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, . . <br /> � ' y _.. <br /> -� . . . ' - _i ):;:t. _ <br />___ . - -i.....".� <br /> ._ - . . .. � . .--_-_ -....._. . <br /> , applicablo taw mey spalty for rolnsutemem)boforo�elo of the i'mpeny Dwseent ro enY��er o�Na co-"ni�Tn�In�Afs- <br /> Becurtty lnstrumam:or N)eatry ot e Judgment rnfotcing tN�Searity Insuument 7Losa coiWlUon�aro�hat 9ortower: (n) <br /> ` - pqy�LenAer etl wms whlch Nen xrould �o dna nndac tM� Secudiy lnswmen� ond�ho No�o e� it no awtkiaiton�:d --- <br /> -- oaurtaA;(b)wrca eny deteul�o/eny aha mvenw�u a a;�raemenu;(o)pny�WI oxpensea Incu�red In entorcing thle Secudry . ---- ----- <br /> ° � inaUumrnb fneiuding,hut not Iimited ta reasonablo aaomsys'faa: aod(d) tnkn such�tlon a+Lende+may rcasonably — - <br /> ��;,y� requlw to assuro thet�he Ilen of�hia Securlry Tnswmu�6 L.eaAUY righu In tho Propeny end Bottosvtrb obligndon to pay tho <br /> -- �um� necurc4 Ep �hla Sccudry InstNment �hall contlnuo unchmged. llpon rclnswtemant by I3ortower, thla Securlty <br /> _.� � tnawmont nnd the obliaattone cecurcd hercby�hall rcmaln Nliy efQctive a�It no acalereflon hed occurtcd. Howover,thfa <br /> _.� rlght w relns�a[o ehall no�e�ply in ttie cue ot eccekmtlon under paregreph i7. _- — , .. _ <br /> � 19. 8�10 nf�(otRl Cbdnge of Lo¢n 8errlcer. 7tre Noia or e panlel interest In�he Note(togeNer wlth thii Savdty " " " <br /> -- Inatmment)m be cold one or moro�imea wiehaut pdor welce lo Bortowoe A sate mey result in a change in tha emity <br />=-':? (knocm m tpo�l.oan$ervtcet9�hat collceu monehly peymm�a duo under�M Noto and thb Secud�y Inswment. 7Lcro alw ___ <br /> �-�� mey be ono or moro chmgoa of the Loan Scrviwr unrelated io a uio ohhe No�o. If�hero I�e chango of�hc Loan Sorviar. <br /> Dortowa will6o givon wrttten notla ot�ho chenge in acco�danoe with paregrnph I0.e6ove and nppIicabta law. 71io notiu <br />-��'��� will cta�e Iho namo and�ddres�of tha new Loan Sorvicer and the�ddmu Io�vhich paymenn ehould bo m�de. 11w notice will --- <br />-'�'_"�'� elso comain nny ocher Infortnatiw rcquircd 6y appllu6lc ta�r. ---------.---- .. <br /> �.�`� 20. Hawrdous 8ubstanas. Oorrower ahell not cau�e or prmiit the prcsena,uso,dlcposaL qorege,or rclease of my — <br /> Hazardom Substanaa on or In tho Propeny. Borto�vcr slull na do,nor wllow anyono elu to do,anything�ffectiog iEe <br /> ._:.z:x� Propeny�hat ie in vloleUon of any Hnvironmentel Law. 'ILe pracding two sentence:�hall not epply to�he prcsence,uu,or __---.- <br />-s�+��'rtr:f storage on�he Propeny o(small quantltica ot Hazxrdous Subsuinces Wu ere gencrelly recognb.ed lo bo epproprieie ro no�mal --�__ <br /> � sv residomiel usea and lo m�Intenanco of�ho Property. e� --- <br /> ��. Bortower�hsll promptly gire Lendcr wmten notice otmy inrestigazioo,claim,demand,la�vwlt or ahcr eetion by eny <br /> ,�k� govemmentel or regulmory egency or private pa�ty invotving the Propnty and nny tlarsrdous Substana or Enrironmemel -' <br /> ,M ^ 4a�r of whlch Bortower hu xwal knowledge. If Bwmwer Icamx or is naified by any goremmentel a regularory "� :-- --- - <br /> ,�sh,� autAo�ity,that eny rcmmal or other remediation of eny Hazudou+SuM�ancc affating Ne Propeny is neeeasery,Bortower � �!, � <br /> -��.. sAall promptly take ell neces�ery rcmedinl ec�ians in acmrdoae with Environmrntel Law. �,�',h'` _ <br /> - �t ': As u�ed in�his percgrnph 20,'Hazardous Subx�encox"are those subslances defined u roxic or huzeMous a�bslantta by t tY�"�?` �� � <br /> 1 4+ �R Bmlron:nentel Lew and�he follo�ring subs�nncea: gamlim,kerose�,other flemmeble or roxic pelroteum products,�oxic � -., <br /> t�"�j pesticidea end herbicida, voluiile aolvems, meteriels rnntunin esbes�m or fomialAeh de,and redioactive m��ednis. As �4';._-_:__ •-- <br />:::,;l,,i'i;d; 8 Y n..,,,_...,,,_.. <br /> r, used in thi�paragroph 10."Environmentel Lnw"means fedenl laxs nnd laws oi the jurisdiction wherc the Propeny i;loce�ed ������ � <br /> r y, �hat relate ro hcehh,sekty or envirommemal pro�ec�ion. ,�",C4�i*� _ <br /> i-'?� NON•UN[FORMCOV8NAN7'S. BorrowerendLendefunhcrcovenantendagrccasfollowa: °''}, - �x = <br /> E;y`�,? 31. Accelerntlont Remedles. I.ender eheil Rive notice ro Uorro�rer prior to acttieretlon PoIlo�ring Borrosrer's .�' _ <br /> Iq� breeeh of eny rnrenenl or agrcement in ihia Security Instrument @ut not prlor to eccelerntlon under perngreph 17 � �,`iiaa�ei = <br /> s-_'�;� untas appllcable lerr provldee othenvtse). The notice sh�ll xpectfy: (a)the defnulH(b)the action requlred lo curc the r �����y° " <br /> det¢ultt(cl e dale,n6t lest Ihen 30 dava hom the date ihe aollce la Riven to Darrower,by vhlch Ihe defoult must be -��/z1�j�,?,p__ � <br /> � 5�}� curedi nnd(d)lM1at follure to wre Ihe Eefeult on ar bePorc the date spalfied in the notice mey reault In ncceleration of {��f��t ------ <br /> n"� the sum+secured by lhtv Securlry Inslrument and sete olthe Prnperty. The natice shell further Inform Oorrower of ,� �jz���� R� _.:-_ <br /> "�+�'�� the righl to reln:tate efler aecelerafion end Ihe right lo hring e court ection to atisert[he non•ez�atence oia defnuit or ,1, �yk� ) ( „--- <br /> � i�� >i.r t{l(*.f41{C <br /> ony ofher detenxe nf Iforro�rer to acceleration xnd aale. If the defnnit L+nnl cured on or befare lhe date sped6ed tn F#,f <br /> ,+°<<` Ihe notice,Lender at I�option may requlre Immediate peymem In full of nll aumxxecured by�hU Seeurily Inxtrument ��,�ay[;;���A„"xr,' <br /> .� withoat Nriher demund and mxy Invakc the po�rer of cale flnd eny other remedtes permitted by eppliceble la�r. -�'���4G rbr -� � <br /> `�,�v Lender ahell be enqtled to collect nll expenses incw•red in purxuing �he remediea pravided in IhL+ peraRroph 21. ��;�'/�yt�� . �s f T ;ri <br /> �-'.!!i�,�sti' Ineluding,but not Iim(ted fo,rwxonehle ettorneys'fees and cos�9 ofltNe evidence. ;5.�?i•'ea%�h;^ <br /> x._` If ihe po�ver of sele li InvokeA,7}a+ke shell record n natice af defnull In eeeh county in which any part of the �� jD f h��IC-� <br /> �- ; Properly 4+located end xhall mall rnplex af such nofice In Ihe mnnner prescribed bp appliceble lew to Iiorrawer end to '� ,,�i/nY'�r�.��;� uu r- <br /> 7`� the other personx prescribed by eppllcnUle te�w ARer the tln�e reyulred by eppliceble Imv,7Yuxtee shail give public � f tjsj i.�( ,: <br /> ��� notice otsxle to fhe persom and In Ihe menner prescrlbM by opplieeble le�r. 'f}ustee,mfthout demend on ISurro�ren ����� 'rA� ti-` <br /> ,��•4 ahall seil the Propert,rat�ublic nuctlon lo the hfgAcat bidder al the Iime nnd pinm ond under Ihe terms deaiqnated In �j- Kp�r`�1�; ��'r _; <br /> "'� ?� Ihe notice of xale in one or more pareela nnd in any urdcr 7tuslee determinea. T}ustec mey pactpone aale of all ar nny y-i�. i�.'} '�yo{ � <br /> ';S' pareel ot Ihe Property by publie ennouncement at Ihe 1lme and pinee af any prerioudy scheduted xnle. Isnder or ft. e` N?� r zL,`- <br /> deaignee may purchase the Property at nny sale. '�'�S`���}1� +F --� <br /> �� Pro ert��The rxtlinli In Ilte 7}u.slee'sPdeed shull be s,rlma fxc e e��ldence1of Ihe Irolhcaf ihe�letemenL mede herelne '�` rt ' �iKt r 1 -° <br /> � P Y P . ..l...Y�C �. .t �i <br /> ?ry; 7Yustee ahall epply Ihe procceds of the snle in the fulloe•ing order: lu�M all costs nnd expenses oiexercLcing Ihe po�rer �. ! '� r Qt k�` <br /> t -F��� Yri � <br /> r i���i1���+ ��}C � <br /> �i� �� {� ,� : <br /> '�: ,�•,d�n y,y��f . <br /> -,ci .'v.;; :r t � -sl <br /> rljt; ^�;.t .,�:�(:,r= <br /> r.tP� -..vdr:.'� . <br />,- F..`�` Fi�rmYl:Jt T9n .ryc.'.,1•./.rt�v �.� !•'� . . � _ <br /> :.f,, � .`. <br /> I <br /> '::y:_r; � . <br /> - '��' <br /> }' <br /> O <br /> 7U•.�{��h� �.. =s-ill- - .yn;3'j,'r,'L�'f:v,- .. <,. .- ". . . - .. . ' . . ..��.n . .Q2[Y-'��yi(!ni{�.Y}. :. ..i"i'`._ ' .. ..._, - - <br /> ���'�--; � . - . �.. <br /> . .7. � �:rt _ __ . __ . ' ... <br /> -'I:i-_: <br /> `r.__ _— _ ' _ <br /> �S� <br /> v;t <br /> �_r�r.� .y _ ._ . <br /> r:i: 'Y;'-n _ - —. <br /> � . .. . <br /> _>;, , ;.. ..- . <br /> h�' _ <br /> ,:1:��-': �F:� " _ . __ <br /> - �; �fl:". 1' . .. . - . <br /> 1 �/ -.!,` I - - " . . <br /> \ ) <br /> ft� _ Z ' . . - . <br /> � ' )f - _ . . _ ' _ ' _ . <br /> N . � <br /> t - -. - • .. . . <br /> a( : �[ <br /> ._ <br /> ! :;_ . 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