds ahe0 6o eppAeA to the sume soaur¢d by Ihle BeaMy �_ � 'ZRe <br /> ;r�t�LrX�?� IneWmen6 whether or nol Ihm tlue, wilh �ny ettese pil0 to Bortower. If Bortown ebendona tho ProO�Y. or doea not mtwer wI1Nn 80 -��Y; , �> ; <br /> �/# )t�S Wyi e notica lrom Lmder IMt tha Neurenw wAer hae o11tteA ro eeNe a delm,then LmAer mey oo0eet Ne inauru�ee poaeda. Lenda �-'.i�i r,p�3t " <br /> �S'�l��l-'i mey wo the Droeeede to repetr or restae Ne Roperry a to pey wms aeaued by thB SeaAty InsWmmt,wheNer a not thm due. 1Ae ,,- i �� <br /> �R}f,`� 80-0� <br /> },-..� Y Pedod w10 bepN when 1he noUee b pYm. - �;� J ��� <br /> 7'e�i�S0 :�a�, Unieas Lmdu end Bonaver othenMae agae In wAWq. any appieaYOn ol prottetls to pindpal ahell not extmtl w poatpone Ne due � ; i g� �, <br /> ���'jy - '�`r de�a of ihe monlhy Daymmk relened m h pareyapha t and 2 or chen9e Ihe amwnl ol ihe peymmis. If unda peragraDh 21 Ihe PropMy .t��` °`n-- <br /> �^!•' "• b eequBed Ey LenAa.Bortower'e tlght to my Nwrance poGdee an0 proceeds resuling hom dameye lo the ProD�7'P��10 tha aequisNOn • . - <br /> �i�� t - '�"'; -:LL' . <br /> nh�0 pess to Londer to No extmt of ihe sums aewred by ihU Sewiily InsWmml NmeClatey pdor lo Ihe ecqWSNOn. - <br /> F' ! - ^ 6. Occupancy, Preeervetion, Melntenenca and Protection o} tho Proporty; Borrowe�'e Loan ( .- �' , ' <br /> t:41, i <br /> _FI=,�.`,.,� Applloatlon; L008BhOldB.Bortowe� s1u0 ocwpy, e51e60sh. end use me aropmy es eoROwere ;.:�nc�ei ra�wmu wnnh� ebay a�ye f j :� --t ; , <br /> i{ 4 � r�ff• efla Ihe ezepNOn o11hU 9ew`Ny�nsWmml and ehe0 wntinue�o occuDY���e Propeny e� Uonower'e prNdpel roeidmw lor el lcaal ona I -� <br /> _ .t_�-,� year eRer lhe dale ol octup�nty. unlesa LMEn olhmlbe agrtt! In wri0nq. whlch wn6eni she7 noi 6a unreaaanaDly wMhetA, W unless � - <br /> 1�; <br /> j - .�.i ebevuatlnq drwmilonxa adit which ere beyon0 Bortowers conirol. Bortower sha7 nol Gestroy. Aamaqe u MnpaY Ihe PropMy.eGOw I�! ( <br /> _�i .y i,.. PropMy ip deterforele. w canmX wasla on tne Roperly. BoROwx shall be in delautl X any IaAetlure eclim or proceeAfnq.whetln cM a p '� <br /> --:��p:"'(,:�, qkinal,ro baqun I�et In Lmder'a goo0 teMh Judqment coulA resull in/odNture of Ihe PropMty or olhenviso matMaly Impair the Gen aeale0 �; � . . <br />- -y:t.:;:';. py Ihla Sewriy �nsWment or LenAera seariry m�erest. Bonower may wre such e deleutl end�einatele. ea proHded h pemgiaph � - <br /> �-.'_�;�.:n'i�;i cau�inp Iho ectlOn or OrO�ng 10 be 6sMSSed wllh e �ufng Ihet. N lenderi good lail� dMemdnalbn, prctludea IoAetluro ol fia � <br />':("•t�".i-��r- Bortonere Nlerest h !he Propetly or olhtt malMal Imp�4meni ol Ihe Gen aeaied by tMe Secumy inswment or �mdn'n aewNty hte(es�. L <br /> (',;i�;-c;�-�. Barowu Ehe7 eiso ba h dNmX X Ihe ben aDP���n pmrxna. pera meledaYy leho or Naaurelo Nfortnnlbn or a�lements <br /> A 4 to lmder (u 1euM to provMe lmder wAh eny matenai Inlomuuon) Im m�necUOn wM tha ban eWdm�eA by tho Nole,hduCing,bul nol : - <br /> �`t } e�r" piMed to. reptosmtelbm wnem�ln9 Bonower'n oeaqnq o/iho RoD�Y as s pdndpe� res�dence. I��hb 3ecunry inswmam b on e ` . - <br /> �` <br /> 1 _ i;i� leasehald. Bortow¢r sheY eanpy wMh a1 the D�odslona ol the teesa. II 8onower acquUea lee We to ihe Ropery.the kasehold md No , <br /> '-7.-'+:"E.'' ':+ tea We�haE nol mtrge unlni fhe Lender eyees to ihe mer9a b rmling. � <br /> ��:.,:,?'��; . <br /> i�'`` .�� �.F� <br /> ��J������ ' <br /> �� .? nape I a�5 Faw]ot0 9ND <br /> J .,S <br /> . � Fto]0.W4 f�Rl) <br /> .�'e,':.t(..{w <br /> � ir .�3 <br /> r �k_ <br /> __ ;.,•�c Sl5% � <br /> o �`t <br />..,.�?.�p ,". .' ____ ._ . . _ _. .__. .- . -. <br />