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-�_ . _._._ _ �____. _� <br /> . , .. <br /> �$'� 110�lM,� <br /> Condemnvlon or other taking of eny pan of the Propeny,or Por wnveyenoe in Ilw of wndemnadon,ero�enby aulgncd and <br /> aAall ba p�id toLenAer. �. <br /> In Ihe went af x w1a1�akic� of tha Propany. �ho proceed�s�all bo applkd ro t�e wmi eecurcd by�hG 9auriry <br /> (nattumtnt whUher or not thcn duo,with nny exceas pa1Q to Bortower. tn the evm�ot e panlel teking ot�ho Prooerty Iq �.--. _ <br /> MAoh tho fair mvkel vatuo of�ho Propeny immadlaeely betoru�he taking is equal�o or Brceter thm tAo omoum of t(w suma � - - <br /> eeturcd by�his 8ceurlty In3tiument immediately beforo tho taking,unlea�Borto�ver and Lcnder o�herwiso agrw In wrhing, <br /> che wm��eeurcd by thb Secudry Inewment�hell bo reduad by the emount of�he�roceed+multl�Iied by�ha following <br /> fdctlMi (e)tho lotal amount ot tho cumi�wurcd ImmWlately beforo tho�aking,dividcd by(b)the falr marka va�ue of�ha <br /> property ImmeAletely 6ctoro�he teking. My balance�ha116e peld�o Burtower. In tho ovent of e partial�oking of tha <br /> Pioperty In whlcfi the feir merket vnluo of�ho Propeny ImmeAlatciy 6etoro�ho tokfng ia leu�han the omount of�M sume �_-- <br /> «eurcd(mmediatety bctoro tha�aking, unlce�Bortower md Lcnder o�herniso agrco tn wdting or unteae eppliceble lew —. <br /> othetwise provlda,tho proceed��hall bo appUed to eha sums Kcurcd 6y ihii 9ecud�y Inatrument whuher or not�ho sum+aro __— <br /> �hen due. ---- <br /> If tlre Ptoperty la absndoned by Bortower,or if,alter notica by Lender to Bortower thet the condemnor offen�o mako =._�_: <br /> an award or eepla e daim for damegee,Bonower feits�o rcspond�o Lender�d�hin 30 daya atter tho deie the no�ice ia g{ven, —__ <br /> l.ender I�euthodud ro collut ond eppiy tho procecd+,nt Itn aption•ephcr ro rcuomtian or repalr of�he Property or to the _-.--- � <br /> suma tecurcd by�hb 9ecudry Insuumrnt,whaher or not then due. <br /> Unleaa Lender nnd Doaower othetwiu egreo In wr(Nng,eny ePpl�a�lon of proeeeds to pflnclpal shali not extend or _ <br /> postpone tho dua data of�he monthty paymenW rcferted to in parogmphn I and 2 or change the amoune o(�uch paymenu. ___�.__ <br /> 1l. Borroner Not Releasedt Forbeerona By Lender Not e Wnlver. Bxtension of �he Hmo fm paymem or ,r : . <br /> madiflcation of omonizadon of the aum�secured by�hh 3ecud�y Instmment grented by Lender w any succeator in interc¢t � __; _ <br /> of Bortower shell not operero�o relenso tho li�bllity of�ha odginal Bortower or Bortowerb auca:wro in imerest.Lende� 'F <br /> ehall not bo ircd to commena proceedingi against any successor in imera�or refux ro exuM tlme for payment or My�V,,;.:� <br /> othernisa mod�enwnizaUon o(cht aums securcd by thls 9audry Inswment by rcason ot nny demand mede by tbe originnl = -_ <br /> Bortowcr or Bortower�aucocsson in imerest. Any torbearanoe by Lender in exercuing eny right or Rmedy shnll nm be a n�:,';--._ <br /> vaivuof or pnclude the excrcise of eny righ�or rcmedy. • �:"a::�- <br /> 12. Succeawn and As�i�n+Bound;Jolnt and Several Ga6111ty;Caalgners. 7'hc wvennnu and agreememc of ihia �t;.�w-;:s__- <br /> Secudry]nstn�ment ehall bind anA benefit�he suceeasors and ticsigns ot Lender and Bortower,aubject�o�he provisions o( - - __'_: <br /> paraaroph 17. Borrowenc�ovennms end ngreemems ahnll be joint and:everal.Any Bortower who caaign+thia Seeudty ��rt� <br /> Inawment bm doea not exaute ihe Nota (a)is co-signing this Secumy Inswmem only ro mongage,gmm end convey that �,�y <br /> Boirowerb immcat fn Ihe Propeny under�he teimx ot�his Savriry Instrumenr, (b)is not penondiy obligated to pey�he suma <br /> aecurcd by�hia Sceudty Instrument:and(c)ngrcea thnt Lender end any other Bortox�er mey agrte to exrcnd.modify,forbear ���"� f <br /> or meke an auommodx�ions with re ard to�he tertns of�hia Securit Instrvment or ihe Note wiihout �het Borrowerh '�:����:^��'c` <br /> Y 8 Y �(di•,`•;,.' <br /> MnEenl. .�r.5 i.". <br /> 13. t.oun Che a. If�he loan saurcd by thia Securiry Insnument ix subJect �o a lew�vhich se[e meximum loan `'�.}��'.��.:,>� <br /> ��..,y�_j<,•-_ <br /> cherEG,�d that lea a finalty inte�prcted ao�Aee iho imercat or other Ioan cherga cotlecud or�o bo mllected In connection .;�:,,_ , <br /> wlt�No loan exeetU�he pa�muted umrte,then: lul eny auch iwn chaige ahali t�o RducoJ by�iie n�i�viwrd i�cics.ery'w r�u�a - ' .: <br /> tha cherge ro the pe�mitted IImi4 and(b)my■uma uirendy eoltceted(rom Borrower which exettdedpertnitted Ilmits wi�l be ��' ��'- <br /> rofunded to Bortower. Lendcr may choou w nmkc�hia rcfund by reducing ihc pdncipal owcd undcr�ho Noto or by making o �l� '� <br /> dircct payment a Bortower. If e rcfund rcdum principa6 the rcducqon�vlll be uenced n.n paninl prepaymem whhom nny "��?�-'•'?�;�: <br /> prcpeYment chergo undcr thc Notc. ;�!"-`�"'�`�' <br /> l0. NoHce�. Any no�im�o Uorrowcr prcrvidcd for in ihi+Securfiy Instrumcm al�all 6c givcn by delivcdng I�or by '�r'"�°'��� <br /> mnlling it by Ont class moil unlcxa¢ppticablc hw rcyuircn u.c nf nnmhcr mcihod.'Ihc no�lcc.h�ll bo dircctcd in thc Propeny }"u{��?%� <br /> Addrcu or ony o�hcr addrc�.+Bortuwcr dcaignmc�by no�icc�o Lcndcr. Any noiia�a LcnJer.hnll Ac givcn by Ont clon ��y.�";;<':' <br /> mail ro Lenderl oddrcsa cteted hcrcin or ony o�hcr adJrc..LenJcr dc+igno�ex by nmia�o Ito'mmcr. Any notico provided for �•�;)•,}' <br /> In Ihl�3aurity Instrument nholl he dcemed io hnvc bcen given �o [iortower or Lender �vhen given n. provided in �hix �;'r;i;:;'(;;,. <br /> parag�aph. �;':.7_`:; <br /> I3. Qoverning Lew; Sererability. This Sccuri�y Inmm�sm zhall be govemcd by fcdeml law anJ �hc Iaw of�he sf;=.��,,4: <br /> uriadlcUon In whteh the Pro rt is loca�ed. In�he evmt that an mvision nr claum of thin Securit Insirumem or the Note '���_`•'�%�-=`� <br /> J P� Y YP Y rU•„�;.- <br /> eonflicu wi�h eppltrnble Inw,such conflict xhall noi a(kct aM1er provisione of�hi:Saviiry la.trument or�he Note�vhich can 5�:�s'tr.�,=- <br /> bo giren effcet withou��he con(IiMing provision. 76�his end the pmvi+iunc of ihis Security Inxwment nnd�he Note urc t:iit:?:s`-.; <br /> declered io be xverabla <`;-,;�;ii;;':;... <br /> �._�...... <br /> 16. Uorro�rer'e Copy. Uortower shall be given one con(ormed copy uf ihe No�c�md of this Securiry Insm�ment ni,�,-�,.. <br /> 17. 1}anafer of the Praperty or e Denelielal IntereM in Borro�rer. It nll ar any part of�he Rnpcny or eny imcrcsi in t�''-e'-�- -- <br /> it la sold or trnnsfertW(or if n beneficial intercst in Hortox�cr is sold ur irnnslcrted and Bormwer is not n natural pe�oN ;S�:�ti';•;�=� <br /> without Lenderh prior wriaen cnnxen6 Lender muy,a�i�s ap�ion.rcyuirc immeJfaic payment in PoII of nll xums securcd by ,:�l+i�-';�__.� <br /> ihin Saurity Insuument. Howevcr,this option.hall noi tic cxercixd by Lcnder if cxerci.c is prohibitcd hy fedcrel law av ot -"�`-'_ <br /> %'�t'(i[`-. <br /> �he da�e of this Security Inxwmcnt. • ,_+.t.�.•:.. <br /> If Lenderexercius�his o �ion,LenACr shall �ive Borm�ver nmice o(accelem�ion. 7Le natice.hall rovide u riod o( °?� " - '� <br /> P b p P� .,t..,,.?�r'.. <br /> no�less�han 30 days from�he date the no�ice is dclivercA ar mailed wi�hin�rhich Onm+x<r mn.�pay all smr�xcured by�his 3;:r,f,�{.'t!_"' <br /> Seeuriry InawmeN. I(Bonower failc to pay thex tum+ prior m th�expira�ian uf�hi. �riod. Lender mry invoke my t.,i�,�1'}�r.: � <br /> rcmedies pem�ined by�his Sewrity Inswment�riihout f�mlur notice or Jemand an Bnrniwec ;','�'-_? <br /> 1& Oorfo�rer'n RIgM to Relnsta�e. If Unrn+wer mttn ccrtain arondfliom. Dorro��cr.hall 6uvc Ihc ri hl lo havc '^�'--"• <br /> g .�'.i�-.:; .. <br /> enforcemCnl of Ihi+Securily ImuumeN Jixominucd al any lime prior to�he cadier nC Ial 5 Jay.lar wch nlher petiad us '_;".f°"'=� <br /> � Sin�klamdr..Fmniell�dF'reddk4xl\IFOPNI��TRI'NF.�T-Ind.xmCmmam. 0.90 �NxN.4nn��r.r �ry:ir'�'.�:': <br /> 'A�i _ <br /> ,ci ...i��^v -° .W.•;�;�w,}:c::a`',� . . . .. n ..._ .:'r... ..�y�"� .�t- ,1.\ �j �: is . ..-. <br /> tij..� . " - . ' - <br /> � � i.s� - _ ' ' ._ _ ' ' <br /> 2�I �. .. . � A <br /> i t <br /> s' -Y` 3 . _ _-�' �- __ �_ - . - � <br /> f ��i 1 Y�' / � _, .- _ . . _ _ <br /> �yo�1J1 j� t . r} i - � _ i ._. ' . <br /> y ( qf �f i S <br /> ft{ff\,_l}J` i i ,�'a / I )3 � . - . <br /> v [x 4r -`f h��.� �r {C-� � -- r� ]�n t y - . . + � - <br /> i�� 't\ �t(�{�� �11 ..�u���R�} - - � :�+1 t1 �} .'J 1 �� � . <br /> , e �3 ,� , 7A� f �; t��,J?}1 \f/ .-� _ ! . . > .� 1 � � r � � <br /> � i }+t�{F`Ay r . � � ��l� i- .- l<lyy �i{�; {`�.+ h s - � �-. '+(, nr�':� _-' �' ' ' - , . <br /> ��f�Yt( � - , y,�f-a� i- . rj3- ,�t ` Jr,� jrf ��F.,- �li�.r' r �` . 7 .t:•. . <br /> Irr.� t � A�4� .i_. .t t n.�,�s t'i �i r-.'i � .-. • � • . <br /> 4-- -- i- i'. � � � - -` � . � . �j � t f ,s}` � .S > .-� -� -. � . -'. <br /> 1 1 � l-- "^"� l ; "� _ Y r � %,) i Y �rv- oy r§ ` . <br /> t S . <br /> r i_ .. ,_' Y 1i n � .�f �� i - e - �- 1 x y.. ` ,, T` # ..�.-. <br /> L i' � � < � . . �� _ .. . . <br /> � . . � -� } •' . , s � � ` t �� <br /> . , <br /> ( <br /> •,i -�- t_ ,.. :.. � ..._� .. :t : �..- �. �(' . ,f_.,, t - .. ..; � 3 <br />