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; .� �r� - lµtf�f� . .t��. .. 1. \. �'� _. .?5����y���..Y._ aTi���• . <br /> s V�'t f. 'v1S'S c5 '" ..csl �a�e�'t . _ _ "_ <br /> 'a <�� u� . .. _ _ <br /> ,M,•~ 1 Ap3� �Y� � � . <br /> , � .' TWT3,�18R M7H�ll Wa Improvomeate now ot here�Ror otectsd oa me propeAy,�m�I auemc�.�a�no�+•� T � <br /> .. °r^a� fixtate,+ mw or toro+fter �parl of Oro proporty. All ropLeciaente �nd Wdltlom eLdi tlw be oovered y 16b 8eowlty __-- - <br /> "� tavmmeot.AI!otme tcrogolag le rotclrad to in ILU BauNW InsWmant ta tl�e•PtoDortY.� - -- -- <br /> {_; BORROYlllR COVBNMI7'8 tbtt 8o�rower le 1►wNUy eolmd of the wuto EeroDy aonveye4 tnd tu tLo HgEt to pfM uu1 y.,. — <br /> ,s �� oouvey IAs Pmyoriy�nd t�t the Property la naexum6ero0,exapt tor etxvmbnxw of rocotd. Botrower w�rtaors�nA wN p ,� <br /> � defa�geoenUy 0o d8e to the Ptopetty�gdmt dl cl�lm��uA dortuoda.saDjoct to my aacumpnuw of record. „ , t , Y, <br /> � r,_ � 7IA8 BIiCURP!'Y WS14tUNl8N7'comDl�uoltorm oovetunu for mtload use�nd nowmlformto�no+nte with limlted �,��s� ,��, ; <br /> �s ��, vufidom by JodsalWon W oonstlNte a uottorsn sawiry lacbumom mvocing reel property. � '- , a c x o <br /> , '- IINIFOAM COVHrIAMS.Iiotrow�st�nd f.caAor covaoant md agrw m follmvn: ^r "-,. <br /> `,dc� 1. Pqmmt ot Rtndp�l uW Intaatt P+'ty�PAent and i�te CAuEm.Borrower a1W1 prom�ttY WY �due 0e �f h �5�i� ;;:_.• <br /> L>i !i� piiacipd of�cd Intotest on t1�e deN evldeoad�y 0e Note�ad u�y p�yment�od Iato cLugea due under t6e Nota ' _ . , , � <br /> ,• 9.61md�[a 7'ad ond L�surmoe.b1�DJat to�llable law oi to s w+tRen walver by Lerder,Bortoxror eE+ll p�Y a „ 'ti�ts,�; <br /> ��� I.endu on me d�y monthlY WYmecu ue dae uader t6e Note.until the Nae le pdd In tWl�a som('Puada')[or.(�)Yw�Y hxa sf�?�.,.�,e �,,,�,;, <br /> ��� `�F �nd assavmoNa wLlob may atuin pdodry over thli 8ecurlty Imtnwent u a Iien oa�he Propenp:N)Y�Y Iauhotd paymoou i�f n �� °��`+•;. <br /> or ground:onu oa tho Propmty�ite4Yi(c)Ywrly 6arard or property insmnnoe pmailomr,(�Y'u19 tloos iasunnce Promlum�. , ,rt '� *.- <br /> �� �'� t6e�yrovlslom of��h 8��In 8cu of�lh�e�awnt ot wort��e inmrenae p mium.7bese tteme aro�ulled'0ec�m+� sv�?�»�i fs •',s�r. <br /> � j �,3 ; �: <br /> -r��, ,t� Leadu m�y.�t�avy U�me, oopect�nd dold A�in m amou�n mt to exaod the muimum emouat�lenda for a fedenllY �t� .:,�� Y, ;'.� <br /> [olated mortg�ge Imn mry roqulre for Bortowet'e perow wcomt uadu the fedenl Real Bstata 3ettlemeal Proceduroe Aet ot j��+;;, z s .`�£Gr*':_. <br /> � `��'� 1D74 a�meoded itom tlme ro Nme, 12 U.S.C.Seetion 260I d i ('RH9PA•),unlav motLer�aw th+t eppliet to 0a FL�a .3;�-:.�,. r <br /> t� ` sw a Ieasar�mount. [f so.Lender may.�t wy tlm�+,eoUect�ed hoid Pund+ln�n�mount not to axaed tha lesser�sonot 'i �;' ,�41t�"�' :t`.' <br /> � , 1 i e <br /> t ��_' Le�r msy estlmaro t6a�mouat oP Puoda duo on the 6uia of wmat daq and«aso�ble m�iwtas oteapxodimra c°fama ` `�! �t � n ' <br /> 3, Z . Bsemw Iteau or othanvise in aocard�ece wtW appliuble Uw. " ,�` j �" �" <br /> ft 7Le Fande eLall 6e held in m InstlNBon�vLosa d Ip uo iasurod b a fadenl a inst�umentalit , or eotiry i ',"f 1� t° -r '. <br /> Wws Y S�Y. Y '��� � r� f:. <br /> -_;���ti pncludinp Lender.if Leadu ie suc4 m iatdroHo�or in�ny PedeN Hame Loan IIaok.Leader eLall�pply the Pund+ro psY�h° ,� y% r �"il`l+; _ <br /> -;.f. -( Bscrow Item�.Leoder mqy aot eLrrgo Hortovror for 6olding�ad ayP�Y�B the��+.�onmpy wtyrJ4B�ha uuow�coount.or .�>�t;L'�y p��7° -: <br /> � 'F-+,�} v e r i f y i n g�Le S s erow Item�,u o lesa L e o dw pays B ortower I n t e r e a t oa t he F u v d+a n d�p p i l ab le law p erMU Leoder to milce sueh r ,: �: s�<}<�l�-., <br /> _ �u�'-ya� �eLarga Howavu.Lender may requim Botrower to pay a ono-dme ebuga for an indepeodoat reil esUb tax reporting service . f ' �7 ;_-:_.. <br /> � used b Lendu in connec�lon wlth thia lom, unles+ a Ilcebla Iaw rovldas othenvlee. Uptese an�groeaieat i�mtde or r`i�!,� ? . - <br /> ���3�� �ppliable law requtree Intatwt to be pald,landa ehell not be rcquired ro pay Hortower rny interest or wninge oa�he Fu�df. r'`�?,� } '�t��'` =- <br /> t !'� - Borrower�ud Looder m�y �gree in wdting,howaver,thst intarast sUall be paid on 16e Punde.Lender�hall give to Dorrowe+. „'_ q;�.,j1,�-p`r�i`- <br />� =�`.�'�it.' wlthout�anud aoeouoting of the Pund�.ehowlog cadi�and debib�o the Funds�nd�hn purywsa for which e+eh r',',c;:.;.:.�t..,,, .___ <br /> -� -- dcbit ta me Funda wan madv.7Lu Fuoo�am cd � u addiiwud azatd 'fsi al::urt'e�rd Eq Wie�x^.ryr]sLm�: + ._;`t c c u -_- ` <br /> k' �� If the Funds 6dd b Laader excead the amo� miltted to 6e d d 6 e Ilcable I�w.I.ender ahdl acoouat to Bomoxsr r ; ,; ��S"pz�µ <br /> for the exow Funde tn aau[dsnoe wit6 Ihe roquircmeole of applicable law.ylf Ihe emount of the Fund�held by Leoder st eny ';�r t�'.; j��� '� <br /> �,� „ �j 3 <br /> . � dme ia not wflicient to pay the Hacrow Item�whoo due.I.eader may w noNfy Borrower in wAdng.and,in suc6 case Bur+ower . ,v <br /> � � f vs : <br /> r �� " <br /> > ,t�` eLell pny lo Leader We amouat neoeasary to make up�he deftoleney. Borrower ahdl make up the defldency in no moro Wn � , Ya� t p�f y a', <br /> �tly�;� hretve mont6ly Leader4 wle di:cretlon. + ' �-. <br /> �i 't'`. Upoo psyment Ia full of dl sum� wcurcd by Wis Saudty instrumeut, I.ader sfiill promptly retund�o Bortowor uy ` �'' r �i'`.3�;-:. <br /> �,„';' Puada detd by Lander.if, uader puagraph 2l,Leoder shall aequiro or soll the Property,Lender,pdor�o�he�cquieltlon or nle :�. .., �;, E <br /> , J„�r o[iha Propeny,nhill�pply wy Funds 6eld by Leoder at ihe Nme of acquiaitlon or sele w a credit agai�t t6e cume ueured by }r x��: <br /> . �Wa3xuritylasWmeoL 4 - f°�'. <br /> .-;�t -� 3.Appllatlon of Paymenfa.Udass epplicable law providm othenviw,eIl peymenb recaivod by Lender under puagreph� sy� -�-,f. <br /> - t ead 2 aLell be n lted:flrst, ro on rc nt eher w due under the Note; seeond,to�moume pay�ble uoder psngreph 2: .;;,r.. •'t'���� <br /> - '�' thlyd,to intara+t due;tw�th,to dnel P I due;and Iss,8o an lete eAer �due undw We Note. ��- i ��F`�- <br /> � 5,��., P Pa Y 8 r — 2-.-- <:'�`. <br /> •• 4.Cl�r�gev�Uera.Bortoxror ehetl pay all texw,�ssexsnwnta,chergea, finm e�Impositlom attributa6le to We PropeAy �, � �� � , � Af,'_ <br /> - �i which muy atula pdo�ity over thi�Seeudty Im�mment, and leesehold pnymenta or ground rcnta, If�ny. Bortower d�all pry �: -, �?'�- <br /> --,F t�nse obllgatbm ia t6e meaner provided in paregraph 2,or if not pild in�h�t maoner.Bortower ahall pry them on dme dirodly ,1 } -� ''� <br /> � ' ro t6e petson owod payexn6 Borrower eh�l promptly tumish to Leoder ell noticm of emouaa ro be peid undu tLis puegroPh• :_��ra� ` ��- <br /> ��• k hlk_�•:� <br /> ..1,,��� lf Botrower m�kw these paymente directly.Bortower shell promptly fumieA to Lendar reccipte evide�log the paymonte. . . ,- >i:• <br />.� .i,:;�;;,�.,. Bortower shell prompUy diicherge any Iian wbich ha+pdority ova�bia Sceuriry Instmment unlev Dorroxer. (a)agre�ie <br /> r <br /> -. ':�. wridng to tLe psymem of tLe obligetion aecwed by the lien in n mamer acapteblo io Lendar; @)eontwu tu gaod fatt6 the Iim '- _ 'i'-_,,;:; <br /> ;;�:�;,;:P by, or dafend+egein+t enforcement of�he Iien in, Iegal proaeedinga whieh in the lender'a opiNoo opettie to provant�ha . ,,:.,,. <br /> �*�?`�"°t�• enforcament of�ha Iten;or(e)securea from�he holder of Ne 13en�n agreement satlifaetory to Lendiv subordimtlng the Iien m � � ��';��;� - <br />'.:•1;:•',i}. ` <br /> - Wla Saudry Lutmment. If Lendw duertNnw th■t any pan of tlie Propeny ia wbJcet ro a lien whieh mny atteln pdodry orer . <br /> tb(a Socuriry(nstrumant,I.onder mey give Oortower e notice identi(ying tAe lian.Ik�nower shell setisfy the lien or Itleo oae or <br />- . .;,;,' more of iha eaioa�set lonh�bove wlihin 10 days af Ihe giving of notice. - <br /> -;:,i'�•.�' Porm002D 8R0� , <br /> '"�• �;;- ��BRINEI moe� �w a a e o-.���{ �' . <br /> `::�'si:y-" <br /> , , , <br /> :„ <br /> — :�'�. <br /> :�.' `• <br />. _'� .4,�. . <br />. .y1:F:Si.�;l r �,1, <br /> ��'fbi�:`j'z'r . _ ' <br /> ;z.:.- <br />. �:.,'.\f:,{.:�. . - <br /> ;li.��;'Y_.i`.:','.';.S' .: - <br /> .:�-�'y 1�,_. - <br /> `. . <br /> _";;r:��j ` , • - <br /> > <; ` , f <br /> .. [ <br /> , , : � - <br /> .. <br /> , .. . , ,,,. _ <br />