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- <br /> �� � °� -- <br /> -� ��•����A -_ _.. <br /> condemnatlon or other taking of any part ot�he Property,or tor canvoyenco In Ilw ot wndemnetlon,aro hercby n;slgncd and _ <br /> -� thall6apaidtolaaidu. . .. . _. .- <br /> � 1n �he evtnt of a rotal tektng of�ho Propeny. �ho proceeds�hall 6o upplled to tho eum��ecurcd by tAb Saudty ° - <br /> __..__= Incwment,x7�e�ha or not thxn due,with my exces+pald ro Bortowe�. In�Ae evem oi n puN�l�aktng ot�ha Pro y In ____ _ <br /> �--- whlch�he telr marka vnlue of tho Propeny immediataly batoro�ho taking 1�equnt to ot aater thm tho�unount of e o wms -�°�—�-- <br /> _ <br /> �-�ry,?t'�A eewrcd by�AU Secudty Instmment immedinrcly befom�he Iaking,unlese Bortoww an Lendcr ahcrnlu agree In wrlting. _.,. <br />�:%��.:?id the euma saured by thie 3avdry Inewment shell bo reduced by the amouN of�ho proucd�multlplied by�ho(ollowing �_._ <br /> � �. tmetlon: (�U�Ae total amount of the�um�cecurod immcdlatdy betoro the�aking,divldW by(b)�M fnlr markct vWua of No - - <br /> s�--� Propony ImmWiatety 6oforo the uking. Any bnlana�hnll be pald�o Bortower. In�hc ovm�oi n paninl toking af thc <br /> --,,,. .__..,. . . . .. <br /> "' �-�' Propony In which the fnir market value of[he Propwty immedietely beforo�ho�aking b lex+t�m Ihe amoonl of Ihe�ums ---�— - � � <br /> .�. ;1:,: securcd ImmWieroly befo�e tha ulcing,unlus 8orto�ver ond Lender othe�vix egrce In wdtlng or unlu� applicnbla law <br />�-=x`�z � otherwlm providea,ihe proaeda shall bo epplled�o�he cum�secured by�hi:Sceudty Inammene whethor or no�tho wma aro <br />-..:;_�.��;� _- <br /> then duo. <br /> �;�;�+`;;,{ - <br /> - n Jf tho Propeny i�obendoned 6y Bortower,or if,oller noAce by Lender to Uortower�h¢t ihe condemnor otfere�o meko __ <br />�����,��tE�"'�� an award or uttlo a cleim for dnme ea,Borto�ver feile ro rcs nd tn Lender wBhin 30 dn nRar the daro th¢notice i� iven, __. <br /> „t.t.S 8 P° Y� B <br /> �� ��� ±� Lender la au�horized io mllect and epply ihe proceeds,u tia opiion,either ro rearora�ion or rcpair of�he Propeny or ro ihe _. _ , . . <br />.�'7:;_'ff� <br />..._.:,�� � sums securcd by�hia Savsia lns�nunem,whether or aw Wen duo. <br /> i._.'SrS�:� Unleu Lender end Borrower othe'wtm agrce en��ri6ng,ony epplicx�ion of proccede to pflneipal�hell not exwnd or <br /> ,� " `t postpone the due date of the momhly payrteenu mferteA io in pnrvgmpAa 1 end 2 or chnnge ihe omoune of Fuch paymenro. <br /> �'`�`- U. Borroner Not Reiesued: fbrLearar,ce Dr Lender Not a Walver. Extenslon ot ihe Qme Por paymcnt or <br /> ,,.,... <br /> .�,.., <br /> ='i;Si��iS' modificetion ot emonization of the sumc secumd by�ha Securi�y Inswment gmnred by Lender ro any sucoasor in in[ercst ---� . <br /> - i.;r.�_ <br />,.-:�;;>.;+.� of Bortower�hall not operate to rclexx the �inbility of�M orfginul Bortower a Bormwer§mcoessoR in intercst.Leader - <br /> r ,S�.'. shnll nol be requircd ro commentt praxedingx agninc�any successor in interest or reNse ta exknd �ime tor payment or <br /> '- olM1crwite modify amottizx�ion of�he sams ucuted by iAis Saurity Instmment b�fwson of any demand mnde by th�original - ------ � - <br /> � "�a�'�� Bortower or Bovowxrt succexso�x in imeru�. An forbeoranee b LenAer in exereisin an ri ht or remed shall not be a <br />;.:;1.�}.�;� Y Y 8 Y 8 Y <br />-<r%$,,,�'p waiver of or prtclnde thc exercixe of any right or rcmedy. <br />"-h f;'s',?� li Succeaton and Assipna Bound;dolnt and Several Lloblllty;Co�slgnen 7Le covenenu nnd agrcemenu of�hia �y'•?;--- <br /> '���''4 Saurity Instmment shell bind and benefit�he successon and assigns of Lender end Borrower,subject lo Ihe provisions of -- <br /> v,`z � parAgreph I7.Borrowerk covennnu and ugrcemen�s shall M1e joim nnd xeverel. Any Bovower who co-signs this Security . _ -- <br /> • - �� lnstmment but does not execu�e ihe Nae: (e)iF co-signing this Securiry Insimment only�o mongage,g�ant end convey that a����"� <br /> �����;i BorrowerS imercat in�he Prapeny under�hc tem�s of this Sccurity InstrumcnC (b)ix not personally obligelcd to pey�he iums - <br />;c-v,`_,..: <br /> v; n�f� ueurcd by this Security InavumenC and(c)agrees that Lcnder and my oiher 6onmver may agrce w extcnd,modify,forbear ����-- <br /> .:_.� .ti•: E";'.-`.. <br /> : ir�t,� or meke eny eccommode�ions wiih rcgard ro �he �erms of this Sewrrty Inz�mment or ihe Na�c without thnt 9ortowerh �,;._�--- <br /> r� r., Conslni. � -— <br /> �F-�t 13. Loen Chargta. If�he lonn secuRd by il�is Sea�ri�y Inxuument is suhject to a luw which aeu macimum lor�n — � <br /> �� Y�` chugei,and�hat Imv Is finally ime rceed m ihot�he intercst or o�her loan che es mlleaed or to 6e collaced in connection °r +` �- :- <br /> y�`�'s?� he chars�io��he permlued 1 m�i�c n d(b)nny aums nlrcady col�ete I from Borrow�which excealed pemi i ed mus wll be �rp��tiiig�,i �__ <br /> _,���j�y� rcPonded to Bortower. Lender mny ch�wse to make this rcfand hy reducing ihe pdneipul oweA under the No�e or by making n �`7��,,��y�yh _ <br /> - dimet paymem to Bortower. If n rcfunA�eduas principai.ihe aduc�ion will he trcmed 4+n panial prepryment withom xny d�' ���s +� ' <br /> ',��k%+7, prcpaymem charge undu the Noce. Y�fi3it�iS��� o ;�� <br /> ��,��t�-: lA. Notfces. Any no�im to Oortower pmvideJ fnr in this Security Instmnicn� ,hail I�C Siven by delivcrins il or by �'�,�?:�:� 1 , <br /> ' �TP� mailing it by firsl dass mail mdexs unplimblc luw rcyuircs u..e o(uwd�cr meth�d.The no�im shall6e diraleJ lo Ihc Propeny .'i,t_ T;�� y��a n�: <br /> -t s S + Addrcu or any ahcr addre+s Ltofroacr Jesignates by notice to Lcndcr. Any mticc to Lendcr siwll be giren by firs�dass � ,�yE ti- �n .- <br /> �-;} '` mail to Lender�oddrcss sta�ed hercin or nny oiher nJdmx Lender de.igna�es by nutice m Bonowec Any no�ice provided for t',�. - >`s '-" <br /> t S.� 2 1"� t {f� 3L <br /> , i in thfa Secumy Insirumcro shall 6c damcd to hnrc hrn giren �0 6nrrower ur Lender when given as provided in �his i�.yh,�ef��� ,�, "- <br /> are �e h � <br /> '�� �n}7': P SIS Gortrning Law;Severebllfty. Thi.Sccuri�y In.trument .h.dl bc govemed by kdcral 6nv und thc law o(the � '_,��.'A ��; n <br /> i ,::, jurisdiction in which the Propeny is IucateJ. In the e�•em�hat any proai.ion or clausr o(�his Security lnswment or the Note - s�f�A���� „- <br /> �t�� t� t�J� <br /> e .n �c <br /> - A�_ : V W O " 1 O O1�1C OY�i O S O �] l � 'i <br /> � . r��, rnnflicu� nh appliceble la ,such c ntlm� hnll n t utltt� r pr i n f�h� Securily Inswment ur Ihe Nole vhich cnn Lq5 � ",�syyu���x . <br /> � �_; be given eRec�wi�hom thc contliaing provi+ioa Ti��hi+cnd thr prnvi.ion.uf this Seturily Inslrumcnl and Ihe Nate nrc � lf�S� yveHnh��� <br /> t dalercd to be uvernbic. ��r�r�;��� � <br /> '..fti '' l6. Borro�ver'aCopy. Bovo�ver.hallhcgircnonemnlunncdmpya(�hcNn�enndof�hi.Sauritylrotrumcm. 's {�i��`i`., . 4rB'by:;.'_.:.. <br />'�`'n`�"� 17. 7Ynnshr of lM1e Pro ert ur e ISeneticiul h�terexl In Ilnrtu�rer. I(�II or an � uf�hc Pro n or an meercst in �%;I';�-n��j�y������ <br /> •{�.5�� P Y 5 R� P� Y Y� ;�,.: . -s;'T �. {: [i.j'- <br /> ;._c�i it is sold or�mnsfemd(or i(a Mneficial imerc,t in 8nrtoacr i�.aW or Innsfe�md anJ 6nrm��cr i+ not u naWrul person) •_��;',--_.,;�_�l'�g�',:�;: <br /> .;5� withom Lender:prior wrinen conxnL IwnJ.r may.a�iu nplinn.rcyuire inuunlia�c p:�ymenl in full of nIi.unu tiecumJ by t�<=.r:':%+:�'+4,��"�`�'_{:�. <br /> ;v{{i �his Securily Inswmem. Ho�rever.�hi.ap�inn,liall no�he exerciad hy LenJer if rxerci..i+prohihi�ed by(edeml law aa of �- r !�'4 �i������'�- <br /> } 4_y� �he d It Lendercxerciscs�ihi opt n�n.Lender�hall give Bnrrmrer nntice a(accciem�ian. The noiice+hall pmvide x perial of , � . �,�)��j�lyY `� <br /> r --' nol less Ihan 30dayx fmm Ihc dale Ihe nniicc ia dcliecrcJ or maikd��ilhin i�hich l3orto��<r inu.l pa�all.umi xcurcd by 1hi� f _�i :,. �pjt�� <br /> a , Sccurily InsuumcnL If Burrower(aih�o pa�� �hc.c wnn priar m �hc c�pin�ion ol �hi.�ri�xf.Lcndcr m:q• invokc :m�. {�, <br /> rcmedies pertnitled by thi.Sauriev In.emmem��i�hom lunhcr nauce or Jem:nW on liorrnxcr. f .: , ��`� � <br /> 18. Uormwer'a RiRht fu Iieinsiafe. If Dano��cr nsc�..enain .ondi�i�m.. Bnno�a¢r.hall havc�he ri�ht �o hare j;.. :'�... . - <br /> _�- -� cnforcemenl uf�hi4 Stturily In.�min�•N di.camiuurJ at an} Imm pnur�o�i�r cadicr oC �a� 5 da�.lor w��h olher peri�d u. pt_ . <br />'.�y-��./� tim�klamiy -hlnnk\tar:kreddlrNvrl]IFOR\II\sTRl�ik:\I- �nm.nnt'e.num. 9.90 qA�rN.•/np.r... j � .. . . <br /> '�i:i°1;��, i; • •. - . <br />: } . . <br /> .�,, � <br /> .�,u , <br /> _ ..�f •.S+T �R��y��i�r.��n�:... . .. .... . . . . . . � . . _rx. . _ <br /> 'ili . .'.] . . . . . . � i '1 . . . . � .. . _ . <br /> _ _ ... . . _ .. . . <br /> f.. <br /> i'�•_. - -.. <br /> .:t� _ <br /> _�-f1 pa. _. <br />.. y'.;'Ur:- `��.'.T,�,�, ' . . <br />. ''y` :y� —. <br /> i� <br /> '`i�i7. " - ._ . <br /> _ " i'� • _ <br /> t� <br /> - '.Fi <br /> '*;-�;i,�' ." . . _ ' <br /> �:.i}% :-��' - , " . , - <br /> �`.a'j, :t� ,r5 � ' . _ . . . <br /> - Si': . .. � - . .... <br /> ��� � ��' �r i_ f � . ,� . � - <br /> ' ' .t'. � - ` - � . <br /> 1j5 _ . . .. _ _ � � <br /> . � <br /> �� ��l. _ _ - . --_ - - ' .. ' . <br /> •. �. _+ . I . .n. ..i G . .'�. ./ :.�. .�_ '. _. . .. . .. _. . _ . - <br />