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. t '. '��J �u'r-�.....�-��..�w -�---.�.�..�,....+...r.�-m+.�.-�-- - '.-:-.—�z-. .t /.: _ <br /> 1 -� - �- r,�� <br /> - t d, 1 - � - . . - � � � . <br /> r:,�. � ��'���D�Q�.�' ` _ <br /> . , <br /> TOOp7fiSR Wl77i atl wo improvcmenn nnoyw w hcrcaRcr crcetcd on tho fropcny,md nll cacc�tenti apDUitMviaeh. '.' ;''�� <br /> '—— U�iiwmeM All of,hoh forcg9lnp�i etetrcd toron ihii Bscorlty(neW mcnt e�ho'Propa y��l dw bo covorcd�Y th11 i4FiUdry ', ,_., <br /> BORROWBR COV8NAN7'e�not tlortowcr h IuwPolly wBrA of�ho o+mto hcroby convayed und haf�ha tight w gtant - , _ _ <br /> end convoY tho Proppny enA the�tMo Propcny I�unencun�bered,oxxpt Por cncumbrnnooa of rocoM. Dortowcr warram�and <br />-.4�-,� wi11 dofend gencmlly tho U�le�o tho Propeny ngatnst e11 olelme and Eemand�,subJec�ro ony encurobrenaa of rxord. _ <br /> TH19 9BCUR17'Y IN37TtUM8NT combfnw unitorm covennm� !or netlonel uso and non•uNtotm covtnenp wi�h <br /> - — Iimtted varleNona by Judsdlction ro conatltulo a unifom�secudty Inatmment mvedng rcal propeny. <br /> - -� UNIi�pRM COVBNANfS. Dorrower md Lendcr covennm end agroo oa tollow+: ' � - <br /> - t. P�ment of P�Inclpal end Interciq 1'repeyment and Late Chnrga. Bortowor�hall promp�lypay�rhen due tRa <br /> -.� pdneipat of and Imercst on the debt avidenad by the Noto and my prcpayment md late charga duo under tho No�e. <br /> �-=�'��!a E FUndf for 7Nxa nnA InsuraneR SubJecno eppIicaDla law nr to e w�inen xxiver q�Lender,Baro�rer sha11 p�y to <br />_{°�`-''+" Lendcr on lho dny monthly paymenu we due under tho Nota omil Ne Note is paid in NII,e eum('Pmds'for.(a)yeul y <br />: ;__._.. <br />'"`j`��`� taxes nnd osseumem�whlch mny eltain pdoriry orer thls Secudty Inswment a�e tlen on tlw Ptopeny;@)yearly IeauholA <br /> �WM.3'st paymenu or groimd rcnis on tAe Prope+ly, if any, (o) yendy hvud or propeny insurance prcmlums; (d) yearly flood --�-- --�- <br /> ---_��J9i1 imurance ptemiums, if eny; (e)yearly mortgage inaurence prcmium+, it eny; and(p eny cums psyable by Bortoxxr to - � -- <br /> ';:y,. Lender,in acoordance wiih the pmvisiwu of pangreph B,In Iiw of�he p+yment of mortgego insumna premiums. 7hue <br />,,::q.__ Items ere callsd"Sacmw Items.' Lender may,at eny dme,collect end hold Fvnda(n en amount nm�o exceed the m:uimum <br /> _�n'� amouN a lendar for a kderatly related mongege loan may rcquim Por portowerS ucrow axount undcr th¢federal Real <br />:�:��:;��� Estere Senlement Procedurm Act ot 1974 es amended from lime eo dme,12 U.S.C.4�1 r�req•("RE9PA")�unleas amtha <br />-.;�.'�'• law that epplia to�he Punds cets e luser�mount. If so,Lender may,et any pme,collcet end hold Punds In an emount not to - <br />-"t«�i+ oxceed �he Iesser emoum. Lender may estlmett the emoum of Mnds due on tAe basis of curtent date and reawnable _ <br /> ,�' estimota of oxpendimrca o(Nture&crow hems or ahenvise in eccordance wiih eppii�a6le Iaw. <br /> �$� � 7Le I§�nds shall be held in en inatimtion whose dcposin ure insured by e fcckml age�xy.insnumentelity, or cnNty _ <br /> ; (Including l.endar,i(Lender is auch an insuNtion)or in eny FeAewl Homa Lmn Bank Lender shxll apply�he Phnda to pay <br /> ��� the Eserow Item+. I.cnder may not charge Borrower Por holding end npplying �hc Rmd�,annnnity enalyzing ihe eurow <br /> 'ry!}�� eaoun4 or veritying the Pscrow I�ema,unless Lender paya Borto�ver inlerut on�he Wnds anA epplicablo law pertnita _. <br />,,-��rl� � Lender�o make auch e cherge. However,l.ender may rcquirc 6ortower�o pay a one•time charge for nn independent renl - <br /> ectxtc ux reporling service used by Lender in eonna�ion wnh thi�loan,unless appliable!aw providea otherniu. Unless an <br /> t`'�� xgrcement ia mede or epplico6le law requiren interut to be pnid,Lender xhall not be required ro pay Borrower eny intcrcct or <br /> " h'�''�� enmings on Ihe FLnds. Borcower and Lender may agrce in wriling,ho�vever,that intcrest shall be paid on Ihe FLnda. Lendcr -- <br /> �"7�. shall give to Bortower,without ennual acmunting of the Funds,showing credits and debits�o Ihe FLnda end the . �- <br />,,.i���r ' pmpose Por which eech debit ro the Ponds was mnde. 'ILe Funds ue pledged as eddi�ional ucurity for nll tums aecured by Fl,,__- <br /> i;"y �his Security InsUUmCnt. f1 ��,.- <br /> __..-_';�,�„ If�he Ponds hcid by Lender eaaed iAc amoums permined to hc held by epplicable law, Lender �hall account to <br /> e,�;F;-�: Horro�ver for the excess Funds in nwordanac with tim ieyuiru�no�as ot nyp7i::blc la�. {f ik:air0'�OI a£L�S Rf:�M!3 b� - <br /> ^y g��� LenAer at my time is not sufficicnt to pay thc Escrow Items�vhen due,Lcnder may m natity Bortower in writing,a�,in + ,�� �: <br /> },.,i such cue 6ortower shell pay to Lender the amount neccssery �o make up ihe deficfency. Borrower shell meko up the �`/Z r`�-" <br />_ .t--,'�; defieiency in no more�han t�velve monthly paymems,at LenderS soie discrcUon. ' • <br /> ��--A. Upon payment In full of¢II sums secuml by�his Security Ina�mmeni.Lender shnll promp�ly rcfund w Bortower eny �t�^, , . <br /> �c�t I Funds held by Lendcr. It,undcr p�mgmph 21.Lender shull acquirc or scll thc Propcny.Lcndcr,pdor to�ho ecqufsiiion or � �.1 - <br /> -;•;�°',�` adc o[�hc Propeny,shall epply eny Nndc hcid by Lendcr ot the Hmc uf acyuisition ur snle a�n crcdit agafna� �ho:ums , ,�c�:'-��: <br />�__�:,�;.�, zecurcd b this Stturit Inswmcm. Yri;;�,;;;,_s <br /> n.r,, I 3. Applicatlon of Paymenta. Unlexa npplicable Imv providex oihernisc, uil paymcros rcceived 6y Lender mMer i �'+ry <br /> • i. p�mgmphs 1 md 2:hall 6c applicd:finL�o any prcpnymcm churges duc unJcr�hc Notc;sumnd,to amuums payablc undcr , ti -, <br /> - ° � � pa�egraph 2:�hird,lo inrems�duc:founh,m principal duc:nnJ Im6 w any lutc charge:duc undcr thc Noa. � -. <br /> �--'r'` � 4. Cdergai Llena. Oartmvcr shall pay all mxcx, mxsxmcros, chnrgcs, Mcs and Impusi�fons o��ribmeblc�o thc t ,`r:. <br /> �� -,- I Propeny which moy a�lain pdod�y ovcr ihis Sccumy Insuumcm,nnd IenschulJ puymcros or gmund rcms,i(eny. 6orrowcr � �,'_ <br /> +fl-�r I shall qy ihesc obllgu0ans in�hc munncr pmvideJ in pumgmph 2,or if nu�pniJ in thut mnnncr.Dartower shall pny�hem on ' � , �- <br /> ���}s`'� Nme directl io�he rwn owed a mem. Rortuwer xhall mm �I fumi�h ro Lender al l no�ices uf mnounts�o be nid under � <br /> Y P� P Y P V Y P �:;^it�--";_. <br />���-}'�;j�>� �hia parvgrnph. I(8urrower mokes thex paymema dirccdy.6uRUwer slmll pmmptly(umish w Lender rcccip�s evidencing caY•-: <br /> � `�� i thc paymenu. if� 4 <br /> :_ -,i�; � Bortower ahnll promp�ly dixharge any lien�vhich hux priurrty nver�his Securi�y Instrument unless 6orto�ver.(a)agrcu �y . <br />��;,�;�- � In wriling to lhc�ymcnl of Ihc obligntiun snurcd by�hc licn in m m�nncr acccplubic�o Lcndcr.(b)contcsts in gaod faiih the �:�;.'_' � <br /> �,i�„i� lien by.or defends ageinst enforcement uf�he lien in,Icgal prnceedinFs whicli in the Lendert upinion operele ro prcvem the r > > <br /> :;;r,. enforeemem of the licn:or(c)securcs fmm�he hulder af Ihe lien un agrecmem xatisfaclory�o Lender su6ordinating Ihe lien ,�,,t.+;;i�. <br /> y � lo Ihis Seeuri�y Insuument If Lender Jrcemiines�hu�uny pan of the F'rapeny i.wbject to a lien which may anain priariry .� <br /> over Ihia Sccurity Inswment,Lcndcr mey givc Aurtowrr�no�icc iJemi(ying�hc licn. Bortmrcr.hall w�isfy the lien or lake , �v ._, <br /> �-�- ' . anc or morc of thc actions sc�tonh aMwc�vithin In days of thc giving of no�icc. ,+�t' � � <br /> .,;�_'-� S. Harard or Properly Insurenee. Bumxvcr shall kecp�hr improvcmentx nmv czi+�ing ar hercafter erected on the ,s;f;�;�--. <br />:-!.4:';� � RopCny insmed against Inss by fire.havards included wilhin Ihe Icrm'exlended rnrerage'and any other ha�ards,including � <br /> ;'?'!�� Oaods or flaaling, fm which Lcndcr rtyuirc� inwrancc. 71�i+ inwrancc+hall hc maintained in Ihc amaunl}and far Ihc <br /> •.i r <br /> Sr� <br /> .:c�• i'wml0]% vnM p..r�1.HnN:r.v 7:.:�.!_- <br />._ �%"3;`. ' <br /> � ��r '� <br /> � �11i ' . ' :. ".: . . _ . . • �- _ . . . - ..i��-.,^—ai'-. .- . . , 'f�'• , ' <br /> " _ '__ <br /> .:�::<�r7- '•. - _.: .. . �. __ . <br /> '`�`-,;. -�� � . � _ . <br /> -'�'-�.S'�I;: - � . . . . - <br /> :.l� �L'___'.'' ' " <br /> ' ` ,e - . . _._ . . <br /> � - . � <br /> � i � '. - <br /> � � r y�I#', <br /> �,Y ; , <br /> tciik. �£ii�-' � ' � <br /> i n;!� l�f �� ���� i �-- �f . . . . . . _ . �' _ <br /> �� ��� , <br /> ,�5,,_� , _ _ . : . . .-�. �.���. . <br /> s J f. yj _ . - _ . . - <br /> s�. � �tk �,... . � <br /> c - <br /> '� r ' . , ' <br /> S - � - ' . . -- � {(( <br /> . i . . , . . . �.. . i. . ... _ V.� � ... . •. . _ . ,. .. . .�...�'-- . . _ _. ' . .[ _ _ <br />