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. _'_ -'; �'��; <br /> :1:f� .. _- - <br /> ,.. <br />, : <br />�s.sQ'� ;,.. <br /> - - td 6t(wfstnwu�ptoxktlanf. �u' �0�� � <br /> _ p)lorrorrtrHotRNH►eA.F.�ctenHonolNatlmetorD�Ymentormodtll0e9onbl�mortluBOnofNewmENeurlODytl�p <br /> - - �eeOOPhw1p�anpdbyUnderroer�y�uoce�ealnlnter�►IOIBOnowanMllnotoparataloreiww,In�nym�nnv,fhtlU6lGbr �-------- <br /> - ofN�oApinafEWrrax�orenAOOrroweliwcceraoremintereulentler�nhtlmtD�reyulredt000mmena0raadinp�/¢Unit <br />� -�-��� euohaucceseormraNSOtoaxtendtlmslor aymanto�oNerebomomyemoNxallonolthewm�eecuradbyMleDeadolTrusl <br /> --- Oy raton ol amr GemanOi mada ty tha orPpmei eorroxm eno Bonowel�wooawn m Intamat <br /> y�y (D)L1ndlt'�9owRa.WlthoN nlfeotlnp iho IIabII1H ol any oNerpe t60n IleDle tor Ne p8yment ol eny obllynllon herNn <br /> _- mentlonod.andtivlNOUtoHectlnpthollanorehnrpooflhla�eetlofTru�tuponenypordonolt�ePropaiynotlhonorWereto�ae .,-.- .. <br /> rolNeldeate0udyforNeNllemountofallunpelCODllyatlonaLendermay,tromtlmelotlmeendwlNOUtnoUCe@releeie�ny - - �� <br /> m� poreon�olitble,pqexlentllhomeNrlryoreilorenyollhetermeofeny�uohoblipatlona,(IIUO�AntoNerlMUyenoei,(Mreiea�e <br /> , ��,q or reoonvey,or oauee to De releafetl or roconvoYad at any tlma et Lendar�optlon any perool,ponion or ell of t�e Property, - <br /> >�"�:M1 (y telto o��BIB9f0 flny oNer o�ltlCltlOntll eoouAry lor any obllgeUOn herein mentloned,or(vq mako oompoeltlone a oNer <br />-��:`��?";��i� artanpameMe wiN dabtoro In raletlon Ihareta <br /> -':'.y'� (o) Forbnnne�by L�ndv Not�W�N�r.AnY lorbaemnoe by Lender in axarolalnp nny dght or remady hereunAar,or <br /> -��a oNarwlae eflordod 6y epplloeblo lew,ehall not bo e waWer of or preolude Ne examiea ot any such rb��or remoAy.T�o _ - <br /> t���i'y- prooureman1o11ntwanceorthepeymantollaxeaorolhorllennorohergesbyLendarnhallnotbeewaWerofLOnGererlgNp n <br /> ;, 0CCe16�e1B Na MOWtIry ol N9 IntlBbfodnee!6o0uretl by Nb Deod ol Trusl <br /> --- (�Bueauon and Aelpnr Bound;JoIM�nd 8�vea1 Ll�blllry;C�pOons.T�e eovananie and eproomonb baran ean- _ <br /> �- talnoA ehall 61nd,end t�e rlghl8 heroundor ehall inure to.Ne�eepootiva suoceanors and eealgne ol Lenda�ecq Tn„�5c NI �n � <br /> � �t., covenenle end apmem5nte ol Truslar ahell 6e Joint and eevoral.The oaptlona entl heaAC�s ol t�o peragraptu W tl+b Q9ad ol �z, y <br /> yd°; TmBt er0 t0�OO�VOni9nce Only BOd ar9 nOt t0 be u6ed lo Inletptol w AeMe th0 D��'�*�hereot � +`°�� <br /> "'�•%`�:. (e) B�qunllo�NolleH.ThepaNeahereAyreQueat�hatacopyotanynoucaotcataunnereuadarendarnDYO�enyaotica — <br /> *=� ot Bele here�u'�dDi be mail6d to eeoh pary Pa 61a Qeed ol Trust at the eddro6e Bet torlh ebora in L're manner preacrlDBtl by <br /> '��� sqpUCgbba Lsw.Exeeyllorury oNer notios reQuUetl und2r eDplicable l8w to ba gken in enoNer msnner.aN eweee proNdod --_ <br /> •%"� - lbrtntl+bWaAOlhusls�a7bapNenbymailingeve�notiaEycertl0edmailaddresaetltoNaoNe.pnnios.e�R�ee'droaeset �!' � <br />---�h ii;'�Y brt7�e0ma My notice D�o+M14ed lor in W e Deed o17FUSt snan be eBec�Ha upon mamng In the manner AealOnamd emein.H - <br /> �"-' hustor b more Nan we per6on,notiee eent to Iha eddreN set tonh abova nhall be notiea b ail sueh pereonx �:?'-;;-:--- <br />����'?+?�'�t, (q Inspsellon Ltmder may make or eeune to 6e meEe reasoneble enlrles upon ena inepacliona ol Iha Propary.Drovldad =-- <br /> =Y0.'-'�'� Il�al Lender snell yive Truator notlee prio�to eny wah InspeeNOn apaciyinp reaeona6le eeuee therelor relateA lo Lentlers v?� <br /> �{:.; a:-�. <br /> � ?, interest in Ine Propary. <br /> �) t�[ (g)H�eonv�ymp.UponpeymaMOlallsumasacuretlby�hlaDeadolTruaLLentlerehallreQVestTmetaelorecorneythe ""�'�- <br /> _ P7, "; ProperyenAShallaurrentlerMieDBadolhustendallnoteaerideneinglnGe6tednese6ew-re06ythiaD88AOlhuatloTmslea r' -- - <br />_v�„{,�Z, Trualee ahell raconvey tha PropBrty wlUOUI wa�rCMy antl witltoul charge lo tho pewon or perDOne leyely entltl0d NerBlo. �L^,,,_=— . <br /> r��: Trustor ehell peylll C06b Of reeordetbn,i19ny. � ,� ti. <br /> .YL �' (h) P�nonal Plop�rty;8wudly ApmsmenL Ae adniuonal eecvtlty lor 1he peymant ol Iha Note.TrusWr hareby grante ,.,��„-° <br /> �<'`_ Lenderunde�IheNebreekeUnitOrmCOmme�dalCotleebewtltyin18re6dnelifixlure&equipmentenAOtherperDOnelprOpOrty �,�,z._ <br /> - wetl In connecllon w10 t�e real eatate or�mD�ovemanta locatetl N9reon.entl not omemiee declarati or oeemad io be e pedoi -_ ' °' ---� <br /> h ,�t the real estata oeeureE hereDy.Tnin inevument ahatl be eonslrued ea a Seeurity Agreement unde�seitl Code,enU me Lender � F,,,?�'.,�,�_ <br />��_,i�},��,�; shellneveallNeMyhUantlremedieaofesecuredparryundernflidCoAeine0di11ontolherig�lsanCremedigatr0ata0under � 'S�dii��`_i=,, <br /> - r.i� anAeecortleONeLenderpureunnttot�leDaetlofTmet:O�ovldetlfhetLender�rlBhlsantlreme0leaundarthiaperagrepA6ha11 �;"$�%� -- - <br /> �' be cumulelive wiN,and In no wey e Ilmila0on on,Lender e dphte an0 remediea un0er a(ry oNer aecuriy agreement e�gned by ;,�����. - -:.. <br /> �Ss. -` BortowerorT�uaWr. � ��ai�Yr <br /> ' (q Llem end Encumbraneea.Truator hereDy warreme enA repreeanW tnat there ic no deleult under tho O�ovislons ol any i rrf��o+4 T �r <br /> -- ;, mongeg9,de0d o1 tru6t lease or purohaae conVact deecribing all or eny pert of t�e Property,ot olher contraet inshument or r�(�•��+r���_{,,,_,,,�-,. <br />�.':.t�..�- ; , n,��...._____._ <br />��.g,...,. egre9meM conalWflnp a Ilen or oncumbrenee epeinal all or eny pen o11he Pwperry(colt9ctivBiy."Uene'�,exlaNng aa ol Ne �'-�a�l�i'�?f�r�nvf;.: <br />_-ii�:i:%< date ollhia Deetl ot huet.BnA Ihet Bny end ell oxlsling Lie�e remein unmodNatl extept ae dieeloaeA lo LBnAer In Trultole a�r.�r_7j t f��:��,,«_, <br /> .-r� wtltlen Olaetosure of 116ne end Bneumbraneea provided for herein.huslor ehell timely peAOrm all ol7ruslor'a obligetlone. F f 4��� �'3" - <br /> i�.� `. <br /> i� , covenent0.repreeontetlona end warroNiea unAer eny and en ezisiung and IuWre Liena e�ell promplly lorwertl lo Lendercopiae �.� 'r. �rr ;r. <br /> 01011 n011Cee 0�d0�eul!eent in tOnneCtion with Bn end BII edelln or futu�e Liena.enA 6he11 not wilhout Lender'a tlOr Wdl�en �'1�=���' ' r""'--- <br /> x s(ri coneent In eny manner modity Ihe provlalona ol or enow any tuture aAvancea unaer eny ex�eunp or Wwra�enev ' _ r �� <�ro _- <br /> Q) App11ca11onofPaymenb.UnlaseolherwiaereqWretlUylaw,eumepaitlloLentlerhoreunAer,ineludingwlNOUllimiiatlon ' � ��,- ' a ' <br /> +�s�'t�� peymente of pHndpal enA intemal Ineumnco proeeetle.contlemnellon prxeetle end renta en0 prollle.8hetl be epplleC by � i�� k�¢�' - <br /> ,4�;;1�' LenderlothaemounWduoendowlnqlromhuelorendBOrrowenneuehorAOreaLantlerinibeoledlnereNOndeemsAe�irebte. � -.�qY +45r ` <br /> �,'�.:. ;• (k)8ererablllty. II any provision ol Nis Doed ol hust eonflie4 with epp�leabie�ew or la deela�ed invelitl or olharwiea T� `j,.•�+.'j.-�;;i:�; <br /> - �- �.�� unonforeeeblo.aueh eonfliCt or imellAlly e�ell not elleCl ihe othe�provl6o�s ot��le Deatl ol Trust Ot the NotO wh�Cll Cen bB e��=-,r��'�» � �P <br /> gNenellectwithouttheconflletingprovlslon,endtothiaenONeprwlslonsolNiaDeedofTruslanAlheNOlee�oAeeleretlWbe �;,- �r �t " <br /> ,� z�� aeverabto. '- ,jli: � 1 ���" <br /> � (p Tarm�.The terme"huetor"end"BOrrower"ehall inclutle boN einqular anE plural.antl w�en Iho Truslor entl Borrow9r � :r nXr ;':- <br /> ..,�.c ere the aeme pereon(6).Nose lermn ee ueeE in tMe DeeO ol husl6�a�l Ce inlerohengeable. ;, ..,_i� E�z,;f' <br />'-?"";�; (m)Qoremin Lew.Th16 Deed of Tmst ahe�l bo ovemoA b ihe lewe ol the 3181 ebraske. :��; ��. <br /> ' Truetor hee exeeu�ed mia DeeC of Truat as ot me dete wrR�en above.Y � / ��� - . ,i- i�, <br /> � :'� �� t. ,�X., -' ` <br />�r��`,_��'1�: tla�'ev � Yreiaen c.rSTms�or Nvaband �� � ,.r��' � . <br /> ..v <br /> � ��� �:. <br />--� Ciadi L F•reisenSOr2 T��s�O Y1Se �, - , <br /> i <br /> I <br />-',�.�.? ° ,�s��s+rti+�+x�:a _. <br /> '''•S���`I �fIIRi WR'QtaA 4 R'r; =. <br /> .,_L E_ . <br /> ;r;� <br /> -'s:;': <br /> `;:},;', <br />:i; t , • � <br /> ��,,:it1��•f <br /> 1 " <br /> { � <br /> } �. <br />