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f !f :� . ^H�e iFf�: i+ --�3f: fi/{� ' ��T�_T....a�.P �.._ . -.. _..�i ... <br /> .i . . .• . . ._ <br /> � j�� � - _. �._.—._.. <br /> . .• <br /> --=°= � D�Ymtr�m�yootonyabercqWrc4��11h00ptlDA011AI1d9qItQ10lfji8016S11tAC0E00Y0�(mUa��a¢�a��. 'o�r�epCSiaO <br /> --- - -- <br /> _,�, tE�11 ap�ar �I�a)DrovlQed Ey�n inwer�ypmvM by Leader�yla bmoaus av�1�010 wd 1�o�Wccd.BqttowuaWl qy <br /> „� Q�e pmmlum�raqulrod to mdnuin mo�ttqe Imurame In ettech or to provlCo�tosr rcaarvo�uaUl t6�trqW�emeat for wottY►Ya - - - <br /> na �e�.' 1fauGLCer�,3alIIitWtckr�saK!ffiaoyx�llteat�fe�2lbeR5�tenBot[awateall.onduorappiiaLle4w. — _ <br /> „s � �. !.ta�pOM(ao.Lende►or lu e�oG may mdce raaad6lo ontdw upon tnd iat(oaloav ot me Propo�ty.Le�st eL�]!givo ^ <br /> � Borrotirot aoHco ct me tim�of or pdor to m in.�pectlon eyedtylq9 ruao�uDleauso ta�Ge inspation. <br /> , " � !0�Cond�axdon.7ne yrooe�Ea of aay awaN or el�Im far damsgw,dlrca or ooas�quemW. In conaxtloa a1tL�nY _. <br /> "�,`'�` qg of the Pmper►y�or for oomeytooe in liw of oontomntGoa.�re hxtby avl�ed�ud �='N <br /> ,�-,T,F, on�cmaitlon or o0er utl of�oy put <br /> �=� �llbeqldlol.eader. � t+C =' -- <br /> � 'i`yy''�° In me weal of a tot�1 tttlug of tEe PropeMy�tLa praoeods eA�11 be Wplled to�6e ca��1sVecumd by thi�8ccurlty iutmmeN� @--,�— : <br /> � Y�1'"i}�1 � 'V �:�: C�]L. � <br /> �1 �vhqEer ot oot then duv,with�ny exoea�P�d to Hotrovxr. ia�he eveat ot� d uki of t6e PropertY ia wOkb tLe f�r __ <br /> *` ` muicq vdw o!ILe PropettY fmmodUtely 6ekro Ihe lad�q W�to ot grc�tei�hm the�momt of�he tumf sxuted by 0H 5 +,�� ,v�� - <br /> �f�s��' . 8awity Imwment ImmMl�toly beforo tha Wcing,udes�Borrower�cd Londer othe�wlw�grea in wrttlag��he cum�secared DY �t ;�, c.��,�,,,:�... <br /> " �'�_,St,' 01�Sequ(ry Iastrament s6�U be�ediwcd 6y me rmount of�Le prooeeA�multipliod by the foAowing tndlon: (a)tLe toW , ,;r ���*�` <br /> �`'`!' ?. amount o!t6e eum+sewrod Immsdiudy befaro�6e nldng�divlded 6y(b)�Le fafr w+ket valua of the Proputy Immc+dltto�y � ��' ,y <br /> �fpy'� i:' 6eforo tLe hleing.Au�r 6ilance shall be paid�o BoROwu. In 0e eveot of�pudd utdng of t6o Prope+ty In whicb t6o fatr � _._ <br /> � ' '�r�.; owlcu vilae of th Pmperry immed�atdy heforo tha uking b lese th�a t6e�mount of We sum+�avred Immediately befom the ;,� .r x <br /> ;����;in;: � PF P P rn.;: ,m....:., <br /> t , t,, �$�YOIFU BOJNWEf�llA I.OGEN OmC[N�I80 t$[OO IO MIUPB Of UOItd�� Iiwble liw otdewlse rovidm,�he rooeads sLill '��F' , Y ' °- <br /> � r f �S�,4. 6e Wpllcd lo the svma cxured by Wa 8ecudty In�hument whetha or not Wo cuau are men due. ��,ti�;,,�',�,��;;tiv;: <br /> � f;,i, �, It We Pmperly is�biodoaed by Boaawu,or tf,atter eoNoe by I.eodu to Hortowu thit 0e coademoor often w milce�n �; j����s�-,: <br /> 35 sr . ,5 award or sutle a eiVm for d�wg�,Bc�roww filu to resP°°d�o L°°du`v�t61°30 d�ys�4u t6e d+te t6e no�tae la gtveo� ! r� �;,v�i�'.�: <br /> �� 1�--_ <br /> ` J �4 F� Landu U�ut6od�d eo coltxt ud epply tlw pmoeed�,at lu option,elther to rcstontlon or repalr of the Properry oi to the wm� 4: b Q � �r+`. <br /> >� a I j yt saured by mie gavriry Instrument�whu6er or oot mon dua }I5 � <br /> ` zl;�^ Lntuv iaMer and Bortawer othe+wise e8roe in vrti4ng,mY �PPlicatlou of prcxeEs to pdnclpd�hell mt extend or ,,,� ,���,'�Sr,�,_- <br /> _ky� ' postporo the dua drte of 0a monthiY MY�nu roferted to In PuegrePh�i aod 2 or ch�oge We amou¢t ot weh paymeate. � _>„ � ��.�{k,Y-. •. <br /> x4'y ,: <br /> y�T�,.� A,, 11.Bosower Not Reteasedi��B7��Not a WWvtr.Hxreatilon of t6e qme for p�yment or modi8a8on r _c;�,��t'����,. <br /> f�r�;r'�, of emortintlou ot0e swm saorod by W�Sewtity fnstmmcut gentad by t.endu ro aoy suoastor in interatt of Botmwa eE�II - - <br /> ,{;j'�P z.f:,<, not oponk to roluse�he 14bilily of t6e odgidl Hortower or portower'e woceaso�e In Interost.Lender�hill not be mqulred b 1�k_�i��A j�T `�-.: <br />..,i:r3!,i f��}�; commpnca praoaNpge egdnat my auouawr ia iataest or rofuse ro axtend tlme for prymant or otherwisa modlty amurllatlon ,-; ��n t_:.._ <br /> --,?��� of We wm+ securod by We 3ecudry Imtn�ment by �n ot my dem+nd rtudo by the o�igiqd BortoNer or BotrowaY z r .: �ti � ,,,�_- <br /> ' 1� ; ? woorason in inter�t.AnY fo�bamnoe by I.ender in exereiatng any right or romedy ehall not be a waivw of or preclude�be ��,_;r��� �1,� -_—_ <br /> ;'.�s�^�:: exeroise of my daht or remedy. 4��''v't� - - <br /> ` `f - ��..�_�d t�e��df Ialot md &�asl Ua6111tYt Casigne��7La wvenwte end agramems of thb k •r ' " . <br /> 's • 'F-� Seauiry Iasl�umeat aLdl bind end 6ene8t the euawon md essigav of Lenda ud Botrowu.wbjact to tAe provtslon+oi "�y� F���k, .•�. <br /> 't+Y ii' ��, � <br /> y p�regrap6 l7. Bortower'e covemnte md egroemeou elull 6a Jolnt wd savornl. My Bortowu who co-algn9 16i� Secudly ,y ��{ , , __ <br /> �tf"ir�F:?, 8� �Y Y 8 8 BM Y 'rslttls`.tfl, r� i�t,._. <br />_...,�:V`� :,.; Imhumeat 6ut daes n�t exeeute tha Note: (s)ia cwi ng lhlt Securl ImW ment od �o mort � a, t�nd eonve tlut `'`.� �"�� � <br /> :� r k� �{. Borrawor e intarast in t6e Property uadu Ihe le�ms ot thlt Setudry Iashumeat:@)1�not persooelly o611gated to pay Ne wm+ }'+�(, h�}r :4�;,��--,._.- <br /> m <br /> r�n�F,+�1 �Iut Leoder ud m otda Bortower w a ree to axlend.madlfy.for6ur or " ` =f`�l � : -- <br /> f T �y.�'� make my axommodallo�th rogardto tha mrm+ot t6L Secudty lnstrumeat or�he Note whhout Wet(3ortowu'�conxot. ;� � �c'sr��"is.: <br /> � �,� �r: <br /> , � a��f+;'. 13.Loen CMrgen.If ILe lao saurod by thi�Secudty Instruaxat le eubjxt to�Isw wh1eL sets wxlmum lan charga+, � s r <br /> i f, �, .: <br /> md thut taw ie Bmlly iororyrqed eo ttut 16e iaterast or other loen cfiargw collected or to be collated in connedion with t6e �t f }�� {i�: <br /> �it����i, <ii loao exaed�he permtttcd limita.Wen:p)any auch loaa charge chell be roduoed by Ihe emount neeessazy to roduce�te ehu8a �;+a� �� �> ��___ <br /> . . .-_.�,:; to t6e permltted IImIt:end @)eny wm+et�e+dy collacted trom Botrower wAtch exceedad pormi�ted IIMte wlll be rofunded W � � , � t � } .y,. <br /> Botrower. Iandw may c600se lo meke Uda rofund by rcdueing the prinetpal owcd under the Note or by meking s dirat ':�i.,s t .� �,, ,_ <br /> ;a ."--.<�' payment to Hortower. It o roPoad roduces prineipd. the redueNon wlll be trated as e putlnl prepaymaat wit6out my - ,•� ��� � '„�4 ;� <br /> '`'i1� ��rt.'. Pr�Ymeot chxrga under t6e Noro. ' '���h�i��4����'_'� <br /> 4��t��,j�;:�5 14.Nopcea.Any noH¢e lo Borrower provided for in ihln Secudty lashument she116a given by delivering it or by mailing 4�` ' f�r��, e .-. <br /> �) it b flnt elua meil udm a Ileable lew iree use of enothw muhod.The notice�6ali 6e dirated ro�he Pmperly Addrav ?����.�"� <<'���'';��� <br /> -•....r.,;.,�` or ny other address ➢ofrower dmigw��by notlm ta Lender. Aoy notice�o L.ender shall be givea by flnt dw mdl �o ':'�1:�j��j��,.,.?`"s`� <br /> „ - ••-' Leader'a nddresa ftated 6e�eln or my a�6ar�ddre.c+l.endv dasig�uta�by aotice to Ifortower. Any no�ice provided for In thia _'±�j, . � � ,,,,,;' <br /> `�,�`�- �;�, Seeurtty Iashumeot s6dl be damed to h�ve bcen given to Borrower or l.aodar wpen given as provided in Wle pnregnpL. - x{>{�`� ��:�, <br /> � - 1S.Governing I.ew; Sevuabiliq. 7Lb Saudry Instrument a6ell he govemed by tcdoral law wd the law of�he �y:�Z' �� -- : <br /> : �� a <br /> Fti, - ' JudedlWon In which t6e Property is loated. In tfia event Ihat nny provlsion or eLuw of�hie SauNty Imlmment or the Nda - �i, t+� t} .-. _ <br /> � confliva wi�h applicable lew,such confllet atull tat�ffect other proviaiotu of thla Saudty Imin�ment or the Nota wWe6 eao be � . , + <br /> �•" - � given etfat without tho confliuing provision.To Ihia and ihe provicione of thia Security Instruvxnt end Iha Note ero declered ; . _. . <br /> ,--�'"'�):•�]� tobeeevenblo. 1 . . � . � <br /> ���?'1�'"�'�� 16.Dortower'n Copy.Borrower eM1i be given one eonfomwd mpy of Ne Noie■nd of�his Security Instrument. ! - -� _ <br />. •�.-":#itl��,.., � <br /> . .,r.� ., _....� Formb\04n8 _8180,-�`,� . . <br /> __:.}.��,::. va.�ra unn:IKtt'` tiuJ��. • <br /> , ,V..a�� tERIa.8i11NElmosi �oQ--� <br /> :,;.x �.. <br /> ��m <br /> i:iC'.;['J:•.+., .. . <br /> '�:�i�:�AfY�i_.:i' .' _ _ ' <br /> .�.il:.:;��;..�., _ _ _' " '_' " . _ _ ' ' . <br /> ..i�:� i � i'.i:!�'T . — <br /> . b_.�.', " L: <br /> -�"T���b;:5' d1(��i%.i.- . �_. <br /> .`.�;,rf,_..-�_i. _ . _ _ _ . <br />' ::;4LL—�__— ._ �i _ ' <br /> L � <br />_ �i_•�'��i�._;. �{_ . <br /> n `�F�' <br /> .: .i. � .. . . _.. <br /> . ..�.c.__"...._. ..t:' <br /> - �.�.A..:' . . . . <br /> ; S'- , <br /> :i.;. , <br /> :s:i;. :. -: <br />_' �IjE,�;�,:'il_'�'��,'' � � - , <br /> "•i�?ii_. . - - - .. ..,�• <br /> i . .: _ �. . . _ _ . , . _ . - . - ... <br /> y , <br /> �9 _•3 . " '- . _ <br /> i . , <br /> �i . - � . . . .- .. <br /> . o , 1.. . � . . . r -., .- ,:.� . . . :�__"_` . . ...._ ,_ __<_.;...... .....___ -__ _ _ _ <br />