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,� � _...T.�--..t >-- � . t4j .. -. . _� :.�': •� �.� t.'f� r _. '_ ' rg_ ... �1rt,�'it!/j��i 5 r y��f�. <br /> Y �_l}a� - rj i, �, - � -:� • * _ -A!'31G�7f�ENT'�FqL�N18`hIGEtY . -;i `.7aa����+' ����r�Cn � .-.-_.. .__.. <br /> � `3, ,`:t ;� -' � Ys S.n•a <br /> ft�I8A88�DNN�ENYQ�f�ENTdf��P€ptsdiiQi;Andexacutdd�hl6�A�Yo�p,-«�?�'':(��"�te .Y;° <br /> r. Inr,�rqdittr0lntQ�rfd�i��IiGEampdfba�nQiRWWApI�m�r�lh� OrtOt� �f, g}fluat,tt4Y�In�tIOJ»t�rr 1a�atf��.n, r <br /> �'8eburii�In�t�1ment1 v1 ti�'e eim141te pNer!by ths Snq��a1pn10;�etelnaftu ro(1rtaA to u 4he"�P�1N"�S���Il�;;; ` <br /> ,: . ,08r(6V!!i"4111tl161�4Aa�RI.n�f(i[fitb�fOd(�A�ifi�"Fiflld�flVli��pi'�Yi��.M�'�w�1��7��j}r�ur�e ��nRM�i I�NAh + � . _. .. <br /> � �: :.GRfiNRIBUiNp h+(11!��tternfercedloA"sAM�9.amNrSotth��em�dat��n�cop�rlP9�MD ok41!�9��cr pe�lnEh,�B�dvrit� '" r c---- <br /> 1ni�Nminfo'na�ooaj9Pet: . ". , " • ., <br /> y,� � • ' BA88 IiOAp�,.¢Rawn ia�eti �NE 809M . —� � • <br /> ' • ivro�onr naaraaf ' .. � , <br /> �u.� WIINESSEtH: , <br /> �, WH�qel�e,Borrower and lencer�aYa pOread t�at any rents and protlte atteEUtaDle to Ma proD�Y anould obnefflute`" `; �.� F <br /> _, �y 6dQltlanel aeouriry to the Lender tor t�e peyment ol the Note; - - � - <br />'"����� NDW,.THEBEFORE,Itlaepreedthatthe6aeurltylnstruments�atl0eamendadherebyenddasmoAtolnotuCet�efolloWiog <br />-��-�+va:� p�ovlelons: <br /> ril ��� �, - QOrrowacher6DyeCE01ut01ycn0unconEillort8lryeselpp�. 11-��` — � <br /> � rente, lesube'aotl•proflta.of the prope to Benafl0lary. Lender ahail heve ihe dgM, power end authctllytduKBp t�e �s' <br /> k C011t10Udil��ff 01 ih8 880UIIty�n31N0180�10 0011001 thA�6018,laeuee and protita of tha property end of any paieonal property _ _. <br /> �`r''��<� .loouted thnteon wltil or Without takinp poasaasion of tha propeAY aftected�otoby.Lender,however,p6reby ao�$epta t9� � ��'•---_- � <br /> - T-�" Bonowa�'scolloationendrotenponoleuchrente,ISaueaantlprofiteentneyaoorueandbeaomaDaYable,sol8'nya98ohb�aeP - - <br /> - `��"k� is noC91$uch time,In detautt wiM reapeot to payment ol any Inde6tednese seoureA heraby,a In tha poAormano8 0!any --- <br /> �f?7 <br /> ;, agrae�ont horeundar. <br />..:;��;;irti;� R. A000lntmant of Becalvec II eny event of Aatault In reepeat to the Boaudty Instrumant ehn�l�eve oaourteU ind E8 _ ----- <br />..r,_�;�,.g�;.�: aontlnuln0.�nEer,ae a motter of tlyht anC wlthout notloe to Borrowar or enyone oleiming under Borrowe�,and wlthoul <br />� :•r,�i',•;."�• regar0 to the value ol t�e truet eatate ar tha Inlereat of ihe 0ortower thoreln,ehall heve t�e rlpht to aDPh�o any oouA�Yhn9 <br /> '��w°�5 �udaAlotlon to eppolnt a reoelver ot the property. ��� <br />-,,,,'- ...n <br /> %':.�f�4,!;`_ <br /> -., ,x-:. 3. Riah�to Poaeeaslon.In oaea of Oefault In t�e DBYmeat o1 the eeld prinolDai Note or Intereet,or�ny part thenol,�e II <br />��!-�.�1,'�,l ehellmnture,orint�eoaeeoffellurotokeeporDerformenyolthecoveneMeorepreementaoontalnedlntheBOOUrltylnttru• - <br /> -;;; ;,,� ment, then the LenGer, Ite�uooeeaore or ae�Ipne,8�911 U9 9ntl I!hB�OCy Ruth0�1=0tl��d lmDaWl�ld t0 qk! Irtllll{EI�N <br /> �� 1j` � poaeenelonoltheealdpremlaeethereintleaorlbedanAtocolleotMerentelherefrom,entltoepD�Y��eD��eetlrt�anOtlothe <br />..�_'r:_,_;, . <br /> `-•i"+,"`''? DaymaM ol th9 Note. <br /> i�"�� 1. Aoulhaflon ol Rante.lnsuea and P�ofl�e.All ronte co119oteA Dy LenAer or t�e reaelvar n�all bo�DP��ed tlrnt lo Dayment <br />�"`*fY".}�.'�.' ottnewateolmeneqemeMOftheDropartyandooueouonofrente,Inolu0lnq,butno�Il�nitetlt0,t06BIrEPlfeae.DtBrtduro00f1 <br /> � ��-��� (SWIYNa bOP.C.�f10 fP.3�M1:4lL_ttOt119y'9 f?24,91!d�h9rt tp�he!uma eeoureA by ihB BeOUtlH IfI81N11�0�1.LBIIdBt 911d�11! __ __. _ _ _ <br /> �"-�� recelver ahell 6e Ileble to auount only for thoae rente aafuelly reealvad. <br /> `t;^��x`%� & ('pnatruotlonolProvielone.EachofthoDrovlelonaoontelnedlnthleAealqnmentofRanleRiderendlhe800uritylnetrw _ <br /> _�.ili�J� _ <br /> �- r; ment ehall,unleea otherwiae speolfically requlr¢O,De conelruod In accordanca wlth Nebiflake lew,end In tha evant any __ . _ <br /> �f� ?y, DrOVlelon�ereln or t�oreln ContelneG ehall Oe Eetarminad bya courl of competent�urlediotlOn to be unentoroeaDle,the eeme � <br /> r -- j s�ell 6e oonettueC ee though auch unonforcaeble Drovislon were not a Dart hereot or lhoreof. ,� _ <br /> ?t''it 8. 8tfeot ot Ridee BxcaD�ea epeeilleally modified Dy or inconsiatent wlth thle Aeel9^meM ot Rente Ridor or by arry olher e i j r•Nr� <br /> �t�rry epplloable rlder,all ot t�e terma antl provieiona contelnaA In the 8ecurlty Inetrument shall coMinue in full force and affect. r,� � � <br /> 9 1�,� }� Y YC � . <br /> �°,. IN WITNE88 WHEREOF,OO�tower h88 Bx9euted iMe Ae nmant of Henta er on ihe tlate firat noteC above. (���ir�_ <br /> �(�S � —~ 'r�,.�ISifi<ii x .��. <br /> F S�a�` SCOTT D. LEIS NGER °fO`� �'��'3:r <br /> . �t�}r� 4��£�_ _;vY � .� <br /> Y(t�d'�, � � i%��lts"�r{'t�':: <br /> �-` 701IN m: EISINGER eonowor .,f.;`�°.,��r ,._� <br /> � .. <br /> � t.:� � f�-��?I = <br /> �-)t�� STATE OF NEBPA8KA) i j ''.�p'�=_ <br /> �, �: (aH: - �- <br /> .-;;�^,� COUNTY OF HALL ) L'+' 'ai.,4",11:;'.:-.. <br /> On thl8 21 ST day ol_QPRIL �g 93 ,pe�ore me,the unAerelqned,a Notary Public Ouly commiaeioned end r{�,-- F�.;- <br /> quL11�IBCfOt881dG01t�ty,pereonallyceme�.II�- �FTGINGER RND �OAN M IFTSTNf.FR HIISRpNII ANOI�ITFG y �[�t' _. <br /> _,to be the Identical raon(e)wnose neme(s)lelare 6ubaotlbetl ';[(1', <br /> :-..��., '' _ Pa ��.-f.:t!:�*�`�� ,��: <br /> ' - - to t11e fore0o�ng InDlmmenL and helehe/they ecknowletlBe the executlon lhereot to be Melhetll�eir roluntery ect enA tlbed. '^'-= 1`��`- <br /> ,..'ii� Witneae my�end and Noleda18ea1 at GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKl1 � i- - <br /> 1 I ry Z a iC tounty,the CetO 0foteeei--""c� _ <br /> ,'1 — � ' � � . . . <br /> ] , L F <br /> - `-,� uDlit— e <br /> ����.� <br /> My Commlesion expirea: <br /> -Y''.')�,�.1 . <br />�,�;a_"._.,� xr�mon�YN '. <br /> `S: .i� <br />• - :,.i`- <br /> .q:i�' � <br /> .-!� <br /> '.Jc"' <br />-.:_-i ;•�... - <br /> C?(.:. <br /> _.`:. f,� <br /> -.a.�.i�.`:� <br />. :i��:%:7f <br />.. ��:�'S`:;C. <br /> ..... . . - _. �� . .._. __ . <br />