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, . . <br /> ti -_.._._�-,.. . <br /> , . . <br /> , <br /> �'', . � � . . - - <br /> � .g�'Z��D"diR <br /> __. . , . <br /> ---- . � .� =—_- <br /> . perlode tbat Lendcr rcqulro�. 7Le le�uronca cnrtler provlGiny the Inauranca ihail De ehoaen by Borrowtt wp�cct w l.endbib: <br /> __ approvnl whlch cha11 not bo unrcaaonebly wlthhald, If 8ortowor felb to malntain covernge deaod6cA above,l.ender mey,at <br /> — landcrb opNon,obtoln eoveroge to protect I.enderb dg1�W tn mo Proy�y in accorAance wlth peregreph 7. <br /> - - All[nsuronce potkle�and ronewaia shAl Ia aeceptablo ro Lendor nnA ehn111ncIuAo a cmndnrd mortgago cieuce. I.enAee <br /> - �hatl havo�he rigAf to hold the policla and tenowalti it Lendet rcqulrca,Sorrower�holl pmmptly givo to I.enQer ell rccetp�a �—_ - ._ <br />____ of pald premlum�end rene�val notlae. Tn tha ovent of lou,Da�rower ehell glvo prompt nmico ro the Insuronce earder and <br /> ���� Lcnder. Lendermsymekeprooloflosaifnotmedoprompqyby Dorrowor. <br /> Unleaa Lender end Borrowor oihoiwim egreo In wAtlng,Insuranco araeeda�hdl bo nppllcd m rcatoraUon or rcpalr tlf <br /> ' ihe Ptope�ty demaged, If the rarontlon or ropelr i� aonomlcally feaalbl¢end Londorl aecudty la no[Itasened. I(Iho _ <br /> — reatoradon ar rcpeir i�not aoaomlully taaibla or i.eadxrl ezcudtY would bo louened,Na Insurenca yroceWa�hall bo -- <br /> npyticd to tha wm�secured by thl�Secudty �nswmem, �vhetAcr or not�hen dua�vith nny exun{uld�o Bortowtr. It <br /> ' '�� 8orrower aAmdom the Properly,or doos nm ensa+er wieAin 30 Aay�a notix trom�r�Aat�he Insunutce cerrier hee _ <br /> .� oftemd to seitla a dalm,U�en I.ender mny coilect�he inaurance praeeds. Lendnr mny use�ha prooeeA+lo ropnIt or rtsroro <br /> -� dw Po or to pay sums cecursd Dy thii Sceudry in�rtument,whether or not�Ten due. 71w 30•dey pedod�vi116ogin whxn <br /> .-�„f� �ha no ce la glven. _ ._. <br /> _Y�..: Unleas Lender end Bortower othsrnix agree in writlng,eny appIlcaHon of praceeds to pdneipal�hall not axtend oT _,_. . _ . <br /> � postpona ihe duo date ot the monthiy paymenro roferted�o In peragmplu 1 nnd 2 or chengo tM10 emount ot Ne pa enu. It <br /> "- under pamgrapd 21 �Ae Propeny ia acqulred by Lender,BortowerL dgbt ro eny insurenu policlta and p�resulting <br /> �'�j;� hom damnge ro Poe Property prior ro the eoquisidon ahall pau to Lender ro�he ox�em ot the�ums cecurtd by�hle Secudry =__-_ <br /> L Insnument immeAla�el pdor ro the�cquiaitioa �- <br /> � �A�'� 6. Occupancy,yPreurvetlon, Malntenence and RorecNon ot the Propertyi Borro�rer'e Loen Appliealloa� 6 '� <br /> '�.�.3�i.f Leaseholda. Bortower sheil ottupy,eatebltah,end usa the Propony ss Hortowu6 principal rcsidence within eixty day�after � ,_ <br /> � �he exau�ion ot thb Saudty Inanument end shell wntinue ro occupy ihe Property ea HortowerY pdnNpal reaidence for et ��t�- <br /> }r -" leeat onc yeer alYer ihe da�e of occupancy, unless Lender otherwise egrees in writing, wAich coment slmll �rot be .-� -- <br /> }, i=: <br /> ud; unrwsonably wUhheld,or unlw ex�enuating circurmtwKes exist which ero beyond Bortower's control. Bortower aholl not �� x,. <br /> _-N��; dea�roy,damage or impair tlw Propeny,�Ilow the Property to detedonte,or eommit wasie on the Pmpeny. Bortower ahall � <br /> � ra:r-: <br /> '•";�.h`ti be in default If nny fodeimre eeqon or protteding,whether civil or criminel,is begun�ha�in Lenderb good fnith judgment ,2, �'.- <br />=�;rl�:,r- could result in foReimre ot Iha Propeny or olhereise materidly Impa(r�he lien ercateA by this Securi�y Inslmment or �;�a`�'�;- - <br /> ��;'i. Lender�ucudty Inurcsi. Hortower mey eure sueh a detoult end rcinstaro,ea provided in pamgreph 18,by cnuaing Hx anion �y t:=" <br /> --;,,;,� or proceeding w 6e dismissed with n ruiing Ihet,in Lender6 good faith demnninelion,precludes fodetlurc of the Borro�vuk -=� �°�° <br /> - - intereat in the I'ropeny or other matedal ImpaBment of the lieo creeted by this Secud�y ]nxtrumem or LenderY seeurity _ _-_- <br /> �.�,����i'��' interca�. Bortower ahall alm be in defeult If Hortower, during the laan epplicetion procea, geve maiedally felu or �.. - - <br /> ,y�P� inacwrete intormoiion or s�a�emema to Lender(or feileA ro provide Lender with eny meurial info�matioN in connection wlth ��,�s� _ <br /> - ,.,ts,,; ihe loan evidenced by the Note, induding, but not 1{mited to. reprcsemetions mnceming BorrowerY cecupancy of 1he R1N,�«�_ --- <br /> ,x,;°�/,{.�}J Propeny ns e pdncipal residence. ]f�his Secudiy Imerumem is on a Ieuehold,Borrower shnll eomply wi�h e➢the prnvisions ���,��,�}��, � <br />. ��x'.-;:'f�. of the lease. If Bortower ecquires fee�itle�o�hc Propeny,the lcasehold enA chc kc titl¢shall not merge unle:s Lender egreea �,�Y,yij kil=..M;._. <br /> rrr�ti�J` ro th��e Protectlon o Lender's Righfa In the Property. [f 6ortower lnils to pedorm �he covenonu and agreementa U} f`;� "'- <br /> `�;x� comained in ehi� Secudty Instrum¢nt, or�hem ie a legd proceedina �het muy aigni6cen[ly affat Lenderk righ�a in the !.;�i;,.t,�'�?f4` <br /> - -hl;,�i ss� �.:tr _, <br /> _: ��_,� Propeny(such e+a pmceeAing in tumkrupicy,pmham,for condemne�ion ar fodefturc m ro enforce luwa or rcguladonnL�hen :� arv� i -:_-� <br /> :�!.� Lender mny do nnd p¢y for�vhmever is neceasury�o prouct Iho vnlue of the Rcp::y and Lc�d.ri righ�in �he Property. ,tt'1 � �l:��.r���*.�_ <br /> ?,'����;; Lender�¢dion.mey include pnying ony auma securcd by a Iicn whfch has priodty over�hie Secudty Insuumen4 eppeadng - ,{ ���p,.,���: <br /> -p�';;�n fn court,paying rcasoneble ettomeyi kes end cntcring on the Propeny ro makc rcpeirs.Although Lender may take�ction e, 4�:� r j '- <br /> i�tYt unde^ny nmo8un i di b�uRed by Lendchundenhia parogrvph 7 xhall become additional debt of 6orrower securcd by�hie �''t`:t--:ry.�;�� - <br /> �, <br /> "'.l`�� Scwd� Imwment. Unlcu Uortower mJ Lcnder a rco to othcr cem�a of mcn4 these umaunts shall bcar Inccrest fmm thc �'-� • - <br /> `�:2. Y 8 WY „_.iti�"..� � , _ <br /> -. dnic of disburxemcm nt the No�e ram ond:hall bc pnyublc,with intc2s4 upon notia from Lendcr w Dortowcr n�qucstfng 11 t+ �;r F <br /> }' pnymem. � -j f � "L <br /> , ;,�`� 8. Marlguge Inaurnnce. If Lender mquircd mongnge insumnce m n condition of ineking�ha loan secumA by�his �.�, ��+' - <br /> ,� ''j Secud�y Imwment. Uortower shnll pny tM1e prcmiuma rcymrcd m meimain [he mortgage inauronce in etlece. lE for any ` ��w:?t 1'1.w--' <br />_ :� ��'+� rcewn, �he mortgnge insumnce coverege rcquired by Lender lupsei or auses to Ix in eFfec6 Dorcower sholl pay the � }�,��,U3„._ , <br /> - �"_� prcmiums rcquircd to obmin mvem;e substantfally equivolem ro the mangnge insurence prcviously in effec4 et e rnst ����;15i���ri>-� <br /> _-+�f S substontiuliy equivnlem ta�he cos�to Bofrowcr of�he mortguge insumnce pnviuusiy in e(kc�, (rom m�ultemnte mongage f t (Fs",7 � �. <br /> - � �% Insurcr appmved by Lender. I(subvantially eyuivnlent ntortgoge inrvmnce coveruge ia mm�vxilxhle.Bortower xhall pey w r�+�i��;K�y�ivu.-: <br /> i + Lcnder cach mon�h a sum eyual io one-twdfih of�hc yearly mongage insuana premium bcing paid by 6ortower when the y r, f� , <br /> . -� � insuraree coverage lupsed or ceaced�o he in e(kc�. LenJcr�vill nccept.ux anJ re�nin�hem paymentx as u loss rcserve in lieu ji uF Ss+'�i.`a�r�'��"� <br /> � y� of mon a e insuance. Lac.rcserve a mems ma no lon er Ix r uired.xt �he o �ian of Lender,if mort e e insufance �� � "�"'r' �r��-� <br /> � + ,: 8 R P Y Y 8 �I P 8 S a �fh.,,y�3`��' ,:. <br /> .,�.>;-:. coverage(in�he amoum and tor�he period tba�I.ender rcquirex)provided by an insurcr upproved by Lender ngxin becomes �„�,,,_�_- <br /> '���}�� available and is obtoined.Ronower shall pay�he pamiumx«yuired m maintain mongnge msumnce in effec4 or w provide a �ii{�<�_�)',;'�;;._.��- <br /> --� y'C loss reurve,until Ihe rcyuiremmt for mongage insurance enJs in acmrJance wi�h any amten:�grcement between 6ortower ;�':ii --- <br /> - i 1�° end Lender or applicable lax. _ .� c � � :.- <br /> ` ` 9. Inspeeilon. Lender or i�s agem may make rca�nnable entrics upon and inspecliom o(Ih.Prapeny. Lender shnll : �'�"T:S�-g1-;_;; <br /> ?�.�;`,, y.. <br /> .,n give 6ortower nolice m Ihe lime nf or prior w an in�peclion speci(ying mosonu6lc r.mse fiir the in+peclion. :..r«{7:--• <br /> ;�:'J1�+,'i[�;, 10. Condemnatlon. Thr prcxttds of any award nr clnim for dainage..Jirc<I or romeyucnlial,in wnnec[ion avi�h any ;!{�:`. � <br /> - �^ SmgkFamdl"-Fonoielloe�F'rtddlelLeC\ffOR\11NSTRC\1F.VT-lmlmmCocrnviN Y'q �pnpr?.•/�pR�+� �� -,`•�� i'�..�:: <br /> l <br /> 3- - �;i �nwWnMnwlmrbr■ .r�' � ' <br /> CS'f t�nW�L IEODSIUUfI C fAt s16Ml.11ll <br /> U� <br /> �`_'1� � . . _ <br /> � <br /> j� u..;.t� ;.'cr'-^'-e,,,;T'_"i!^�;;-�.--, •-�,;•,_-._—.._z....—.. � - ,-,: .. ..:'.�.• Yrw'•-�. . . 'x . :"�' - . .. ' . <br /> c , <br /> si- - - • . . . � . <br /> . i-.-f o __- _ . - , . � _ . _ ._. _ . _ . _ . .. <br /> - 'i'qo`��'i�` ':r.', - - . . _ ' . . _ <br /> 7�`--- t _ T . . - . -. . ._ : ""— ,_— _ __ ____ - _ _ <br /> � SI��A -t � { -V - <br /> �. J �{.kt')� - � y 4 - 1� - - . � ' <br /> � ll�i�l �i � L i . . . . . . <br /> i ��b' �� ;.{� 1 <br /> � L� s }`�{kS � : ti. - + • . <br /> : tr -f�ti �� ]Oy�� � }f st..t , � . - . . " . <br /> �v � � r ��� �`t1 {� ' ' .. <br /> } fiL - V�{�� t - '�. 5!� e . . - . <br /> �Sl ��1� . li ..�f . . . <br /> � �( -h ft i�ql L - 4. - - �T F - - - ( � . <br /> ) . �i r � <br /> , - ` lr r r ril[.�i+ 6 .rr t <br /> "f�ly�i ''�{��{{tf�� t � r •{�> s+- �. }( r j 1 - �� 1 . - <br /> JS` +�filtd';V � .5� -� �)�t r�� ��T�� � , r� �L-' ♦ <br /> , �<- �� .S�r -e -f fi i . � - o - � , <br /> �. � ' i i _'_ a _: '- �- I . <br /> , <br /> � /�`��S i -. i lr - ' t � _ ` q_:t � � 1t � � -i <br /> � . <br /> � [ir. ) l .-..,. - � :�. � <br /> ♦ (�� If•:. ` - • !. `5 l - . �, .�. I'�� I : � ! 4 .. • . -._ ._ <br /> . .� . . .. . .� r . . . , . ... . :_�. r <br /> . _ . .. . .I<. <br />