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�!3_� e�l�m, rv a.:n i. � . _.., _ ..;5 <br /> l � - _ _. - 1- _ _ - '. <br /> -� _ . , . . . _._ ..� - - '__. .. ' _ I , `' ple,�.r r �-. <br /> _ `.� : ' Q,IfizarQ 61r�oqer� I�e. Bortawet eh+11 tebp the i�rovwsenla tww ot oc���a�Q ira flvt , _- <br /> �� p�Y 1�0+E�ttoei by t&h MYUd�irr2udad witLfn aM tam•wc[ends4 eovan�e•�wY o9et M�tiuit+.lAC(4d�f <br /> � floaQeo�rftouding�tarcfi[cbLoalurequl�e�ineanMe.7bi�l�uninoedNtlbemdn4lneaiatUeamomtawdtamepedo� <br /> � tE+�t i,roda[e9Wra+.7Ee wae�w wnx piovldlc�e6e iqe+aoe AriJ 66 eA�+e,i 63'Ba��wbJ�w tar3x'a�a+r•1 - _ . <br /> �,.e. .,� Milcb�L+�ll oot 6e awawm6ry witl�haid.U Bortowcr hUs ro m�Watn oovenga droori6ed�EovA Leod�mr,Y.u I�aQePa <br /> ,�,� opfleaoMilaoovenyeroprotxtLaMcr'�dgEUinWiFrape�ryla�aooM�ttevAtDpaisnph7. -°------ - <br /> i AU Ipcurimo poticlee red�ma'+1e�116e wseDhbTe to Leoder�eL�U luciude�et��d moetgage cEaosa IAtdar <br /> rF:� et�llMveOed�ttoEoldmepoltelaudnoowal�.ItLeoExroqalrm.BormwareNUpmmpttyglvatol.eaGerHttWe(DI�o� <br /> ° ' -�- �,,ld pnmiu�end mnewpl noNoee,tn�he evmt of Ios�,Bortowar cLill giva prompt mtice lo me iato[�ma cartlw an�Laedae. _,.. <br /> `�"'� Leo4eem�ymokepmoJotlos�IfootaWoPmmpqY6y8oaower. . _----- <br /> � � Uniwt l.e�ec�ad Bonwiei ot6onvine rgroo io wrtttng,iosunme prouead��hall he�ppUed to restonHoa or tip�h ot0e <br /> s";� a, Pcoprary dwryed,lt rhe Ratontion or�qir ie eoonomlally Rasibie�nd Le�or'�eaavlry la mt lassemd.IttEe�eatoraHoh or _ <br /> c'"s ropdr le aot 000uomtaUy hui6le or I.eMEr'e secudry would 6e leasoned.the iamnaao pr000ede sbiII be�DPAed to the eaat+ <br /> ,'°� eecarod 6y O�ts Sacudty JmM�mcet.whNha or not�hen daq wlt6 aoy exasa pid to Borrower. If Honower a6�Mom me �,� . _ <br /> ,,.__��� Fmperty�or daw aot answer wl Wn 90 days a mtice from Leudor�hat Ihe iasunnw cartiu hu oNertd to sUtto�c1Um�dan �-=�--- <br /> �1£ ,;: Leedet auY collat Ihe lasurmce Vmco�d+. Lendsr may use tha pmoeMs lo repdr or rastoro the Properry or m py aim+ <br /> ; � eocwe0 6y thie&cudty Imhument�afiNhu or oot theo due.7Le 90day padod will6egln afien the wtice is gtve.n. .�1�"'_'-- --- <br /> �, , +t: Uniav Leader�nd Bocrower ot6uwlse rgroe in w+itlag. �nY�PPIlation of praootd+ to pdndpol s�ll ent uiterd m t ; <br /> , + postpono me due data of tha monWly p�ymenta reR�rod tu lu pa�sBnPEe 1 uW 2 or chaage�he�mouat ot me psymeats.If ��{F5 : <br /> �' ,��;c� mder puagnyL 2P�Lo Ptoperty U uqWcad 6y t.ender.Bortowu's dght ro ury iasurance polldes�nd pmoeed+ra�WdnB 5om �tt�`tt _--- <br /> n'i� ��� e to tye Pro dor to�6e altiw eLall w to Lendu ro t6e exteat ot tGe eum+eau�ed 6y�hia 3oenriry Idstrumeat ��;� <br /> y,t S a+�8 P�Y V �°4� P <br /> �x u `-r Imswdl�teJypdortothaaoqWsiHoo. n�m,� ,.__. <br /> �i�t� v�� 6.Oca�paaey.Pararatlon�Matnf�aace�nd Protedlon at tb.Ropatyi Bomnwe'e Loan ApplfcaUanr Ltasehoffi+. Jt�';, <br /> %...-;"t'� Botrower sEill oca� utt+tLa Froperty av Bortowerh prircipil msidmoa�W�hin skry day+aftu the exewdon of .,< <�i <br /> �4 :t,`�°> thla 8acudty Iesbumoat ud shall condeue to ooeupy Iho Proprsly u Doaowar'�priocipal resida�oo for�t last om yeu�fter _ �`-`� <br /> y�'"Fa-� the Eate of ocwP�ooY.nde.v Lender o�6envlse agroea W wrlHqq,vfilch eoasent ehNl mt 6e unraaonibly Mithetd.or ualuss �7t' <br /> L l-st:� extemuttng circumshncae exist whlch ere beyond BortowePe eontrol. Dorrawu shill mt danWy, damige or imptir Ihe �-#�j.:�f '_. <br /> �,x, Property.�llow We Pmperty ro daedoBte.or commlt waste oa the Property. IIofrower�6a11 be in default it aay forfelturo k v�y � <br /> � +� scNon or mceeding.whahx oivll or mimiail,l0 6e Ihn in Leadar'e ood fd�h Jud ment cwld rosult iu forfolmro of�he ' ,. s c . <br /> }�r� l t p 8un 8 8 x:;;f-� <br /> hn: Property ar ot6erniw tniteridly imp�ir the Ilen ercated by We Seeudry Imdument or Lender'e sxudty interest.Borrower msy $�•;p. �s,j .. <br /> }Y cure euch a defiult�cd rdastaro,u providcd in pangnp6 I8,by au�lag t6o�ction or piaaoding m be dismlased with a�ullng .__ <br /> '`t� '' 'i` thn, in Lender'e gaod fi(th detetmlattiop, Pmludw fortdturo of�he Bo7rovrerY Inter�t in t6e Ihoperty or oNw matalil r' t"��' _ <br /> a,y <br /> � i.r. tffyTill�'vfil GI•..�`-.!!ea cx::�b;tl�L^�i�iry laan!�e o.t��o•.recudry wer'at. ➢aaower shatl also be iu defnilt if t�rt_�� �,' n �.-. <br /> �'Y 1 1-1}• Bonower,during tLe Iom�ppliwqon proceaa.&ve mtterlally fnim or imceunte infomudon or stetemeoW to Lendu(or fall W �'��%' u � " _-- <br /> LT' A 3 <br /> _. �( 1 L W provide Le�or wit6 wy m�teri�infomiedop)in comxtlon wilh Ihe laan evidenad by the Note,ineludlag.6ut not limlted „L�� `3� :. <br /> i't�.,,�ay� � : <br /> - s.- ,{ to,repRSenrodom wnaming Bortower•e oaupaney of ILe Prope�ty u n prixipal reaido�e. If thia 8audty Instmmeal is on a ��;.�y.�'�`�.t4 � , -- <br />��; ,�. .. <br /> iy::,.,crn; leasehold. Boaower ehill comply wtth pil tha proviaiom of ihe Iwse. If Qortovmr acquirea fee Utle ro tEa Property. the � ,�•..r,n-�.:;.;�-._. <br /> t: ��:>r'i4: :-`�:E.,:,..;:.,..:_. <br /> ,ir,.�„i. leacehold and the ke title eheil aot marge unlese Londer agrea+ro�he mergar in wdtlng. i^.�.,-=•t-" <br /> ? ri��r���;� 7.PtotecNon oP Lender'e Rlghla In Iha Property.lf Botrower hil�to parform tha covemnte and�greementn couhined tn -,.-.�� �'^� - <br /> � " �, .+ tLlo 3audty Iashumeat.or thero i�n legd proceedina tl�nt may sigdfleanqy eftat Leedu'e dgbU in tde PropeNy(euch u a i� ° 4 >� : <br /> �t .--;, procetding in 6mk�upMy,probata,for condem�uNon or fodelNra or to enforce tawe or nguletiom),�han Leader mey do md �1 _ <br />-.'.A:�i:.1...tt_ Pny fot wUatever le neaavry to protoct the valw of the Property end I.ender e dghla in�he Propeny.Lender•e aGiom may F� .`:,+-S�`.:�.--`. <br /> ' . �- include paying eny euw ucured by a tlen which Aea pdority over �hia Secudry tnstmment. �Ppearing in court. paYing -.',i. �+�t �::•: <br /> �-- - ��"} rcaaonxble ettome e feea�nd enterin nn the Pro m make Althou h Lender ma take ediou under tlil� 6 '� ''� : <br /> r _ . Y � 8 P�Y rcP°i�• 8 Y P�S�P - -:y r <br /> ` s� 7.Lender doee mt 6ava ro do so. - ,'t• ? <br /> % �-�; -: Any amouoW dlsbursed by Londer under�hia pamgreph 7 ahail become eddl�ionel debt of Hortower secured by �6ia _y sl!;, � ,, s ^�• <br /> y r_ .• ���y(d�Nmept. Udav Itorrower md Lender agrca ta other rormv of peyment,�fiue�mountn sM1all bear interast Gom tha ,+ ,£l°v .,,; � : <br /> ` v-�✓ Mte of diabutaement at tAe Note rero and fiail be pay�bla With imarcu, upon natice from Lender lo Bortower roqueating � - > <br /> � ¢� payuant f �``� n��;i. -: <br /> ' ''�i S.llfortgege Incurena.If Lendar rcqu3nd mortgage imurcna dv a eondllion of ineking the lan sxured by thla Secudty - �_ <br /> q � 5 Inshument. Bortowor�hill pay the prcmiuw requiKd to maiutain�he mortgege iiuumnce in ettect. If, for my reason. We I �'�: j�� , -.- <br /> � !'- mortg�ge lasurnnce eovange requlred by Leodar lepaw or uata+to be in effect, Bortowu ahall p�y�he premlume raqWred to I ' _"�. <br /> , } <br />_- Y." obtdn covenge whstentlelly equivalent ro�he mortgage Iroumnea previo�uly ia effect,et�eost substantlelly equtv�ent ta�ho 1 _�-.. . �� :�.,+ <br /> �%�,- :'- �` cast lo Boirower of the owrlgage Insurence proviously in eHat, fiom an altemate mortgnge insurcr approved by I.ender. If � . ';:1�;. <br /> ' � . <br />. ."Fi`, <br />:.: ��.: .:.�,:5 ��tieliy equivalent marlgege i�uurence coverege i�not avellebla Barrower sMll pay�o Lendu weL month a sum equal ro . . � '.').:. <br />��"-::;- ono-lwelRh of the yenrly moMgege insurena promium being peid by Borrower when�he insurance covenga I�pud or ceased to <br /> . be io ef&c1.Leadar wfll nccept, uu nud retein Ihese p4ymenu ss a lass reserve in lieu of martgage Insurence. tuss reserve _ <br />- :r,'--. "'.'" Form 3 20 e180 <br /> -'.�,2i �ARINFi�aiou �waHe �mx�n��� . <br /> 'r:�1 <br />. �,'..' .. .'''�:7E.:.T:C::15°Sl�xi. .,- , ' . '__ ._"'__ <br />-_ 'i.. . .._ . . . . . . . . <br /> '(' ' " <br /> ',� " • <br /> ' ; <br /> -- -:;f. . , - <br /> �i 'i, <br /> ..v <br /> :`r;�-0��ti� ' - . <br /> ��..±..`�,, i� _" _ . <br /> }Y � ' _ '_ y • ' . ._ . . _ <br /> � r, � <br /> : .. . ._ .. . .' .. . <br /> . . . . . -. . � . : :..._ <br /> <<.� - - .. . . .. . .. _ . '_.___.__- —_ <br />