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� tr�._ ' _'__' .�__ __>_._ ___ ' <br /> \.� s'��'°.�,. <br /> �`1,te.J r . . <br />. .< . -.-� " . . . ...>,-._-_..<.___' <br /> ACKNOWLEOGE61�Wf OA DRBD Op 4RU8T eq <br /> ---- iR118Y0RFIPADTtG9f,.CF0E138;4kW�f: PP� ����. - -- <br /> � � 14u�aPuqCNihMnha�tlNeaoum�mm�lT�uawrl�eDoultotxnouNN�04+ao�TrW�Ndre1����m01�1qNrpovlM ^ <br /> - otenloprovldCOWrintltSDeadolTruafproN6ei1u0�untlurya�ttarantrlpnb�ntla�nQ3BOno�YrusWil�ani�io " y9'tntAiwina . _ _ _ _ <br /> o6tyYMi�uOOrtrspCholobl�WItlonunpNrrth�0ydolTruN,InaNG�n9,DNno1lPnitWtqtMlsnCaV�Aynlloluw�iPr <br /> -- 1YU��pr bmefors C i�xWWan ol�Ni Oe+O�pjaTni�+t Natm roD�e7anM�ntl witlenlo Nel Nti a owiedpem! wo ex eu5� <br /> \ <br />_ _.,:•�-:._- <br /> -.:--- <br /> naj�ov `Q» naortrusta Hve sn ` " ,.°. - <br /> -- C � L <br /> "�:� — <br /> -- Cfndf L Praiaondort Tnnxr Y— l�— <br />��'�=.'7 -- <br />�`_�':� -�..__�—... <br /> : ._-, DH6D AF TRUST WiTH FUTURB ADVANCBS __ <br /> Y <br /> "��� TH18 DE80 OF TflUBT,le me0e e�ol Na SL7L�aay o� Hnv. ,1 �?,Dy nntl amap .... ..... <br /> � � —_ <br /> f�� theTrunta, tletAev S Preieondar! 6 Cindi L Preleendori , hueband and vito_ � <br /> ,�i° - 2912 Y 16eh 6t 6rend Ielend 11e 680�3•2{IS � <br /> ��G��}*�.,� wl�oea malling addrosf la (haroin'Trui�or."whoUer one or mor�� �'� � �-_ <br /> ��YJ9 YaTNy�ya Fiva Painte Bank a Nebroeka CorDOration , �� -- _-_ <br /> �,�;j P.O. Box 1307 Orand Ieland, NE 69002 ��arain'Tivatea"�end �-' r� <br /> n�rt�- nM98 mEllinp add�e3!b - _ <br /> t� �;� Ne B6naHOiary, Five Polnta Benk . �r�`� f-.-_-- <br /> ,� f��tl •. <br /> }�'���� whoao malling addras�la 2015 H Broedvell Grand 2elarvl, NB. GD002-1907 �herain"Lander'} j s,'yF,� .,- -- <br />' ^r4,<_ athav S Preiaendori i °'fh;:t-�' <br /> �_,t FOR VALUABLE OON8IDEMTION,InUuding LanAef�ax�s+yon ol qedit IAentl11e0 herein ttr p����,�;�t <br /> �y r�� 6 Cindi L Preieendocf (herein"BOrrower',whBNBr ono or more)antl Ihe Wat herein CrBa10d. '� �{?r;a, _ <br /> t t fF i� Na reeeipt ol whieh is�areDy eoknowle0ged.Tmttor�ereby irrevoca6ry pranl0.Venatere,conveyo antl mssiqn�W Truatee.IN y ; <br /> " ��'��� TflV9T,WITHPOWEFi0F6AlE,torMeboneflren0aecutltyotLender,underantleub�eeUOt�ete�meenACOnd�tiaubxrelna�ereet Ft�}t5�-��"' <br /> -k�f� lonn.tne reai propeM.4eaerroe0 aa tonowe: "wi� -rl <br /> .. .i_. �j° i.iii iqQ C2:�i{i.4.^.Ek LAX°.S �:lo��ytctns{ 1{n; i HALL C�lIH7Y. flE0RA5Rh. S qS31. �.�.E.=_- <br /> •� <br /> Z7�(� �'}-}1 �'r�i'�r�•5Y,_�. <br /> ° �,KY. ' �7ii.-�s�. <br /> :a,.,<`;:: �>�7x�:�.�.1`�:,:- <br /> d <br /> ,:�=yy,'�i. Togelher wRh ell bvlldinys,ImprovBmenlB.�:1urea.nlroele.e�lays.pauaB�AYS.eaaemente.HBhb,ptivilepes enA epputle- �s n`}�iR���� ' <br /> , . .- nancea IoeeteC thereon or in anynise pertaining Nereto.anE Ihe renla.Issuea ena pro114.revomiona end remelntlero Ihereol,en0 ftii7 _4`���:� �u�' <br /> ��j� -� such pBr60nal property thet U ellBChed to Iho ImOrovementp eo ea to conatilW e e fixlure.Inciudinp,bul not Ilmiled lo,h6bling and �rn*,? ,q , <br /> :f::A44i: COO��fI Y Y : if/. J tl` :r.:::: <br /> .�{�,,.,, g Bqulpment end lopelher wllh It1e home5�08tl or meri�a11n1e�esU.I1 en ,which interea169r9 h�rob felee6ed 9nA WBNBd:ell a4•�:;�.`';;`�����4�`-� <br />,.:_�,f:( olwhic�,inaludingrep'aeementeenAetlAlYOn6Neroto.lahereDytlecieredtobeapurtol�hewaloale�oaecuredbylhelienolthla r.,_f,+=.:.��{y.�.��H__ <br /> Deed ol Lual end etl 01 ne lorepoiny 6einp relerrotl to noroin ee Ihe"Proparty". ,, -;Y��,y � <br /> u 1 4f.'-- <br /> 3;�.}i `{� TMa Deed o1 Trust Dhall�eeure(a)tho a ment ol l�e rinU I aum and inlerest eridenced e promiaaory note or credit s� �'�."{ "� -- <br /> n..c P Y P Pa q' . ) � z t��5: <br /> s'�t[` <br /> `��i c ;F egreement datetl ��� �,�� �•"' —,naNng a mamriry aate o� M e�19tn 1994 , ;t St�-���u�1��'__ <br /> �\1 -:' in Ihe originet pdneipai emount ol E lAd•�10d.�0 ,enA any anE an mo0ifieetione.exlanalone and wnewela } .;�4����� �_' <br />_;;:y`;��;f ihereof or thoroto an0 any entl a111uNre advancos end reaArancea to Borrower�or eny ot Ihem if more Ihen one)hereunder , ,f,t�_,�r1 ��; <br /> s .;. pureuant 10 one or mo�0 p�omiasory`w�ee or eretlit egreome�is(herein calietl"NOIe'1:(D)Ihe payment ol other eume etivanced by r �,,��,j �t ,. <br /> � Lentl6rtOprotecttheleeurlryolNeNote;(e)thepe�brme�ceolallcovenanWandeg�eemenleolTrusloreetlotlhharein:end(tl)flll t - .�,i3 �.�.Y <br /> - -;� pre88nt enE Iulure Indeblednees an0 oElipetlons 01 Bo�rower(or eny o���em if more Ihan one)to lentlur w�olher Cirect.indireCt , � L�: fa s <br /> ---t ebaolute or conlinpenl and whether edsing by nola.Queianty.ove�drali or olhe�wise.The Note.thia Dued of Lusl end any anE all � ,: � -,, . ; <br /> f '�r, olhordOGUenUttl9[teWreNeNOl6orothe�wisee:eCUlLdlnCOnneclioniherowltn.includmgwilhoullimll811on8ueraNeeasecurily -• q� - <br /> ��,,�i egreamenle entl easl9nmeme of leasee and rema.ahau ee relerred�o hermn ae me"�oan�nstmmen�e: `; _. ;'IJ , h,` <br /> � '- �' Truator cOVenenu ena ayre69 wiln Lentler ea toilowb: < -+a+�� y '' <br /> -- .-r 1. Peymenl ol Indeblodne�o.Alllnde6letlneES securetl he�eby shall be pa�U when Cue. - �-h i rl s '� <br /> - -� -� 2.Tlflo.Truelor le Ihe owner ol ine Property.has the tlflht end eWhoriry to eonvey ine Pwpe�ry,anC warranl4lhe[Ihe Ilen ��"� " e�� <br /> - ereetetl hereby le e O�sl entl O��Or lien on ihe ProDerty.azcoD��or lie�a and enwmbrences sei foM Dy Tmalot in wtltinp enA ; �:�tr,�S -. _ <br /> � AeliveredtoLenderbebreeretufionollhieDeeAOiTm�t.endtheexecuuonan0tlehveryolmisOnetlo�Tmeltloesaotvio�eteeny � -1 �- � � <br /> t��` -.i ConlrBCt Or 01�ef oDllpellon 10 whith Trublor ie SuE�ecL � -:. <br /> ��r 3.Texee,AssepmOnU.To pey 6elor8 deiinQuenCy aIi lexel,spea0�aSSessmenl4 8�0 all othe�Chergea agem5i lhe PrOperly �e <br /> now or hereaXer IenEd. - <br /> d. INUrenCe.TOkeeplhgProperryin5u�e0agamattlamagebylire.neiardymciuOeCwdhmtnele�m`extenGeOCOrerage".an0 �� �"';!� � <br />, .?,'.� wel�ol�er�ezerdi ee Le�Cer mey emoums an0 wM oompan�es acceD�able to Le�Aer.nam�nq Le�tle�es an aAOnionel ; •- � <br />� '��y;•� nameC ineured.with loes peyabie fo the Lentle�.ln case o�loss un0e�sucn Da����es,the LenEer�s euu�o��zed to eC�ust coileel anE i �� _ <br /> _ °- - compromi6B.eI1CI8imalhBrBUnderendahei�hevel�eOpGOnOlapplYmGa�lo�partoll�emswa�ce0�aee�5(f)IOenyindebteOneae - - <br /> >i?t;2i_ tBCUrCd he�eDy anG in aae�orCer as LenOer 101ne Tmsto�to De use0 for tne repart or resbrelfon ollne Property . ' <br /> -��':�"'.` or(IiploranyolherDurposeoro6jectletialactoryloLenAerwdhoulaXVG:�glnaheno�tNSDeeCOlTrostbrlhe�ullamou�taeeu�ld ' <br /> "�`��';"�� �ereby bBbrB suth payme�l ever took piete A�r appLCebon ol D�o��as tc meee�ea�ess snan�m e:iena o�pos�pone me aue -: <br />'';��,='_:�.` Aate ol any OaP^enu unae�me No�e.or cure any tle�aun tne�eu�eer o�ne�eu�aer <br /> ,:'r'�'i- 5. &CrOw.Upon wrillen Cementl Ey LenCe�.Tmalo�s�a��Day lo Le�Oe�.��suan ma�ner es�eneer may aes�gna�e.sun�aem <br /> �ums m amblo Londeno nav a�thev 6ecome Cue one or mo�e ol i�e bi�owing pl a��W xea.essessmenL9 an0 olherol+erges against <br /> t�e ProOerty P9��o D�emiuma on�he Drope�ty msurance requ�rea nereunEer.a�tl(��I lne prem�ums on any monpege insu�ance <br /> -�"�*�% ropWrod bY LenOer. <br /> 8. MalntOnenq,qOpeirt and Comp110neo wlth Lew�. Trusto�shail keep t�e ProDerty m goo0 cond�hon an0 repe�r,s�ell <br /> - ' promptly repelr, 0<<eplaee any improvemant wnieh may be Aemege0 0�Oeshoye0. shaii �ot eommA or Dermit any wasie o� <br /> ',''}:��- Aetetloretlon ol It1e ProOerly.ehell nol remove.Uemo��e�or aubsten11911y 911er 9�y ol t�e improvemenlb on Ine Property:s�all not <br /> COmmiL aulfer or pe�mit any ect Io Oe Cone��or upon the Propem/m vioieuon ol a�y�aw.ordmanca.or ragWehon.and s�eil pay anE <br /> p�omptly Elac�erqe el Truelor's co61 antl exDense fill liens.encumbranc3a a�A Ma�qes Iev�eE.imposed or e65e55o0 ageinal t�e <br /> `:�.!;��.3 Property or eny pan thereol. _ <br /> -;�v't�j; 7. Eminonl0omaln.LenOer ia hereby assiyne0 ali compenaePOn.awaras.aameges ana otner paymenU or rei�el(hereinafter <br /> "Pf0000C!')Ifl GOIMBCIIOlI Wilh COndBf�IOBGOn Ot01h0�IBkinO OI�h8 P�OpB�ly Ol D8h IhBt001.Or 10!COnrBy8nC8 in if8u Ot COndBmnE- <br /> ���'�7 tlon.londer 6�eil be entitletl flt ila oplron to commence,eDPear in end prosecule�n its own name e�y aclion or O�oceeAinBa.and <br /> ��:`1;'`- 6hall a160 DO Bnt1118010 make eny comprom168 0�eeltlement m cOnneGdon with sucn laking or demequ-In l�1e ev9n1 By1y eoNOn ol <br /> a• <br /> ' _' " <br />��.-�%2"�'�� MBCNVIXeiupsMVUMlI�elO.N <br /> . ijir--V, �11NMH[NIlWdCMw�dT�v���M{�^^TILL�e[.nenl+[qnMW�W <br /> _. . . ♦ <br /> . _.)'- -( <br />- ". .�_:'� : <br /> _.�'�J�'�. <br />