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•.i: '_=5"!i� 1. v.,J v r'-r�j'•:�.�.�t i� r-i.l+� hf V}m��(7`vett..� . . .. <br /> - ( L7(. � �7�W'il 3 t :b-'�:;J L^} J � �� i�u..uais=. ... . _ — .�— _� . — ....f._ _... .. <br /> z-� IY �" <br />.-- <br /> _ 93°��0.4lD�i.� __ . _ <br /> oftate�andtheWe,Indudingthepn7mantoftAe7Yu�tee4heeac1ua11y1ncurrod,nottoexceM �•0 S6ot <br /> tM pr�ntips1 amouet ot IAs aaie at Ihe time o1 l{it decieratlon o}ddeuit,onA reaaonabte nttomep'feea a� ermitted _ __ <br /> - by lawl N)to ell sumv eecured by thb 8ecurlry inslrumentt an0(c)ony ezow l01he person or pe�sone IegalPy eaNtled <br /> -�- Io1G �------ <br /> l2. Reconreyance. Upon paymem ot ell eums accmed by U�i�Sccudty Iniimmem,Lender ehall request 7Fuatee to -- <br />-= raonvoy Ne Ropeny end�haU�urnnder�AI�3ecndly Inswment end nll notea oridencing debt secured by�hh Suuriry <br /> -� fnswmem to'Rustx. 7iustw�hall reconvey Iho Property whhout wnrtamy end wiihou[charga ro the penon or penoro -_ . <br /> Iegally entitled to It. Such penon or penon��hell pay any rcardetion wsu. <br /> = ]3. BuDslttute 1Yustee. Lender,ut h�optlon.may from Ilmo to�Imo rcmove 7Nstco end appoint a�ucaswr uuatec ro _ <br />'- '-' eny 7tus�to eppolntW heteundu by an inswmem reaorded In tho oounty in which thi�Seeurity Instrument is recorded. =°°�- - - <br /> Without conveyence o!Ne Aroperty.tho euceeaor tmstco ahall�uoxed [o all tho tiqe, power and duqes conferted upon __ _ <br />:�;,; 7Ns�ee Aercin and byappIlcablo law. �?.;v--_=_ <br /> - 1A. Requst tor Noqoes. �orto�ver requesu�hn copics of tho nodcoa oidoteult end�ele bo cene�o Hortowerl eddrcse .�� - <br /> whieA i�tlro Propaty Address. � -• <br /> i9 15. R}dere to thb 8ecurity Imtrummt. If one or moro ridon are oxauted by Bortower end rccrorded Iogelher wltA ��„a ,_ <br /> thts Secwity Tmwmen4 iha wrenwns�and o8reemtn�c of ench such rider ahetl be InwryoretW imo nnd sAall omend and �a,^_-.� <br /> -�e eupptsmeu�the core�unu md ngcements of�hia Secudty Insuument as if the rideKe)werc a part of�his Secudty Insuument. � <br /> � � [Lhat tpplieable box<es)1 � <br /> � '��t <br /> �Adjusteblo Roie Rider �Condominium Rider �1-4 Family Rider ��'� _ <br /> ��� <br /> �Graduated Payment Rider �Planned Unit Development Rider �Biwcekly Pxyment Ridtt = <br /> _ rry <br /> _ �Rellaon Ridcr �Rate Improvement Rider �Seeond Home Rider ►{} �i„ , <br /> ° �i�� t <br /> _ �o�her(e)[�pecify� IICKNOW.EOGfAENT, ASSIGNfAENi OF RENTS .:` ''s' . <br /> - +',.;5�!.,., <br /> ` BY SIONINa BBIAW,Bortower accepu and egreea io the terms end covenenu comeined in thia Sceudty Instrument :_ 1j ' <br /> .::%`� �end In eny ddeqs)executed by raordW wi�h it. �' " <br /> -i.,::t•�;r- <br />-- �1 (( ��i y �.- <br /> ;:'.7 WINEa506: �� ` ��.F '� '_. <br /> \`T �.t,�''1 <br /> � � -.� .-,.i,,._.-. <br />`::)-`� ' SCOtt D. LEISI Efl •nom�cu) `r:'`�•{u�. <br /> �•J.f: <br /> Social3ecudty Numbcr �608-88-0683 _(�,1�, � ... <br /> -�� l.sJ (Seap �,cj+5` 1 f� . <br /> i-�� M. LEIS��—_-- •Oo�er � �� - <br /> '� 505-90-1093 �' � �y f ` <br /> lel Secudry Number ;�vt1�i[� .. <br /> STA780FNBDRASKA, HALL Countyaa: 4k4S<< <br /> .��• 5:>>�neST'Z : <br /> . p, 4 <br /> f�� On thia 27 Si dey of 11PRIL 1993 ,beforc me,the undcnigned,a Notary Publie �,Jr�}^,,� � <br /> i+� dutywmmiuionedendqualifiedtoraeidwunty.peraanallyceme SCOTT D. LEISINGER RND JOIIN f7. LEISINGER ;„�. r y <br /> 'p� HUSBAND AND WIFE .ro me known�o be�he �:: ';_ <br /> � idenricat persons(q whose nemKs)erc suburibed to the foregoing instrument end acknowlcdged the execution thereof w �J �� - <br />.,.is� ye THEIR voluntnryatenddeed. r.),.;:.y.,:.;;� <br /> -_�;,� Witnessmyhandendnoterfalaealut GR11ND ISLRND, NEBRRSKO inseidrnunty,ihe �;;,.�,x„{:,�-_ <br /> = deteeforeaeid. (��p��K - v�'r � <br /> �-.] MyCommissionexpires pgp�µL 'rw-- <br /> - Oo�a Ihv.t3.1fl6 wowrwuK >'.�R, <br /> :�.._s. ,._, <br /> ���a RECONVEYANCE � ti41����[-•. <br /> v <br />•;aii 7'OTRUSTEE: �:n;::;n-:.y;'_:�. <br /> 'Ihe undersignW is�he holder of ihe no�e or noms secured by this Deed of 7}us�. Said noce or notes,together with all �3� <br /> �� o�her indebtednev ucured by tAie DeeA of 71ust,have been paid in full. Yon are hercby dirccted w ca�rcd seid note or�roms ;: u <br /> and tAia Detd of Thut,which nrc delivered hercby,and to rcconrey,wiiM1ow wertnmy,all�he es�ate no�v hetd by you under F' <br /> ;� thia Dad ot7Fust ro[he person or persons legally cnti�led thercto. � <br /> , � t <br /> ,� Date: — + � <br /> Farm JOle fN0 r J Mt �' <br /> 'r.� ry,(t6n6 nl 1� ...,::_ <br /> �1'3.. <br /> k�::.,._; <br /> �^;"�.."""":1;,,�C"%�a�"TT_'.. '_FC,'C'."T':"_ ' yc:" . '. 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