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.. - �i�fR� � '� t � ?lY�• i-_�'� � <br /> �- a . <br /> t 11Y� S . � -� .i � . � ` 3 l �ys' � �' .�. ] �- t �y �I° � V Prt' � !'� _ . l v�. <br /> __ , . „ �, , i�i�Hrora�lir�r '�*, .<, � �� ��r lh�v 1� • ' _ _ <br /> � TNfBn$St3�E-NSqhRENT8fl1D�R�emadein0y�lecutfdl(�s•' ° tla� �f8..--q-�..�:�+iP �`� eu�Y;�� <br /> �n4aporMS�itmfq�na�mnNalrm�:dem:nq�na�LpNem�.d��A�M��a 9� Nali an vtC�(q��tt+�W oyeM �� <br /> "° � °°peurtl�.fapUumant";ot th's B�m,t d6t6.�NEn by:ths ynd.YbtCtis�•_to�rr6�to a9'th4" r�Gwgt'!,�"�";�j• ' . <br /> 'boho�Wr�'aintl�bt�dhe��,lieiaifinllarr�terraQtoYdlho°No�@"tio,�(pMEBE0EN14BlNiN0�AN6tb�ncqw�n+�v�.y�� � � <br /> = QitANpt$CAND,haretriattbtrafarccdtoaatta"LEI�deP�,Clitr,jBartHdatldnOBOV�rinptt6aptopdtptd�?Cflb�fll�{b4�P��M_ • _-- _ <br /> .= IeO�Nmant�n01001t0U�lt . . - , . ` .�__ _ <br /> , , ... <br /> `�+''���'� SOA B SoutA St , Orand Islond, NH 6E4801 -= `��" <br /> r-� - (�OGOHYA4Q�It0) - <br />. _:��.:a.:-::a WRNE88E1H: � °--_- ,, <br /> , , �s �� WH�RFAB,8ortoiver aMA lenAer havo apreed I�at eny rente and piotlte�qdDuta0le to the Droperly eAw1A conitifut� _� <br /> E F��- ti 64tlltional acoudty to tho L6nAOr lar ihe pPYmant of tha Note; _ <br />:;<�;f L„-...n`;n . <br />;`j4,i.[;,,,�(;� NOW,THEiiEF011H,Itleeproodtnettho8eourltylnatrumoMeh�tlbeamendednsroeyanddeemadtolnoludethalWlowinp . _ <br /> --+:.�;_tt?r.�.;,' Provlelone: _ - ------- <br /> '"��Z�S� 1. AeslppmantofHOntennNlnnOarRentel('�nlleotlortHlahte.80nOw9�h8roby6b801UtBiy011tlu11C00A1�101W��y0b31p0lllll <br /> r����•{� rente, Iseuea end D�otlts ot No property to Beneflolary. Landar a�all heve Iha ApM, power antl eulh'orlty Cudnp�ttl0 =i- <br />-d!'' 4 ' -G.-('- <br /> .;-�.�?�:h-f� oontlnuenoa of t�o Beourlry Inadvm4n►W eouoot the ronte,lasuoe and D�olfle ot tha property and ot eny poreonei properry __,.,_ <br /> s(+')1 �<<; laated iheraon wflh or wit�out td,Urvg Do3Sd9IIW^of I1t0�[oDOrty affeotad hereby.L6nder,�oweveR horeby COMente to � - '° - <br />.;r�-.- k}i;`% BoROweNeC01180tLOngnd�OtentlOnofeuC�t�U.lssu¢�andproflte88th9yea0tU08ndDa00tnBpeydbl9,6010npG890rtOWB7 4�-�_,'-X���--- <br /> �;`s A��; ie not,at auoh Hmq In Eetault with resD��to Daym¢nt of any Indobtednees seoured horeby,or In the partamance ot any r -w _ <br /> ,., �a_ <br /> , '�7Ut -- 8C�88111811t�8•'21tiK:C. - . <br /> i r;i% 2 C����ntment oT Hetelvar.N any eront o1 detault in r��,q�sl t0�h9 SoOUtlty InatNroont ehAll hBVB oCCUrt6tl 9ntl 00 pw �_ <br /> �w;t- �•�ri caitlnu7rq,LenAet as e matter ol dgM anA wlihout�wtba to Bonower or anyona olalming untlor Borrowe6 antl without _,^ ^ <br /> ��t 11 repm�7o the velue of Me truat mate�e or tM Mtereat of the Borrower t�eretn,ehell hava the d8ht to apply lo eny oouA having ��i _, L.: <br /> 1N.{4�y_r lurledbtlon to apAOlnt a�eeeivar of t�o proParty F- - �. <br /> }y ,'+ :� 9, gjpht toPossesalon.ln case ol Aetault In the payment of the eald Drinalpal Note or Intereat,a eny parl thoroof,ae It � - _ _ <br /> +,s?t ��� ehall maturo,or In tha oasa ot 1a1Wro to kaep or patorm any of tha covenante or apreemante oontelned In lho8eoudry InBtro- ` <br />-r !.'4�'��';t� ment,lhen the Lendar, Ite eucceaaore or aseigna, ehall ba end le hereby auMalied enA empowerod to leka Immedlate �a -� <br />---`�� `��` poeseealon of the eeld premleea t�areln dasml6eA end to colleat t0e ronte t�arefrom,enU to epD�Y tha prooeede theteof to tho _ _ <br /> ti <br /> _` F `,��f i payment of the Nol& _- - . <br /> [ 1. ��lLgn of Ronta lasuee and Proflte.All rants collected by Lender or tha reoaiver ohall bo eppl led fitet to pdymeN <br />'°`f��i%J�'7:�+(�._ ol the coate ot manegoment of theDropeAy and cotlootlon of rent&��cluOing,but not Ilmltetl to,raoalver'e feos,premlumaa�n = - <br /> r °�tYh `�`�S recaivor'e bonOa enG raeeonable eltorney�8�888�9nC ttlBn t0 tn9 euma eeCUred by ine 6euu7ity Il6ttUtfifii�i•Lc:wm«.�...+ .-_----- <br /> Rl��i��`� r0celvar ahell be IlaCle to account onty tw thoee renta actuelry recelve0. ; _. <br /> �s�y � : • 6. ConstructlonotProvlalona.EachotlheprrnlslonacontainedlnthieA6s18nmantofReMeRlderendthe6ecutlrylnsVu� - <br /> ` ,-6g, ment ahall,unless otherwiae Bpeeitioally requlrod, Da conetrued In eccordence wllh NBbreeka lew,and in tho oront 8ny <br /> �x = rt+t) provl8lon hereln orthereln contelned ehall be detarminetl by e court ot compotBM Iwladlotlon lo bo unenforce8Dl6,ih98eme __ . <br /> Y?�, _. > %`. ehall be oonsirued ee thouph auc�unenforeeable provlslon were not a paA hereof or t�eraof. a - ; <br /> r --- � • ' � 8. Eifeat of Rlder.Except ae spooiflcfllly modlHed by o�Inconalatent wlth thle Aeaignmont of Rente Rltlaror by any othar �.��,"_-� � <br /> 4- , �" epplicable r1Aer,ell of the terme end provlaione containatl In lhe Secutlty Inetrumanl ahall coMinuo in full force enA efteot. �tr_' <br /> t � �-� rrm <br /> tv� - ° IN WITNE88 WHEREOF,Bo�row6r hae BxecuteC iMe Aeel meM t ReMe RI er o the dete Iret notatl ebove. Y'j jt"� <br /> + ���L {f : <br /> ( ,., ' ' ��� '�t�� � <br /> � } � �r 1 <br /> � ,s���� Jona en L. Hur fOWBf ��iiay <br /> ,� '� ��.r��l(l,�f 1� .�--� �1,��� ; �';rvt <br /> , � -: , ' <br /> -� - � y� Stephanie A. Hure°�f01Y0t �-�t�--� - <br /> 'i�i:11::,..,•.j� 51'T�Sk:;��. <br /> '�`�r�i �;. STATE OF NEBRASKA) rt i,%fr��} <br /> �,�i (ee: �f:�4,�±��};� : <br /> � '�� COUNTY OF HAIL ) - <br /> - • On thl6—12th_Cay of_ Fiq� .t9—93•Dotore me,the untlereigned.a Notery Publ�c Euly commiseloneA enA �1rY„��},��_, <br /> u.• <br /> � 4ualtllatl for seld couMY.Peraoneny came�o�uiLhan-1,.--Flxcas-end-Stephe..''.-o:,--llur� ,�-fj�`.,�....: <br /> "� (husband and wife) _,tobetheiEenucaiperson(e)whoaeneme(s)ia�ereaubscdbed :L,:'r`::� - <br /> , to ihe torBgoing Inalrumenl,enA helehel�hey acknowletl0e tho oxocullon t11or8o�to be hI9It18��Iheir rolunl9ry aCt enC C88d. �- -. <br /> - WllnoesmyhantlentlNOleria�Sealat—GiaIICL.Isln�� Nvbraskn ___ __ _ _.—_ . ' - <br /> - - _ ______ in seld counl9.lhe Oale aforesBlO. � <br /> �msa�arursm��wmn �9�ti� __9.!_���� : <br /> . �I�L NA�we Note�r Puouc <br /> - � � �/�16��LC�.��f /� � . <br /> � My Commleelon ezpirea: _.. {/.L�z . . �. ' y y �" <br />. � . .sw» <br /> .� s., ; <br /> ;, <br /> � <br />