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i s�v. -s- . -��S*rai'�'tz`�1yr� -az.R.<..--�s �,,k '•"�si.1.ia�.'���-.:.-,..._...,,. _ -- .:=i�x __ � ... •�.. -- <br />....s *u+4..ifi�di�, . . . . . <br /> -:'.--..-a: <br /> ._ ., . .- <br /> ..._.....__..�.—__. . <br /> . : � ,88p �o�aoa�;: .., <br /> •Ctdproperly IaWlek�nmtlam�pedLendwhellAfveNSOp�on,in��wl��naioiotuWaiwnuon,�oe I�uchp{o4�i¢t, <br /> afYQ�ttCtl�tlurN�om69eo�UenOe�tpeneaelnoutteOpyHlnWnnwAOnwlNwo�Proo�l.dAuggqeny 4pw1a �— -- <br /> hx�pyandinwohor0eirsUnEVmayE�brminaabappry�lltuohPraead�,�IWrwuhdWuoqon6toRif N tllon-o�ith,0 <br /> - Dn/pEtlyytroon�uohoondNan�asLendarma��65U-nMaaMreDDllctdonolPr000ediWinGe�un�ppAWtund�Mtlb��pllq o - _: <br /> ' (heQUed�teo an paymanuundar�heNOte�orcuraen dalaultNereunAerorhoraundu. <br />_.'-:'".F�-'_��� TN►10/. <br /> d VsMarmaqa 0y l�ndv.Upon tha oaurrence ol anEvant ot DefautlTereunda�,a II eny act I�lekan or 1ep11 procNGlnp <br /> oommen�whlchmakqalIy�HeoWlende��IntereetlntheDropeiry.Underm�yNlWOwndl�or�tlon,butwlNONOWIwdbntoao - <br /> «� x i+t'�' pp,e�A�flNOUt noUOa lo a dOmend upOn T�uator aed wlNOUI roleaalnp Truator ftom e�ty ODIIpallon,do Uny aat WhIC�?ruetor h6f <br /> � eproa0 4udalb ro tlo aW may niao tlo any oNer eat R daema neceaaary b proted 1ho e0curlry�ereol.Tmator�h�lA ImmW1�4N "--��'---- <br /> � uponEemanANeretorEylendar,pa IolanderallcoateenCaxpenseelnounad�ndeum�expendadby lendelnwnneotlonwlffi <br /> >+i'i t�eezerol�eby LonderolNOlorego�npripnu,topetnerrdmmteret�meroonneNeaetau��nteproWEedlnt�eNOtawNd�ensll6a <br /> . ��t)';�� eddad lo Na InAe�tednes9 secureC hareCy.Lender eh�ll no1 Incur any Ilabllity Daoewe of enythlnp II may Co a aNt to do - - - - —� <br /> c��c� Z�. hOtaunder. -- .— <br /> y aj} ��_ B.Itsnrdouf hlaltdW.Trustor ehatt kaep Ne Prope�ty In compllanee wIN ell npylicable lawe,orAinynoos end repUletlon� _ _�_ <br /> , rolatlnp to InduaUlal h glene or onvironmenlal pro�action(colieolNey mferred to horoin ef"EnNronmontal lawey.Tnqlar ehall 6 __,_- <br /> , � � ��� kooplheProperryheeKomaneuWtenoeaaeemodtobaha:arAou�ortoziounooreiyBmironmontaiLa�rafcouscUvoNrolerredto - � <br /> �fel�+ # �ereln aa"NainrEOUe MatarlW�.Trustor heroby warranW end represenle to Lender thelthore aro no F4esardous�1ak�lalf oq or � _ <br /> �+-� -1 unda�NaPropotty.TruflorheroEyagreeatolntlemnlyenChWdharmleaLender,IbAlftWlore,OlBOBt0.0mP�%'88slMBpBnk,A�tl � ,,, <br /> t � ?- eny succeaw�e�o LanGer's Inlerest Irom end egalnat any and all etelma demegee,Ioaae�nntl IlaOnnie�arlsing in oonnectlon wiN sri:� �-- <br /> � ,g` -� Na presance,uc0.dlapoaal or hanaport ol eny Hamrdoue Ma�erials on,undaJrom a ebout Ne Proparry.THE FOREOOINO �»f�:=� <br /> tn� <' WAflRANTIESANDfl6PBE8ENMTI0N8,ANOTflUBTOR'808LIOATIONSPURSVANTTOT►1EFOREQOINOINDEAINRY,8HALL ��J«�' - � <br /> �;a�t?� SURVNE RECONVEYANCE OF THIS DEED OF TflUB"L �e` '` <br /> ' °1�{�� 70. 1lalpnmml of q�nt�.huator hereq ea�lpnf ro Landar tho ranls,lasua�en0 proAb of I�a P�operty,Drovided Nat Truqu '� , <br /> � ''�t�-} shall,until fho occunonco of an Evontol Deloult harwndor,havet�e dgh!W colleelBnO ralaN auch renU,lasuef and proflle ee Ihey F �' --_ <br />-;a,`• Ghi bewme due end paynbia.Upon Ihe occwrence ol an Event of DelaulL LenAer mey,either In pareon or by egant wil�o�without �i -;f� - <br /> �„����' Ddnping any eoNOn a proceeCinp,or by e recaNer appointetl by a courl end wiihoul iegerA to Iho atlequaq ol ite sacmiry,aMer k�k`` . <br /> £2ilt�`ivZw i�qonantltekapoeaeselonolNOPropery,orenyparllhereof,in118ownnam9orinlhanemeofihehuatee,enddoenyae4�vhiohit ���`3;. <br /> l��}��r. Cea'ronecoaaeryordeaireblebpreaanetheralue,merketaWllryorrantebiiiryolNaProparty.orenyperlNereolor�ntereatt�oroln, � x,�;-- <br /> ,x�n:o��: inerease II�e ineomB t�orBfrom or proloct Ne eeoudry horeol enA.wiN or wlNOUlleklny posxtebn ol the Properry,au9lor or -:�--- <br /> ,t�t��� al�ctul&A ootlxct tl�e�anls, luuee ontl profile ihBre01.Intluding t�ose past 0ue end unpaM,and t�ppiy Ne eame,Ibbe cOSi!end 1`+�+.�Y:- <br /> ;fivr�;�J� expa:+sas otvperetlon end colleotion Inciutling al�orneye'(Beq upon flny InGebtetlness 54wrgq�a-tby,ell in euch OrdBrae L9ndor :._.__ <br />-.�_��'Se�ltr�yj� meydatettnina The eoledng upon end lekinp poaseaelon of the Propefly,the coliee9�on W s�n renta.lasuae end pro11U enG Iha �,:..-'- <br /> ��, Y r , flppfieeP.on treieof ea aUreseW,ahell not eure or waive any tlelauR or noliee ol tle:�utt I:ereuntler m imalidata any eol tlone in ti�°-_.: <br /> ��;�. rBeponaetowehdatautlo�P�tuentto8uchnoticeoldefaultanA,notwlNetanaingurecontlnuanceinpoafesalonolNePropertyo� *�: <br /> -`�i � me w1locUon.recelDt end apploation of renU,Iaauea or profiu,and Tru�lee end Lender anat�be entiuetl to exerciee avary rlght y �'r,:. <br /> n :(f • provlAedlminairyoflReLOenlnatrumeMeorbylewuponoccurrenceolenyEvenlotDeta�It.inelutlmgwllh0utlimltgBOntherlpht ,�";�,:.,, <br /> `.s.��iJ,?�. t00xerclaelhOpOw8rolta18.Fuhh9r,L8nd8/edgllWantlremedlBeuntlerlhlepereg�apfislieil0ocumulBtivewllh,BnCinnoWaye <br /> ���----�{'� Ilmila6on on.Lentlela rlphis and remeOlea under eiry��9nment olleaeaa entl ren�recoiCeA e�ainei fn�ProDenY-lenaer,irustae u;+ --- <br /> � �l,k'2 enC Ne reeeiver ihall be IinNe to eceounl ony for Nosa�ente ecwelty recaivetl. ��e �a�. <br /> ' +4�� 77. 8venp ol0ehutt.The lollovdng ahell conehwta an Erent ol Dolnult under tnis Deed of Truat ���� � <br /> �Y•��� (�Feilme to Oay eny ineteliment W pdncipal or Intereat ol eny other eum secureA haroDy w0en dve: ' -��F -� <br /> .�.-�� �.'� -.:.. <br /> .,_i � i��,, f,,f (6)A6reacholo�delaultuntleranyprovislonconteinedinlheNOta.IhiBDeedolTms4enyo1lhoLOenlnatrumenLv,orony (�rF?;� ��- <br /> !t�}��jn olher Ifen or encumbrenw upon tho Properly, t y{�i?� ��Ft. <br /> a;r� � (c)AwritolexeeudonoretteehmentoranyUmllarproceass�allbeenlereOagelnslTmsbrwhlehahailbecom0e�ienon �._, tl7"� _: <br /> ,��, �/1•,' No Property or efry portion Ihamof or inlereat lherein: ra -�, p�} <br />-'��!'%"�'' it, (d) There s�ell bo(IIeA by or egeinal Truslor or Borrower en acllon under any present o�IuNre toAeral,elelo or othe� �=>�ft���i�,',`'!'�- <br /> `rt't ^��4W; eleWte,law or regWalion ruleling ro bank�uptey.ineoWaney or o�her reliel lor Oebtorr,or there ehall De eppolmetl any trutlea. T���i�,, ;{S ,-. <br /> ,� ->4,� receiverorllquidalorotTrustororBOrrowerorofallorenypanoltheProperry.ortherenteJnnueaorproNethorool,orT/uator ,. 1�, <br /> � � `��l�: or Borrower ehall meke eny penera!assl8nment lor Ihe bnnefil ol ereditore; i, ti������9�.� <br /> t e ' ,1' (o) T�e tele.irenafe4leose,aasignment.conveyance or lurther eneumbmnce ol ell or any pah ot or eny inferesl in 1ho �3,yi'f �. ., : <br /> �.�1 �q�� PropeAy,ellher volunlanly or InrolunleHly,wilhoul Ihe expreea wdtlen consent ol Lender,D�OVidetl Nal huelor ahell be `��t��r;C}J s I; :, <br /> * r;}{F permitletlloez9cvlea�easeotNePropetlythaltloeanoleonlelnanoptlontopurchaseend�he�ermofwhiehOOeanotexeeeA � - „ � ; '' <br /> ' ,�e �`-� one Year, .}.-_� i <br /> � ,; � (Q Abendonment ot mo Property:a � . ;; t, „�� ��, <br /> _ 'a (g) IlTrustorienotanlnClWCuni.lheBauance.aeleArenaler.aea�gnmenLCOnvoyanceore�cumbranceofmorethanatolel Ii��` tk� i <br /> � � <br /> ��tii " ol percent ol(H e corpo�afion)ae i6sued and ovtatanOing stock or G�a peMersNp)a tolel ol Dercent ol r � ti -�.. <br /> ' � �r,-�, pertnereMO inlere6lt Auring t�e petlod Nis Deed ol TmSt wmeins a Ilen on Ihe Property. � ?'-F ��• <br /> �- �''�'� i2. Romedlef;AecoleralbnU onDOlauILlMheorentoten EveMO1De19u1tlenderme .wilhoutnoGCeexceplaa� ui�e0 ��""��''�""���- <br />-�Gi�.�,:':.i��"� P Y Y o9 CY i:N�j;c..�-aC,..' <br /> .-C � �=u lew.0eclare ell intlebletlneea 6ecmed�ere0y to be Eue end payable anA t�o seme a�ali the�eupon become due eM payable � �� ��R _� <br /> !i withoul any ptBeenlmenL demen0,D�a�eat or noliee ol Bny kind.Therea�le�Lender mey '� ; 5/�,�;' <br /> v�� � (e) DemenC Ufet Truslee exereiee Ue POWER OF SALE qranietl herein.anA Tmatee ahell IhereeNer Ceu78 Trustor'a �.t���, <br /> ,Z - Inlereat in t�o P�ope�ly to be aolA antl Ne proceeCn lo be Aismbutetl,ell m Ne manner prov�Getl m Itie NeDraska Truat Deeda � <br /> �t < <r�- Acl � ,. <br /> ;'�-.;)��.;;;`i!# (b) ExBrGi60 eny en0 all riyhi8 prm�tle0 br in any o�Ihe Loen In9tmmenla or Dy lew uDOn otturrence ol eny Even�ol - <br /> �.,, �r Defaalk enE � <br /> � i ��{y (t) CommenCeenat4on1o1otoUO5e1��sDee0o1Tm8te9emoqgage.eDPO���erecBrveLOr8p0CdiCellyenlotC88ny0Hho <br /> wvenams nereo�. I ' ` <br /> ��.;���;x,^ti�{� No rOmBdy he�ein COnlerr0tl upon 0�reserve0lo Truslee or Le�tlO��s mtena9C 10 be ezclu5rve ol any o�her remedy herein,in t�e � '' <br /> ,-�-`i�;1; �°.;;;, Loen Inatrumenle or by law C�ovideO or permnt80,bN each sheit Oe cumWetne.shall be m aAtliuon to erery ot0er�emedy given i.• -. .- <br /> -,-�1.�;�.�.�r_'• Ihe Loan Inslrumenla or now or herealter ensting al Iew or m equiry o�by etaNle.anC may be exercise0 conCUrrently, � <br />::_:�;'�y'�s.:�:r f-. <br /> �j..,,_ InEeDendenlly or eueeeuively. ; <br />'�-%��h`'� "��:}��"i 13. TN�I00.Th¢TNSl08 mey rE5i9n el any IimO w��houl CeuSC.a�0 LfnCB�may al any bma en0 w���oW Ceuse aDDOm�a � <br />_.,..'.;._/.....;�� <br /> ,_:f�:��rt4+.-�; sut[easororsubatitWeTmalee-TmeteeshailnotbeLableloonyparry.�neluOmgwn�outlimdeflonlen0e�.0o�rower.Tms�oro�e�y <br />�- f?s,`.�I pufC�8dB�011h0P�0 B bre� I0540rdem2 BunIe550ue�OreCk1e55otwJllulm6COnOuCLenAbhei�nOlbBr2 urtB01018keen <br /> d'4��; v m. r e a r ' <br /> .-;;p-.�•1�'�,7, acuon In eonnect�on wnn tne enlorcemem ol�nia Deea ol tius�uNess indemmLea, m wntinp,lor e�l cos�e.compenpaoon or � <br /> ' � � ez mee WhtGh me De essoneletl NerewilR In edadio4 Truslee me become 8 mcheser at en Sale O�lhe Pw <br /> .'.<�y - Pb Y Y D Y PbrtYUvOiCfelor � <br /> `�'f' .�� unde�IhB pOwB�OI lelB yrBnl¢C hBrem).pOEIDOne I�e neie ol ell Or eny pOrbOn 01 lh2 PrOpB�ty.a!proviOlM by 18w.Or SBII Ihe <br /> ._. <br /> :: <br /> - '':'L..�..a.• . <br /> _ _, r-vymYj o_ __ _.�6cyv:u v va�w::v�:___ ____ ___ __. " <br /> ''�"'-�"�'-�` ^, 14. FuOf entl Etponio0.ln Ihe evun�Tm51ee aolle I�u,PrOporry by oxer[�OO ol pOwer o159�e.TmsiBe Shell be BnINeO to eDO�Y <br /> �`s'<:l:..e�:; <br />:�i;l.-:.,.- eny eele DroCeeE!liret to poyment c�ail cosU en0 expense0 oi eze�c�l��p Dowe�ol eele.�nclu0infl ell TNatee'91eel.enO lenCer's ' <br /> "�:�`-�" andTNSteO'eetlomoy'aleos.ac1ua11yincurro0loo+tontpermdleObyap0licaDle�ewlntneevenlBorrowerorTrustoreze�asebany <br /> ��'",;r�,�;�.�,71 dgAt provitletl by law�o cure an Evont ol Doleult Leneor ehail De om�tio0�o rerovor Irom ir�stor aii cos�e antl exoeneea aetually <br /> -- -- " Intu«OA 89 B relull ol TNBtoI'e delBY�L��Nu01np wilhoul Iimilefion all TruSteB's.tnd ailomoy e�oes.�o Ine BitBM plrmltt9E Dy <br /> --�.��%�'' aPWiCaDle lew. <br /> +�+'.i r 75. Fuluro AAranco7. Upon requeat ol(formwer.LenOer mey,a1 iU opeon.make aDAitional enA luture aAvancee enO re- <br /> •e:Y:�?pl;` gdv0�cea l0 8orrowec Such aOVencee an0 reativencee.wilh inlerebt thereon.ahali De secmed Dy IMe DeoO of Trobt At no4me a�all <br /> ,.�''F•!"''t, Mo tln <br /> � �r1���„ �_ p dPalemountolNefnOebtetlnesesecureCbytNaOeedo�TruaL�o�7nduCmpeumeaOvanceOfoD�otec e6gc ynryonn�s <br /> 15s�j,y+`,.s�..: D0e0 0l Truat extee0 t�e Otlginel D��dDelBmounl a1BteC here��.or S 1=�• '��"�'•dL wh�c�erer It great� `�'-' j <br /> �•zsv`�.: < <br /> �> v..:i <br /> � <br /> ; <br /> � t . <br /> , �. ; <br /> , :; , _ . <br />