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' L�3�tj _ �� . :r �-., . � : f.'.. t � � �� .£ i � <br /> + '` _- + . ,\' . ..._ . .�'' .��� M�}�� h .:. "- .a 1 � � . <br /> __ . 1 �'R9�� _ ( : <br /> '' TOpR'l`ItBje WYPF!�tf�tw 4nyroGemEn�.g noidi or herutt�t eiateA ort t1�a prop;ny.ied tll auameuu.�pp�itt��at(d�`4 <br /> :;Naturol r1aS� or 3��CaRer'Ap�bf 2he PrDp.e,Rcy. All �epieoements nnd'aAdit(ons +�it also Do oovored 4y tets$��liy, 't. , <br /> T.._ . � _ ..� ... _, -.- <br /> ' iwtmN��nlfa�ticsfargot�i§ref�tt'�.iiofn@ls3ewHqrlitsuum�itss�Me Pao�;ttY. ; <br /> _ 80riROV�8t1 CoYBNANT9�hui 8okcwtr b IawBdIY k�ac�ol the�S1ato Aertliy donvey(d�hbt tAb ilght to 8�1� ._----- <br /> -- eonvaY'�e�O�tlr eod!►�aF 1de Prcpeaty i�unenain�ted,exapt[or enwrtAronces ot raoord.So��er wurenn anet wIU <br /> ' . dcfendglnera11y1U'eNUetothoPr6peity�gatnstellclatm+endQcmmMa,wbJeGloanyenamDrenusofrcaord. � .;,: - <br /> TFI18 BBCURY�'Y[N811iUMIINf oomDlnea unitomi ooyenants Por npUonal uso end non•uniform covenante wlih Iimltod <br /> vaileqoa�b'y JudsdlcUon to comttmte a untform uadry insuument covedng rtal property. <br /> - ' `-` �� UMFORM COYBNANTS.Bbrrower xnd(.ca0cr eovcnen�cnd agrca as fuAowc <br /> . __.�__. 1. Payment ot pdacipll ahd f�ta� frcy�pmeat�ad I.pte(Rvga.Dorrower elull peomp�ry pty wheadue•Ne F <br /> pdnci i ot end Intereat on tho debt cvidcnood by tho Note end eny prepa�yment and leta diarges dua undulho Note. <br /> _. �F�md+tor Twca ond Incorana.bLlyea ro epplicabte Iew or�o e m(ttcn wafvcr by l�nda,QOIIOWCf 6I19U�y f0 <br /> l.c�MCr on iho day monthly paymenU aro Jue undu tha Not0.until tAe Nota le pald�n fL11,e sum('FuM+')Por:(n)ytufy tenp <br /> ead essessmenu wNch may attain priorlry over Ihfi Socurity insbumwt m a Ilen on the Propeny;@)YearlY lmuhold paymenu <br /> "` "'� or rouM rena on the Pro it propeny tnsumnx premiwro;(d)yeady flaod insurence promlumb <br /> 6 pqty, a�ry:(a)Ycedy hezard or —° r _ _ <br /> it eny;(e)yeady mortgage Inmrenc+e pttmiuma,It eny;end(�nny sums peyable by Bortowu to Lander.ln exoNanee�vttA <br /> -- the provlatoro o(paragreph 8,in Hw otthe payment of mongago Insumnoe ptemiums.Thtao I�cmti aro alled'Bserow Itertn.' <br /> Lcnda may, et eny qme, collea nnd Mld Punds in an emount not ta execeA Ne maximum emwnt s leader for e fadcraliy <br /> __—_ related mortgege loan may«quiro for Borrower'e acrow aaount undcr the toderol Real 0srero Settlement Proadnrot Act of <br /> ' t974 a�amended frbm Hmo ro timo, 12 U.S.C.SeMion 2601 a s�q. ('RE9PA'),unless another law that applles to�tho�Pu�de <br /> ea�a lumr�mount. If w, Lendcr may,ec eny time,wllat�nd hotd Punda in an emount not�o eaoced tho Iwu amount. <br /> � - --- Lendu mny estimate the emount of Punda duc on lhe baat�of curtent deW and rcasonable ut(me�a of oxpuditurw oPfitNrc °'°�- � - <br /> �� Bscrow Item+or othuwise In a000rdence wIN applicable law. <br /> m`v� The Pu�ul.i shall he held In an ins�ltution whose deposite ere Insured by � kderal egency, Insttumenteifry, or enNry ____ <br />-_.;:,�;:_'`,� <br /> -_----- pncluding i.ender,if Lendu la wch nn instltuNon)or In eny Foded Home Loen Oank.I.ender�hall npply tho Pund�ro pay the _ <br /> � �� ' &crow Itcm�.Lender mey not chnrge Bortower for Aolding and epplyfng tha Fund�,ennually arialyzing�he eserow e000unt,or - <br /> .�l.,��t verifying tho Hurow I�emn,unlw I.endu paya Hortowu interest on the Punde end epplicabla law petmiro I.ender to ntake wch -- <br /> _.�=.tyr,..�',- a charge.However,l.ender msy rcquirc Qortowcr to pay a one-tlme charge for en indepcadent rcal estete�ex reponing arvice <br />—' i'JS'.-S�` used by Lender im m�necUon with thi� toan, unlw eppllcable law provldp othe�vise. Unless an ngrcemmt I� made or <br /> �-��t�'i'i"-�' 8eahle law uira intcrat to ba id,Lender ahall not bo uired�o Hortower en Intcrat or eemin �on ide Punds. '- <br /> -';:f3�:;ta• , aPP rc9 DB re9 PeY Y 8 -- <br /> �a,•xr•�*�,:;�; Horcower and Lendar mey egra in wdting,however,that interest�hall be paid on the Funda. Lcnder shall gWe to Bortower, _ <br />��-:,;h;t;,v':;�i�; wlthout cherge,an annual ecoounNng of the Funds.ahowing crcdiee end debtu ro the Punda end�he poryose for which each ___ ___ <br />, �> '--, dWit to Ihe FunOa wes maAe.7re NunGt me pleGgeti ea edditionai«curity tor uli wrtu seavlou by�hia Savrity imiiuii�ii. -_ ---°--- <br /> i, ' � S"�;� If�he Flmds hold by Lender excttd the amountn pertniued ro be held by applicable law. I.ender shall aaount ro Borrower __ _ <br /> �r� ." for�he exceu Runds in eccordana with iho rcquircmenu of appliable lew. If the emount of�he Funds held by Lender et eny r, <br /> � �' � �i` iime is not su�elent ro pay�ho Eserow items when due,I.ender may ao notify Oorrower in wri�ing.end,in such case Oorto�ver � � - <br /> i'r���'`3�"� shall [o Lcndcr�ho emount nxesse to make u �Ae dcficlenc . Bortowcr shell meke u �ho defieimc tn no morc than ��`k�7��' <br /> � �k}^k{a•, PBY 7 P Y P Y E�;. ._ <br /> " { �-;', twelve nwnlhly paymonte,at Lcnder'a sale discretion. kx; r'_' <br /> `�r y�4-,f,i; Upon pnyment in PoII of all sun�s secured by ihii Securiry Inswnxne, Lender shall promptly rcfund to Borrower eny Y,; ,L�r���: <br /> r� . hv�; Funds held by Lender.If,under paragraph 21, Lender shall ecquirc or xll�he Property,Lender,pdor�o�he ecqulsitlon or aele lc;4E .3" � <br /> .,i;;4.:,'�c;4q� of the Propony,aheil apply any Funda hcld by Lender et the timo o(ucqufsition or cale m a credit aguinst�he sums secured by ;��_t�,,���.���i',�..- <br /> '�* °"-.ri �hia Saurity Insuument. ��•9 „h�?�:. <br /> �;E�ff � i;} 3.Applicetion of Poymenta.Unlcss eppliwblc law providex othcrwisc,nll paymcnts rcaived by Lender under p�ngrophe �v Zf -� fi;: <br />. _7t_ti..,.,,�^�> 1 and 2 ahall he epplied:fin�,�o any prcpayment chxrges due under�he Nate: secand, to unwunts paynbie under pangreph 2: 1�bi'{fJ' t� '" <br /> ,�,� i q�t�-:,, third,�o interext dua founh,io principal due:ond lai�,m ony late churges duc m�der the Note. i`r's��„' a}A'� <br /> t'��-:s�-i'��. 4.Chxrgp; I.lent. Oortower xhall pey ull�eza,assessnun�s.ciiarges. �na and impositions attribuwble to thc Property >'���a�h�� `.' <br /> ,�v._s °y"Y which mny ettnin priority over this Securi�y Inswment, and IenseLold paymems or grounei rcms, if eny. Ilorrower shall pay .�r.t;r���'� .. <br /> ._.�(�s'tt._•., .1�V � +$Yt-..;• <br /> - `r,�f� these obligntions in�hc mnnncr providcd in paragraph 2.or if nnt p�iJ in�ha�manncr. Uorrower shall pay�hem on timc dircctly ;�,, j}� �� <br /> :*.:r:=r-!.�o-� ro Ihe raon o�red � mem. Borrower shall rom d fumish�o l.ender all noticex of nmounts m 6e aid under�his �ra m h _f�} r n, - <br /> y -?,t!� P� RY P P )' P � P 8 P � ,,: y�� ,�M;-�: <br /> " �'t-- - 1(Bormwer makes�ht�t paynunts direclly,&+rmwer shall prnmplly(umish ta Isnd.r reccipt+eviJencing�he paymm�u. '., , t <br /> �t�i4 V��_ Bnrtower shall pmmp�ly d't.uharge any lien�vhich hu priority over Ihis Securi�y InsW mem unlesv Borrowee(a)agrees in '�,�� tr'r �. <br /> "4; -,� writing tn�hc payment ot the obligntion xrureJ by the lien in a munner aa�cptuble�n I.enJcr.(b)mntcsts in gnod tai�h the lien �,,- � '��� ' <br /> z 1 �i��' by, or defends against enforaroment o(the licn in. Icgal praceding. �vAich in �he Isnder'c npiniun opere�e �o prcvem �he __-;r� ., ?Sp_ <br /> f '•,�•� enforcemem of the lien:or(cl xecura from�he halder o(thc lien an agrcement.��i.facton�to Lender subordinaling Ihe lien to :.,, ,.;" <br />, �1StiG�:.:�5.`� Ihis SCtv�il fnswmem. If LenJer decemiina t6at am m�f the Pro nr i..uh'cc� to a licn��hich ma auain riorit mer l�"�-'�...�:..!�t..-` <br /> v .. Y Y P� IM J Y ' P Y � <br /> a S - = this Security Inslrumem. Leuder mny gice IArtraucr a nntice idenlikinF Ihc licn-&rtrn�rer+hall Ihe lien nr lake one or ?�. <br /> � v<i- �:; rtia�t o(Ihc aciianx sCt fohh ubovc within 10 dac..A Ihc g�emg nf nnli�r. �; f,'a' i . <br /> �t +�t`( Form3028 B190 ;%�if�lij{�1 . <br /> 1 . � .> <br /> .:r\;? rw>.✓• ��y��.. <br /> f >w,-_' ' !r <br /> {� :�1, _''/f?5.. <br /> _ ' '�N� . ":i.'-)�':7J��:;'_ <br /> � 4� � �.�i� L vr-:i.GG >.: fxlT'^� . t._ " _. . r � .. c _ � tl Y_' 1nY"� Rti <br /> !� � <br /> � r' ',1� � 't J 7. � . .'" � -� . . � <br /> i- 4: r - - - . . .. <br /> :� i . ..:,. ' - � <br /> - . . _ . . . -:. <br /> ., _ � ..- -�.1 � <br /> _n_. .. --rr- , , . . . . , _ ,_� ... <br /> - � ] � --- .. =lr�-.. _ _ - -_ .— _' _ ' — _. <br /> f- t`F F S �'{:� [ 1�A , .. I. . _ .5� _ _ <br /> E . -. Y) � - T- J � - - _ <br /> �i I "- <br /> 1 -.�} �/ . � L . Y - �i� � _ . ., _ <br /> e 1 < . . .1�_ 1 v .i . � t . _ <br /> ?t tr "�i-`.,,,� r r:J ,t�� ; ', � ' ' • - � ' . <br /> � V �i4 'ir t4 i� - _ i �� i t is � . ' , ' . <br /> � .. S . _6 � � �. � l" :rt - . . <br /> -.;.`�.� �� :Y; _ i �. .' . _. ' . At '.i� � - i �� . ._ . <br /> .S; t x _ �. `r .y. � ' �� + _ ' "_ <br /> hlc. a .t t - _ i •. �- t -- r� , . i f - -'- . <br /> 5' f�. + � _ f_ � {\ . . _ � ; . _ _ <br /> S �' ^ } � L <br /> 3 j_`�1 �Yy t S 5 - n -- - '-.- > � �t �S <br /> �y, . 1! � t � r - )�' ii `r 5 i[ J . � <br /> ✓ J'k, e� �"r t t._.) s ,,.P r --r, '� ' c t . <br /> `1�- .1 r r � -`!(}J � �n �' 4 C �� i -t �� � a - i'. <br /> .4. .., d ) .. ._. . [� ,....:! .. �w . 4 .n. . .. i . .. .. . . :� i)F . . � r , �:�a .. . <br />