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` - kt_�__._^�" �cr�^'=-= . � : <br /> _ �_ ... .�,.�-- <br /> .�1 . - y` r r i ._ - _ <br /> 4��Q���'- s �; <br /> . epp1lceDle tew moy speeity for rcinstatemem)Ootora�alo ot�he Propeny punuent to my povicr ot eolo anmalned In thl� . �, <br /> � gieurlty[nsuumenq a(b)rntry of n JuAgment cntorNng thla Bccuriry Inst�ument 7hose wndf�to�u efo Not Domowo►: (e) . ,. ^^ <br /> paye Lender all eurtu whlch Nen would bo fi+o under�hla 8ecurlty Nstrument arA ��o Noto�� If no aocote�atlon hpd <br /> ---- <br /> oaumd;@)eurcs eny dcfautt of any o�hcr cvvennnis or hgrttnxnu;(c)peyi nU expenaee Incurred in enforcing thla Becudry T---�---- <br /> InsWment,ineluding,but no�Ilmited to, reasonnblo ettomayP feca:ond(d)�eke��uch actlon e�Londer mny rcazona ty - <br /> requiro to assuro Nat�he Iicn otthla Savriry InstNmen4 LcnderY riphu In tho Propetty md Bortovrcrl obligatlon lo poy�ho <br /> � wms eecuted by �hla 8wudry Instrumcnt shall continua unchenged. Upon relnatnremrnt by 6orrawer, �hl� 9ccud�y <br /> - Inswment and�ho obligatlon�eecurcA AcrcEy�Aeli rcmeln Nliy ettective na It no accoleretlon had occvned. HoweveR thU <br /> " dght to rcinstate ehall na eppiy in thc case of ecccicreAon undcr pamgaph 19. _ <br /> ° IA Bak of Noty Chsnga oi Loan�e►rlcer. 'ITe NWa m apuU al Intcrcn in Ne Note qoge�hcr wi�h thfe Security —�� <br /> — Insuumenq max bo�oid one or moro tlma wi�hout pdor notica ro Borrowoe A seto may rceult In e chengo In tho cmlty <br /> -__- " (known u tha taan Servlaf)Nat eoliecu�AbntLty paymenu due under tho Noro and�hta 9ecurity InawmeN. 7Lero atw <br /> -~ mey bo ona or more changea ot tho Lan&ervker unrclated to a�alo of tha Noro. It thero Is a chmgo ot�Ao Loar�Scrvlar. - <br />-�s-� Bortower wlll ba given wri�trn notico of the chenge tn aceordana with peregreph 14 above end eppl(cable Iaw. 7Le nolico - <br /> L'� wIU etete�he neme end�ddrese ot the now Loan Servittr end�he eddrcu�o wAlch pnymenu�hould be mada. The notleo wlll -- <br />- `- also con�aln any other intomv6on requUed by appticable law. -=_ --.---� <br /> '� 20. Hazardou�SuDstapcea. Bortower shall not ceuw or permit t�e prcxnce,uae,diapose6 storaga,or rcleaso of any <br /> '` � Huerdou�SuWtenoc�on or in 1he Property. Bortower ahell na da nor allow anyone elu to do,enylh(ng etfccWa�he <br /> ,;F� Property that i�in viola8on of any 8nvironmemal Lew. 7Le prcecding two sentences shall not eppty to Ne presence,ux,or _ <br /> ��r,^ s�orege on the Propeny o(small quanGtiee of Hazerdom Subs�anm that vc genefalty recogniud to be appropriete to nnrmal . <br /> - residential uses and to mein[enance of Ne Popefty. �� �^` - <br /> r-a Bortower fixll prompdy give Lender writttn notice of eny inves�igation,claim,demand,lawsuit or oiher action by eny -- <br /> „�� govemmeNal or rcgulatory egency or private puty involving the Prcpeny end any Haznrdow Substarrce or Pnvironmental `-� .. <br /> +ri La�v of which Bnrtower ha+ ecwat knowledge. If Borrower Iearn�. or is naified by nny 6oremmentel or rcgularory � <br /> '" .� eulbority,�bet eny removal or mhcr rcmediation of eny Hazardous Subs�ance aftadng thc Propeny is necessary.Bonower ����• <br /> ��,� shell promptly teke ali necea+ary remedisl actiom in acrnrdance wi�h Envtronmenwl l.ew- �j4 <br /> „xn,� As uxd in this pxragreph Y0,"Hezardous Subs�anees"ere�hose subslnncrs defined aa toxic or hasArdous suAsunces by „ St+r - <br /> .aoH�;� Envimnmental Law nnd�he Pollowing substancex: guoline,kerosene,other Oammable or�oxic pe�miwm producu,roxic t�,�T 3:- <br />-.==;?nj;9 pesticidea end herbicidu, volatiie solvema,mmerials contnining nsbec[os or fmmaldehyde,nnd redioec�ive meteriale. As }5,r»wA,�:.-_ <br /> �- "��+� uscd in thie paregraph 20,"Envimnmemel l.ew'mexns fedcml laws nnd laws o(IAe judidiclion where Ihe Property is located Lf { i- <br /> n+ �, that rclett ro heelth,aa(cty or environmemal protec�ion. ,:+ ��'�� <br /> ��- NON•UNIFORM COVENAN7'S. Bortower nnd Lendcr funher eovenant md agree es follows: t �«�Y s=�- <br /> "`.+t�� 21, Acceltretlons Remedies. I.ender ehall give notitt ro Barro�rer prior to aaeleratlon following Uorrower'� .�,.` ' •`--- <br /> �:l,n9� � �1>;,"'K•��:" <br /> "��«��� breach of any mvenant or agrament In ihls Secudty[nstrument(but not pdor to etteleretlon under pawgrapb l7 :,�,..;�;_.... <br /> '� `;' unlw oppl Icable laa providea othenvLse). The notice shali apecity: la)the deteulp(b)the eetloo required ro wre the ,.� r'� � ' <br /> -� '^ defaullt(c)a date,tlot leas Ihan 30 daye trom�he dete Ihe nollce G glven to Qorro�rer,by�vhtch thr default must be _ - <br /> --�,' curedl¢nd(d)thet fellure to cure the default on or Cefon tne dets specined in ihe notice mar reeuti In acz�ztieat7���at ft{ it-:,-; <br /> 5�t: ihe wm�eecured by thia 8ecurlly In+irument and wle o►the Property. The notice ahell Nrther inform Rorro�ver ot j ; ;- <br /> r.�;� iha rlght to relnatnte aRer ntceleruilon ond the dght to bdng n court actlon to esert the non•exislence of u defeull nr � p�� .t•:"' <br />. i� 'a any other dekme of Iiorrmrer tu uaelernlfm�and xale. If lhe deNull U not cured on ar 6efore Ihe dete speeltied In ' --'��-� <br /> .. �r., <br />� t;:g��� Ihe nolice,l.ender et Ita optlan muy requlre hnmedlale pu7mmt In NII otall cums secured by�hls Saurity Instrument ";s::r��!y'«�� <br /> :,..t:itG.4::.. <br /> althoul Nrther demond and may Invoke lhe po�rer oi sole und eny other remediea permitttd by applteeDta la�r. :�,}i,;^g;.,<s•;_�_ <br /> �• I.ender shail be entl�led to collec� ell expense� Ineurred in purm�ng Ihe remedtes prorlded In thls paragrop6 21. = -= -. <br /> ' -� Intluding,but not Iimited ta reusoneble atlorneye'feen nnd m�tx of Utle evidence. �.-�r i t �- <br /> ��Y,�� If lhe power of�ele L+Inroked,7Yustee shall record a no��ce of detaull in each munty In ahkh aoy part of the � is�i ,,. <br /> Properly b loeated and ehall mail wplea of xuch notice In tAe manner prescdbed by opplicebie law to Qorrower end to � r���,,:� <br /> -`, r;;, fhe olher persore preaeribed by xpplicable Ia�r. Aflcr Ihe tlme required by applicnble la�r.Truste xhall gire publk <br /> notice ot eele lo the peraom nnd in Ihe menner prescribed by applicabte laiv. 7}uxtea althwt demand on Dorroxeo e`f t %•- <br /> � ahall sell the Property et public aucHon ro the hlghext bldder et tM1e time end place nnd under the tenn+dealgnated in j �,f,_-,�;,,' <br /> a _,� Ihe notice of sele In one or more pxrcels and In eny order 7Yustee detenninee. 'Ifustee may postpone sele of all or eny s r �-� <br /> percel of the Property by pu611c annnnneement nt Ihe tlme end place ot nny prevlouslr seheduled sole. Lender or Its �p�.,,� -< <br /> +r+�'^' desl nee ma urchase Ihe Pro erty e1 en sale. tn -� <br />��';'�ii" �U on retDel t ot avment af ihe dce bld.7}u�1ee shell delirer tu Ihe purchaser Truslee'x deed com�cying the � "�'lliu-;`-� <br /> �- t' .` Pmperty. The rceltntiln 1M1e 7Yu�Yrek deed sholl be prima tacie eridence of Ihe Irulh of the statemen4+made theretn. }i`r r,y�y;,;:= <br /> -;'k:;;;; 7Yustee ahall appiy Ihe proceedx uf�he rale In Ihe folluofnA���der: (al to nIl cus[Y and ezpensea uf exereising tAe po�rer / ;�'{�:�-.- <br /> +�..c :r%�ife.�i:.:i�: <br /> _t�. J.p -: . <br /> _ ,/ 1i � �/+' <br /> Fi�F� il.,�.,�..." <br /> - :�]'. ``�Y±. <br /> r ! <br /> � . � F <br /> {{' �3_ ��« <br /> .._1_: i�y; <br />, .Y1 lism70111 V111 qr�era..�np�er <br />. - .;�K .. _ . <br />. r:ti".x .. <br /> .i7` <br /> _ _ _ i_ ; <br /> .-,.—_ _„_..—' <br /> . .�;�{-;"_'r . : ., . ... :_ ._ _._- .., - - . . . .. . - -��. r- '.I" . . i i T:*^SC"'.r. .... <br /> .. .. .,_ .. . � -� .. ....�_. t'_} <br /> t- .4 -.r.. . . . <br /> �:G't i-S'r,, . . . . <br /> ;aL-�--�"-• ' ___. <br /> ' - <br /> 5ffl � e ._ - - .-r . . - . <br /> i r , <br /> : �. <br /> �y, � <br /> cZF, t��,,_ " <br /> _ _,,,.r`.... ,.,.'. _ . . <br /> , -` - _';^{ -- .. . - <br /> 1 YlA:4 sfl.. � . . . <br /> (�� <br /> ) t t�It: - � . .. . . <br /> � t�� . tY l <br /> 1 <br /> Y��. _tlit J �51 y� �- t� _ . l . . <br /> �� -'rs${ �� r� ` t .5 Sh� �i� ' �� <br /> �t t `5 , <br /> > 1 y �i p ,/ , ' ! ' <br /> _ � <br /> � i _ "' S � �.< ,P �� a ' � . # . <br /> ,. . .JC . . . 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