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. � ., ..:. . .. :.... . .............. .;.. �•. w � v"., � . _ .- � _ <br /> �`��j' ' 93m�.o�� <br /> a—� � ��_.� .. - <br /> T� � t7.7Yender of tDo Proputq oe a Qenettclal Intucat In Qorrower.It dl or any pert of�he Propcny or eny Incerat In It �� <br /> � N wld or trensferted(or IP�benetidet inlerea�In 8crrowcr I�wld or trenskrted end Dortowu ia na a naturel percon)wi�hout — <br /> = Lmda'� prlor wrlticn ooment. I.aMu mey, at lu optlon, uiro Immedlaie payment In NII ot all cum� savrcd by Ihls —_— —. <br /> � 8ccudty[nstmmrn�.Howmer. �hia optlon elull no�bo oxcrciscd�y Lendcr if esercise i�Drohibited by fodcrel law ea ot tho d�to _ — <br /> of Nb SocuNry Instmmcnt. '` <br /> -- t/Lendcr oxacicta�hb opqon,L¢nder�hall�Ive Dortowu notico of noeelcrecion.71�e no�ica shall provlde e pedod of not �______ <br /> -- Ite��Aan 30 day� fmm �ha dam tla noticd Is Jeiivcred or nmiled whhin which Dovower must pay ell aume uwred by thla <br /> ,,Kr=zya Secudty tnstmmcnt If Borrowcr tail�topay theso wnu pdor to tha oxplraNan ot tM�pedod�Lcnder may invoko uny rcmcdia '�;u.___ <br /> permll�ed by tAla Setvdty Instrumcm wltf�out Nnhcr notico or d�nund on Bortowcr. <br /> y„�y,;,� 18. Borrower4 RIpht to Rel�utote. If Oorrower mee�i cenein rnndidons. Borrowcr ihell 6avo the right lo hava <br /> • ��� entarament ot chla Saudty Insmunent dlscondnued at any[ime pdor to �he carller o@ (n)3 daye(or such other perlod u � `x-_-- . <br /> eypllcablo law nmy epeclfy for rcinstatemem) beforo snle at�ho Pmperty pursuant �o any power ot�elo conteined tn �hia - - <br /> rs, �� 3cadry instntment•or(b)entry of e Judgment cn(orcing thb Sccudry inurumcnt.Thoso mndiHana erc�ha�Qortuwer.(a)p�y'e . .. - <br /> "7j Lender all sum�whlch ihen would 6e due under�hle Secuthy Insmment nnd Iho Note ea If no ecalereHon hed acurrod:@) -r� --_ <br /> s � cure+eny defaui�of my oiher wvenanu or egrccmema; (c)pays alt expense+Incnrrcd in cnforcing ihl� S�xvriry Irowment. �r �Y.�, <br /> {,s� Inciudlng bm nat Ilmiicd m,trascmoblo eaomo�i' Ra: end(d)�akcs wch Mion a�Lcndcr may rcazonebly rcqui2 to azsuro __ <br /> that�he Ilcn of Ihi�Saudty Inumment, Lendcr i dRhte In�he Property end Borrowei s obligatlon to pay[hc cutw xcund by ,a r i�� <br /> � thia 3ecurity Imuument �hall mnNnua unchanged Upon rcinua�ement by 0orrower, this Securiry Insuument end �he ,u� r� � ---=- <br /> � .�+�r�� � obllgmions xarcd hercby chall rcmain fully effcctivo us if no eccelerotion had oavrted. Howevcr.�his right io rcinstate ihdl F�-y'-5oa'— - <br /> �;._ not apply In U�o caso af aocelerntlon undcr paregraph 17. 'Sr '�-"'""�'x', -: <br /> �;,,;i; 19. 8nlo of Noiet Chortge of Loon Servtttr. Tho Noro or s paniol intercst in the Note (mgethcr �viih thia Security `� i--�ra�;'' <br /> N i''. Imwmenq mey bc wld one or morc tinxs wilhout pdor natice Io Bortou�cr.A Rulo moy resuh in e changc in ihc entlty(known "s F y>�i`�w�""�"�� <br /> .�,t�*'4 as�he'Loan Serviar'I thm collaa mamhly paymente due under the Note end ihic Security Insuument.There elico may be ane ._r;r;,, f_,_�v_� <br />-_�����'� or moro changa of ihe Loan Serviar unrclated[o e rale of Ihe Note.If�hero is e chango of the Loan 3crviar.Oorrower will b¢ 5�,; _. <br /> ,;j,� givcn wduen noticc of�he cAengo in eocordana with pamgreph 14 ahuve end�pplicsble la�v.7Le notice will s�etc the name and <br /> addres+of Ihe new Loan Savicer ud lhe eddrw to which paymenla chould be mede.The notice will elso rnnmin any other °' , <br /> r��'�X-��. fnfomu�fan roqulrcd by applicablc law. ` „ .- --`� <br /> ':- 2A. Heurdow Substencea. Oormwer chnll not cautt or permit Ae prcuna. use,disposel, s�orege, or rcicau of eny „ <br />--,:�;c'yoK; Hazardous Su6stunm on ar in d�e Propeny. Dortower chell not do, nor ellow enyone cise to do, unylhing affecting �he .sj��'*�+'Y*'a����+�- <br />.::,'bl'.f�.; yc+<,u,=;°'_,.�,. <br /> Propeny �hat is in violeUon of ony Cnvimnmental La�v. The preceding two sent¢nccs�hell not eppiy�o thc prcscnce, use,or 1�;r¢_:� <br />�._��;sr._,�. camge on�he Property of emall qu�ndtia of Hazardous Substences tha�are generally recognized to be epproprtate ro normal �?��-x;thh,;;;,,_ <br /> �h'Y-_�;. rcsidential uxa end to maintenonce of[hc Property. ��'��i —. <br /> 'r Oortower shall promqly give Lender wdtten noqce o(eny invcaiigedon,cleim,demand, lawsuit or other ec�ion by any 1����yx1,�-�" <br /> `�' v-; govemmemel or mgularoryegency or pnvme pany involving�he Propercy ond eny Hamrdoua Sa6swnee or 8nvironment�l Law , �'�;'fi53T�)�,. <br /> -{�. r;� of which Borto�ver ha�nctuel knowtedge. If Borrower leams,or ia no�ified by any govemmentel or rcguletory auihority, that I r���'�y . <br /> ]'rrn -- eny rcmovul or other rcmedininn of any Hamrdous Substence offce�ing the Propeny fs necessery.Borro�ver ahall promptly take "- ,t� v _ -. <br /> `�3"' ' ell naessary remodid ectlons in accordence with Environmcmel Law. S��f;,�-�L>���.� - " <br /> � -i ar�;;; As uud in�his pamgmph 20.'Heurdoua SuMtonces'arc thau sub+tonms defined as roxic or hvardom subs�anca 6y �?+�°��ry��••�v,:--.� <br /> �... �� Ci -s��i -_ <br /> �i� 7 r�' Envimnmemel L¢w and [hc iailawing su6s�enccs: guwlina kcmxnc, o�ner fiumnwide a� taaic- 'ytG'vieu�pr..s. :cx�. Fr- . . <br /> � r av'Mf3���-� <br /> �,�� t, pcsticides and hetbicidca,valahlc mirents,matcrials mn�aining ubes�os or formalJchydc,end rndioaaive meterials.As uud in ����,�n . <br /> � u it Ihis parag'apA 20, 'EnvironmcNai Ln�v' mcanx tedeial lews and Imvs af tlu Jurisdiaion �vlxre d�c Pmpc�ty ie laated thet ��t s��x�yp„ � <br /> ��°i��,> rclete to heal�h,safe�p or environmemel pm�a�ion. �f{���r`; t� 'r=-- <br /> NON-UNiFORI�t COVCNAN7'S. liorrowcr und Lcndcr Ponhcr covcnum and ngrcc as follo�vs: t, � a.1 <br />�-.?in"?���: 11.Attrleratlon;Remedle�.Lender■hell give nntice to Om•m�ver pdor tn ecceleretion follo�ring 6orro�rer's brcach ; �� �;rs�^`si;- <br /> i";; of any mreoant ar agreement In thi�Sreurlty In+trument (6ut not prinr ta eccetereqon under paregraph 17 untec� �y',tiry,�.f,��'?- <br /> v� r" applicable lew provides othenrise).The�m�ice ahall apeclty: (a)�he detoul�: (b)the ecdon rcqulred to wre the defeul�; t�� _-�t�iYy� ��' <br /> o' n' (c)e dntq not Im tAan 30 da e from�he dnte the no�lce i. Iven tu 6orm�rer,b �rhlch lhe default must be wred:and `--� f �r -� <br /> ���� (� thet failure ro cure the defaull on or Aefnrc the date spectfled �n ti�e nntlee mny resull in ecceieratlan of the sum+ ��ri4+.'t�F� ' '- <br /> s,�j,1��' ctcurcd by thla Secudty Insttummt and wic of ihe Property. The nottce shall Nrll�cr Infom� Oorron'er of the dght lo _,..��"? ti ��s , -- <br /> �4 , ' � rcfnstnte eRer acceleretlon end �he rlµht lo bring e court actlun to ek�ert tl�c namexlstena oi u default ar nny other � :u�h � +:�r� � <br /> -x��{Y�> Lendeq at 6lter ptlant meycrequl e"(mn edlote pnyni nt lo N I�af all sun s accuredrby Ihty Secudtylnstmment MtA ut < <�Sf�.�, i�� 1����- <br />� �,r.«._ar-1� Nrther demend end may Invoke thc po�ser of wle and nny othcr remedia by eppIicable Imr.I.ender shall be �?�•j���'°�-,�T�'��`.�,'''�"'� <br />""•"r��; entltled to mllecl ell expensee Incuned fn punufng Uw remediev proHded In this pnmgrnph 21,including,but not Ilmlted �`::�;:;_''''���ze�.z�;,�• <br /> �t;lq, '; to,rexwnoble atforaeyu' fca and coxta af Iillr evidence. S5i -� �� -� <br /> � � If thepo�ver of sale B Inroked.TruRCe shnll record x nntice of de�ault In exch comuy In a�hich tny purt of the e - `�� n 4;�� -- <br /> ;,;�.; Properiy Is IaceteA end ahell mall rople�of such nollce In lhe nwnner pracrlbed b�•appllrnble luo-to Borwnxr and to .,,,�v;�_,�'�y} ��:;�. <br /> ., _t: the other petwm prexerihed by appllcable lew.ARer Ihe Iimc reyulrcA b��epplicnblr la�r.Tn�aee shaii glre publie notice s ',%r �r, E `;Y��- <br /> � . L� Ihe�Properly atepublie auclfon to he�hl�h t bidder t,the tlme mtd pl¢ce nd midcr ihe�tem�s dccignatedrin�the notice of �� ��'3�t��� "-. <br /> � <br /> } ";; sale h�one or mnrc parce6 and In am-order Trustee dcterndncx.Tmhhe mxy{xistpone sele of ell or any parcel af the -- --�f'+��4 mt) �:. <br /> � - �-{i Roperly by publlc annnnncemem at the tlme and plum af an�� prcrlanclr scheduled wla IAnder or lu dexignce mey _ ` �`y <br /> i��X'� ;.;� purchese ihe Properl}�xt am Snie. r-� ;y.y'�,�� r � <br /> �.�,Y�.�.- .n � :y,:u.�F¢ <br /> ,'.i'. <br />'.lyili'.�_t.-.:' .�f�x[- . <br /> liy'lS.._''�'�.' " _ <br /> ::5. ' <br /> (��`''������ io�m3028 8190 <br /> 1� +� qSmR ` • • <br /> l� ' t <br /> ' C <br /> - � <br /> � t "��-a'c�1Hf°�'•�I-'!`in .`.7?YrRV ruS��}rq.v�w-.:...-...,,. ,_.�..- .. -.y_�...,�.._..;��f,,�--_ ,� <br /> 5` ..J.,. , , f't•1�'J:.;{i �1F-'� :i:i�;'f. <br /> z� �:....tIt � _ . _ . . . q i _ . <br /> ��`' Id _ . . " .. - � • . . <br /> Y\ y \. 1- t�. .. . ' —. ' _ . <br /> i ,.:'. <br /> � � �.: 'h'. . . ._ . .. . . <br />. .-J. .�. ._ - - <br /> - a�."r _ .., . . <br /> .i�il ._ y'= �'� :�k•i...q��:_ . . <br /> i.'� ':S=L - . � . � . <br /> y � : 1_ � �_. . . <br /> � �.��;!!�(t n . . . . <br /> .�t�t . <br />. ..�; .. ....'..i�..'... .�. . - _ <br /> y�:�1. ..•�- � _ . . . . <br /> �F:`. . . .. . <br /> -.� i`]n�� t -.i . .. � . - ' � � ' • . <br /> y i ?_} !? _ . . . . <br /> '� <br /> A J � .. . . . _ . . , . <br /> �1 { ! 1..i. - J- � 1 -t � � .. . <br /> Tr` n � . __� __ . . . . <br /> i � � 'i r <br /> +.f � �� 1 . . .. ! :-'i l <br /> : � � t�7 V -�t.31 � t � .i '� i � - _ <br /> . .. . . .. , . . ., . . _ . .. . - . . _ . . _ .. .. . , ��,. __ . . ."�' . . . ._ . ._. . <br />