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:��__ _ <br />,-,- __ _ __ _ <br />, _, , .�: <br /> , , . _ . ��'�,1��0�r��� -, � . � ; <br /> S, Il4tirA ar dreptrty ias�rrinoe.Borrovlqr�Aail icap tho Improvemenu now ex�aUnB or der^aitu crDCteO on: <br /> Pr6yehy IrisurlA eg.��nit to�a by'Oro,NpaMe indudc4�'vltAin No term 'cxtcnQeG coverege•and any other hezprd+.tnclud� , . <br /> ftqcde or qopding,tqr.which Lender{aju[rt�Insutanat.71Fis Insuta�tca ah�116o m�fmalt+�!n the amaumt and for Ih��:tt� -- -- <br /> �6et landrX�equ(ro9.7fio insurenco cartler proWding tAa Imuronce�hall be choscn by Borro�va eub,�ea to IandePe opprovtJ <br /> w41ca sdail not be uoreasoaaDly wlthheld. I!Qortower Culla w mulnmin eovcraga dcscdbM nbove,Lendee may,a1 LcndeP� . .— <br /> optlon,ob�Wn ooveroge to proted I.cnda'e rlgAt�In Ihe Froppity Irt s000rdanco wl�h paregreph 7. <br /> All Inwmnse polida md renowal�ehail bo aoaptabla to Lender and�he11 Include a aendard�ongega cleuso. I.aMcr <br /> iAall I�avo tAe rlgAt to hold tha pollcles end renowale.It Lcnder rcquirca,BortowcT shall promptly give ro taaidcr�I rooclpe of <br /> ppid prcmiurtu end rcmm�l noUces.In�60 ovon�of�oa�,Hormwor shell givo prompt nodco w tlw inwrunw cerrlu uid Lader. `° ' <br /> lsrMu mqy mnke proof of loas ItnoGnmde•ppanptly 6y Borto�vu. <br /> Unlcs�I�ndor and Bor�oWCr otharwtue agrca In wii�ng.Inwrenao procoode�hall ba epplled to rcatoretion or repatr ot tho <br /> Prop:rty demngod,if No rcctorodomn�rcpefr I�eaonomienlly tea+ibla md Lender'e caudry i�na Ne rcatoraflon or <br /> repair ia not eoonomtaally teasi6lo or�4enAor'i axuHry would 60 lessened,the Insurenco prouM�ehall be applled�o the tuma <br /> sewrW Oy thle Secudty�IastrvmonW whethor or not�hc� due, with eny oxcess paid ro Iiorrower ebandoro�he <br /> Ruppery,or dow mE enswer whhln 30 daye�no�ico from Lendcr tha[Iho irourenco cartiu hm ofkred to scttlo�claim,Nen -T ' ' ` " <br /> IcnAer mny�oollut tho Insnreneo praaeda. Leader may uu tha proaedi to rcpalr or rcstore the Propcny or to pay wrtu <br /> �M1d by U�le Seariry I�unument,whuhcr or not�hrn dua.The 30�day period will begtn when Ihe notice i�given. <br /> UNau Lender and Bortower otherniso egra in arieing, eny eppliution of prooeed� to p�incipal �hall na extend or <br /> poatpono�e due dato ot tho monthly paymenu rckrted to In paregropha 1 and 2 or chenga the emount of tho paymenu. If <br /> undu paragreph 4I�he Propeny in acquircd by l.enda,Bortower'n dght to any Insurence policlw end proarodr rcsulting from <br /> damnge ro the Propeny pdor to the aoquisiHon�hall pus to Lender ro�he oxtent of tho wm�aecu�ed by thia Secudry Instmment <br /> tnunediately pdor to the eequleition. �-_.----'--'. . <br /> 6.Oca�pancy,PnservaHon,Matntennnce and Protection ot the Propertyt Oorra�ru'o Loan Applicationt I.easeholde. __- <br /> Boirower shell oocupy,establleh,and use�he Propeny u Borrower'a pdncipal rcsidenx whhin:ixry daya efter the execution of = -- <br /> thia Security I�u�nument end ahall continue to aapy Ne propeny ae Oorto�ver•a principal resieknce for at leas[ona year�4er <br /> �he date of occupancy,unlw Lender o�herntae agrees In wddng, which conunt ahall not be unrcawnably withheld,or udess °°-__-. <br /> extenuatlng drcumstanoes exist whlch uv beyond Bortnwer's control. Borcower ihall not destroy. damege ar Impafr 1ho c''�y�� <br /> Propeny, ollow �he Property to duedomte, or commit waste on �ho Pmperty. Bortower shall bo in dofault if a�ry fodeitmu :�_��;_:-' <br /> eoqon or procecdfng,whether civil or eriminai, is begun thet in I.endcr's goad feiih judgment oould reault in foddtum of Ihe - �� <br /> C::�:�;._ <br /> Propeny or othenvise matedally impeir�he Iien crcsted by thB Security Insuument or L.ender'e security interesL Bortuwu may -- - <br /> wre wch e default and rcinswte,m provided in paragnph 18,by cauaing�he ec�ion or prcrceeding to be dlsmissed with a mling �4;:;,y;�--; <br />- �hat, In I.cndePa good:tehh deicmilneuon, preciudcs Podehure of�he Borrower'e intcrat la ihe Property or other memdel �?=.�";�r;^ <br /> impairment of�he Iien crcated 6y thia Secudty Inafmment or Lender a secudty intereac Bortaver�hall also be in dchult If -�`3N s � <br /> Borro�ver,dudng the loen epplication process,geve mnterially felx or inaccum[e infomution or cmtements io Lender(or feiled L ` r --- <br /> ro rovide I.endcr with an matedal intormatioN im m�nection with the loan evidenttd b the Note,Includin ,but not Iimited �n', `�—'�:. <br /> P Y y g �1u�4 <br /> to,reprcsenwtlon+conceming Borrower s accupancy of the Property at a principol rcsidence.If�his Securiry Instrvment is on n ,i y7} �f -. <br /> Ieesehold, Oorrower shall mmply with all the provisions of the Icesc. If Dorrowcr n ulres fce �itle �o thc Pro n , thc ���'•{'��•f=•iti•S`�'' <br /> �9 � Y 'i.l'1:"'vl+;S'):.M1_=...• <br /> IwseAold end�ho fa title slw�l not merge unleas Lender egrecs ro�he merger in writfng. :ii,�`��„; y y s <br /> 7.Ptoteetlon ot I.ender'e Rights�n the Property.If Bartower fails to perfomi the covenants and agarments mntaincd in f`;;�4 ryr��i..�:, <br /> this Secudry Instrument,or therc Is e Icgal proceeding�het mry signifieamly uBec� Lender'a dghta in the Propeny(such u a �;yµ",`,.���}����ti���. <br /> proacding in bunkruptty,probate, for mndemnntfon or(orkimre nr to enforce lews or rcgulattonaL the�Lender may do end '�;4i��{r�aat�i�1'��•- <br /> pay for whatever is necesmry m protect ihe value ot the Propeny und Lender'a righ�s fn the Propeny. Lender's xtions may - 4., -r -. _ <br /> include pnying eny :ums�urcd 6y a licn which hss priariry over this Smriry Instrumem, appearing in mun, prying ;t�fti� "{�s��4w ; <br /> renwnable attomcys'fces ond emering on thc Propeny to��akc rcpairs.Althnugh Lcnder may�akc eaion undcr this paragreph ��� rY?A,.v. -' <br /> 7, Lendcrdocxnothevc�odow. >y= j f�•`.�r.� <br /> Any emounts dixbursed by Lender unda �his paregmph 7 sheli 6cmmc addi�ionel deht of Borcower secvrcd by ihis j,T� ,`3�h�1t�f���: <br /> Securiry Inummcnt. Unlas Bortowcr and Lender egrcc m nther tcmu of pnyment, ihcx umoumx shall bear intercst from Ihc '-;;, j �35 -,�^;-'. <br /> date o(diaburscment e� �he Natc rete and +hatl be payublc. �vith imercaL upon no�ice from Lender ro Onrto��xr reques�ing �fi� �''i �� i 1 ". <br /> payn�cnt. ;`:$1:•ii:tG��'�'.li-�_t:- <br /> 8.Morlgage Insumnca I(4ndcr rcqufrcd mortgogc incumncc a.a conJi�ion o!makin@�he laan sceurcd by�his Sttvrity <<?f�T s,���lH:_: <br /> Insuument, Uorrower ahall pay ihc prcmiums rcqulred to nnintuin the mnttgngc iroufanm in e(fcct. It, (or any rcason, the :i-�•;;$;��••%�'<udi`!: :-. <br /> mottgege insurnna covenge rcquiral by L^_nder Inpses or mKS m be in c(kcL Ik�rmwer sholl puy�he premiume rcquirad lo �`�%�'-?trYJ.�hF�+��-.�.""' <br /> °i,.�p:::_c:'..�yi>e-,,•,. <br /> ob�ain�nvcrage substantiatiy eqoivalem m�hc mangagc inxu�ancc in cRcct. at a co.t subs�antinlly equir.lcnt io the :�.�;';rC�}-;:y;-- <br /> mst to Uorrower u(�he mongagc insulan�r in c(faL 1"mm an altemalc mnngagc inmrcr apprnved Ay Lender. If ''°�-���`:�_ <br /> subsmnliolly equivalent mnngagc insuramr mrcrage[ arailahlc. fkirrowcr shall pay lo Lcidcr qch mnnlh a wm equal to �}';i'-�.a,�;i;%�.%��.�_-' <br /> onc-Iwel(ih a(thc airl mnri a c insurnncc rcmium hcin id h IAttrnncr�rhen�hc in+urancc rnrera c la ccJ nr ccaceJ[o �� '���� �"+- <br /> 7' Y & F P F N Y 8 P� :c;i:•7)Y:::>t:.�,:�-.�. <br /> be in e(fec�.Lender�vill xcep�.uu and re�ain Ihe+c paymenu m a Inti rexrce in licu of mm�gage inwtance. Inss resenn '_�i` - . <br /> Fwm3020 8/00 <br /> PW].��6 � � . <br /> . �•, � <br /> �'� � <br /> y �.?f(' ti. �. .-_ . ..- -J.:__i_ _.^.. �t_ .�.,,j��..l,- . ' .- . ..'�'?� �a+�3'ui:' _'i. -..m.v,�.t= - '- . '_ ' _ <br /> �_ � ' '__ ' <br /> f�a+'i x1 � 1 <br /> ja4:�1 ' _ _ " . . _ . " . _ _ _ , , ' - :� .. . .- <br /> _` __ . _ ._ _ .___ _. __ —_ _ _ —__ _ _ _— _ _ <br /> 4 " 1! _ _— . _ -- .,.__ _ _ _ " . — _. _ _ <br /> ._'t f .i . . - . . - . _ <br /> .� �.'Y . ) _ _ . - . . <br /> '1 . r <br /> . I�j 1 " .. . '- . . . . _ - <br /> c ,: . 1 � - - . . <br /> � �'. <br /> a• _ ? � ` ' }. - ' . .. . .. � � <br /> � t'. <br /> - ,�.i. ] ..� . !. .- ��.,� . . . <br /> ti � i - �.i � - -- ".- - ' .�- �r . � <br /> . f•P` � .- i. � <br /> r �s - � � - � � � - . <br /> ' -� 1 - . _ is . -� . <br /> �, �t � P ' ' °7 <br /> � i <br /> - x .. r _ ' � .� ' _ <br /> i h � ,` `- �L - + � � -r� . : ii t. ,•�,' � . 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