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.�.` _ <br /> � ��"10 , , <br /> ofsal4�apdthos4le,tndudtngtsep�ymmtoftta7lrusteo'efcesactuxllytncuncd,nottoexeeed 9.O��qbof <br />- t68�ThK�1pn�E15iWAt Ot tii0 i181i 81 tG�Hrsa attda dsdarattan af Eetault,aad nc:oaaD:C LttOlRtj!'�i'�.d Li tkd " <br /> by l�w�(D)to all cum9 secured by tAi�Bccorlty InslrumenU anA(c)ooy exeea�to the person a pe�aonvlegal entfftM <br /> eo 1� <br /> 2i. Raonvcyana. Upon payment of all�um�securcA by[hl�Soeudty WuumenL Lemter�hall rcqucst'ttupw to <br /> remnvoy tho Praperty end thail�urtrndu�his 3audty Instn�ment and ell notea ovidencing debt ucurcd by�hb 3ccudty <br /> lnaWment to 7lusteo. 7tuateo�hdl rcoonvey the Propeny whhout wuranry end wl0out chatgo to th¢peraon or penon� <br /> legdly entl�icd to It 3uch penon or penona ihall qy eny rccordallon coste. <br /> 33. SuDsttWte 7Yast¢e. I.cndu,m(u optton,mey from qmo to�Ima rcmovo'llustee nnd oppolnc a wccessor trustce to <br /> eny 7tustee appolneed hcrcundcr by en inswment rcoorded In the county In which�hia Saudty InsUUmcnt I�rcconled. <br /> Wlthout conveyanoe ot tho Propeny.the nuorexsor uusteo shell �ucceM ro e�l �ho title, power and dutlta conterrcd upon <br /> 7tusteo hucip and by eppIicable law. <br /> 20. Request tor Nadces. Bortomr rcquests�h�t copiw oi the notioes ot dofault end snle bo sent to Dorrowor6 addreas <br /> which le tM Property Address. <br /> 3S. ltldere to tAlv 8ecuriq InttrumenL It ona or more ddero ero exccmed 6y�ortowor end recorded rogelhcr with <br /> tAla Secucity Nstmmen6�he covename'end egrcenxnu o!eeeh nuch rider aM1all ha inco�poreted Into end cheil emend and -� <br /> supplemeot rde covenenu end agrcemeau of Nfs Se�vciq��•�^��+^^�m If tho rideds)wero e pan of�M1ls Secudty Instrument. <br /> ICheck eppt7cabie box(es)1 <br /> �AdJusteble Itata Rider �Corniominium Rider �Id PamiZy Rider <br /> �amduated Payment Rider �Plmned Unit Development Ridcr �Oiwcekly Paymcnt Ni�r <br /> ��alloon Ridcr �Rnte lmprovement Rider �Sccond Home Ridcr � <br /> ❑X OtherU)[:peciry] Acknowledgment and Asaignment of Rente R1der <br />. HY SIONINO B6IAW.Bortower ecap�v and�grces ro the�crms and rnvenenu containW in thia Saudty Insuument � <br /> a�M in eny rideK�)execmed by Bo:rower and recordzd wiih i�. -- <br />. Wimessas: \G�p,� 1 � -. <br /> Jo thsn L. rrat -„ar��� <br /> Soctei Seeuri Number 507-88-4448 � /� n <br /> �-^����.1� ^ • 1 '��(SeaU -- <br /> . Stephenie A. Ruret -m�..� <br /> Sociel Saurity Number 505-23-k873 - <br /> STA7'80FN8BItASKA, Hall Countyss: <br /> On�his 17th day of May 1993 ,betorc me,the undenigned,a Notary Public = <br /> duiy commis�ioncd and queliflcd tor s�id county,personally camc Jonathen L. Huret end `_ <br /> Stephenie A. Nuret (hueband end vife) ,ameknownrobethe -- <br /> Identicel persons(a)whox neme(a)arc eubudbed�o ihe forcgoing inswment and acknowledged�he exaution thercof to - <br /> bc theii volunteryactanddecd. • <br /> Witnen my hend and noterinl xnl at 6rand Island, Nebraska In seid counry,thc - <br /> d e a or sdd. /✓ /� -� <br /> r 11Yah l�Gt,�.�1 �� l�c�,a�c.�t� <br /> a�L�'� NouryPublk ,. <br /> 0� 0�6 !pE REQUESfFORRECONVEYANCE ' <br /> The undcnigncd ia thc holder of�he no[e or noics sccurM by this Decd of 7Fas1. Seid note or nores,togqher with all - <br /> otlier indebtedness tteurcd by thia Deed of'IFust,hart been paid in full. You are hercby dirccted ro cancel aaid note or notca <br /> and Nis Deed of 71vat,which erc delivercd hereby,md to reconvey,wilhout waRamy,aIl the eslare now held by you under -- <br /> thfa Decd of 71vst ro the penon or peaons legally cmi�led thercto. - <br /> Date: :. <br /> ' earm.wa frso r��.eolsw���� - <br /> { r�-.i[,!5 j Y � �i�ti-1 �rl��/l.k^: 1 a- r T - S.r r::z'�', �.iR'<.�' , �1 _ t( '!� ���6'lp 34 .t i '�.. <br /> r �)1}.�1.. � - . � �-'. ) 4 - � � ���_ �)� � �{ �- <br /> S -'?t 1 3- . ��. � f'1 - . �' y . <br /> , : . <br /> + <br /> . .. i_. . . .. . �.- � , . . .. <br /> .�t'—"_— �."_,cY ' .'__" _r_.'-_ -:_/�__� - . : - .. . :- '.- : _ <br /> __ . _.�_ � _ . .., - - : - — _.- <br /> LI� � <br /> Y S t .J (t y . . - • � <br /> ' �� - " <br /> ., <br /> i .:' _,� �� �.` .- . . ' •. r t . <br /> : _� S �,,} _ �r . ___. .,i .. . '_ � _ .. ... <br /> 1 _ ' _ -� r- i. e - � . , - . <br /> .� �� t <br /> n.- �- . : t t; i s- : . .. . <br /> .-�, �:y_ t1p i - . . <br /> f ;� <br /> • � - `� � 'r .. <br /> ff1 /i Y_ t -`k�� �. � � li i � . - . <br /> ai � i <br /> � ;(. � - . . i� r. 1 � . i )4 � <br /> ;- t l�oT! � � 1 � �_t: � .� { . <br /> c ti- i f 7 - <br /> {. [� t._�t r �l • f .� y `; � � yfl �t � , � _ <br /> ; ( t� �T i .1 : � 1 `� - fs � , .� ' � _ -e <br /> � ,f , ; r � y � , . � � <br /> . ,. �.' ' f•._ . . �� , !'' s .... _ , `, . . 1 , � >� . .. . t. . _. , .,,_, ,t , _ <br />