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____ _ _ _ <br /> _ , ���' ' = . _ <br /> _ . . _ . _ . . -, _�. . . -,_'. _i. _ 1 �__. _ _ <br /> .. - . . • � ���. . • .. ._.' <br /> • pa�menta mmr�y,na longor 6,q rcqulred,et iha o�onof LcnACr.if tqongago tnsurencp covetAB?On Ihe anoi�nt iud for tho pcilod � - ., <br /> @u L�det�fi4ulrts)providW by�n 11uur4e approycd DylR+�dar again Oaomea urallibte ad le obWnM�SortOwor�6e11 p�y �-• .. <br /> thaprsmTuR�rcquUcA to Mhinfaln abrtgage InsGni�bo Iri effal,or ro provlde�loss caorvo,umll t6e requlrcmept ior, ngigo _.� <br /> . inaurmcb end�(n asoordohao wUh up�mitttn eg�cwx�Btretw�-i 8ottower snd Leader or ayptta618law. - . <br /> 9.[nsyttldsr,Le�a oclta agrnt msy rnate rsawna6io entrlea upon aM Irt�ptalon+ot tho DropcMy. t.ender�alt gfve -_ <br /> Aorrowat notloaae thti tfma otor prlorto en Inspoctlon�eclfying rexcon�bio eauso for�ho hup�ion. <br /> l0. Coadsnwatloa.'!Tw proaeEa of eny enard or clelm Por damnga,dircct or consequcMld. In connealon nlih eny <br /> oonCcmnaHon oe odicr taki4g of any part of�ho Propeny,or fo�comeyanoo In ticu oLeoudsmnutlon,aro horcDy esslgold o00 ' . <br /> ehail be pald m Lcndoc . __ <br /> In the ovent ota tmal mking otthe Ptoperty,tha pmoxd��hall bo epp11M w�ho�ums caurcd Dy thl�8awdty instNnsen�, <br /> whethcr or not thcn duo,wiN eny ozccaa pald to Bortnwcr. In ttw event of e parttal taking of the PropcM1y In wt�lth tAo tulr <br /> mvlcet value of tho Propcny Immedi�tcly Aoforo Wa WeNp la equ�l a or grcaror t6an tho amount of tho wnu ca;urod by thts <br /> Saudty instmmcn�Immedia�eiy beforo the roking,unieaf Be-rmmr end Lender othenvlw egree in writ(ng,tha ww aaurcd Oy <br /> tht�Securtty Insuument�Aell bo «duced by �de amaunt of urs procood� muhiplicd by tho following tnctloa: (a) ihe rotal <br /> emount of�Ae eum�savrtd Immedla�ety Ecfott iho teking, divided by(6)tha fair market veluo ot tho Propeny Imnwdiatdy � .__ <br /> betoro�ha Weing. Aay baianco shall bo paid ro Borrowu. In tho ovent ot s paniel uking of tde Property lo which tlw fdr <br /> mvlcet velue of tha Properry Inunedlatcly befon No�deing la la��Aan the emount ot�he num�securcd ImmedluNy betora lhe <br /> u3ieg,wilea�Bortowu end Lender a6crniu egreo in witing or unlw applipbte law alxnrlec providca. the proroed�shal! <br /> be�pplied ro tho wrtu eecured by thu Securiry Iranument whGher or not the wm�ere eh�n due. <br /> It the Property ie eEandoncd Ey Borrower,or If,oftu notico by I.ender�o Horroxcr thvt the wndemnor offua to milco m <br /> anard or settle a clefm tor dameges,Borrowu f�Ia to respond to Leader witLln 30 daye efta�he de�e the nodca ft glvtn, <br /> I.e�r ia wthorized to collat azid apply Ihe procecd�,at tu option,dtLer ro r�xtoration oi mqatr of th:Propeity or ro the suau _-,-_,__-_. <br /> so�py�hia 3avrity Insuummt,whe�her or not�hen du:. <br /> Unla+ Lendu end IIorrowu aherwiu egrse in writing, eny eppilcaqon of prooceds to principal ihell not extend or — <br /> postpone tAe duo date ot�he monthly paymenu rckrred m in paragrephs I end 2 or change the amount of such paymenb. ���+�-� <br /> 11.Borcower Not Rdmsedi Forbtamnce By Lender Not e Welver.8xtenslon of the dme tor paymimt or madiflcaUon - <br />� of emontmtion of tho aums ucurod by�his Secudty[nsuument granted by I.ender to my sucoessor in intersat of Borrower ahall ��k�S�,_�,. <br /> rat operate ro release�hc Iiebiliry of ihe ariainel 0onower or Bottower n aucasson In inrercst. 4nda shall nol ba raryired�o ��1_-- ,--. <br /> ammence proaedings egeimt any wocessor in interes�or refiue ro extend time for payment or othenvfu modify emoniratlon �:'."`_-- <br /> of�Ae surro cecured by thie Security Instrum¢m by rcason of eny demeid mede by the original Bortower or Bortowu'a ��y�`j,.�-;3�- <br /> sum�swn In intereae Any forbearencc by Lender in exercising any dght or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude the ^;�r's^.;.. <br /> cxercise of any rigfit or runedy. ''�u:;'S}'�•:'-- <br /> }g: �h�ece�ow eed 9�lg��s 9n���1'deSm enn xs�eral rannllley; ��ane,�. �n,e mvrrenm em eammenn of W. �;i:�i`�.;;� <br /> Security Inlwment shell bind end beneflt �Fu cuceessors end assigro o[Le�er end Borrosver, subject to Ne proviiions of 51tk, --. <br /> paregreph 17. Borrowers mvenanu and ngroamntt ah�ll bt joint end ceverol. Any Borrower�vho w•aigm thia Security {���J��C�':. <br /> Inummon[but dace no[cxavte th¢Notc: (a) is co-signing�hia Secudty Imtmment only �o mongago. gnnt and convry that �`,'�,,?=,r}�,:;_;: <br /> tionower'a intereat fn�tn Propeny under the�emn of�hi�Security InstrumenC(b) 6 not personalty o6tlgated ro pay�he sums },t�f ,. ': <br /> �avral by iAis Saurity Imtmmenr,�nd(o)agroes th¢t Lender and eny o�her Borrowcr may agra�o extcnd,modify,fof6ear or 3��Y�4 �y[�, <br /> make my eccommoda6onv with regerd ro the ttmu of thia Sccurity lnswmem or�he No�o whhout�hat Dortower'�mnum. "����`> > <br /> l3. Loen Clnrgee.I(th�Iren securod by�his Secudry Inswment is subJect to n laa�vhich xu mulmum loan chargee. Y lr���� ,�` <br /> and that lew i� tln�lly ineerprcted so iAut �he or other loan churges mllected or�o he mllared im m�nectlon�vith�M1e +{• ����f "- <br /> loan excead ttq pormitted limits, �hen: (u)un��.uch loan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessary to rcdux the chargo 'F��$`��i -"� <br /> ��Ilai <br /> to�M pom�itted Ilmi�:e��d(6I nny wms alrwdy mliec�al (rom Borrower�vhich exceeded pemiitted limits will 6e refunded to IY;1Fbr.�.77i;1;'-'p- <br /> Bonower. Lender ma choox w m�ke this refund b roducin �hc rinci uwed under�he Note or b mlkin e dircct �''���L'���`��"-'�:_ <br /> Y Y 8 P P� Y 8 `��;�;,s�r��. : <br /> p�pnont ro Borrower. If e rcPond reduces prircipal. �he reduction will be trcated nx a panial prcpayment wi�hout eny hi.,+ <br /> 7 Sr.ur <br /> prcpayment cMrge under the Notc. 5�'��1�S�aj t - <br /> l4.Noilcea.Any no�ice to Borrower prnvided for in�his Stturiry la�trument shall he given 6y ddivering it or by nmiling �`�._ ��- <br /> it by flrst class mail unless applicable law rtyuira uce of nnather meWal. The notin shall 6e direcied�o�he Property Addrw � {; '�� , �. <br /> or an other addrcss Borrower desi nntes b roticc m Lender. An notice �o Lender shall be rven b first clasc mail to ��'3�� . <br /> Y S Y Y 8 Y �;�3@ .c..,,;.. <br /> 4nder x addrcas ateted hercin or uny other xddrus Leneicr designa�es by no�im to Barrowee Any mtice provided for in this '�e��:ti�4j7:,•�•,� <br /> �--,c<:�:>...s,..�: <br /> Savd�y Insuument shell be Jccmcd m hove 6ccn aiven ia Uorm�ver or Lcndcr whcn giren u prmided in this pamgraph. '?7;s.:t�:�='�--' <br /> .,:.d�.sr.,r`!::-. <br /> IS. Goruntng I.ew; Severabillty. This Securiry Intwment shnll be gmemed by federai la�v and Ihe lew of the ;,:.rf;7�;s,��.: � <br /> jurisditlion in�vhich�he Propcny ia locntM. In�hc cvem that any pmvixian or claum of this Sccurity Imtrument or tAe Note >`?:`��'�'_�,- <br /> mnflins wiih epplicable low..uch rnn0ict shall rot aRm o�hcr prnvisioro nf�hi.Savrity In�tmment or�hc No�e whicA can bc "':�?i"'��;�`;::-'.' <br /> gicen cffcct withwt ihe mn0iaing this enJ the prrn�i.ion.o(�hi.Security Imuunxm and�he Nme are dalared "��'t:`:'--•-- <br /> [o bc uverablc. = <br /> 16. Borro�ve�'!Copy.Borrnwcr shall M1.giccn onc amformnf cnpy.d Ihc Nnlc and uf Ihi+Sccuriry�Imlrwnent. "•'.�;.-��•.�,��-1��.� <br />. . . .. .�-�. . <br />- farm 3050 8180 ° �.�r=. ' <br /> I�M�016 �:�. •�.����'�:i��- � <br /> i�=:� , ; <br /> , .. <br /> _'�ti T r{� { . . J"n:�e:^_'t' , . .. '.. -r.-i""* 1 �L{`r`.1`r ° _ %%f�i..1� -�yf`.,�t��p - � . . <br /> 4 „ <br /> ,� ;.,: � <br /> ` - ; „ ' ` <br /> , ii '£� Y iz i>�, �,:, <br /> ., . <br /> ' -,_: �• - - ,_ ,.. • <br /> ���.:. <br /> - - ---- �-=— - - — - <br /> - — - - - -- -r-� �� <br /> _':` . : _ _ <br /> � ir ,��- <br /> . . � <br /> --, --:_, i - - - - � - <br /> ,°-�. - . ." - - <br /> :. --,. � - '- ' . - - � . .. - <br /> � <br /> -.-,�.. _� _ . . � _ <br /> 5 <br /> - � � , <br /> --��� '? t� - . . � . - . <br /> • , "r <br /> 1 �_ �-- N - - • t . . 1 . .. <br /> r� • ; <br /> - - � s' n _.t t ..:.� yti . <br /> l �a i� <br /> i�.� . -� f � t. -� � ��� . � . <br /> � . �, . : � . u . . <br /> tt . Sf � r �- i � -� �l r � - ." } <br /> �� n.. .J� .1 t �. `jx - - <br /> � `1 t i t t t ' I t.�' �. V `. 1� <br /> �.. . � . ,�r. � �') .. _.. -� ... ... .. .. . -�}c-�... .. 1. .. ._ . . ..._�._. <br />