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-_I I' i . �`sa •ii�'�3.�.T-��� §J11'�o::, 1.1�f�t ,..-_"�1 . ,. ---� ..(..,q�..�. . ..__ — . ___ . <br /> ` r - r.....-..y. <br /> J 1�3 � _ �,�. _ ._ <br /> � w . gg. ��� - <br /> 0 r1d� � • - <br /> � ��',� 39.1t�nata of fLo Proaerts ar�Bmlidd Iutaal tn Bortoxa.If dl or µN of We Proae�ty m�io[van ip II: - <br /> n°,�r� Ie sold or tna+EartcA(or Ih 6caeflcid iutertat in Boirowa le eo1A or�forted rad�rtoxror b oot i o�lani ion wlUaut- <br /> ,< „ LeaQer'�pHOr wtitteo coa+eat, Lsaper m�y tt ita opNon ufm louneal�te qymea� In NU ot dl sum��6y mL – <br /> S�t1ty I�hu�,HoF'rxu.thls opUon tE�t aot Ix exe�.��y Le�r IFmtroLy i�pmLI�lS6A 6y feQer�l l�w�c o/Wo du — <br /> %�i�,t'fi " otmleBawtltyJaslNment, c ° <br /> ,, - If LeaQ¢r exercitav mD opHou,liader cEillqIva Bortowa mtiee olwoeiendon.7Ee aotloe eholl rovlQe a paNad of oo� _ <br /> � �;i IoN Quo 30 dsye from the date tbe norioe i�dol(va�ed oi m�llW w101n wL1ch IIorrower muat pry elPeuma cawrad by We {r i, <br /> r Bccairy fastroment.ItBortowu filia ro qy�@ese euav pdot lo the expintlon of thle pedod,Lender may Iavoke my rcaediee �. <br /> ��l"` ;� parmittodby mlaSacurlryWhumcNwlVioutfart6ermiiceordem�nAonBormwer. _ , -..,. <br /> k� 18. Borruweie R44�t to Rdastflte. if Oortower roeets certiln ao�lHOCS, ttocrower eEall have t6e dght to Eave B. _ <br /> s� � ' . eaforacmeat ot thla 8eourity Iashumaat dlsoontloued at�ny Hme pIIOI�O(EO fAtHOf OP. (IJ� AtYI(OI 611CL Ot110�pWIOd Y � <br /> ' � ` •ppHot61e 4wtwy sprof[y Por rolmutomeaq beforo sole o!tde Proxrty putawat m aay�wer ot eale aontdaea in We �„�� . <br /> � t Seootiry Inshumed:or @)eutry ot�Judgmoat eotorciny Nfa SECUrIty(��� !�.�.1toso 0o ttom ero Wnt Bortovror.(�)P► �; <br /> cu <br /> � �,� r Leoder�U sum�wLlth then would be due uudor tlil�Saudry(oahumeat�nd�he Note u If ao�ooelonUon hed oaeunedi ) ° � <br /> "`� ; wrta aay default of�ay other ooveomte or�greementa;(e)pny e dl expenwa Inewm!In eofonlad�61e 8mdry Im4umenR r". <br /> �`, inclu�,but not Ilmitad to.rouombla utoroe feee:and(u)tekra sucL ec�lan a+Leadu muy reasuoably rcquire to usuro FJ��r ;.v <br /> s r ' ' put the Lon ot tLls 8xudty Iat�n�mmt.L�odet�dghp io Wo P�vp�!y wd Bormwu't oblig�Noo Wpxy tho mme eeared 6y P��y��;� . .,-. <br /> ,,p � � this 8uur(ty iaslrumeat eLdl oonliuue unebnnged. Upon rolnsiabmaol 6y IIorrowa, thl� Sxurlty Iaurmunt u�d the �,s,,� ; <br /> 6b <br /> r�1; o011gndom seared deroby e1xU remilu[upy nffecNve a�U no sooeiorttlon dad accumd.Novrovar.thW dg6t to relaeuw e5ell rF 4 * <br /> nnt nqpIy in 0e case of auele�nNon uuder peragrapA 17. �*ri%�r��i�, <br /> ,t���� �k= 19. 8ale ot Na t e t Clwnga ot I.oan 8erv1cer.lLe Note ar�pwtie] imerost In�do Noro(toget6er wit3 thle 8audry , � _ '°'-_ <br /> -� trs ,�- IniWmeot)may bo col d ono or moro dmm wlthout pdor ao�loe ro Bormwer.A sAe mny«sult In a e in the onHty(►mxa ���.f i � <br /> � . �� a�tLe'Lw¢Servioer')Uut cotlocro monW9 pnYmeou duo uodor ehe Nae end Wla Saudry InsWme¢t. �Iso may 6e om ! .. .ht r° �, <br /> ' �';� or moro cLaugoe of t6e I.aon Sarvlsar unrei4tal ro a edo of the Nore.If�tero ia�chnnae of We Won Servlcer,Borrower wN 60 '` 7�•"`M(S+dR��= <br /> ' t ' givw miuen mdce of the eLaege In eaordeace witli pengroph 14 a6ove mdepplla6Te I+w.7Le ooNce wlil qete dee nrma�ad ', i <br /> � �,��t �ddress of t6e aew La�u Serviaer�ad Ne eddrw ta wLtch prymente ehould 6e mndo.71�e notice wlll aleo aonbin my ot6et � t 5;���� <br /> w�t 1 }�; infmmrUon«qulred by apyllwblo kw. �1'1 � , � <br /> � , [, 1A.Hemrdow 8ubslflnotg. Borrower�finil no[cause or petmit�he pncenoe, use, disposnl. porsg0.or release of my t r�.}� � �'�� . <br /> � �_ Henrdow Suhsdnc�nv ou or in t6e PmpMy. Bortower�hdl not do, nor allow anyone du ro do. �nriNog affaHng tLe {Q � -.,ia ,�r r�..,;.. <br /> � p[opetty put ia ia vlo4Hon of auy BnWronmenW Ixw. 7Le pteceding lwo semm�oes s6d1 aot app1y ro t6e prt�serce,use, or o� t ;., y< <br /> 4 Jrv�y�': - - <br /> ;�, � etonge o¢me Property of emill qumtltlm of H�nrdow Subst�neee tLet ue gaoorally recogdzed to bo appropdaro to nom�al .-sf 1 '';' «,� .-_ <br /> �t :Y�,: resldeod�uses�ad to malnroo�ace of the ProPertY• t�f�F:� f a5 ,.��..:_,�. <br /> -r, , Hoerower ehdl promp0y gtve Lendu writteu ooGce of eny InvuNg�tlon,cldm,demead, Iax�eWt or other eeNon by xny � ✓Fb. . <br /> h �..�} govemmennl or rogulsrory�geoay or pdv�ro party iuvolving tLu Pmperty nnd any Huatdow Subsunco or EavlronmeaW Isw �5�� y A�,� . <br /> 7+�+`�� of which Bortower haa actual Icnowled e.If Hortower Iwo+,or te oaiflad by my govamnwntal or regulatory�uthodty ttut }j�;?2,�'��, � ___� <br /> any removal or ot6et romadie8on of eny H�mclom Substoaee�ftacting No Pmpaty ie nerosa+ry,Bomwer eh�ll promptiy take � � � r <br /> tr� -'i�j all ttmedivaesioaelaacoofdaaaowltbSndroameotJlew. �`�� ��! - - <br /> ' �r . - �tu thie�.��n�k'..Q. F.�tstda.t9 3ut3�ecc!'ero ehisse aihetenom defimd as loxtc or harardou+aubstancea bY � �Y:-." J(f �a�• *.. <br /> 5�' " ` gnvlronmeoW I.Aw md tBe following eubdanca+: goaoliao, keroseoo, othar flamrm6le or loxie petrolwm yroduw, toxio h1'yv5�.-i '��.'"4� -,. � <br /> t s 12� pesNoldw and herbteidw,volatlle wivente,mnterlele cooteWng eabaNOe or formelAehyda end ndlotctive metuide.N used ia ,.� -,- , F� " <br /> :�i,; tlile yungrap6 20. '8nviropmental lew' meena fcdoml lewa and lewa of the Jurisdlction wluro tM Pmpe+ty is located Ihet 'r�'--:t ;���x'�- <br /> a . .�, rolato ro 6a1W,aafoty or environmeainl protectlon. c �'�{.Ai �> �k�`� <br /> NON•UNIFORM COVBNANT8.13orcower ond Lendet Po�thor wvonnnt and agrce m folbvn: �, ��� i -�- <br /> ,�e ' eny oovman�t or jegccemenmin�tRlsd Seau�lty I tnurtent @utnot �r or to acode�iadon�imder paraBraP�7bim�len � ('ic�� �try�F,i,:;. <br /> r r� - of P s�" l f �(lt:',• <br /> �{ � epplleabie law provldea othrnvlse).The notfce shetl epeclt�� (a)IM deFnu(q @)tbe ectlon reqWred w cure tLe ddadtt + .-� �„ = <br /> ' + `��; (c)e date,oot les�then 30 My�trom Ihe data ihe notice b ghen to IIorroxer, b�whtch the def4utt must be auedt�d y>�, f,*�j <br /> �'. ' (�tLnt[etda�e to nu�e No ddnult on or 6efore the date spaclfled in Ihe no8ce m� raWl ln acalentlon of Ihe euw ,�' 'f�f��.°.'= <br /> � secmxd Dy 151s 8ea rl�Inalrmnent end sete of ihe Property. TM noflea elull furlher Intomi Qorrower oP tlw rlght to ` - t +�'�r _ <br /> { ,�`. nlnsLLta aRer nooderaGon nnd tTa rlght to bdng o court actton ta assert the nonexEslence of e defeWt or an�otLer z t: � � `�,;; <br /> r F �� defease of Bomower to ecoelerattan and eele. If the ddaWt t+ not cured on or 6etoro Ne dete epedfled In tha noda, � , � , :.. <br /> � , Lc�nd�,et tU�requtrc Immedlete pqyment In futl ot dl nmu aecumd 6r tht�Secur(ty Wtr�m�eat xlttwut -. {i 1��lu <br /> �' �,! fuMhrr dm�and end may In v o ke thapower of rale and my other ranedlea perm(ttcd by eppllea6le law.Lender ehall he �r. ,�� ���,�'. <br /> 1�jq enUtled to wlleet all peperaes Incurred tn pwauing fhe remedln provlded In thlv peregreph 21,IncluNng.but not Wnited c ,ti4 -; <br /> ' , to,reawna6la etromeye'hea and costv ot tlqe e.ldence. + �.,:, r : <br /> �'- It thepowv of aale le Inroked,T�ustce ahall remrd a notla of defnWt in eaeh comty in wlilch ony pert of the f '-.`-;: <br /> : Property tv[�cated end sMll mell copin oP eucN notice In the manner preaMbed by applicn6le lew to Borrower and to E ' S�s - <br /> ' - ILe ather pe�eoro pracri6ed by epplimble law.Attu the tlme reqWr¢d by appllca6le law,Trustet ahall ghe puDlic rrodce .. , _� . '�'� <br /> �if ot eate to tho pe+aom and In the menner prescrihed by applicable law.Trustce,�dihout danand on Bortower,adall sell �. ,� 7 '-�;. <br /> the Property at pubitc fluUlon fo Iha Nghest bldder at lhe ttme and place and mder the tertnv delgnuted In fhe nndce ot s � -t'- <br /> � saie In ano or more pamb and In eny ordu Twtee detem�inea.Tru�tee may paHpone aale of all or anyp�r�1 of the �;�j•a.:r�.� <br />- ��� Propert�by pubilc announcanent al the tlme end place ot any prerlomly scheduled aele. Lender or Ib designee may ,'� <br /> ��r/:�s=��'. - Purduse the Propert�at sny sale. "' � <br /> �ii <br /> '�'; Fo�m 3028 8/80 � <br /> _ ' .. ` �BflINEI���oN rp�f x e �muy.�y� Y(j� . . <br /> '::�.' S�^T <br /> :.`- <br /> , �''?.a.::--r;;bf:i'-:k:` •. � . ... . . ... �- <br />. i:'e' :i: n <br /> +;V <br /> '.l.j <br /> : <br /> � . p# � <br /> � . <br /> > � . . . <br /> 3 <br /> � .':SP � . . , � _ . . _ � _ <br />